My first pair of My Meadows shoes for Mae…

HI everyone,
Thank you to the winner of the “Cool Culottes” tonight! I appreciate your winning bid and hope you’ll enjoy the set!

I didn’t have time to answer any comments today… too many irons in the fire here…

I’m making a meal for Bithar and Jean tomorrow and guess what I’m taking her? Corn Casserole! It’s her very favorite! Alba, from Colombia, South America, loved it too and Bithar has loved it since the first time I served it at my house… probably 6 or 7 years ago. I’m also making a Chicken Scroodle Casserole her family loves. So I’ll be in the kitchen tomorrow… Good thing I made some progress on Mae’s outfit today…

I made a pair of socks for Mae, just out of a white tights fabric I had. I added a trim that is stretchy and looks like a ruffle.

I also made her a pair of pantalettes with a bit of same lace trim on them at the hem. Plus, there’s a tiny decorative stitch in white just above the lace. Mae has quite a tummy and quite a bum so this was my first take on pantalettes for her…

Then lastly, I completed the turquoise leather shoes I had started earlier. They have a magnetic clasp and close with just a flip of the strap.

Let me show you some pictures…

I saw a video of a doll shoe making doing their soles with the stitching showing and tried it for these shoes. I think it looks neat this way…

I used little silver brads instead of a button for the shoes.

Here is an 8 second video showing how they magnetically close.

Here are the shoes without the socks. Her feet are unlike any other doll I’ve ever made shoes for. Most of the dolls have very symmetrical feet and toes… Mae’s aren’t! She has toes that go up and down and her heel goes in the back, making it harder to know where to put the strap. This was my first draft for a shoe pattern for her, and I AM in the process of making some shoe lasts out of Sculpey clay, so I will have to keep working on her future shoes…

All in all, I think they turned out pretty cute…

Here are her pantalettes with her shoes and socks on…

Here is a shot so you can see them from a little further back…

She and I both feel safest with her sitting on that bench again…

Mae told me she was tired of trying on shoes and pantalettes and she’s ready for bed…

Me too!

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “My first pair of My Meadows shoes for Mae…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m sorry I missed commenting on Monday’s post; it must not have shown up in my email until after I shut the computer down. And I’m still not seeing my name pop up automatically when I go to reply to your blog.

    I love Mae’s new outfit! The fabric is so pretty on her, and her shoes are especially wonderful! Almost makes me wish I had a Mae (or one of her sisters), but I have decided I really really don’t NEED another kind of doll to collect!! Hahahaha…..

    Karen, you and baby are in my prayers, for a safe delivery and good health for both of you. I’m sure your family can hardly wait!

    Dorothy, I went back and read your reply to my question, if the one I thought was really you. Yay, me! I found you!

    Ron and I voted today; a number of years ago, our state went to all mail-in ballots (boo hiss), but this time I was rather glad we did or he wouldn’t have been able to vote. However, he was not terribly “with it” today, and had a hard time holding the pen to fill in the circles. Since we think so much alike on so many things, I had gone thru the voters pamphlet and made a list, and then just talked to him about it. I even made sure I had him put in his hearing amplifier that he uses in church, so he could hear what I was saying, and I wouldn’t have to yell everything three times. The real issue for me came when it was time to sign his outer envelope. I had him practice first, and when I saw he was having trouble, I went and got Sammy (a caregiver) and had him witness, along with me, Ron’s signature, and then added a brief note that Ron has become extremely frail recently. I added my email address in case they have questions.

    Ron is still too weak to start PT or OT again. I have to say, I’m concerned, as it’s taking him so long to get over this pneumonia.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Charlotte, you are such an angel for Ron. God bless and keep you both.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thanks a lot for your prayers, Charlotte! I am praying for you and Ron, too.

