My birthday present was a shopping trip… want to come along?

But first… a reminder…

TONIGHT on Ebay, my second dress for Mae ends. She’s my new 15″ Moppet doll, by My Meadow… Anyway, her black and white checked dress, “Sassy Scottie” ends and if you haven’t seen it, you can get to Ebay by clicking the picture of her at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

ALSO… today is Georgina’s 79th birthday! She lives in France, so let’s all wish her a Happy Birthday in French! Joyeux Anniversaire, Georgina! We might be separated by the ocean, and not fluent in French, but somehow we can come together, and talk about dolls and birthdays and we all understand perfectly! :o) I hope you have as wonderful of a day as I did!

For my birthday, this is what happened…
Two friends from church took me out for breakfast at a fun little place here in town…and I had French Toast! It was yummy! We visited for quite a while and then it was off to see what my hubby had in store for my birthday!

It was kind of funny… One friend gave me the Chocolate drizzle popcorn (to die for!) and the other friend gave me these chickpea snacks! When I got home and showed my hubby, he said, “well, I guess we were all on the same wavelength…” and he pulled out his snack for me… “Skinny Pop White Cheddar” popcorn! So I had to take a picture…

I have “trained” my hubby well to “shop for bargains!” :o)

He was ready when I got home and said we were going to Anna… his hometown. It’s about 20 minutes from here and there were some new places he wanted to take me. I took pictures along the way so you can come along beside me if you want…

He wanted some coffee so we stopped at Kiki’s Coffee shop…

It was a cute little coffee shop inside…

Most of the shops were on Main Street so you just walked from one shop to the next… or crossed the street to the other side.

The next shop we went in was The Farmer’s Daughter… It was SO pretty on the inside…

They had clothing, jewelry, purses, perfumes, shoes, and lots more…

This chandelier was ABSOLUTELY HUGE AND THE PRETTIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN. She said it came out of a old Hotel… Click on it to ENLARGE it… you can’t believe it.

There were 3 more smaller chandeliers in the shop too…

I did find a few things in there… my hubby insisted! Really he did, but I’ll have to show you later…

We went across the street to a little fabric shop. I’ve been there one time before and they have some fun fabrics… my hubby again insisted I buy something… so what did I buy? Civil War fabrics… I just can’t resist them…

Whie we were in there my hubby got to talking to the owner of the shop and was telling her how I sew for dolls and sell their dresses. She called to me and asked if I needed doll patterns and shoe soles from Pixie Faire? She said she had lots of stuff for dolls and didn’t have time to sew for them anymore and was just looking for someone to give them to! She gave me her phone number and I gave her mine… and she told she would get all that stuff together and bring it to the shop soon… and then give me a call so I could come and pick it up. It might be things I already have but it MIGHT NOT BE!!! Who knows…

Here are a few pictures from her shop…this was the outside… (until a car pulled right in the front as I was taking the picture)

The next thing we did was go to lunch at a little shop that was recommended. It wasn’t fancy at all but the food was good.

After lunch we hit Annabelle’s Market… I have the most pictures of this place. It is SUCH a pretty store with so many nice booths and a huge variety of gifts for you or someone else. I didn’t buy anything here… I don’t think…

I saw these “towels” and instantly thought I should email Joy to see if she wanted me to pick out any for the next dress for Stella! :o)

Someone had a booth with all these very pretty dresses; sort of bohemian styles, but very feminine and girlie!

These was such pretty earrings…

All kinds of soup and more mixes…

I loved these cat faces for the birds… zoom in on these too… they are SO adorable…



Just lots for anyone to find something they wanted…

I must have a thing about towels with sayings on them… they always catch my eye!

More from Annabelle’s shop…

We went to an old antique shop but it was too hot in there… only fans blowing in a few of the rooms and the heat index was over 100 degrees… so we left pretty quickly.

Our last stop was a Mennonite store… filled with all kinds of goodies… fudge, cookies, candies, cinnamon rolls, banana breads, salad dressings, a deli counter with meats and cheeses, aprons, cookbooks, and probably every kind of pickles on the planet and every kind of jam or jelly you could ever want. The store was immaculate and I’m pretty sure you could have eaten off the floor and been safe…

So…that was my birthday trip… did you have fun coming along?

I didn’t get back in time to work on Stella’s jumper so that will be finished soon…

I have a funeral tomorrow for my uncle and my brother is driving 5 hours to come too, so I was baking him a Fresh Apple Cake as I was writing this post. He can take the cake back home to his family…

Well the timer just went off, so I need to go… and then figure out what I’m wearing tomorrow to the funeral…

See everyone Monday, or tonight at the finish line of Mae’s new dress! See you!
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “My birthday present was a shopping trip… want to come along?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Happy birthday to Georgina! You are only a few months older than I am–I will be 79 in January! I think quite a few of us are in that “upper 70s” age group!

    It does look like you had a fantastic birthday, Jeanne! I would have loved to have tagged along with you and gone shopping at some of those stores, particularly the fabric store and the Mennonite store (the aprons were so pretty! Reminds me of the type of apron I make and wear–when I think about it–when I cook). Annabelle’s certainly had a wide variety of goods to offer.

    My condolences on the loss of your uncle, too, Jeanne. I have only one uncle left, and he is 101! He was the youngest of all my parents’ siblings, and still hanging in there!

