A new doll dress is started…who will it be for?

First, I have to show you something that happened to me this evening. It was time to shut up the chickens in the coop (so no critters get them) and when I walked out to the pen, the motion light came on and look what I saw…

There were actually 5 hens roosting on the top of the pen fence. They normally go inside when it starts getting dark and roost on a rail inside… all lined up side by side.

Well, as soon as the light came on and I saw this, I didn’t get any closer to them, but went back to the house and my hubby came out to get them. Roosting hens are funny… when they are in “roost mode” they are like sitting ducks. You can go up and grab them and they don’t do anything, except squawk… My hubby turned off the outside light, and grabbed those two in the dark… first one and then the other… they did squawk like we were killing them. Then one of the others had gone to the other side of the fence and was on top. My hubby then grabbed her and you would have thought we were murdering her. I’m sure if the neighbors heard it, they would have thought some coyote was getting them.

Here is a close up of them… it’s not very clear… as I was in “assistant” mode… not photographer right then.

We went inside the coop to count them and there were only 15. One was missing, so we spent the next half hour, searching in all the bushes, in the low tree limbs, behind the Yucca plants, etc. and we could not find that 16th hen. We finally gave up and are hoping she will be found wandering around the coop in the morning, or better yet, has flown into the coop pen and is wanting inside with the other birds. Since it’s dark out, wherever she is, she’ll stay put because when they roost, they don’t move. We are just hoping one of the neighbors cats didn’t get her… or like I said, a coyote…

So that was our exciting evening. My hubby said it’s really hard to break chickens of roosting on the fences once they start… He didn’t say how you get them to not do it. I’ll keep you posted! :o)

Second, Susette saw my “plight” of not owning a raincoat, so she is sending me one she had! Now I can play in the rain whenever I want!
Thanks in advance, Susette! :o)

I was wondering who to sew for next, and my hubby heard me in my sewing room, debating out loud. I walked out to the living room and said, “I can’t decide who I should sew for next… who do you think I should make something for?” Without even looking at me, he said, “Ten Ping… I like Ten Ping!” :o) Silly man! But it solved my dilemma… Ten Ping is up next.

I have her basic dress finished and had some shoes that I had made a while back… they will work… and of course with a sleeveless dress, there usually is a jacket. There will be with this set too…

I am just about out of this pretty fabric.

Who remembers I made another dress for Ten Ping from this fabric a few years ago? This dress was made before she had her “faceup” by Lana Dobbs… I LOVE her face now… it was a bit orangish in the pics below.



Here is a close up of her shoes… made from some brown Ultrasuede fabric… the fabric looks like it’s red… but it’s not… (Oh dear, another color issue…)

The rose wool felt looks very pretty with this and I hope I can get it to look more like it does, than it does tonight in my pictures. The wool felt is the exact color of the pinkish looking centers of the flowers.

When I get it “embellished” I hope you like it. In person, it’s very pretty… really elegant… even with a print like this.

Well, thank you honey, for suggesting Ten Ping. I would probably still be in my room looking at my dolly shelf trying to decide who should be next.

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

30 thoughts on “A new doll dress is started…who will it be for?”

  1. I didn’t know that, about chickens roosting on fences, and all. I do hope your 16th chicken shows up.

    I heard a little cheer going up from the other room, when Gigi heard that Ten Ping is next up for a new dress. She is very pleased that Auntie Jeanne chose PINK for her jacket (“HER” jacket?!), because it is Gigi’s favorite color (as Auntie Jeanne well knows!)

    I added some comments to a few replies on yesterday’s post, mostly having to do with Michigan, if you wish to take a look.

    I did a little birthday shopping today–hard to believe that our grandson Isaac will be 23 on Sunday!! Wasn’t it just last year I flew to Kentucky to meet him before he was a whole day old?! Time flies.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I saw your replies on Michigan and it made me want to make a return visit. I worked with a woman from Michigan and when she retired she returned to the Detroit area where she was raised and her two sisters lived. One summer we went up for a visit and it was wonderful. She was visiting her cousin in northern Michigan so that is where we met up with her. There was no need for A/C and when we took the water taxi to Mackinac Island we actually had to wear sweaters and it was July. Restaurants had their windows open and it was like dining al fresco while indoors. It was the most enjoyable vacation ever. Here in Texas we were in the midst of a drought so no fireworks that year but that wasn’t a problem in Michigan. We took a dinner/fireworks cruise through the Soo Locks and then the boat moored on the opposite side of the lake for the 4th of July fireworks. My friend’s cousin had been a postman in Detroit but over the years built a vacation home on the lake in northern Michigan and then when he retired they moved their permanently. We were there in the summer but saw pictures of their place in the winter. So beautiful and cozy. My friend was several years older and passed away a few years ago or it’s a sure bet we would have made a return trip.

      1. Oh, what lovely memories you have! Thanks for sharing them.

        In my opinion, Upper Michigan is simply heaven on earth!!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Happy birthday to Isaac. They do tend to grow up. I remember being there when Skyy was born and it doesn’t seem like 14 years ago. Isaac is the middle name of my daughter’s son.

  2. Karen from Kentucky

    I like Ten Ping, too. Good choice 🙂

    I think we had a chicken perched in a tree before. I think it helps to get them inside before it gets too dark.

    Lucia turned 8 on Tuesday and tomorrow is Lilly’s 2nd birthday.

