~ Sassy Scottie” is now listed on Ebay…

HI everyone,
Let’s all keep Charlotte in our prayers as tomorrow will be her hubby’s funeral. We love you Charlotte!

I hope you had a nice weekend. I was able to finish Mae’s dress set and tonight it was listed on Ebay! You can see the listing by clicking the picture at the side bar or click HERE.

I’ll show you a few of the new things I added…

I finished her shoes, they dried and they were the SAME color leather. I’m wondering if something was on the back of the leather that I didn’t see and it soaked into the front of the shoe as it was wet… I’ll never know, but it sure was strange. Anyway, they are finished and the magnetic closure works wonderful. I cut the backs of the shoes down a bit so they don’t get caught on Mae’s heels.

I made a pair of white knee socks to wear with the shoes…and they fit wonderfully too! YAY!

Here they are together…

I made another slip for Mae, but this time I wanted to make it so it didn’t slide around so much. I tried making a full slip with little straps over her shoulders, but her resin is so slippery, they just moved around like a silk scarf on a freshly waxed car. So I took the straps off and just slid the slip down and thought it wasn’t too bad… The lace is snug enough it holds the slip in place now…

When I was in town I looked for a little black puppy (hoped for a Scottie) but couldn’t find anything. So I just put 3 layers of black felt together and stitched around a Scottie dog image… then tied the bow and added a black bead and a few eyelashes for Sophie! :o)
Mae thinks she is a great little puppy! That’s all that matters! :o)

Well, that’s what happened around here this weekend. Tomorrow starts another week and I’ll have to see who is up next!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “~ Sassy Scottie” is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, this outfit is sooo cute!! I wish I had one of these dolls, so I could bid on it! (And of course Mae would choose the red shoes–what little girl wouldn’t?!!)

    Thank you all for your prayers. My Monday will be busy with getting some sort of display set up–pictures of Ron, a couple of awards he got, etc. I will have my camera with me and take some pictures, and perhaps can share them after the dust settles!

    I have to tell you, Saturday was pretty emotional for me, as it marked the one week point…AND the first hymn we were to sing in church this morning was the one at our wedding, “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (and the list is prepared two months in advance!). And then I found out that ALL FOUR of our grandsons (yes, Isaac is back in the area for a little bit) were willing to be pallbearers, in addition to some other extended family members. Shortly after that, I read an email that told me that Ron’s friend Steve will have all the military stuff for the graveside service (which is a couple of hours after the funeral) ready, and I’m sure it will be something quite special.

    And then I cried…..sobbed, really…for a couple of minutes. I’m okay again, really, but it just all hit at once.

    So thank you for your prayers and good wishes this week. I really appreciate them! I love you all, too!!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So glad everything is coming together well for Ron’s funeral and graveside service. Wonderful about your grandsons. Get some rest if you can, and your friends here will have their hearts with you tomorrow.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, we are praying for you.

      You already have all of the strength you need to move forward with the next few days. God has given you a storehouse. Just call on His guidance.

      Maybe after a while, you can share one of your memories of your husband. I always love to hear people’s stories. I especially love to hear how people met. I guess that’s the “Hallmark influence” because I enjoy watching the Hallmark Channel.

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, you and others are creating a beautiful tribute to Ron and I know his service is going to be wonderful and meaningful. Your mention of the song gave me chills. I love that song and it’s like Ron was sharing the moment with you from Heaven. My mother was an Army nurse during WWII and we had a memorial service for her that included her military service. I, being the oldest daughter, have her flag. I will be praying for you and your family and friends tomorrow. God bless you and keep you and give you strength during this difficult time. Thankfully you have wonderful people surrounding you.

    4. HI Charlotte,
      I’m so glad you have so many friends helping you at this hard time. We would all help you too, if we lived closer.
      I really hope everything goes as planned and in the middle of it all, I hope you can find some joy in knowing how much your hubby was loved and how much you are too!
      Love you, Charlotte,

    5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Oh, Charlotte, a good cry is so natural at this time and really helpful, too. I wish we could all be there for you. I am so happy that you have family and friends there with you at the funeral. I remember that when my sons, brothers, and nephews were there for my dad’s funeral they all went in his closet and each picked out one of his ties to wear.
      Praying for you still.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, like I have mentioned before, Mae is not the kind of doll I collect, but now, seeing this darling outfit, I wish I did have her! What’s not to like? The whole outfit is SO cute, and gives Mae a “real” little girl look! The cute little Scotty dog is perfect for her, the slip, shoes and socks just add to the looks, and bring out more red to the outfit!

