A Saturday September Surprise post…

Hi everyone,
Today was the Food Pantry and I got home about 4:00… I had to help my hubby with a few things, but I appreciate all your comments and chatting between each other. Just reading your thoughts makes me feel special… as special as you are to me!

Two bits to share…

Hen #16 was caught standing on her foot today… not necessarily walking perfectly on it, but she was standing on it! My hubby said that’s good news! We might have to have a contest for a name for her… :o)

Next bit to share…

Tonight, Mae will have to give up her romper set (on Ebay) and go back on the dolly shelf, nude, like all other other dolls… I hope you’ll take a peek at the set, if you haven’t already… You can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Okay, now you may carry on with your Saturday… do something fun and share what you did on Monday! I hope all the ladies dealing with wind and rain are okay… We had rain ALL day long and it’s still raining.. but I’m not complaining… it’s just rain!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

5 thoughts on “A Saturday September Surprise post…”

  1. Oh, dear, I hope Mae won’t be Too disappointed when she has to give up her pretty outfit! Perhaps some cookies will console her? they work pretty well for me! 😄

    I had a busy day, with a number of errands, including mailing Isaac’s birthday box. I also stopped at our local art show (held in the library meeting rooms) and looked around for a while.

  2. Yessss, the rain the rain. Even in northern Virginia 35 miles west of the DC swamp, we had a drab day. I was feeling lazy, but I pushed myself to get a bunch of banking transfers sent to my niece and nephew from my father’s estate.
    It was many hours on the phone and pretty boring. it was excellent that the vanguard people were perky.
    Other than that, I sewed some flowers by foundation paper piecing, and they are looking pretty cute. I am not sure what I will make with them, I will just keep going. Perhaps make a “night and day” quilt.
    Happy Saturday, the sun is out!!!
    Oh! it is a good thing we do not have to name #16 Pegleg. It is so demeaning hahahaha

  3. Sissy on the GA Coast

    Hi, y’all. Just wanted to let you know that we are fine . The winds did a lot of damage with tree limbs and debris. Also we have lost a lot of shingles. Still no power since Thursday night but we do have water in our subdivision . Not even able to use my phone until yesterday afternoon. We have a generator but it quit this morning. Neighbor is coming to help. Y’all have a great weekend.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Good news on #16.
    Also, sent a message to Sissy, and was so glad to hear that she and husband, are okay. Kind of a mess there though with a huge tree branch down from an oak and lots of shingles missing from the roof. Lots of clean up needed as well. Fortunately, they have a generator running their appliances as the power is out, and there was no storm surge. So glad to hear that.
    Here, a cooler day today, but heading up in temperature tomorrow with a peak of over 100 on Tuesday. Not looking forward to that at all.
    Hope everyone stays dry or not if rain is needed.

  5. So glad to hear you are safe, Sissy. Helene brought us quite a bit of rain which was most welcome and some wind. Some small fallen limbs and a lot of debris scattered around.
    Very good news on little #16.

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