43 years and I’m still in love!

How’d you like that sappy title? It’s our 43rd Anniversary today and I just felt like telling the whole world I married my hubby 43 years ago and would do it again in a heartbeat! We’ve had 43 years of laughter, tears, joys, shopping trips, home projects, cars, tools, fabrics and dolls! I don’t know who is ahead in the tools or fabric department. We both know what each other likes and we let a new tool or a new piece of fabric slide most of the time. We even “help” each other out occasionally!
I just wanted to thank the Lord for ALL His provision when we didn’t have much to now when it feels like we are rich… which we aren’t, but we have what we need and the Lord supplies all the rest.

It’s also Rebecca and Karn’s 3rd Anniversary today. They chose to get married on the same day we did… So Happy Anniversary to them too!

I was working on something for Stella, and I checked the comments… FORTY-TWO? Are you kidding me? I will read them as I get into bed tonight. Thanks for carrying on without me… (Rebecca and Karn could come any time after Saturday, so I’ve been busy… :o) in a good way!

Okay, it’s time to get back to Stella.

I was able to get the bulge out of the back of her leather boots… and changed the some waxed shoe laces… They can be tied and just position them however the winner wants.

Here is the difference… the boot on the right was before… and the left is how the boot looks now… more upright and clingy to her leg.

Here are the waxed laces…

BUT… I traded one good thing for a not so good thing… When I rewet the heel of the boots I added a little bit of stiffner in with my water… and apparently it left a stain on the back of the boot. (Remember those red shoes I did for Mae, and they turned out kind of blotchy?) I’m guessing this is what has happened to these brown boots. It looks more pronounced in my pictures than it actually does in person… but it’s still a spot, and a smaller spot on the right boot heel.

After I pulled myself out of the mulligrubs over the spots on the boots, I asked Stella if she was ready for a “book bag” for school. She quickly said, “I don’t want a book bag, I want a purse… a little one so I can look trendy and stylish!” Well… I guess we won’t do a book bag then. So I turned my attention to a smaller purse for her. This is what we came up with…

The flap lifts up and she can put a few things inside.

Stella looks pretty in these colors, doesn’t she?

Here are a few shots of the purse in the “crossbody” look…

The strap is long enough to wear however your doll likes…

I was in town for a little while today and decided to look for something “for the winner” in the candy aisle… what could be better than an orange and brown REESE’S PEANUT BUTTER CUP candy bar? Let’s hope the weather stays on the “not so hot” side for a while.

Well, I’m off to bed…
See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “43 years and I’m still in love!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Happy anniversary to Jeanne and George! Just 7 more years and you’ll be caught up to us! And also happy anniversary to Rebecca and Karn! Hard to believe it’s been three years already!!

    Stella’s new purse is wonderful, and yes, very stylish!! If her arms get too full of books, though, she may wish she had a bag to carry them in!

    We are warming up again out here in the Seattle area–they are saying possibly 90 for Thursday, and then start cooling down a bit after that. This could be our last gasp of summer, though, as we don’t often get Really hot like that once we hit September.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I failed to congratulate you on your winnings yesterday. How wonderful for you! We have a county fair but I’ve never entered anything. Either I don’t get something finished in time to enter or my something was finished outside the time limit for the entry since it must be started and finished within the year from one fair to the next. No battery-operated mower here. With over five acres to mow we’d need a truck battery.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        We actually have two years to enter things. I had a jacket I was going to turn in, too, but I discovered it had a little spot on it, right front and center, when I went to turn it in (How did I miss that?!), so decided I can turn it in next year, since I just finished it in February.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Happy 43rd, Jeanne and George! What a wonderful thing that you found each other, since you two make the perfect couple! You two are a perfect example on what a marriage should look like! May you have ma y more together!❤️

    Hard to believe that Rebecca and Karn have been married three years, but Happy Anniversary to them too!

