~ Summer’s Delight ~ is now listed on Ebay…

Thank you Rosemary, for the title of Mae’s new dress set. I looked over my list of all the names everyone has given me and the ones I’ve collected for years on end, and I just kept coming back to Summer’s Delight, so I went with it. I think it’s perfectly fitting for Mae’s new dress!

I scurried around here today between helping my hubby with things, and somehow managed to get Mae’s dress listed. If you want to see it, you can click the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Now that I have it listed, I feel kind of at a loss of what to do next… Whom shall I sew for? Do I have anything started I can finish quickly? (she laughs out loud!) Do I work on Back to School outfits? Fall outfits? What’s a seamstress to do? Any suggestions?

While you’re thinking, Ill show you a couple pictures of Reuben after his haircut… to appreciate how he looks now, I should have taken a before picture… but I didn’t… he was wooly…really wooly!!

Well, while I was writing this, I just sold all those purse patterns… so I need to go package them up so I can get them to the Post Office tomorrow.

I think I’m just going to go to bed early tonight… and then see what you all said tomorrow…oh but first I’m going to finish answering your comments…

See you Monday,
Have a wonderful weekend,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “~ Summer’s Delight ~ is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Glad to hear you got Mae’s outfit posted on ebay. It’s one of those outfits that is So cute, it makes me wish I had a doll of that size/type who could wear it!!

    Reuben looks very smart with his haircut. I’m sure he’s quite a bit cooler and more comfy, too.

    No message from Karen yesterday; I wonder if the baby has arrived?!! Praying for a safe delivery.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Hi Charlotte, Thanks for caring. Had to take my daughter to the dentist yesterday, so glad the baby didn’t arrive yet. I will probably post a note on Jeanne’s blog once the labor starts in case people want to help me by praying.

      Reuben is looking very nice, Jeanne.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, Jeanne, most schools around here are starting next week, or the 19th, so those kids better have their back to school outfits already, which probably would be shorts here, or their unforms! Even some of the schools that require uniforms allow them to wear shorts for the first couple of weeks since it is so hot. But thinking back, we were NEVER allowed to wear shorts in school, and we had no air conditioners either. However, we always started school after Labor Day, which helped a bit, and I think it is warmer now than back when the dinasaurs were roaming the earth in the late 40’s, early 50’s!! LOL

    Yes, Mae looks just darling and good for you that she is listed. Now what? I see that is YOUR question! I think something for fall wouod be appropriate, since that’s what’s out there in the stores anyway. Even Christmas!! I’m not going that far ahead, but Labor Day will be here before you know it, and I think we will be tired of summer by then. We will be ready for colored leaves, hayrides, bonfires and square dancing! A cute fall outfit would work, but for who? I vote for an American Girl doll, since you have done a few RRFF and their size lately. But you know who is buying more than I do, so let’s see what others have to say. Oh, just though a nice dress for Addy would be good. You always do such pretty thngs for her with a lot of detail, but maybe that’s not what you want to do at this time. I’m not helping, am I? πŸ™‚

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Yes, I too remember the the dinosaurs roaming around although I started school in 1953. πŸ™‚

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, we must have been in school together (laugh). We couldn’t wear pants at all. And there were no air conditioners. Some people didn’t even have them in their homes. Luckily we did.

      My elementary school did not have a cafeteria so we had to walk home for lunch. I think my walk was about 15 minutes one way. I can’t imagine asking young folks to walk home for lunch these days. I am not saying this is a bad thing. I am just saying that things are different now.

      I liked my school days. I loved learning.

      I still have some friends that I made in elementary school. And I have a bunch of high school friends whose company I enjoy. We have so much fun at our reunions.

      I am happy to be able to have the technology that we use today; however, I am just as happy that I grew up when I did. For me cartoons don’t get any better than Rocky and Bullwinkle. And I can still sing all of the words to the song We’re the Mouseketeers! And for me, the number one attorney is Perry Mason.

      1. Debbie in North Carolina

        Thanks for the walk down memory lane! I have been searching for my elementary school friends in Lancaster but have not been able to find anyone. I guess that is why people use facebook.

        How was the UFDC convention? I see that next year it will be in Norfolk, VA. That is about 4 hours drive for me. I might be able to make that one.

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Debbie, I hope you can attend! You are closer than I am as it will take us 5 hours. Are you a member of UFDC? If not, you can join.

          This year’s convention was amazing! I met so many folks who to me were only 4 inches tall (Zoom friends – laugh). There is always so much to do and so much to see. I promised Jeanne I would put together a report so I will have to work on that.

