A dolly pic and a lovely poem…

Happy Friday everyone,
Well, guess who was sitting outside the chicken pen this morning? Hen #16! We have no idea where she was hiding last night, but it must have been a long night for her! She does have a hurt foot. We don’t know if she got it caught on the wire, perhaps when she fell off the top of the fence, or maybe something got hold of her, (there are no marks on it), but she has definitely hurt it. She has a little limp and won’t put any weight on it… so she kind of looks like a pegleg chicken hobbling around. When we went out to close them up tonight, she had somehow made it up on the perch and was in “roosting” mode, or so it seemed. Maybe in a few days she’ll be okay… My hubby also turned the switch for the motion light to the off position. He’s thinking maybe a neighbor’s cat walked by last night, the light came on and the hens decided, “Hey, it’s not nighttime… look it’s light out there, let’s go see what’s happening…” and then they somehow decided to climb to the highest point in the pen… I hope it doesn’t happen again… This isn’t a great picture, because I didn’t want to cause her to get up…so I stayed back a bit. Look, she had a friend sitting beside her… (kind of like us Sofa Sisters… one hurts; we huddle around the one hurting!) She’s the one on the left…

I had another busy day, I celebrated a birthday lunch with a dear friend today. (yesterday we did a birthday lunch with a different friend!) After lunch, I had to drive to a town about 20 miles away to get chicken feed, then came home and opened the 50 pound bags and put the feed in five gallon buckets and put them in the shed.

I had a small break and decided to work on Ten Ping’s jacket… I sat down at my sewing machine and made 4 stitches, when our Pastor called and asked if he could come out and see my hubby… so we visited and then it was almost 9:00. We watched a little of the weather… My hubby has a sister in St. Petersburg, FL. She’s okay as far as we know…

Then I got back to the jacket…and only got it sewn together…that’s all…

So that’s the “pic” part… now for the “lovely poem!”

The night before my hubby had his surgery, we were in the hotel room and it was almost 10:00. I was a bit jittery and couldn’t get to sleep. My phone dinged and it was Dorothy… you know… the one from PA and the world? :o) She sent me the most wonderful poem and I wanted to share it with you. She’s a writer, you know, and she can put her words on paper and they can make you be at peace… they did me! :o)

A Prayer For George
Copyright Dorothy King 2024

Oh God I make my prayer tonight
that you will join George in his fight
to gather up his strength and heart
and prepare himself to do his part

Creator stay the doctors’ hands
that they will do what need demands
to rid the space where the bad things hide
and mend the broken place inside

And when the doctors’ work is done
in evening’s dark or morning’s sun
and they walk away having done so much
please comfort George with your healing touch

Dear Lord, I do most humbly pray
that you will console George today
that you will use your almighty power
to increase his healing by the hour

Father, thank you for your loving care
Of George, your son, whom you hold dear
please send him home to rest anew
this is the prayer I make to you

I can’t tell you how many times I read it that night… one time right after another and then again while he was in surgery.
Thank you sweet Dorothy! I really needed those words.

He is doing pretty well… just can’t lift any and feels a bit puny from time to time… oh and is very sore and bruised. He gets the 22 staples out soon!

Thanks everyone for carrying on with each other, when I am busy…

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “A dolly pic and a lovely poem…”

  1. I’m so glad chicken #16 was found! Well, turned up, really. And she has a friend to keep her company while she nurses her sore foot, too.

    I have a hunch that there will be some embroidered embellishment on that pink jacket; it’s looking rather “blank slate-ish” to me at the moment.

    What a lovely poem, Dorothy, and so comforting to Jeanne. That was so thoughtful of you.

    Tonight I got an email from my friend Tonya, wondering if I was going to Expo next year (Feb. 27-March 2). I said that I hadn’t thought to Not go!! She said “Yay!” and now we are talking hotels–she and her friend Britt and I will stay in the same one. Not sure about ReNae, Joyce, and any others from her Utah group. It’s never too early to make our reservations!

  2. Gloria Wiedlocher

    What a beautiful poem. Isn’t it amazing how God works through others to bring us peace. Thanks for sharing that and thank you Dorothy for writing it and sending it to comfort Jeanne. You are a blessing!

    Glad #16 was safe and sound. I’m sure George was too.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Gloria, thank you for your sweet words. Jeanne is the “fearless leader” of those of us who sit here on the sofa. I just wanted to give a little bit of peace to her and George.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    So glad to hear that #16 is back! If only chickens could talk, what a story she would have to tell! Hopefully she remembers not to do THAT again!
    I love the sweet scallops on the edge of the jacket, Jea. E, and am thinking maybe a tiny bit of embroidery and beads would be cute! It is so small, that would be hard to do very much embroidery, like you do with the larger size dolls.

    What a beautiful poem by Dorothy! I know that must have comforted you when George was in surgery! Thank you Dorothy for those sweet words! I’m sure George is feeling the love!

    Well, Helene has arrived here in St. Louis with rain today. However, I am mostly concerned with a friend who lives in South Carolina, who is directly in the path. Her husband goes to dialysis three times a week, and it is not know if they will be able to make it in the coming days to wherever dialysis is given, so she has been given instructions of what to give him if they can’t, to keep him alive until they can get there. Quite a scary and emotional experience for her. I’m sure they will be losing power for a time.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Linda I will be praying for your friend and her husband. It’s difficult enough going through a weather event when you don’t have anyone in the family with health issues, but when there are other conditions to seriously consider it’s more difficult than ever. Please keep us posted on how they’re doing.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Hoping that your friend and her husband are able to ride out the storm without any problems. Very scary seeing pictures of damage/flooding.