    Well, I feel terrible about yesterday, but I was not able to thank each of you individually for your kind words, since I had problems writing anything here. When I would put my email address in, like always, it underlined it and said it wasn’t a valid email address! It has been my email address forever! I don’t even know what will happen when In try to add this in, but I guess we will see.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and George, Jeanne. I hope you have a sweet happy day.
    September 11th is our anniversary. It was 101 degrees when we were married in Alexandria Virginia. Hubbs worked in Arlington Va on September 11th and I knew he had a meeting at 8:30 at the Pentagon and after that he planned to come right home, which is kind of an hour drive in traffic. Well, that was a horrible day and fortunately my hubbs came home. He had left that meeting at the Pentagon via a Pentagon bus back to Arlington. That bus stop was destroyed. Do not dwell on that. It was a tragic day for many. So I just did the math and hubbs and I are married 41 years!!!!
    This outfit for Stella is so cute, so trendy.
    Perhaps I could get my daughters dolls out and you can see the clothes I made. I was pretty busy back then and not perfect.
    Quilts, I started making quilts in 2016 after my mom died. It was just a thing I needed to do. I took care of my parents for 11 years starting in 2013, moved them from Maryland to Virginia (very traumatic for them but my dad was strong) long long story, and dad lived to 99 and a half and passed away June 2023. Both of my parents were very strong and physically fit all the way to the end. My dad was in a Nazi prison labor camp, taken up in a razzia in 1944. He was not mistreated just “cleaned up rubble”
    I have made a lot of amazing quilts. I am not incredibly perfect or amazing. my mom was though and she taught me to just dive in. that is a long story, She was born in 1923 in the Netherlands, and was born “deformed” missing her right hand just beyond the wrist, so she had the wrist bones. She could do anything, and she did. that is a story for another day. I have her Singer 316G sewing machine.
    Perhaps one day I will share with Jeanne and she can share.
    Meantime. Have a “snappy” Thursday…? I have a thing with words, I grew up in Europe and I spoke 4 languages (now pretty rusty)
    Snappy just is short for HAPPY snappy. Kind of like Perky.
    Thanks for reading this long comment. Now I will go find the dolls. I will take some iphone pictures. ❤️Rosemary
    *I went back and read all of yesterdays comments, Wow, all of you girls are incredible

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      What amazing parents you had and what a wonderful inspiration for you to always look to the positive. Some of the stories that came from 9/11/2001 were pretty chilling. One of my friends had a daughter living in NYC and attending the drama school there. She was “renting” the sleeper sofa of a friend because she couldn’t afford an apartment. Usually she would have been on the subway below the World Trade Center at the time of the attack but overslept that day. She awoke to look out the window and see the smoke pouring from the buildings. After checking the news she immediately called her mother to assure her she was okay and they prayed a prayer of thanks and for all the people affected. It was like watching something happening on foreign soil.

    2. Hi Rosemary,
      What an interesting family history. My grandfather immigrated from Germany in 1929. Your parents sound like my grandparents – sturdy stock that could take on anything. My mom and I talk about all they could do, even during the war with what they had. My mom is a war years baby.
      Where did you grow up in Europe? My family history all traces back there to various places.
      Happy early anniversary to you and your husband. I’m very glad to hear he was safe on that fateful day. My mom’s birthday is September 12th.
      Definitely get your daughters dolls out and share those lovely outfits.

    3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Wow, Rosemary, What interesting stories about your family and you, as well. Thank you for sharing. I would love to see some of your handiwork!

    4. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Hi Rosemary,
      It was so nice to read little about you and your parents. I was born in the Netherlands. My family is Dutch. My mom was born in 1936 and dad was born in 1940. Germany invaded the Netherlands May 1940, at some point mom’s dad, my grandfather was sent to a Nazi prison. He was tortured and abused until he broke. He was never right after that. Very sad for my grandmother who was raising three little girls.
      We immigrated here to Western New York in 1967. My parents were hearty stock too… actually dad still is… mom is now wheelchair bond but she’s still feisty.
      Were you born in the Netherland as well? So scary about your hubby being at the Pentagon. I agree better not to think about it, but he sure left at the right time! phew!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Well, maybe Stella found a few puddles from the car wash and got some splashes on her boots creating those stains. I’m sure they won’t make much difference to her. She does look spiffy with her cross body bag. Lucky girl. I wonder if using some good old shoe polish might cover the stains?
    Happy anniversary to Jeanne and George.
    We have lovely cooling fog this morning. So refreshing after the heat of the last few days. Although, they are predicting high 90’s again today. Retaining wall is complete, so just some dirt clean up today. Pretty fast for just one 70 year old. Guy we’ve known for some years who has done work for us in the past. 🙂
    Keep cool until the heat is over everyone.

