~ Summer Lace ~ is now listed on Ebay…

HI everyone,
I am so sorry to let you know, but Charlotte’s husband, Ron, passed away Saturday afternoon. Charlotte might not be the first one writing her comments for a while, but I told her we’d hold her seat on the Sofa! Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts…

On another note, I received the sweetest email from Francine… she bought the pink and brown apron panel I had recently listed on Ebay. She said she probably hadn’t sewn anything in 30 years, but she jumped right in, even lined it and WOW… it looks wonderful! She’s a Special Education Middle School Teacher in Chicago and I told her she got an A+++ from me. When she finished it, she gave it to her daughter who loves it! Isn’t it adorable?

I hope Karen and little Dominic are doing well… also the rest of the family.

Okay… I tried my best to get Rebecca’s dress set finished… I really just had to figure out the headband… I decided to do that instead of a bonnet…AND I used 2 ladies from the blog as Rebecca’s school mates… Susette and Marilyn! I hope they don’t mind… and I hope they don’t mind that I said they came from “wealthy” families… I just wanted to honor Marilyn for thinking of the name of this dress… “Summer Lace” even though she might not have known I was going to use it… And I used Susette because it sounded like a “pretty” yesteryear name. I had actually written down Marilyn’s name first, but I wanted there to be 2 girls at the Tea Party, so I wrote down Susanna… I thought that sounded Civil War-ish like. But then I thought, why not just use Susette… I hope you ladies didn’t mind.

Anyway, we had a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Southern Illinois, so Rebecca and I traveled outside for some quick pictures. It was actually quite hot… over 90 degrees but the humidity was lower so I could survive a little longer outside. I think I captured the color of the blue fabric pretty well and got some fun shots of Rebecca too. I’ll show a few pictures of her and then give you the link to the listing on Ebay… You can also click on the picture at the right side bar and it will take you to the listing.

I was actually going to show this dress on Addy as well… I got my pictures taken, cropped and edited them, made my listing, and was uploading all the information to Ebay when it asked… What doll is this for? I gasped…for about 5 seconds I thought and then did what any good momma would do… I let Addy have her name in the title on Ebay, but Rebecca gets all the credit for being the model and looking so sweet in the pictures. Sorry about that!

Here is the link to the listing on Ebay…

Summer Lace

I will see everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

28 thoughts on “~ Summer Lace ~ is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    First, Charlotte, I am so sorry to hear about Ron. We know he has been quite ill for sometime, but it always is a shock to hear when someone passes away. We had a friend down the street also pass away, just 3 days ago, so that makes it doubly sad for me. Charlotte, know you are in my prayers as you go through the next days planning Ron’s funeral. In the space of one week, we have had a birth and a death, and so the circle of life continues. Jeanne, could you please send me Charlotte’s address?

    Francine, you did a wonderful job on that apron! Your daughter is the lucky one who gets to wear it, and I hope she doesn’t get anything on it! It’s too pretty! 🙂

    Jeanne, I LOVE your storyline inserting two sweet ladies I happen to know in it! The dress, slip, and beautiful headband are candy for the eyes! I love the outdoor pictures, and it made the story line seem real, to see her walking down the path with her basket of pears! This one is a winner!

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    I am so sorry to hear Charlotte’s news. We knew it was coming, but not that it would be so soon. I hope that it helps to know that the Sofa Sisters are backing you up in spirit. You are definitely not alone, and we will be anticipating your return.

    Jeanne, I know that was planned as a first fall dress, but your beautiful yard certainly worked for a summer background. 15 viewers already, and I put in a bid to get it started.

    And you used the iced tea idea. I recalled reading that Martha Jefferson had eaten some ice cream, so I knew that people had access to ice quite early, and finding out about iced tea was interesting. I think it was the 1904 World’s Fair that made it famous. Fads come and go, but ice cream and iced tea stayed with us. Martha Jefferson is said to have first thought ice cream was hot because the cold seemed to burn her mouth. Something else the Jeffersons gave us — macaroni and cheese. James Hemmings, Jefferson’s cook (and Sally’s brother), learned to make it in France when Jefferson was ambassador. Also interesting, the Hemmings family was at least 7/8 white, making them legally white. In France, James and Sally were free because slavery was illegal there. They returned to the US and slavery because their family was here. The family had been a wedding gift to Jefferson’s wife, who was their half-sister.

    Somehow I don’t think that story will make it into the background of Jeanne’s next story, even if the next dress is colonial.

  3. Susette from Southern California

    I’ll be thinking of Charlotte and Karen today in their grief and happiness in the cycle of life. Both have faced serious challenges.and have met them with amazing faith, strength and love ❤️.