    Charlotte, you certainly do have permission to cry! Anyone who has lived with another person for 50 years, and then loses them has a perfect reason. You both have gone through things all your adult lives and made a home together, filled with many happy memories. You I have raised a son, who loves you very much and has given you both grandchildren to share. I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you lay Ron to rest. It sounds like you have a wonderful send off for him.

    1. HI Linda,
      Thanks for your kind comments about Mae! I really appreciate them coming from a doll lover who doesn’t even collect this doll! She really is fun to pose and you can almost make her look real sometimes. I’m still getting used to her body and how slick it is and all the joints she has… I’m glad I took the plunge and bought her… it sure beats pining for her… :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Susette from Southern California

    Dear Charlotte, you’ve certainly made arrangements for a beautiful tribute to Ron for your family and many friends. I second everything Linda said above. The military service is very moving. We will be thinking of you and your family and be with you in spirit tomorrow.

  4. Charlotte, You are a dear. Thank you for sharing your days with us. I have been praying for you.
    It is so comforting to know that friends and family are surrounding you with support and courage.
    Your dearest friends here on Jeanne’s blog are dedicated to your heart. I am too. Were you playing the piano when that song began? Goodness, you were brave, and you know it was kind of a love letter sent to you. I will continue to hold you in my prayers.
    God is good

    Jeanne, this dress is so adorable. Are there many Mae dolls. I know nothing about these dolls but I did show them to my grand daughters. They thought they were the cutest, My youngest, Lauren, said she would carry her everywhere.
    Sassy Scottie is adorable. Very attractive.
    You are now a professional shoemaker as well!
    Enjoy this Monday. It is going to be very warm again on the east coast.
    May God’s blessings shower all of you this week

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      I’m not sure how many Mae dolls there are or even when the first ones came out… Joy may know… I have heard she is the most popular of the Moppet (15″) My Meadow dolls. I’m not even sure if that is correct, but I’d like to think so.
      She is quite heavy and I’m still a bit nervous when I pose her standing up. I’m guessing she weighs 4 pounds but I may be way off. She is definitely the heaviest doll I own. And she’s not vinyl like the American Girl dolls… but made of a resin and it can chip, so I certainly don’t want her taking a nose dive onto my table… and chipping the end of her nose off or breaking off a finger.
      It’s very warm here again this week… 94 degrees right now… and HOT!

      Thanks so much for your kind compliments Rosemary… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dear Charlotte,
    You have a wonderful group of family and friends to see you through this next week and after. The military grave side ceremonies are so moving and respectful. All of you must be so proud of Ron.
    I love your story about the song that was sung and even though it was chosen some time ago it was the right song to uplift you .-God always has His ways of giving personal comfort.
    I will be thinking of you and your family – Bless you and take care, Charlotte.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Well, sweet Mae, has stolen the show once again. When other Mae mommies see it, I’m sure there will be a rush to purchase. The shoes turned out great, and what a delightful Scottie dog. Love it.
    Should anyone be interested in Meadow dolls, go to Meadowdolls.org where one can see all of the dolls made so far, their sizes, colors, etc. However, preorder or a special sale is the only way to purchase one directly. If you are on Facebook, on the Meadow site, people often list them for sale as well as on Ebay occasionally.
    Looking forward to seeing who’s up next for Jeanne. Costco has out all Halloween, décor now and a good start on Christmas. 🙂 Just thinking ahead.

    1. HI Joy and thanks for all your help with the Meadow dolls. Maybe you know the answer to when Mae was made… someone asked above…
      I’ve got to get in my sewing room and see who speaks to my heart for the next dress… maybe something Fallish…
      I did just pick up a piece of orange fabric the other day that I might turn into a cute dress set…
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, well now we add “toy maker” to your long list of accomplishments (smile). I love the little doggie. He parallels the one on her outfit.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m not sure this flat little Scottie dog would be considered a toy makers gem… it was pretty simple to make, but it turned out cuter than I thought it would. It would have been nice to have stuffed her, but hey, Mae loved her.

      Thanks for the compliment, Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Somewhere one of my comments seems to have not appeared or I forgot to post it. I’ve had several interruptions during my blog time lately and I’m not sure what I did or didn’t do. But I do want to say that I’ve enjoyed everything that has been posted even if I haven’t said so.