  5. Happy Anniversary to both you and George and Rebecca and Karn!! Hubby and I celebrated our 25th anniversary in May and we have the same relationship towards tools, fabric and dolls as you do! LOL

    Stella looks adorable in that outfit!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Congratulations on your 25th anniversary, Christine! Ours is in May, also–we celebrated 50 years this year. I’m thankful Ron was still well enough to go out for lunch that day. Two weeks later, he was in the hospital! I think it was sheer force of will that he survived as long as he did.

      1. Glad to hear you were able to have a nice 50th with Ron! I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to my hubby. I almost lost him a few years ago and that was so scary. He’s good now and we’re looking forward to many more years together. I wish everyone could have that!

  6. Susette from Southern California

    All ready for school. Well done, Jeanne. Another winner.

    Happy Anniversary to two happy couples!. Four people chose very well! Great to be able to celebrate together! ❤️💐🥰

  7. Stella looks adorable. She certainly needed a purse.
    Happy Anniversary George and Jeanne and Karn and Rebecca! I hope to have a lovely celebration together.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Our dolly girls do have their opinions don’t they. Hopefully Stella will not end up regretting her choice. Okay I’m the one that wanted the book bag, obviously she wanted something more fashionable.

    Congratulations on your 43rd anniversary Jeanne and George and congratulations on their 3rd anniversary to Rebecca and Karn. We will celebrate our 45th in January but the one that blows me away is that my daughter and son-in-law will celebrate their 20th in March of next year. Sean and Dionne will celebrate their 14th also in March next year. Where does the time go?!

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Happy Anniversary to you both.
    Not celebrating here in fact I am very sad. I had to have my darling little dog put down on Wed. We took him to the vet for what we thought was a cough and it was heart failure.
    Sorry can’t write any more

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Anne, I am so very sorry about your little pup. Our neighbor had to do the same with her beloved kitty a couple of days ago. Today, was the backyard burial. Be thinking of you.

    2. Dear Anne,
      I’m so very sorry for you. I can completely empathize on how hard it is. Prayers for comfort for you. If you haven’t already, save some fur. Trust me that you will be very glad you did.

    3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Oh, Anne, I am so sorry for your loss of your furr baby. I do know how much the become part of the family. I have had to do that too often. Just know I am thinking of you.

    4. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Hi Anne,
      I’m so very sorry for your loss! I feel your pain.
      I lost my sweet little Madison recently. She was the sweetest kitty and suddenly had a growth on her paw which ended up being cancer. She was 16 when we lost her and it was and still is heartbreaking.
      I pray the Lord comforts you during the grieving process.

    5. Charlotte Trayer

      Oh, Anne, I’m so sorry! That is such a hard thing to do. Been there in the past. It’s never an easy choice, even when it’s the best one for the animal. Hugs….

  10. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Happy Anniversary to you both.
    Not celebrating here in fact I am very sad. I had to have my darling little dog put down on Wed. We took him to the vet for what we thought was a cough and it was heart failure.
    Sorry can’t write any more
    For some reason it is not letting me post keeps saying it is a duplicate. I will try one more time

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Yes, Anne, I had the same problem! However, I think that I didn’t wait long enough for my comment to go through, so I pushed enter again too fast. I discovered if I waited a little longer it finally did post. Try waiting a bit longer before you hit enter again.

      And I am so sorry about your little dog. We had to put down two of our kitties, and zi said never again! So we are petless now, but it was too hard to got through that again. Think of your happy times with your dear doggie!

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Happy Anniversary! I am so happy for you and your husband. Happy Anniversary to Rebecca also. It is lovely that she wanted to honor you by choosing your special day for her special day.

  12. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, what a lovely way to share an anniversary! Wishes for great ones for you and George and Rebeca and Karn, and wishes for many, many more!

    I love the outfit, purse and boots, it is really special!

  13. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Happy Anniversary Jeanne and George! 43 happy years is awesome! Congrats!
    Also, Happy 3rd Anniversary Rebecca and Karn! Time flies seems like just yesterday
    you were decorating and getting ready for the BIG day. What fun that you both have wonderful wedding memories on the same day.
    Jeanne the outfit is so cute I love the 60’s vibe it gives… super cute!

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