My Meadow Mae’s “dress” is all finished…

but…there is more to come, so please stay tuned…

I finished adding a tiny black bow to Mae’s collar and a few more red buttons to her bias cut straps. (I wish I had set the straps in just about 1/4″ closer to her neck, but I thought it would be too thick to have the lining, the dress fabric, the 2 sides of the straps, and the 2 sides of the collar and have it turn under nicely. Looking at it now that it’s all put together, I’m going to revise my bodice pattern and make it closer to her neck… so the next time I CAN move those straps in and have them go more down the front of the bodice, rather than slightly on the sides.)

The snaps were sewn to the back and covered by tiny white buttons.

The skirt was added with a black Scottie applique…

So now, it’s just about time to think about what else this set needs… I have 3 things in mind already… :o) (maybe 4!)

I laid Mae down so you could see where the hem of her dress comes to…

It feels pretty nice to have her dress completed…

TOMORROW, we will be treated to some pictures from Sissy who has just gotten back from the MDCC (Modern Doll Collectors Convention) held in New Orleans, LA. From food to dolls, you’ll love her pictures. I hope to see you Friday! (I’ll keep working on Mae’s “extras!”)

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “My Meadow Mae’s “dress” is all finished…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, this is turning out so cute!! Love the little Scotty dog applique. I see what you mean about the straps, though. I think I would have liked a red bow at the neck, but you may not have had the right shade of red to match the buttons; sometimes reds can be quite problematic to try to match! And of course the black bow looks just fine.

    Three or four more things, huh? Hm, well, some little bloomers or something for under her dress, I imagine, and perhaps a headband or bow for her hair, and maybe a little purse? Those are my guesses, anyway. Oh, maybe a bonnet of some kind rather than a headband…Hm….

    Anne, thanks for the tip about using Steam-a-Seam for your zipper. I haven’t tried that yet; I usually use Zipper Basting Tape (by Dritz, I think), which is water soluble so it comes out the first time you wash the garment. However, it sticks the zipper tape down quite well, and you can reposition it if you need to (and I often do! LOL). But I will keep the other in mind, particularly if it isn’t cooperating with the tape for me!

    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and prayers. Tomorrow we (our son, my pastor, and I) will go to the funeral home and arrange Ron’s funeral. I thought we’d be able to do that sooner, but apparently funeral homes all over are area are short-staffed. Can’t do anything about that overnight, that’s for sure!!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Your seat didn’t stay vacant very long and I know it may be hit and miss for a while, but it’s SO nice to see your name at the top of the comments again!
      We are praying for you as you face the next week or so… may the Lord bless you in all the decisions you have to give your attentions to.

      Those red buttons and the red bow on the Scottie dog are limiting my choices for a few things… but I’m forging ahead anyway.

      Well, I’ve been working on 3 of the things today… so we’ll see if you guessed right.
      Thanks so much Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, so cute, Jeanne! I love everything about it! I did notice yesterday about the straps being a bit too far over, but I see that you did too, and will fix future patterns. This looks better with the buttons on them, and you can see the straps better. The little bow is adorable, and I’m thinking a pretty little slip, panties, shoes and socks might be just what she needs! Oh yes, that Scotty dog is exactly the perfect little trim!

    Charlotte, thinking of you as you plan your dear Ron’s funeral. I do notice that many funerals here are delayed a week or so after a death, and I wonder if a shortage of people working in the funeral. Industry is a problem here too.

    1. HI Linda,
      If I hadn’t sewn the skirt on so quickly I may have been able to change it, but the bodice was already lined and the rick rack was sewn on, so I just decided to change it the next time I make a dress like this. Oh well…

      You may have guessed a few of the things I had in mind… you’ll see…
      You used to could find those Scottie dog appliques in the stores, but I had to order these online… no one was carrying them anymore.
      See you tomorrow, Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Ann and Charlotte , I really avoid zippers when ever I can. I really admire the jackets, I would never have tried that! I only sew and sell doll clothes now. I did have to do some really difficult zippers once. I was sewing for Helen Kish, she wanted 40 outfits for 14″ Snow White dolls for a doll shop.. The bodice was velvet and the skirt was taffeta. The zipper was the invisible kind and had to be sewn down through the velvet and the taffeta. I almost lost my mind doing those on that small bodice area.

    Charlotte, keeping you in my prayers as you plan the funeral. My heart is so sad for
    you, knowing how much you miss your Ron.