    I could only wish about being wealthy, but I’m content with “enough.” I always thought my name was French but it’s actually the Swiss spelling of Suzette, my great grandmother x3 having been born in Switzerland.

    Rebecca’s dress is beautiful. After all the angst about the button and ribbon, it’s perfect in size, design and color. Happens every time! It’s a winner for sure. Have fun with the bidding.

    1. Susette from Southern California

      I forgot to add “great job on the apron, Francine.” I made aprons one year at Christmas for my own and friend’s dolls and lined them with Valentines Day fabric so they were reversible.

  4. My heart is crushed which Charlotte’s loss. The Angels were together, speaking of Ron for many days, perhaps a week, perhaps longer. They came to carry him gently to Heaven. This is a great loss, but our loving Father thought it best to have him in His tender fold. I am praying fervently for Charlotte. Fortunately, and hopefully she can have family close to endure this. Gosh my heart is broken! Big squeezy hugs for Charlotte.

    Well done dear Francine. the apron is beautiful. I love the style! I am sure it looks lovely on her daughter,
    Jeanne, this dress is just perfect. I think it will sell quickly.
    We had a few “cooler” days but really we can’t think Fall yet. Everything is lush and green. Your yard is lovely

  5. Charlotte, I’m so sorry to hear about Ron. I’ll be thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Take care of yourself. Let those around you help.

    Jeanne the Rebecca’s dress is beautiful and her head band is the perfect addition.

  6. My prayers and thoughts for Charlotte’s loss. Thank the Lord they made so many wonderful memories.
    Summer lace is charming! Love the storyline too. Also thanks to Marilyn for the historical information so interesting as always.
    Have a great day all.

  7. Joy in northern CA

    Charlotte, so very sorry to hear that Ron, has passed away. You were right about the timing as it was sooner. Hope your family and friends are there for support. My thoughts are with you.
    Francine’s apron turned out to be adorable. How nice it was a gift for her daughter. 🙂
    Rebecca, doesn’t seem miffed about the name at all. The outdoor photos are lovely. Everything looks so inviting. I especially, like the added headband. The flower placement is perfect. I’m sure this one will have lots of interest and bids as well. 🙂
    It’s starting to feel like fall around here. Cool nights and warm days, but not the excruciatingly hot days like we have had recently.
    I wonder who will be next up in the fashion order? With the convention over, it seems that lots may need outfits for their new dolls. 🙂

  8. Karen from Kentucky

    Dear Charlotte, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Ron. May God hold you close to His Most Sacred Heart and give you peace. You and Ron are in my prayers. May God grant him eternal rest and let the perpetual light shine upon him. May our Sorrowful Mother comfort you. I wish I could give you a big hug!

    Our little baby was Baptized yesterday and consecrated to Mary. He was fortunate to get a rainbow in the sky like Lucia did on her Baptism day.

    Rebecca looks beautiful, Jeanne.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      A rainbow on the day of Baptism. What a wonderful reminder of God’s promise and grace. And two of your children had the experience. How wonderful.

    2. Hi Karen, how wonderful that two of your children were blessed with a rainbow on their Baptism day. Pictures are welcome.

    3. Linda in St. Louis

      Karen, I was thinking about yu and your family yesterday! I hope everything went well, and that was wonderful that you even had a rainbow! Dominic must be a special child to get such a sign! May Mary watch over him and guide hi. In Jesus’ way!

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Okay I’m really bummed today. I am so sorry to hear of Ron’s passing. It’s going to take awhile for Charlotte to show back up on the sofa I’m sure. So much of her time and thought has been for Ron and his welfare these past few months and she’ll be at sixes and sevens for awhile. She’s been a most loving wife and Ron has been truly blessed to have chosen her to be his soulmate. I have a good friend who looked after her mother for a few years before she passed. Even though she had three young children and a husband to look after, she felt a big hole in her life for awhile mostly having extra time on her hands. Thankfully Charlotte has hobbies and interests and a loving family to help fill the very large hole in her life left by Ron’s passing. I will be praying for Charlotte and her whole family. Ron is now with the angels and in God’s loving hands.

    While I don’t collect the bigger dolls, I wouldn’t mind having an AG doll from the Civil War Period at the moment. Rebecca/Addy’s ensemble is truly beautiful. The fabric alone is amazing and with all the embellishments and additions I know it is going to be a winner. Love the story!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      After looking at the pictures again I realized that this was indeed the perfect fabric for this dress. The ability to fussy cut the bodice to get the right “lace” effect would not have been possible had the fabric had a different pattern repeat. It doesn’t get better than this.

