Stella is helping me celebrate my birthday!

Hi everyone,

Today is my birthday… I’m now 68
Except for my back, I feel pretty great!
My hubby has plans but won’t tell me what
Maybe there’s shopping… maybe there’s not
Whatever we do I know will be fine…
Cause next year will be the BIG 69!


I have been using ice packs on my back and it is slowly getting better. As long as I don’t bend at the waist, I can handle it…

I did lots of standing in my sewing room today. I thought if I sewed maybe it would take my mind off the ache. I did seem to work for a while…

Let me show you what I did…
Since I already had a favorite jumper in mind, and then 2 ladies mentioned it, I decided to go with jumper #1.

I had to draft a pattern for it because I didn’t have anything like it. I use paper towels most of the time when drafting my doll patterns… they are more flexible than paper and you can sort of bend and fold them around the doll to see how things might look. I did just that with this pattern… Here was the start…

Then I cut the two pieces out of a piece of fabric I had… and machine basted it to see how close I was… It was okay but needed some tweaking…

These were my pattern pieces when I was finished…

I decided to line the dress with the same fabric to keep the lining from showing in the larger armholes and the skirt that might get caught in the wind… BUT…I had made the shoulder pieces too narrow and could NOT get the jumper turned… even with my hemostats. It was just too narrow… so I had to take the armhole seam out, press the jumper flat and use a piece of seam binding to finish off the armholes…

That meant I wasn’t able to hide my side seams… I had to serge them and press them open… Oh well… you can’t tell from the outside.

So the whole purpose of lining the jumper with the fabric was really a waste…

I found 3 little orange buttons just the right color and stitched them on over some snaps to hold the front in place…

So now it was time to look at the dress and decide where the hem should be…

I thought I’d ask a few opinions from you all… I have it pinned where I think it might look nice… do you think this is right?

I also somehow miraculously have enough scraps (I think) to make one of these Newsboy caps… like this one…

Here is a piece of the fabric draped on her head just so you can see what it “might” look like made into one of these caps?

So should I go for the cap?

Rosemary asked if this fabric was a Houndstooth check… Yes it is… just a variation in colors… I love houndstooth checks!
Also I did most of the sewing on the top on the machine, but I did do some hand basting to hold pieces in place…

Dorothy said the top looked like something the “cool kids” in school would wear! Well, Stella will be a Cool Kid, I guess! :o)

Well, that’s enough to keep me busy…

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Stella is helping me celebrate my birthday!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you all, for all the kind comments about yesterday, and especially for the prayers. Today after prayer service, Katy and I went over to Ron’s room in the AFH, and got all his things packed up. We really filled his car! But, since it’s his car, and I don’t drive it too often, I can take my time getting things out and put away.

    Oh, Jeanne, I love this jumper. It’s turning out So cute!! And I like the idea of a newsboy cap in this same fabric, if you can manage it. I wonder what will be next?!

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Dear Charlotte, I did comment yesterday but I must have double clicked or something, it kept telling me I had already posted the comment but it wasn’t there so sorry about that. I was thinking of you. So glad you have friends and family to help.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    A big “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to you, Jeanne! Let’s hope your back feels better so you can enjoy your special day! I’m sure George has something special up his sleeve for you!

    Oh, that jumper is just perfect, and exactly what I was hoping for! As far as the hem, it does depend on what kind of shoes or boots she will be wearing. The place where you have it pinned looks good if she is wearing boots. I’m not sure what your plans are for her feet, so I can’t really say for sure about the hem. A brown leather purse and boots would fit the bill!

    Oh, I love that newsboy cap! This is going to be a darling fall outfit for some lucky Ruby Red doll!

  3. Happy Birthday Jeanne, Enjoy 68. I hope you have a lovely day filled with happiness
    …. and some cake
    I will be 70 on December 8th! I can’t believe it. I spend that last 12 years takng care of my parents so that did make the time fly.
    Take good care of your back! Icing helps very much.
    I love the jumper! I am glad you chose this one! I like the hat idea, yes make one.
    Have a lovely day today everyone. I am up really early taking hubbs for another eye surgery for his glaucoma (he has had for many years) he is getting some microscopic drain put in one of his eyes. I am an olden RN so I will take good care of him
    I made some snacks for the waiting room and bringing a quilt to bind. I slept kind of bad last night so I might actually fall asleep on the heap instead of bind haha haha
    Charlotte, you are brave. I admire your courage. God Bless

  4. Bon anniversaire, Profitez bien de cette journée. votre mari, vous prépare peut-être ,une surprise …Demain, c’est aussi mon anniversaire . J’aurais 79 ans et je joue encore à la poupée..! Une mini Hanna va venir s’ajouter à ma collection . Celle là est très petite à habiller. Charlotte vous êtes une femme courageuse et je vous admire . Georgina.

    Happy birthday, Enjoy this day. Your husband may be preparing a surprise for you… Tomorrow is also my birthday. I would be 79 years old and I still play with dolls..! A mini Hanna will be added to my collection. This one is very small to dress. Charlotte, you are a brave woman and I admire you. Georgina.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Happy Birthday to you a day in advance, Georgina. I will be 78 in December and I started playing with dolls in my second childhood. When I was little I preferred paper dolls. They were faster to dress. I actually have two Mini Hannas. I ordered one and forgot I did so ordered another. If you think one is cute you ought to see two of them together. They look totally impish.