    Jeanne, the outfit is really sweet for school. I know you will fix the straps in a future outfit. I would like to see a littie more red, maybe with accessories? I am so happy you have Mae. I have an order for some nautical outfits for Moppets, one for Mae and 2 for boy moppets! That will be interesting to see! Will send pics if and when I get them done!

    1. HI Sissy,
      I haven’t put in a zipper in a dress in I don’t know how long… I don’t avoid them, but they aren’t my favorite thing… I have done a few in some jeans…they are the worst! But I have to give Anne big credits as her zippers look wonderful.
      Do you have any pictures of the Kish outfits you made with those short zippers? I think we’d like to see them and “groan and cry” with you. Then we’d rave over them, I’m sure!
      I’m trying to take advantage of the “red” on the pieces I’m making! :o)
      Thanks Sissy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  4. Charlotte, you are so sweet to be checking in. I am so pleased you are being so well taken care of. I do hope the time spent with your son, and all of the preparations go smoothly.
    I am comforted that you have friends to assist you.

    Jeanne, the dress is adorable. I know it takes a lot of focus and time to make such a sweet dress and it shows, the fit is lovely

    1. Thank you for your sweet compliments on Mae’s dress so far, Rosemary!
      I DO love to sew and I’m glad it shows!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Love the last additions to the dress. More buttons and bow, rick rack on the skirt, and the cute scottie. Too bad it wasn’t a kitty, but it will do just fine. πŸ™‚ I think a pair of matching panties would be cute and some red or white socks are in order. Also, a couple of red bows for her ponytails would be sweet.
    I know what you mean about the thickness of the fabrics near the neck. The dress I made from towels is a good example of thickness and fraying too. I’ll have to get a pic. I finally found some shoes. The outfit did turn out alright in the long run. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Joy,
      WE HAVE to see the “towel dress” when you find a picture of it… it sounds as horrific as the two piece bathing suit Cindy made out of terry cloth. YIKES!
      I’ve been working today on more “accessories” for Mae’s set.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Hi Jeanne,

    Love the black and white check! I knew you couldn’t resist a second moppet dress; they are so much fun to dress!
    I think red shoes and some sweet socks would round off this sweet ensemble but a slip, undies and a hair something or other would work too.

    Would you please email me Karens address if it’s ok with her. I have something I’d like to send her.
    I have been a very busy lady with my youngest grandson and my parents, but I still enjoy my Jeanne Marie time. Sometimes I get to read it daily but most times its two or three days’ worth. Anyway, I can squeeze it in works for me!

    I did want to say what a great job Anne did with those zippered hoodies! They are better than anything you can buy around here. What a good tip for inserting a zipper. Me and zips are not friends!

    Laura, I’m so very sorry to read of the loss of your friend. Prayers for you and her family!

    Charlotte, I’m sending you much love and my prayers continue as you go through this most difficult time.


    1. Yes, Ingrid, You guessed it… I knew I’d have to make Mae another dress right away. This is the dress I wanted to make her first, but I had already started those turquoise shoes, so I went with the turquoise/teal fabric instead.

      I’m having fun with this one, and I’m sure she’ll be in the limelight for a little while longer… I can’t help it.

      I’m so glad to hear from you when you get the chance, but I know you are VERY busy with your grandson and probably especially your parents.
      Check in whenever you get the chance…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. How sweet Mae looks. Yes, I can see the straps should be over farther since the buttons sit sideways, but you will fix that next time. The Scottie applique is very cute. I’m with Joy in favor of a kitty though. πŸ˜»πŸˆβ€β¬› Looking forward to the four things
    Thinking of you Charlotte as you plan Ron’s funeral. I’m glad you have a good support system.

    1. HI Laura,
      Oh how I wish I could move the buttons over with a snap of my finger, but it can’t happen without taking the dress completely apart… I’ll make it better the next dress I make… (like this style)
      I’ve been working on 3 of the things today… :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I knew that you would make another outfit for Mae. I think she has captured your heart. She is an adorable little girl.

    I am looking forward to seeing what you will add to her ensemble.

    1. Yes, Dorothy, Mae has captured my heart… I think it’s partly because she is so much fun to pose. She can literally do just about anything… and look almost like a real little girl would be doing it.
      I’ve been working on things today… so you shall see a little bit tomorrow…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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