    I just love Mae’s outfit. She is so totally adorable. And now you are a stuffed (or unstuffed) animal maker. Another feather in your cap. I’ve always loved red shoes so that would have been my choice also. I agree with Mae 100% on that one. Great idea for the slip. Cute socks and beret. Sadly I don’t have a Moppet. I would love to have a go at this outfit.

    Today David is offsite at a job and it appears I have no grandkids today, so maybe I can keep my head on straight. Skyy and Jaiden are being homeschooled this year and Dionne is waiting till after Labor Day to get them started. But all their friends are back at school and since this is their first year of doing this they are a little nervous and not sure what to do with themselves at the moment.

    The decision to homeschool them had to do with Jaiden’s lack of self-motivation and the less she did the less was expected of her. She seemed bored with the whole process but I know she loves to learn and is an avid reader. Sky is very self-motivated but he felt like he was in a holding pattern. They went to a STEM school but it seemed the things promised for one reason or the other never happened. The program Dionne has them on is a learn at your own pace program created by a mother who homeschooled her children and she had several. On top of the learning situation their school had become a dangerous place for them for reasons I won’t go into. I’m praying that this all works out because any kind of private schooling is a non-starter. Money as well as location are a problem for that and Sean and Dionne are not in the position to move any time soon.

    In a few more days we can maybe “think” about the temps coming down. Even the 80s would be welcome but I wouldn’t mind the 70s. That truly is wishful thinking.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Thanks for liking Mae’s outfit and telling me so… I love making little girls dresses. When I was selling actual little girls dresses, my favorite sizes were 2-4T. Something about them just made my heart sing! You could make them cute and whimsical and not be so serious about them. They could have pockets or big bows or ruffles or colorful buttons… and everyone seemed to love them.

      Oh, how well I remember the start of homeschooling my kids way back when. Best thing we ever did! My very first Science class with them, I buried dinosaurs and other little trinkets in some plaster of paris like stuff… they had to dig the things out and then we talked about they found. It was fun…
      Hope they love it… there are good days and bad days so tell their parents not to give up when it seems like it’s not going well…

      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Barbara, I also homeschooled my daughter from K-12. She was very self-motivated and probably would have been bored to tears in a traditional school setting. The only subject that had any difficulty was math. Homeschooling provided the ability to spend extra time on a math concept if needed. She was/is a voracious reader (learned to read and four), so it also let her have tons of time to read classic literature as well as explore her main love of history.
      We belonged to a homeschool group for field trips, Phys. Ed (bowling, roller skating) and also a Christian girls’ group to have fun with homemaking skills as well as camping, nature activities, animals etc. It was similar to 4H. Then other homeschooled friends came over to play.

  9. Dear Charlotte, I’ll be thinking and praying for you tomorrow. Of course you can and should cry or sob. I can do that so readily for memories that are decades old of people or animals. it sounds like you have wonderful people to uplift you during this sad time and that you have everything in place for a wonderful service for Ron. I love that hymn and I’m not surprised that something so meaningful to both of you would be chosen when you need it most. God’s blessings and comfort to you!

    Mae’s whole outfit is really sweet and knee socks work so well with the overall look. I love the red shoes! The Scottie is cute toy. Looking forward to who is next.

    1. HI Laura,
      I’m glad you like Mae’s new “school” outfit. I just HAD to get one school outfit in this year… Maybe I’ll do something for Fall next. I AM looking forward to the cooler temps… Fall is my favorite season…
      Today is a bit warm… 94 right now…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    I love the outfit, Jeanne, especially the shoes and the cute doggie. You are so talented! I will look up when I got my Mae as it was when she first came out.
    I will send photos of the Snow White doll soon, I am in the middle of an order for nautical outfits, a dress for Mae and boy outfits to match for 2 more moppets.

    So glad you are having fun with your Mae.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, I heard, from our mutual friend, that you made an adorable outfit for the Little Darling in the Silent Auction at Modern Doll. I don’t think you included a photo in the ones you sent to Jeanne. I would love to see a photo if you took one.

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Jeanne, thanks for re-posting this photo. I do remember seeing it.

          My friend mentioned a dress so I was just looking for a doll in a dress. I didn’t realize it was part of a wardrobe.

          I bet the Little Darling who received this chest and her Mama were both very happy!

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, the romper you made is lovely. It has a timeless look about it. I just love the hat!

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