Little Dominic Raphael…

HI everyone,
I have something started for a new doll, but didn’t want to share it just yet… it’s in the works though… :o)

Charlotte left a comment yesterday evening, and instead of going back to see it… I will just post it here and if you want to comment on anything she said, you can do it right here…

Hello, dear Sofa Sisters, Thank you all for your many prayers and kind thoughts. I am hanging in there. As my neighbor has said, sometimes 5 minutes at a time is all you can manage.

Our pastor and his wife were down for a while (after Ron died and I got to his room–I was up at church practicing for Sunday when they called), and later two ladies from our church came and stayed with me until the funeral home came to pick him up. They held my hands and we escorted his body to the vehicle. And yesterday in church one of them said she’d had a bag packed and her phone by her bed in case I needed her during the night. I am well cared for!

Our oldest grandson came to church with me yesterday morning. I went ahead and played piano, as I figured it would be easier to do that than to try to sing. Afterwards there were 10 of us at lunch–three grands (plus the oldest one’s family), one bonus grand (who brought me flowers!), the mother of the grands, and other family. Ron had wanted the grandsons to each have one of his shirts, so I brought an assortment of his USMC shirts as well as a few other things for them to choose from. It was really a lovely day for me, and I felt really cherished and well cared for.

Francine, the apron turned out just beautifully! I can see why your daughter was so happy to have it.

Jeanne, the outfit is absolutely perfect, and I see you already have one bid!!

Gotta go…someone has come with food for me!!

Karen sent me some pictures of baby Dominic and the whole family… I thought you might like to see them…

What sweet pictures of all those girls with that one little brother! :o)
Thank you for sharing them, Karen! I hope you are getting some sleep!

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “Little Dominic Raphael…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you for reposting my comment, Jeanne, and again, thanks for all the lovely thoughts and prayers on my behalf.

    As I mentioned, someone had come with food: Tess (one of the ladies with me Saturday) and her daughter Alicia and brought me homemade lasagna and homemade apple pie! And Katy, the other lady that was here Sat., called me a couple of times today to make sure I was okay. Yup, I am being well cared for.

    Karen, thank you for sharing your pictures of little Dominic’s baptism! So lovely to see all you family, and how proud those big sisters look! I especially loved the picture of Marion holding him. She is quickly going from “young girl” to “young lady!

    I also loved that last picture of you holding him, although he didn’t seem Quite so happy in that one!!

    Jeanne, I see that your auction has three bids already!! I am thinking this might be one of those “nail-biter” auctions, where you’re not going to know the final results until the last minute!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am sending you so many blessings. I will also send you a personal email. Know that all of us here (human and doll) are holding you in prayer.

    2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Dear Charlotte, I am trying to keep up with the blog since I got back from New Orleans. I am so very sad for your loss. You and Ron had such a lovely relationship and long life together, and, because I have such a wonderful husband I can imagine how much you will miss him. Peyton and I have had only 27 years so far, not counting the year together in collage, and I am holding on to every minute we have together. God bless and keep you and send you His comforting love. I am so glad you have your church family, that is so important. Also your own family with you now. You will remain in my prayers.

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, I think I had more tears for your comment yesterday than even when Ron passed. It is so heartwarming to see so many caring people surrounding you and to know you are in good hands here on earth in addition to God’s loving hands. So great to see you back on the sofa so soon. We were going to take turns sitting in your spot to keep it warm for you awaiting your return. Know we will do that should you need some time away.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    For some reason, my comments from earlier would NOT work, so I am commenting again!

    I always check the previous day’s post before the current one, so saw that Charlotte had written. It looks like she has a good support system, and a lot of help, which is wonderful for her, to say nothing of the love and support we give her here, even if it isn’t a covered dish! Charlotte, I’m sure you know that Ron is no longer suffering and is enjoying his rest in Jesus’ loving arms.

    Oh my, little Dominic Raphael is adorable! Was that a special baptismal gown her had on? Did the girls also wear it? What a happy picture of the whole family, and I am guessing the two godparents! He is a beautiful baby, Karen, and you should be so proud!❤️. Thank you for sending the pictures to Jeanne!