  2. Happy Birthday to All the Kids on the sofa. Jeanne you had a perfect B-day, love when you can just do a let your hair down and do what you want day. I think I have told you before that I am your oldest follower. I was 89 in July and still keep very busy. We are
    heading to northern NH today for the weekend. Hope everyone has a happy Labor Day weekend. Love those new fabrics you purchased. We just can’t help ourselves to add to our stash!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    So I missed seeing that Georgina mentioned that her birthday is today, which by now in France is almost tomorrow! Happy Birthday Georgina, and many more!

    Well, Jeanne, you sure did hit the jackpot for a fun birthday! You didn’t mention your back being a problem, and it must not have if you did all that shopping! What a fun day you had! The town of Anna looks like something from an Hallmark movie! I love towns like that! There was no shortage of things to see in your pictures, and I did feel that I was along with you! I loved the Bird’s Revenge cat cookies, ha, ha! The Mennonite store was immaculate! We visited one in Iowa, much the same as this one, and were amazed at the variety of food that they had.

    My sympathy to you on the passing of your uncle. We spent 3 hours yesterday at a funeral for a dear friend and neighbor, and it never gets easy.

  4. Happy Birthday Georgina!
    Happy Birthday Jeanne. I really love the activities you did on your Birthday. I really like Anna, is a lovely town. The shops are really nice. I did enjoy your Birthday trip.
    Thank you Jeanne.
    Happy Labor Day Weekend for everyone.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Happy Birthday to Georgina. What a great milestone.
    Jeanne’s surprise birthday town tour and shopping experience must have been so fun. Did George manage to find a hardware store? How funny to see those towels. A bit more expensive than those from the Kohl’s sale though. 🙂 Glad Jeanne had a fun day and received some snacks too.
    Late start today as we were pretty tired after our very long ride up and back to the sierras. My back is feeling it today for sure. Hope Jeanne is on the mend.
    We have fog this morning, so it is nice and cool at the moment. Hope everyone has a fun three day weekend. 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      In my tiredness this morning, I completely forgot to tell Jeanne, that I’m
      sorry to hear about her uncle. It is wonderful that her brother will be able to attend the funeral as well. Making her brother apple cake is so thoughtful of her.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Happy birthday Georgina. Hope you have/had a great day.

    Jeanne, you certainly have access to the most amazing places to shop. That little town sounds lovely and all the stores looked like so much fun to hang out in. I’m going to go back and enlarge the pictures again. I’m sure I missed a lot.

    I keep having to remind myself that summer doesn’t really end until almost the end of September. It just seems like when the schools start back summer should be over but the heat lingers on – because it’s still summer. One thing I loved about living up north was Indian Summer. Nothing like that here. We’ve been getting some pretty good rain showers lately and more expected for the next week. Having the clouds does help with the heat but doesn’t make a dent in the humidity. I saw where it looks like we might have some kind of front coming through soon. The sooner the better. They usually help a lot with reducing the humidity.

    So sorry to hear about your uncle Jeanne. That’s the main thing I don’t like about getting older. I keep losing people from my life. All my aunts and uncles have passed away, some of my cousins, some friends and/or their spouses and my one younger sister. I guess I always assumed they’d be around as long as I was. My Christmas card list seems to get shorter every year. I keep the old list so I can remember when.

  7. Happy Birthday Jeanne! Looks like you had a great day. The lady who is sending you the patterns and Pixie Faire items couldn’t have picked a better person to gift them to!
    God Bless

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    What a great day, Jeanne! So happy for you. Your hubs telling the lady that you sew for dolls and sell reminds me of my Hubs. Peyton loves to whip out his phone and show photos of doll outfits I have made. I doesn’t this mostly to strangers!

    I am so sorry for your loss of your uncle. I only had one uncle that lived close enough for me to have a relationship. He was my great uncle, my great-aunt’s husband. When I would sleep over he would take me for a walk down town to visit his friends in various shops. If I admired some little something he would buy it for me. He also had change in his pocket and would put some in my hand. He was not rich but loved spoiling us. I really miss the old folks, and now I am one.

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, first, sorry for the loss of your Uncle. I am sure you have many great memories which can bring you comfort.
    Second, thanks for taking us along on your birthday adventure. I certainly had fun!
    I love that you will soon be getting a donation of items from the lady in the store.

  10. Happy Birthday to Georgina!
    Looks like a fun birthday trip, Jeanne. Some of the shops remind me of the shops we have or use to have here in town. Love the bird seed cat cookies! So very sorry about your uncle.

  11. Alors ,tous vos vœux ,venant de si loin, c’est un joli cadeau d’anniversaire . Merci de tout cœur. Ici ,pas ,de promenade dans les magasins ,mais la poupée mini Hanna est arrivée. Elle est vraiment très mignonne .J’avais déjà Gigi et je leur ai fait deux robes identiques.
    Jeanne, vous avez passé une belle journée ,dans une charmante ville ,avec votre mari. Mon mari a cuisiné le repas et ma fille et mon petit fils sont venus avec un gâteau . L’important c’est d’être avec ceux que l’on aime . Amitiés à vous toutes.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Georgina, Vous avez passé un merveilleux anniversaire ! C’était tellement agréable que ta petite Hanna soit arrivée avec sa sœur Gigi. Je suis sûr que vous avez adoré votre dîner d’anniversaire, en particulier la glace de votre fils et petit-fils !

      You had a wonderful birthday! It was so nice that your little Hanna arrived to be with her sister Gigi. I am sure you loved your birthday dinner, especially the ice cream from your son and grandson!

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