      I like Mae’s outfit, Jeanne. Great job on her shoes, too!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Praying for you and Ron every day. You are definitely an angel. Here in Texas we have always had mail-in voting for people who can’t get out or over a certain age. But not everyone can do it. David and I always get mail-in ballots but still vote in person (not both lol). Living in a small town we have never had to stand in line longer than about 15 minutes in a general election. If we lived in Houston we would definitely rethink this. Sometimes the lines are so long there you have to stand for more than an hour. Sean and Dionne go first thing in the morning when the lines are the shortest

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, there you are! Thank you for the update on your husband. I will continue to pray for him.

  2. Mae looks so adorable in her custom shoes and blue looks sweet on her.
    You are an expert shoe maker, Jeanne

    I hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday.
    I did watch the first finally showing “artistic swimming” event yesterday, I guess it was “live”
    I thought the Canada team was the best.
    I really love that sport, it is just so adorable and fun
    Today I am going to clean my house up a bit, my oldest daughter and the kiddos are coming for a few days. Her daughters are 6 and 9!!!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Rosemary, I would think you would wait to clean up after they left, LOL!
      You are blessed to have your family with you. Do the girls like dolls?

      1. Dear Sissy Oh yes the after clean is the important one.
        Howeverrrrrr, hubbs and I are in the big house with a lot of stuff that needs to be packed or something. A lot of stuff on the main level is my parents furnishings and “stuff”
        So that is what I cleaned up. Basically put it all in the living room.
        My grand girls, just as my daughters and myself LOVE dolls.
        I have many of them
        I hope the weather is not too soggy for you today

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I love artistic swimming too. Two of my L’il Dreamers, Ashlynn and Alora (they’re fraternal twins), are artistic swimmers. They actually started when they were about five. After watching the Olympics they were fascinated by the sport and decided that’s what they wanted to do. One day while they were pretending to be artistic swimmers at their apartment complex pool one of the women who lived in their complex saw them. She had been a competitive artistic swimmer so she asked their parents if she could coach them. Of course they said yes. The family lives in a house now and they have their own backyard pool. It is enclosed so the girls can practice year round. They are very good and have won many competitions both as a pair and sometimes with a team. When they get to high school they hope to start an artistic swimming team since the school does not have one as yet only a regular swim team. I do love creating scenarios and that’s my scenario for them. Most of my dolly girls are musicians or dancers so it was time for something different and I love watching artistic swimming so it seemed a good choice.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Fun, Barbara, anxious to see them swim! I guess Artistic swimming is the same as what we used to call “water ballet”? I started learning it in high school when the Hotel on nearby Sea Island decided to teach some of us locals to do water ballet once a week when the hotel had their outdoor dinner. The life guards taught us and they also added to the fun on the high board. When I went off to college they had water ballet which I joined. What we did was fun but not exactly Olympic material, LOL!

      2. Joy in northern CA

        Oh, I loved the great swimming duo story. I’m rooting for them to start a new team. ๐Ÿ™‚ Will you be making new swim suits for them so they can practice in the pool you made? Hope so. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Where has the time gone? I want to get my outdoor watering done before it gets too steamy, and things just got a way from me here!

    First, I too, saw Dorothy at the UFDC convention in line! At least I think I did!

    Charlotte, you and Ron are in my prayers too. We only have mail in voting for people who canโ€™t make it to the polls physically, and of course absentee voting, but the vast majority of us have to go to a polling place to vote. I really donโ€™t mind, and our voting is today, so we will be voting soon!

    Jeanne, the pantalettes, socks and shoes are so cute and go perfectly with the dress! I do think Mae needs some pigtails with blue bows to look more โ€œfinishedโ€. Are you planning on the wig you bought and fixed up or this one? I do like this color a lot!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, hello. I hope you did find me. I was on the floor, not on the upper area. I was almost as you get to the elevators.

      I had fun in Missouri. I didn’t connect Kansas City with Hallmark movies until I got home and was watching one. I thought, duh, I could have gone to Hallmark studios and knocked on the door and asked for a tour (laugh).

