It’s REALLY fun to own a poseable doll… like My Meadow Mae! :o)

It really is!!! But it’s REALLY fun to see a real live poseable baby too! I took a meal to Bithar and Jean (Zuan) this evening and got to see little Isaac Israel! He is adorable and I took some pictures. :o) Bithar said this was her quickest and easiest delivery of all her kids. She went into labor at 7:00 in the morning and had Isaac at 10:30, just a few hours later. She was thrilled that you all wanted to see her baby…and I’m happy to oblige her!

Here is a family picture of them all… except Bithar…

Meet Little Mister Isaac!

This was a good picture of her and Isaac…

…but I had to include this one… It looks like little Isaac is giving her a piece of his mind about something! :o)

Okay.. now onto today’s post and talking about dolls and the things that go with them…

The first thing I did today was make a new pair of socks for Mae. The ones I made yesterday were just too slippery on her resin skin… and they would NOT stay on her feet. So I made a pair of cotton socks and they work MUCH better…

I also altered the shoes a bit… I looked at probably 25-50 pairs of shoes on My Meadow Moppets feet to see what the best looking and best fitting ones looked like. I discovered the ones I liked the best were the ones where the top of the shoe was under the first joint (or her ankle joint.) So I VERY CAREFULLY drew a chalk line around the top of the shoe and cut off that extra top section… it was about 1/4″ or so… from side to side around the heel. Then I rounded those corners and found it made a BIG difference.

Here was how they looked yesterday… with the heel part a little too high in the back and on the sides…

The strap wouldn’t stay hooked to the magnet very well, because when the ankle moved up and down, it pulled the magnet off the brad.

So this is how they look now…

They fit just under that joint and it makes for a better looking shoe… I know this picture isn’t the greatest but I think you can see what I mean.

I also wet molded the heels of the shoes and made them curved like her heels actually curve…

Then I took off her pantalettes so you could see her cute little legs better and will either make her a half slip to hold out her dress or I’ll take the pantalettes apart and make them a bit shorter… more like capris.

I used some floss in the color of the dress flowers and ran it through the holes in the lace around her waist and tied a bow from some turquoise satin ribbon.

The other girls on the dolly shelf told Mae about the Dolly Toy Box and told her to pick something to go with her dress. She couldn’t find any turquoise animals but she found a fun reproduction Stieff bear. I may only have one of these bears I bought left… Anyway, Mae picked her and named her Clarice!

Then we started our Fashion Shoot. I was a little less nervous taking pictures of her tonight than I was last night. She has a locking notch in the back of her legs that keeps her pretty steady as she’s standing. It’s just so hard to pose her, and then step back and look at your camera to make sure the picture looks right, without keeping one eye on her at all times. If she started to fall, I think I’d probably drop my phone first… and grab her.

Anyway, I put her hair back in those pigtails and tied some ribbons in her hair. Then MAE did her magic!

See how brave (I am) letting her stand by herself. (As I’m looking at my pictures, I think I need to move her ribbon on the lace over just a little bit…it’s almost hidden where it is now.)

BUT… I do feel the safest when she is sitting…

These two were getting to know one another…

I liked her sitting down on the “floor!” I just couldn’t decide which picture I liked best… so here are all three! :o)

Well, that was my day with Mae! It was a busy day but still I feel like I got a lot done…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “It’s REALLY fun to own a poseable doll… like My Meadow Mae! :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what wonderful pictures of Bithar and her family. That little Isaac is sure a cutie! The other children have all grown quite a bit since the last time you shared pictures with us.

    Mae’s outfit is wonderful, and I do see what you mean about her shoes–they are so much better when they have been trimmed down in the back. I really love her hair in the two ponytails, too–it’s so cute on her!

    Thank you, everyone, for your continued prayers and concern. I will call Elizabeth in the morning and see if I should call his doctor about possible antibiotics again. I’m not sure if it’s too soon yet or not, but last Thursday the PA said that if he didn’t respond well, to call his doctor in 5 days, and it’s that now. He really isn’t coughing nearly as much; it’s just that he’s so very tired right now.

