Joy’s Stella doll made me choose MY Stella doll…

I was having the most awful time trying to decide who to sew for next. All the dolls were staring at me through the glass on the dolly cabinet begging me to pick them and I just couldn’t decide. I read over Joy’s story again today and decided, “Hey, I have a Stella too… and I was wanting to do something for Fall…and she does have that pretty long red hair… and I haven’t made anything for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends for a little while… so it was settled! I picked Stella from the back of the shelf and set her on the table and looked at her and then the real dilemma began. What do I make her now that I’ve chosen her? I bet I held ten different fabrics up to her but finally decided on this…

I’ve had this knit top for a while but hadn’t figured out what I was going to do with it. I sometimes buy things knowing I can cut them up for something later. I knew it would make a nice top for a doll as it was pretty thin, super stretchy, fairly delicate and decided to give it a go.

It ended up being a little more delicate and dainty to sew than I thought it would be… several of the seams had to be basted to hold them in place.

My back is still out of sorts, but I discovered if I sit for short periods of time and then get up and walk around a bit, I can manage a few seams at a time. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it’s better than yesterday. I was pretty useless. After a little bit of time I had this made…

I had already seen this fabric in my stash but there is only a fat quarter (18″ x 22″ piece of fabric) so it will have to be something simple… but look how it goes with the top! :o)

I looked at the selvage and it is called Heartland Harvest… I think I’ll call it Harvest something…

Now to figure out what to make to go with it… I looked online at some patterns for ideas… these caught my eye, but I’m still undecided… I might just make a pleated skirt with some straps…

This was a cute wrap around jumper…

I could make a romper too… I’ll see what you think…

Want to see the chicks? They aren’t chicks anymore… they are “young ladies!” (I carefully walked out to the coop because my hubby wanted to show me something in the yard.) The black ones are Buff Orpingtons… I forgot the others…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Joy’s Stella doll made me choose MY Stella doll…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, Jeanne, it sounds like that orange fabric was a challenge to sew (some of those lighter-weight knits definitely are!), but of course you figured it out!!

    And that houndstooth-checked fabric is just perfect with it!!

    Much as I love jumpers (especially that third one), I think this fabric just screams “pleated skirt”!! Can’t wait to see what you decide on, though.

    Ron’s funeral was today and all went well. His daughter and husband drove all the way up from Camas (down near Portland, OR), about a 3-4 hour drive, for it–and back after everything was over! All four grandsons were among the pallbearers, and they all looked so serious and grown up doing their job (they range in age from 16-1/2 to 23). The funeral service was lovely, and my cousin did his usual excellent job with the music.

    But the graveside service, with the military honors…..!!! I cried buckets, it was so touching. They even had a 21-gun salute for Ron!!

    I got a few pictures of the displays I set up, and my friend Tom and I both took some pictures of the doings just before the graveside committal, etc. began (and he got some shots I couldn’t get). It was a day to remember, for sure, and I certainly felt and appreciated the prayers. Thank you to those who sent cards, too. This is one very special group of ladies!!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, thank you for keeping us in the loop. I knew that all would go well as you are an excellent planner. I am glad your family was all there to surround you like a gentle hug. Prayers continue.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      It sounds like Ron had an amazing funeral and the graveside service with military honors sounds very emotional. So glad so many of Ron’s family could make it for the celebration of the life of an amazing man. It’s so good to see you are surrounded by lots of love.

    3. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      I am glad it all went so well for you, we will keep on praying for you grief takes time. We never ‘get over’ losing a loved one but we learn to live with it in time. Bless you.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, Stella is the perfect doll for fall with her beautiful red hair! I love the colors you have picked out for her outfit, just the thing for a pretty fall day! The blouse is so cute with the ruffles at the end of the sleeves, and I love the checked material too. However, checks are tricky to work with and I think that less is more when using them. By that I mean, simplicity in design, not so much in details to show off the checks. I really like the idea of the first jumper you have shown above. I kind of think that a skirt with straps is a bit too young for Stella. Straps are fine for 6 year olds, but I am thinking Stella is more like 10- 12 in age, to me.

    Charlotte, I am so happy to hear that the funeral went well, and completely understand the grief you felt at the gravesite services. I have attended a few of those at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery for relatives and they are very touching. Of course when it is your own husband, it is so much more emotional. Just be glad you didn’t have the funeral here in St. Louis! The heat index was all the way up to 108 here!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I like the colors you have chosen. The patterns make me think of “the cool kids” clothing from when I was in school.

  4. I missed commenting on Joy’s doll’s outfit yesterday. I thought the towel apron was really cute. And how genius to use with the embroidery. Her set up was cute too.

    Love the orange, Jeanne ,and that check! It reminds me of the jumpers back in my teenage years. Regardless of that, it’s great for this era too. Gosh, I vote for a jumper but a skirt would be cute too. I always loved the black and white ensemble you made Violette some time ago.

    Charlotte, you were on my mind all day yesterday. It sounds like a very memorable tribute to Ron and something to hold close to your heart. We can’t stand by you physically but we can stand by you in thoughts and prayers.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Lucky Stella, gets a new outfit. 🙂 I think the top came out just adorable for her. I really like that first pattern style for a jumper. Different and fun. I wouldn’t like the attached collar though. Just the plain jumper like the checked one on the right. Or, a pleated skirt might be cute too. The other patterns look more what 70’s to me. I do remember that wrap dress pattern. Made a few myself way back. Might even have a pic of one I made someplace around here.
    The chicks are certainly getting ready to be egg layers. How long until that happens? Curious.
    Turned out to be 96 yesterday. Way too hot for me. But, nothing compared to the temperatures Linda has been getting in St. Louis, though.
    Keep cool everyone.

  6. Wow, so sweet you made the top so easily with the stretchy fabric. Do you hand sew or serge? Your work always looks stellar, very professional.
    I love the top and Stella looks so beautiful with her red hair!
    Isn’t that fabric design called houndstooth? Not sure.
    The pattern ideas are marvelous!
    Your baby chicks did grow up into fine little girls and they are content.
    It looks like your hubby has a great and safe set up for those dears. They look quite happy

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I really love this shirt, especially the sleeves. The color is great. The color of the houndstooth fabric is wonderful and so Fallish. I’m a jumper person myself. I like the first one minus the collar. Perfect outfit for back-to-school for Stella.

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