      And I forget to congratulate Francine on creating such a lovely apron as a gift for her daughter. What a wonderful mother she is.

  10. Cette semaine ,j’ai perdu ma sœur ,qui était très âgée. Charlotte ,je ne vous connais pas ,mais ,je peux comprendre votre chagrin et votre peine. Je rejoins celles qui prient pour votre époux et j’espère qu’au ciel ,pour eux ,il n’y ai plus de souffrances. Recevez toutes mes amitiés. Georgina.

    This week I lost my sister, who was very old. Charlotte, I don’t know you, but I can understand your grief and your pain. I join those who pray for your husband and I hope that in heaven, for them, there is no more suffering. Receive all my friendship. Georgina.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Georgina, I am so sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. Her age does not matter, she was your sister, and I’m sure you both had many happy times together as children. Prayers for you and your family..

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Georgina,
      Je suis vraiment désolé pour votre perte. J’envoie des prières à vous et à votre famille.

      I am so sorry for your loss. I am sending prayers to you and your family.

    3. Hi Georgina,
      I am SO very sorry to hear that you lost your sister this week. What a heart breaking thing for you… I can’t even imagine how sad you must feel. Do you have other brothers and sisters? I sure hope so.
      May the Lord bless you as you navigate these next weeks without your sister. I hope you feel the comfort from the Lord as he wraps His loving arms around you.
      Love you Georgina,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Je vous remercie toutes ,pour vos gentils messages .Ma sœur avait 95 ans et elle ne pouvait plus parler. Nous avions beaucoup de différence d’Age (16 ans )Mais elle était la mémoire de notre famille et elle ressemblait beaucoup à notre maman! C’est une grande perte ,mais je pense, qu’elle est bien ,auprès des anges… Amitiés à vous toutes. Georgina

  11. Dear Charlotte, I’m so very sorry to hear about Ron. I saw and responded to your post on RR Fanclub last night, then let Jeanne know so all of us Sofa Sisters could keep you and your family in prayer.
    Great job on the apron, Francine.! I’m sure your daughter will love wearing it.
    Rebecca looks wonderful in this dress. The fabric was just perfect for the style. How nice you credited the Sofa Sisters by name and used Marilyn’s iced tea idea.
    A nice respite from the heat this morning with 69 degrees.

  12. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Dear Charlotte
    I am so sorry for your loss, I hope the love and prayers of the sofa sisters will help sustain you while you do all the necessary things and when you are ready to return to the sofa we will all be ready with virtual hugs.
    Georgina I am so sorry about your sister We will all be thinking and praying for you this week.
    Kia Kaha everyone

  13. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Chorlotte, I am so sorry that Ron has gone to be with you. Grant him eternal rest, O Lord, and let Eternal Light shine upon him. May he rest in eternal peace. Amen.

  14. Hello, dear Sofa Sisters, Thank you all for your many prayers and kind thoughts. I am hanging in there. As my neighbor has said, sometimes 5 minutes at a time is all you can manage.

    Our pastor and his wife were down for a while (after Ron died and I got to his room–I was up at church practicing for Sunday when they called), and later two ladies from our church came and stayed with me until the funeral home came to pick him up. They held my hands and we escorted his body to the vehicle. And yesterday in church one of them said she’d had a bag packed and her phone by her bed in case I needed her during the night. I am well cared for!

    Our oldest grandson came to church with me yesterday morning. I went ahead and played piano, as I figured it would be easier to do that than to try to sing. Afterwards there were 10 of us at lunch–three grands (plus the oldest one’s family), one bonus grand (who brought me flowers!), the mother of the grands, and other family. Ron had wanted the grandsons to each have one of his shirts, so I brought an assortment of his USMC shirts as well as a few other things for them to choose from. It was really a lovely day for me, and I felt really cherished and well cared for.

    Francine, the apron turned out just beautifully! I can see why your daughter was so happy to have it.

    Jeanne, the outfit is absolutely perfect, and I see you already have one bid!!

    Gotta go–someone has come with food for me!!

  15. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thank you for sharing Charlotte’s news. I am so sorry to hear of her loss. I will be holding her and her family in prayer.

    Francine’s apron turned out so nice. How wonderful that she made it as a gift.

    Rebecca’s ensemble is adorable.

  16. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Dear Charlotte,

    I am so very sorry to hear of Rons passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve your loss. May God comfort and fill you with peace. hugs to you!

    The dress is lovely! Good luck with the auction

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