    2. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Happy Birthday Georgina, I hope you do something nice today. I was 79 last May, but since my family came to live with me I don’t have a lot of time for my dolls and I certainly don’t have anywhere to show them.

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Georgina, J’espère que vous passerez un bel anniversaire avec un gros gâteau !

      I hope you have a lovely birthday with a big cake!

    4. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Georgina.

      Happy birthday to you! You are only a few months older than I am–I will be 79 in January. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, Happiest of birthdays to you! What fun that George has a secret planned. I hope your back gets better as the day goes on!
    Yesterday i woke up with a really bad back. Can it be contagious through this group??? I hope not, LOL!. I didn’t even make it to the group blog. I did sit in my recliner and did some hand sewing and read a book. It is much better today, I think I must have slept wrong. The back shot I got 1 month ago has worked so well, I hope it will continue for at least a couple more months, but who knows.
    I love the new outfit, and I think the length is just right. Will she have leggings with it?

    Charlotte, I know you will have many times of sorrow, missing your dear Ron, but knowing you, you will keep on going, You are an amazing gal. You are still in my prayers.

  6. Susette from Southern California

    Happy Birthday!🎁 🎊 🍰 Surprise will be fun! Cake too. Have a very happy, memorable day! George always comes through with something special.

    That’s a darling outfit. With tights, the length will look fine. Otherwise, covering the knee joints would be nice. Boots will look great with the jumper. The cap will be a wonderful accessory.

    Maybe back problems are infectious. I may have been first after trying to keep a huge bowl made into a fountain from falling over in May of 2020. I heard the crack and eventually had surgery in 2021. I had back pain only when standing. Was doing fine but in 2023, a physical therapist had me force a huge pool floatie down with my foot in the pool ten times on each side. I knew I was in trouble when I got out of the pool. Pain when, sitting, standing and lying down! A neurologist said the majority of her patients come from injuries due to PT having patients overdo it suddenly So be careful of PT recommendations. I haven’t sewn anything since.

  7. Joy in northern CA

    A big happy birthday to the youngster. Hope Jeanne can enjoy her surprise day and that her back holds up as well.
    Stella’s jumper is adorable. Jeanne’s pattern making expertise astounds me. Love this pattern. I’m glad that the bias tape worked as facing because that size for the straps is perfect. I also like the length. Probably with a pair of tights to finish it off. I think she’s already for a trip to the pumpkin patch. 🙂
    Taking a little drive today. Well, only 7 hours. 🙂

  8. Happy birthday dear Jeanne!! Hope your back gets better ( kept the ice on) so you can enjoy a day of celebrating!
    This blouse and jumper are adorable – I would have loved this as a teenager! There’s just something about check houndstooth that looks so unique in almost any colors. The cap will be perfect – reminds me of another era- the 60’s and the British Invasion. Black knee socks would be cute too.

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    Happy birthday. This would also have been my dad’s 105th. Your personalities are not close except that you both have a wide range of talents. He could fix a car, install a furnace, fly a Fortress, and build our house (personally, by hand). He was an electron microscopist by profession, the only non-degree holder in a department of PhD’s.

    The jumper you chose was my favorite too. The cap will be lovely. Brown tights? Boots would be nice, but with tights, so would shoes. Either a purse or a book bag or a pet-carrier bag.

    Having been through an experience like Susette’s, but shorter, I would say that any PT should not involve one leg or one arm at a time. Equal pressure from both sides is a better bet. Consider exercises you can do in bed or a chair you can get out of easily.
    Do not strain your back getting up. Above all, think first — and trust no one (except maybe George).

  10. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Jeanne!
    Stella’s whole outfit is so cute. I love the newsboy cap. Those were super popular in the late 70’s very early 80’s. everyone had one or two. I wore my khaki one a lot. Of course, houndstooth was also a thing to wear.

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Love the poem. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Jeanne. You are still ten years younger than me. Actually for the next few months it will be nine years. Ten come the end of December. Can’t wait to see what your hubby has planned for a surprise.

    I love the jumper and with the newsie cap it should be an adorable outfit. Maybe an old-time book bag for over her shoulder like we had before the days of backpacks. Boots would be very stylish but I don’t know if they’d be worn to school. I haven’t seen any of that and usually it’s mostly jogging shoes I see with any outfit. A pair of loafers would be cute though. Okay I’ll stop now and leave it all up to you.

  12. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Happy Birthday Jeanne, I hope you enjoy your surprise. I love the outfit with it’s Autumn colours but not for us Yay. It is spring on Sunday. We have had a taste the last few days but winter is fickle and doesn’t always want to let go. We had heavy snow this time in 2011!!!
    Our Aussie visitor goes home today, he has been here a month so we will miss him. I think he enjoyed himself.
    Have a great day everyone

  13. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Happy Birthday! I hope you do not think that 68 is old. It really isn’t!

    I always “channel” Jack Benny and claim to be 39 (laugh).

    I am looking forward to hearing about your surprise birthday present. I love to plan surprises!

    I like the dress. It makes me think of one from the 1960s or the 1990s, which in ways, I think, repeated the 1960s. If a 1960s look was your intention, I think the dress would be a bit shorter. That depends on how old Stella is, of course. If she is young and her mother picks her clothes, then the length is just right. If she is older and picks her own clothing, then the length might be shorter.

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