  4. Poor little 16. I hope her sweet tiny leg heals. Just owww
    I am so glad she is back safe and sound with her girlfriends.
    Ten Ping looks button cute.
    I adore this poem, it is so heartfelt from a dear friend.

  5. Karen from Kentucky

    I am so glad your chicken is back! That is great news!

    That is such a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it.

    My nephew came out of the hospital 2 days ago. He was there for 30 days battling sepsis and having surgeries. He is the one with spina bifida. Thanks for your prayers for him.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Very glad to hear that Little Red #16 has returned to the cottage after her harrowing escape from the Big Bad Wolf. Hopefully, Grandma Hen can nurse her back to health. 🙂
    I’m wondering if Ten Ping might need a little kerchief or umbrella to keep her dry? The jacket is sweet with the scallops. I have the new 13″ size Ten Ping on order. She will need outfits too. 🙂
    Sure hope everyone in Helene’s path is okay. The aftermath does not sound good at all. Hope Sissy can check in with us and let us know how it’s going or anyone else in the storm track.
    Glad to hear that George is doing well. I’ll bet he will be so happy to have that hardware removed. Be cautious Jeanne, lugging around those feed buckets. Gotta watch your back.
    Take care everyone and have a nice weekend.

  7. Debbie in North Carolina

    Happy to see the missing hen has come home to roost. Ten Ping has a very pretty fall outfit shaping up. Pink looks great on her.

    That is a beautiful prayer Dorothy.

    Helene has finished with us and has turned west. She might dump some rain on midwestern Sisters next. Prayers for Sissy.

    Wishing all a safe weekend.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    What great news! The prodigal hen has returned. Sorry she is injured but glad to see she has a friend looking out for her – aside from you and George of course.

    I must have been in a hurry with my comment yesterday because I left out my own chicken story. Sean raised chickens all through junior high and high school. There were many crazy events along the way but the one I most remember because it was funny was the night David and Sean (he was about 12 at the time) disappeared after supper and I couldn’t imagine where they’d gone. Then I heard voices outside and looked out. The two of them were picking chickens out of one of our small Cedar trees. I can’t remember why but for some reason the hens chose to roost in the tree that night rather than in the chicken coop. David and Sean had looked all over the property for them before finding them in the tree. It was quite a sight seeing the tree pretty much covered with white chickens. Don’t know how they missed it when they started looking because they walked right by it. And Sealy is not big on “free range” chickens anyway so having them lose can be a problem. One day I got a call from the city that our chickens were eating the seeds from a neighbor’s garden. Thankfully the culprits were not ours, but they sent someone out to make sure ours were in the pen. One of the problems with living in the city in a rural area. You can have livestock but you have a set of rules that those on the farms and ranches don’t have.

    What a beautiful poem, Dorothy in PA and the World. I know it meant a lot to Jeanne to receive such a lovely gesture. I too love to write but poetry is not my forte. But I heard last Sunday that my granddaughter, Jaiden, has taken to writing poetry and is quite good at it. I haven’t had a chance to read any of her poems, but I’m looking forward to the opportunity. She also likes art so it looks like she has the family creative gene.

    I think it was Dorothy in PA and the World that mentioned Diane Vining paper dolls. I totally love that there is a set in the back of each issue of “Dolls” magazine. I love collecting paper dolls as well as dolls. Recently I bought several sets from Diane’s website. I would love to see a RRFF set.

    Weather here, at least for the moment, is rather pleasant. Staying in the 80s with much lower humidity. Can it possibly be that the dog days of summer are finally over?

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, hello to my PA Sofa Sister! Thank you for you sweet words about the poem. I hope that your granddaughter Jaiden will continue to write poetry. I started writing in elementary school.

      Yes, I did mention that Diana Vining makes paper dolls. I got to meet her at the UFDC Convention in Kansas City. I hope some of the Sofa Sisters will sign up for the Virtual Doll Convention next month where she will be participating. I have attended before and I have always had a great time!

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thank you for sharing my poem. Thanks to all of the Sofa Sisters for their lovely comments. I was praying for George and the poem came to me.

    I am so grateful to Jeanne for having this welcoming space where we can share who we are and what we do and not be judged or pooh-poohed.

    I am glad that the hen returned home.

    I see that Ten Ping loves her new ensemble. She will be sad to give it up.

  10. What a absolutely beautiful poem, Dorothy!! I’m sure you brought much comfort with your heartfelt words. I would have printed that off and framed it.
    So very glad to hear sweet Little Red #16 was found safe. I hope her foot heals soon.
    Expecting heavy rain and wind off of Helene today like we did back with Ike. I spent an hour or so this morning securing things. First it was the porch curtains. We have heavy clear ones that can slide back and forth to keep off rain and snow. Then making sure the kitty house and food were tucked tight against the wall. Then headed to the yard to move some pots close to the house or fence. Finally, brought in my gazing ball, couple of yard statues, and, my ceramic birdfeeder that was a birthday gift many years back.
    My uncle and family live in Palm Coast, FL and aunt in South Carolina. They are okay.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, thank you for your kind words about the poem. It was my little attempt to give comfort to Jeanne and George.

  11. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you everyone for your concern for my .South Carolina friend. As of now, I have not heard from her. She had mentioned they will probably lose power, and she would have to conserve what she had on her phone. I understood that, and told her not to worry about notifying me until it was safe to do so. I guess all I can do is pray for them. She lives in North Augusta, north of Augusta, Georgia, on the west side of SC. From looking at weather reports, it does look bad there. She also said they have quite a lot of big trees that could come down during the storm, so she found someone in the neighborhood who had a chainsaw that could help with clearing a path for her to get her husband the care he needs. They have had big storms before, but not with her husband on dialysis, so that makes it doubly difficult.

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