    I like Ten Ping’s outfit and her shoes. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Cloudy here. Yesterday had to bring some wash in off the line, so they wouldn’t continue to get rained on.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thanks, Barbara! Yeah, I had to double check that she is turning 2. It seems like she should be turning one! Time flies!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    What a darling dress, Jeanne! Do you know what is funny? I check out the blog really early in the morning on the desktop, so when I saw the dress, I thought, how wonderful the colors are, all that pretty brown and orange! Then you paired it with a PINK piece of felt for the jacket, and I thought, ….what?? Well, I am on my iPad now, and thought I would check in to see who wrote, and lo and behold, there is no orange there at all! It DOES look good with the pink jacket! So just to give you a heads up on colors again!

    Hope you find your missing chick, and in good shape too, not with its head off, like I found one of ours when I was a girl. We had this crabby old hen, who insisted she sit on a wooden egg, and really pecked you hard if you tried to remove it, she was a character! One day I went to the chicken house to get the eggs, and found a possum had gotten to them, and there was the old hen, still sitting on her “egg”, but her head was gone! She never gave up!

    Happy Birthday to Karen’s two little girls! What a fun week that must be at your house, Karen!

    Thanks to Susette to keep Jeanne dry during the next rain! Very sweet of you!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Chickens are kind of birdbrains sometimes. 🙂 You know, come inside when it gets dark. I’m kind of surprised that there isn’t a top on the pen. Around here, racoons or hawks would be all over the place even in the day without protection up top. On another track, one of our neighbor lost her best koi recently to racoons. Very sad. It would eat from her hand. Usually, they are able to escape to the bottom of the pond, but not this time. Now there is a wire barrier over it. Not very pretty but useful.
    In the first pics, I thought Ten’s dress was black background, but in the earlier photos, it is dark brown. Must be the lighting, but I do like the fall look fabric. The skirt does seem very long though. Maybe it isn’t hemmed yet? She does look lovely in her pink jacket. Cute. 🙂
    Warming up again here again, but at least it is cool at night. And the leaves are falling now everywhere. Guess it must be fall. Ha ha

  5. Ten Ping’s outfit will be adorable. The shoes look cute, but right off I thought, maybe a different color bow, or even beads?!
    Sure hope the other hen shows up. I’m sure everyone is on the edge of the sofa!!
    Have a great day all.

  6. Jeanne, as the others have said, I hope the Chicken #16 shows up⛳️ safe and whole.
    I love the dress, I love the fabric, I love the jacket idea. those shoes are so cute
    This is going to be another adorable outfit!!
    I hope everyone has a marvelous day. I am going to try to get some stuff done.

  7. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, such a cute little girl, love the outfit, except as Joy said, the skirt should be shorter. She is a little girl, after all.

    Oh the chickens, I hope the wanderer is found well and best of all, back in the coop.
    So glad you are getting a raincoat.

    Hellene’s rains have come! We needed some, I just hope the winds are not too strong.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Since this storm is not due to hit us I haven’t been keeping an eye on things. You gave me a heads up that I need to check in with my sister. They are in Delaware at the moment but will head to Florida next month for the winter. Her husband’s sister and brother-in-law keep an eye on their property when they are not there. They’ve managed to escape the last couple storms that went that way and hope the same goes for now. I’ll be praying that the winds are not too strong for you Sissy. When Beryl hit here it wasn’t the rain that ruined our flower and vegetable gardens it was the wind and we never could get them to recover.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Thank you, Barbara, We have lots of friends and some family in FL, we are more worried about them. I seems that we may get some stuff tonight…not sure. I am just hoping that huge branch on what is left of my Dog Wood won’t do any more damage before it can be removed! I am sorry about your loss of your garden.

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Our neighbor has an extremely tall tree with huge branches. On Tuesday a branch as tall and thick as some trees fell on our side and landed between 2 branches of my adored Dog Wood tree. That tree was once the tallest most beautiful Doll Wood I have ever had. Now it has one branch with leaves and one more that might grow back. I am heart broken, but that is life. Our poor neighbor will have to get a tree person to take out his tree as it is rotten. That will be very expensive. The branch that fell is even too large and thick for him to do anything about it.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      So sorry to hear this. We have lost so many trees due to drought over the years and some of them were beautiful and had been on the property for years. We have a few trees left and they’re in good shape, but every time we get a strong wind and a rain event I hold my breath.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Thank you, Karen. We can really get attached to the beauty they give us.

        Happy birthday to you sweet girls. I love your photos of you dear ones, and look forward to more.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, I love Dogwood trees. We haven’t one, but there are several in our neighborhood that I admire regularly. Especially, the pink one in the spring. So sorry to hear about your tree. Perhaps, the tree people can carefully remove that branch? Hope so.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    I really love the fabric for Ten Ping’s new dress. And the colors look perfect on my monitor. The little shoes are so sweet. I can’t wait to see how you embellish the jacket.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, thanks for answering my question yesterday. See my response back. Isn’t it wonderful to dream!

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love that George loves Ten Ping! Here’s a funny idea (you know how my mind works) for another outfit for her: a poodle skirt with a cardigan letter sweater with the letter G!

    Okay, I am just kidding. It’s the end of September and I have a long way to go (217 days) until May cycles back (sigh). I am trying to laugh my way along.

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne and Sofa Sisters, I forgot to include information about the Virtual Doll Convention’s (VDC) upcoming program for the month of October. Here is a link to the site that explains what is going on:

    The Convention is free, kind of. The only request is that one put something in what Rachel calls the “tip jar.” You can put in as little as $5. When you read the list of activities (all virtual) you will see that $5 is not nearly enough to honor all of the wonderful programs planned.

    The programs are taped so you can watch them at your leisure.

    I have attended the Convention for the last few years and I have loved every moment.

    It is looking like paper doll artist Diana Vining has collaborated with RR to create a FF doll, like my friend Martha did. See that information in the line up of programs.

    What dolly fun awaits us next month!

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