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Linda! 🙂 So our friend gave him a white Baptismal suit with pants. The pants were too big. The top part was too big, too, but I thought it looked too good not to use. I put it over a white sleeper “baby bag” that Marion’s belated Godparents gave to her to wear in case she was a boy? for her Baptism, but she didn’t use it. Marion wanted Dominic to wear it though. I also prefered him to wear a robe/dress like King’s sons wore for their Baptism in the olden days rather than a pants, hehe. The girls all wore the same dress that Marion’s Godparents gave to her. Hope you have a great day!

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Karen, I am thrilled to see the photos of the baptism! I have taken photos of so many for family and friends, but not for a long time. Your photos are the sweetest ever! That little guy is so adorable and the rest of our flock are so darling. Thank you so much for sending the photos. God bless and keep you and your dear family.

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    Dear Charlotte, I am so glad you are being taken care of. Prayers continue! Thank you for your kind comments! I like those pictures, too. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing the pictures, Jeanne! 🙂

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Karen, it is so wonderful to see your pictures and especially to see the smile on your face. Blessings to you and your lovely family.

  4. Susette from Southern California

    I’m glad Charlotte’s many friends are taking good care of her. She certainly took good care of Ron.

    The pictures from Karen are wonderful. Such beautiful girls, mother and handsome daddy. Raphael looks like he’s come through everything well. Lovely story about the rainbow!

  5. Good Morning Jeanne. So nice to hear from Charlotte, I am grateful you have so much support from loving church friends.
    It is so lovely to see Dominic Raphael, we are so fortunate to see these pictures of his baptismal Christening. Such beautiful pictures
    Enjoy today everyone

  6. So glad to hear that Charlotte , is being well attended by her wonderful friends. Sounds like they are the best. Keep up your strength and rest when you can.
    Dominic, looks like he had a perfect baptism. What a great pic of the family. Hope Karen, can get some rest as well. Although, I’m sure her helpers will step up.
    Looking forward to Jeanne’s next creation. I wonder which doll will be the recipient? Can’t wait. 🙂

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thank you for having your sofa available to us as we celebrate lives just beginning and lives triumphant. You truly have allowed us to become a family.

  8. Thank you for sharing Charlotte’s letter – I’m glad she is surrounded by loving and generous friends. We send our love and care to her as well. This week will be long for her but she has great support and her faith.
    Also, thank you for sending the baptismal pictures of little Dominic. Karen, your girls are adorable and I’m sure they will be a big help with their baby brother. It was nice to see the baptism pictures with your family.

  9. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Dear Sofa friends, I am back from the best MDCC ever! The hotel was the oldest in New Orleans and some very rich person must have bought and renovated it because it is absolutely the must gorgeous hotel I have ever stayed in. True, the bedrooms are a bit small for two ladies, but it was worth it. The whole place was full of flowers and plants and all were LIVE! I can’t imagine the work to keep them growing. The food was the best I have ever had at any of the conventions. The help were all dressed as if they were going to a party, all in black dresses or suits with ties. The dining room help were in white coats and pants. Even the room cleaning ladies where dressed in black dresses with white aprons. All the staff were all so helpful and smiling. I felt like a queen! I will send a few photos though Jeanne soon.
    The hotel is the Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, LA, If you would like to see it.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, I am glad you had a nice time and you are back safe and sound.

      I am looking forward to seeing your pictures. I did see some on Allison’s Munecas Poupees and Dolls blog.

  10. So happy to know you have so many helpers to surround you, Charlotte. and that you are well cared for.
    Prayers are deeply appreciated for our neighbor friends and their younger daughter who unexpectedly just lost their older 50 year old daughter. My mom and I have known them as friends for 37 years.
    I’m so glad you sent photos of little Dominic Raphael’s baptism. Your girls are just adorable and Dominic is so cute. Marion looks so sweet holding him. I enjoyed the pretty picture of you holding him as well with your bright smile.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Very sorry to hear of the loss of the daughter of your neighbor. What a lovely friendship though of thirty seven years. I’m sure there are many fond memories.

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