  3. Very nice hair cut
    Reuben looks very handsome and spiff

    After two days with grand girls age 6 and 9, I am pooped.
    We have had “hurricane rain” for the past two days, Nothing frightening

    Mae’s outfit will sell very quickly

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I remember when Skyy and Jaiden would come to visit when they were younger. I felt I had to entertain them all day. They are now 12 and 14 and I think they come to visit Nanna to get out of the madhouse at home. With three children under four (their little brother and the two Dionne babysits for) I’m sure there is never a dull moment. With the exception of taking them for snow cones in the afternoon, I pretty much get on with what I’m doing and they entertain themselves.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Well Reuben looks spiffy, but Jeanne’s lovely floors sure do shine as well. πŸ™‚
    Can’t believe that it is starting to feel like fall and we’re only in early August. Strange. Leaves are coming off a tulip tree we have too. Certainly not ready for the sycamore leaf fall yet.
    Wow, Mae’s little outfit is raking in the bids already. It really is adorable with the matching shoes and other pieces. I believe that Mae is going to be demanding another dress very soon. However, I do like Linda’s idea for something special for the AGs, for our next season. I think most are ready to dress their dolls for fall which may also include Halloween. So many cute costume ideas out there. πŸ™‚ Oh, maybe little Mae needs something in that line as well.
    Very cool here this morning, but should heat up after the fog burns off. Hope to get back to that yard mess again. Was out of commission for a couple of days so need to get going again.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

  5. Jeanne the rounded toe on the shoes from the shoe last look great. That is the way the cobblers in Russia make their shoes. I really admire you for making shoe lasts and shoes. You are doing an amazing job on them. Can you please tell me what you used to stiffen the leather? Thanks so much for your kind help.
    God Bless

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Reuben does look very comfortable with his haircut. I can’t imagine being covered with hair in the summertime.

    You are so fortunate to be able to have a Moppet, especially Mae. I think she’s the cutest. Sewing for her will be a lot of fun I’m sure. I love sewing for my Dumpling Lolla. She always looks so cute.

  7. Rueben looks very cool in his short coat.

    Yes, I agree that making fall clothing/ back to school is a good idea. I would love to see an AG as well. Trying to think who hasn’t been seen in a long time while trying to recall who you still have and haven’t sold. I only recall Molly being chosen a couple of times recently. Of course you know my top three era choices will always be Colonial, Civil War, and Edwardian followed by 1930’s.

    1. DOROTHY IN PA 😺😺😺

      Hi Dorothy, I didn’t get a chance to reply to you the other day. Yes, I’m quite sure I saw you as you were waving by the elevators.
      Yes, Virginia is a doable trip. We went to Williamsburg when my daughter was young to enjoy “Felicity’s world”. We took a scenic route home and visited Maryland and also Cape May, NJ on the way.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, I hope you did see me. I was really waving!

        Oh my goodness, if you go to convention, we can actually meet! I am already mapping out a tea place. That is always the first thing I do when I go to a new city (laugh).

        Are you a member of UFDC? If not, you have plenty of time to become one. I have two friends who are both in Clubs in Ohio. They worked on the Regional that was held there in March or April of this year.

        I took my daughter to Williamsburg when she was a teenager also. It was a bus trip, AAA, I think. I loved traveling that way because I didn’t have to drive. That was before GPS and wasn’t the best navigator (smile).

        We also took a bus trip to Cape May. It is so pretty and I love the houses. I was doing some reach and I told my daughter we would have to spend some time in the library there. She looked at me like I had lost my mind. She said, “Mom, you are the only person who goes on vacation and does research.” Well, I am sure that wasn’t true (laugh). I did make sure she had a nice meal and great dessert afterwards, if I remember correctly.

        Just think, we will be able to wave TOGETHER to Jeanne and the Sofa Sisters! Won’t that be fun.

    2. Debbie in North Carolina

      All of those sound good to me Laura. Of course I have too many outfits already but who is counting?

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Loving the outfit and especially the shoes, Jeanne. You really have that down, I know they are hard to fit with those toes.
    Wishes for a great weekend, a cooler doggie, and more good ideas.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, have a great time at Modern Doll. I hope my friend got in touch with you. Actually she said that she knows you from the Little Darling ning group. Safe travels!

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Mae looks so cute in the outfit. I think you made this one extra special. I am sure that the dolly and Mama are going to be so excited to receive it.

  10. Marilyn in Colorado

    I feel like Linda — lots of possibilities. I was thinking back-to-school, but when I looked at the recent auction pictures, I thought how pretty and cool they looked, and was thinking that a final “end of summer” outfit would be nice. Maybe a Labor Day picnic outfit. Labor Day was first celebrated in Oregon in 1887 and caught on quickly, becoming a federal holiday in 1894. None of the AG historicals fit, though Samantha might wear the dress her mother wore on the first Labor Day to a Labor Day parade and a picnic afterward if the dates worked.

    Or — make Addy an early fall picnic dress and picnic hamper. Addy dresses are always beautiful.

  11. Debbie in North Carolina

    Rueben has the perfect August cut! Those big eyes are visible now! I am wishing for autumn. I have the dolls in dresses for late summer but will probably dress everyone for fall before August ends. Wishful thinking…

    Mae is adorable in her blue dress; glad you we able to get her.

  12. Huh, my 2 granddaughters that are of school age (k-12) have already been back to school since Aug 1!!, and there are a couple of school districts that started the Thursday before!! I KNOW WI doesn’t start until after Labor Day, but the kids around here will have already been back to school for a month by then!!! Crazy. And NO it’s just a “regular” school year. They seem to start earlier every year – when my kids were little, they started more like the middle of August.

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