My Meadow doll, Mae, now has a new dress!

The outfit I made to the fit the 13″ Dianna Effner Little Darlings, “Cool Culottes,” ends tonight on Ebay… You can see the listing by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Next up…
Here’s a picture of the baby chicks now in the coop. They love the extra room inside, but my hubby says he sees them “longing” to go outside… he told me they stand by the screen window and look out. They are still just a little bit too small to go out into the big pen, but he’s thinking about adding the fly pen he used when he had his Old German Owls. It is made from hardware cloth (1/4″ screen) and he can hook it to the side of his coop.

Now, I’ll show you Mae… I had started making her those turquoise leather shoes about 2 weeks ago and thought I might as well find something to match them. This fabric is a really close match, but it’s not showing the color properly in my pictures… It’s on the turquoise side and not this dark blue you will most likely see on your monitors or phone. It’s a little warmer looking than it appears… and very pretty with Mae’s blue eyes.

I used this blonde wig she came with, but it’s REALLY thin and flyaway… If you have an American Girl Julie doll or Caroline, this wig is like their hair… super super fine and very flyaway. I didn’t take any pictures of her with the other wig on, but I might and see what you think.

I have the dress all finished, but it doesn’t have any “embellishing” yet… I probably will do something…

I like the fit of the dress, but I’m going to make the next one just a bit wider across the chest…

You may have noticed she’s sitting in all the pictures. I am just a little bit nervous to stand her up on a hard surface… especially without shoes on yet… She is very heavy and if she hit the table her face seems like it would smash… I see ladies posting pictures of their dolls out on their brick walkways and on the top of deck railings, and I’m just not there yet… so for now, unless she has something to hold onto, my Mae will be sitting…

Since my pictures were of her sitting, I thought I’d lay her down so you could see where the hem of her dress came to…

Well, that’s what I did on the weekend… Mae and I had some bonding time… :o)

See you tomorrow or at the Finish Line of the Auction tonight! :o)
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “My Meadow doll, Mae, now has a new dress!”

  1. Karen from Kentucky

    It is nice to see Mae in a pretty “blue-ish” modest dress 🙂 Looks like the chicks are growing in their feathers. Fun times.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, Karen first! And where is that baby??🙂

    Those chicks do look like a healthy bunch and I see lots of eggs in the future for the Wiedlocher’s!!

    Jeanne, is this the same wig Mae had on the other day when you put it in pigtails? I like this color on her a lot! The dress is sweet and with some embellishments, Mae will look like a little princess!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I hope George, can attach that outdoor area for the chicks. I’m sure they will enjoy it. What a cute bunch. 🙂 How old do they need to be before they start laying eggs? Curious.
    I really like this color wig on Mae. She looks so cute in her new dress. Although, when she is standing, it might be a bit too long especially, if she is wearing her new shoes and probably lace socks. With the Mae here, I just kind of lean her against something. I’ve never used a stand. The Meadow girls are well balanced, I think. I keep looking back at her photos, and she is so adorable. There used to be someone who made great doll stands. Someone on the group’s husband. I don’t think he’s making them any more though. They had a sturdy wooden base as I remember. Everyone loved them. Might be something that George can manufacture.
    Glad to hear from Karen. I was wondering if the baby had arrived. Soon, I’m sure.
    Keep cool everyone and dry if you’re on the east coast with that storm heading up the coast.

  4. The chicks are so cute, I’m sure they will be happy to go out for some fresh air.

    Mae’s dress looks turquoise on my laptop. It looks like you made a larger version of your Little Darling dress pattern with puffed sleeves and the lace at the waist. Very sweet!

  5. Yay, Mae has a dress. Very pretty! Moppet’s feet are very small. I use American Girl tennis shoes on my girls. I stuff the toe with fiberfill and they can balance better. I look forward to seeing what else you make for her.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a sweet little dress. Can’t wait to see the embellishments. I think my monitor must do pretty well because when you say the colors might look different mine seem to be what you actually describe. And when I’ve won auctions the actual colors of the outfits matched what I was seeing on my monitor.

    I saw on the news at noon that Miami was already having flooding because of the rise in the surf. My sister and her husband are at their place in Florida for the summer and they are in the path of the storm/hurricane. I will check in with her shortly. And I see there is another out there that might come our way again. Some here are still getting over Beryl. We’ve given up on having a vegetable garden this summer. It’s hard enough normally with the heat, the bugs and the weeds, but with the storm and threat of another one and the fact that the planting season is actually past it’s not worth returning to square one.

    We had a pretty decent July, temps wise, but it seems August will be making up for it. Several days of high temps and humidity and little to no rain are in the offing. We’re definitely in the dog days of summer. September can still be hot but not as psychologically difficult. There is always hope for at least a cool front any time after the middle of September. When we moved to Sealy in the middle of August 1990 we actually had a lovely front come through during the time we were moving. Definitely a blessing.

    Still praying for a quick and safe delivery for Karen – soon. I was very fortunate in that I never reached my due date with either of my children. Andrea was due on 4/24 but was born on 4/9. Sean was due on 10/20 but was born on 10/14. I had a dancing class two days before Andrea was born but had to stop two weeks before Sean. I outgrew my corset and he was very heavy. Andrea was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and Sean was 8 lbs. 12 oz. which explains why dancing was not an option up till delivery time with him.

    I saw Dorothy on the video. Thanks for sending the link Dorothy. I was surprised there was anything left by the time she made it into the store, especially to be able to buy something she really wanted.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Barbara! Your babies were heavier than mine. Mine were closer to the 7 lb mark. 2 were 10 days late I think. The first was born on the due date. One was maybe 4 days late.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, yeaaa, you got to see me! The salesroom at these conventions is huge! It’s like going to an old time department store at Christmas time. Remember how big the toy department was? Well, triple that! There are aisles and aisles of vendors selling everything from antique dolls to modern dolls and doll clothes and furniture.

      If you want it, it’s there or someone can get if for you. Well, almost. I love Jeanne’s RRFF Violette but I couldn’t find her. She was a limited edition so she is very hard to find.

      Sometimes there are Regional Conventions. They are not so large as the National one but they are great for meeting friends and finding dolls.

      Many doll clubs have their own sales. They are smaller affairs but they are still fun to attend. I am placing a link here to UFDC’s Calendar page which lists the upcoming shows:

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Mae looks so cute in her new dress. It is the prefect color for her.

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