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Charlotte, hope Ron has been able to get some stronger antibiotics. Maybe he already has, but if not, another call to the doctor with your concerns might help. Take care of yourself too.
    I like Mae’s dress with the cute socks and adorable shoes. The pantaloons seem like they are getting in her way though and cover up the socks. This one kind of reminds me of Little Bo Peep who lost her sheep. I love this color on little blondie Mae. ๐Ÿ™‚
    With the new format, all I have to do is click the name box and up comes my name and then click on the next box and my address appears. Then post. Easy peasy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Joy what are you talking about when you say your name appears? Mine always has to be filled in.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Linda, after you have typed a comment, there are boxes below. One says name. If you click on it, your name will come up and you can click again on it and not have to write it out. Same with your email. Hope this helps. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Thanks, Joy! Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Mostly it doesn’t!!
          Oh, ha, ha, it just did! You never know!

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Same here. But before, as soon as I got to the reply box, my name was already in place as you see it above your finished reply. So, although it’s still pretty easy, it’s different than it was (at least for me).

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love this outfit. The pantalettes look so cute with the dress and what’s not to like about matching shoes. I have a pair of those magnetic clasp shoes you did and I wish all my dolly girls had shoes like that. I like the socks too. Mae and Bailey are my two favorite Meadow dolls. Sadly I have neither of them.

    Dorothy, thanks for the link to the doll conventions. Hard to believe there is not a one in Texas. I see you have several in PA. I really need to move back. Unfortunately hubby thinks that’s not a doable deal. There is so much going on in Bethlehem these days now that it is no longer a “steel” city, I would like to at least visit from time to time but I’m not big on doing it myself and David has a mindset about the northeast that I can’t change. So I guess I’ll just keep living vicariously through the internet since I no longer have family in the area to visit. Sigh…….

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I will be on the lookout for a Texas doll show. There are definitely doll clubs in Texas. Let me know if you want information about them.

      Well even if you cannot come back to PA, it will always be in your heart!

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Would love to have information on doll clubs in Texas. You are so up on all those kinds of things, and I value your knowledge. As for PA always being in my heart, I have so many good memories of living there and it appears as we get older the nostalgia bug bites harder. For years I didn’t really think about it much. I was busy living life, but now that I have more time to think that’s where my mind seems to go. Did you ever see the play or movie “Trip to Bountiful”? When my daughter was in school we went to see the school’s production of the play. t’s the first I ever heard of it. I was much younger then and didn’t really relate to it, but I sure can relate to it these days.

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Barbara, Texas is in UFDC’s Region 3. The Regional Director is Karen Allen. Here is a link to the website which has her contact information:

          I have met her. I am happy to reach out to her and ask her to help you find a club in Texas or you can reach out to her yourself if you would feel more comfortable with that. If you want me to do it, then I will ask Jeanne to give you my email information and you can send me an email and I can connect you and Karen.

          I enjoy having a local doll club as well as making dolly friends via Zoom.

          I did not see the play Trip on the Bountiful. I will have to do a search on Google and read about it.

    2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Barbara, I have been to San Antonio twice with the MDCC convention. Next year it will be in Savanna,GA, just 35 miles or so from my house!!

  6. Praying for Ron, Charlotte. Maybe a more broad spectrum antibiotic is needed.
    Mae’s dress, pantalettes, and shoes are super cute.
    I also am quite certain I found you Dorothy in PA. I hope you had a wonderful time.
    The one Jeanne blog now comes to promo folder. I wonder if the Idream one is gone for good. I have autofill enabled, but I do have to click on name and email to have them show up.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, hello. I hope you did find me. I didn’t know that the UFDC President would be making the video or I could have done a different wave or something. Virginia isn’t too far from Ohio. Maybe you can go next year!

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the shoes! You really are amazing with how you take on an activity and perfect it.
    Mae’s dress is adorable. I don’t think she is going to want to give it up. You may have to promise her cookies AND ice cream (laugh).

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Dear Jeanne, I love Mae’s outfit and shoes. Looking forward to seeing more outfits you make for her.

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