    Barbara, I loved your story about Ashlynn and Alora, your two artistic swimmers! I don’t often have storylines for my dolls, but my friend Marika does for hers. It so much fun!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I loved the wonderful pictures of Bithar and her new little Issac, not to mention how happy the rest of the family looked! What a wonderful family that puts “family” first! Now all we need to see is Karen’s newest cherub!

    The shoes look much better, Jeanne, and more comfortable for Mae too! I can’t get over how much you obsess over things, and you manage to make everything better than when you first started! You don’t give up!

    I love the sweet little dress with the bow at the bodice, just perfect for a little girl! And her hair is darling! Most little girls with that very light colored hair have thin hair, and so that works out exactly how she should look! The cute bows are an added plus!
    Those poses of her sitting down are so cute, I can’t even decide which I like either! She embodies the innocence of childhood, which makes her so endearing to me, and others, I am sure!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I just added a message to Joy on yesterday’s blog. Not sure if you saw it, but I said that my name automatically comes up once in awhile, not always. Then when I was going to put my name in the space, it automatically DID show up! Tricky!

  4. C’est vraiment un beau bébé et sa maman est ravissante. Ses chaussures sont mieux ,maintenant, et l’ensemble est charmant. J’espère que vous regardez ,un peu ,les jeux olympiques ,pour voir de belles images de Paris et de la France. Et ,en plus, il fait beau temps… Amitiés à vous toutes. Georgina.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh yes, Georgina, I do watch the Olympics and see the beautiful scenes from your city! How lucky you are to see them all the time! Have you gone to any of the competitions?

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I haven’t been watching the Olympics but I have had the privilege of visiting France several years ago. We stayed in Paris for a few days and then visited Sainte-Mère-Église, Mont St. Michel, and the beaches of Normandy. One of my favorite experiences was out in the countryside on our way to Calais. We stopped at a little country cafe and had a lovely meal. Having only had two years of French in high school my conversational skills were limited so when the waitress asked if we wanted dessert I said yes but when she asked what we wanted I was clueless. She was a young girl, probably the daughter of the owner. She was so sweet. She ran and got pictures of the desserts and we picked one from the pictures. I truly enjoyed my visit to France and Paris and would love to return at some point.

    3. Joy in northern CA

      Yes, definitely watching various events in the Olympics. Love the views of Paris too. I’ve only been to Paris once, but it was so memorable. A fabulous city.
      And I do have French in my DNA. My relatives were from the Alsace-Lorraine area. 🙂

  5. Joy in northern CA

    What wonderful pics of Bithar, Jean, little Isaac and family. Baby looks so sharp.
    And little Mae in her photos has also arrived. I love the ones where she is sitting on the backdrop with her feet in front. That’s how they used to pose most children, way back. The shoes now are so much nicer with the lowered look. Dress is sweet and her little bear an adorable addition. Wow, so much fun.
    Have to rush with an early appointment.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I missed your comment yesterday and was looking back to check out a comment from Dorothy in PA when I saw yours. According to my scenario, Ashlynn and Alora have a wardrobe of bathing suits since they are in the pool almost daily. In truth they haven’t a one. I asked Kathy Anne to create one when she had the chance but she hasn’t been able to so far. I may see what I can do myself since I have some bathing suit patterns I could probably reduce in size. I was thinking an artistic swimming photo shoot would be a good idea for Ashlynn and Alora. They do love to perform.

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    So nice to see Bithar’s family! Isaac looks so sweet.

    Mae and her teddy bear look lovely, too.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Thanks so much for the pictures of Bithar and her lovely family. Baby Isaac is absolutely adorable. The other children are really growing.

    Little Mae is so cute and looks precious in her lovely outfit. One of the pictures, the second from the bottom, reminds me so much of a picture of my sister Bea when she was little. Same pose and she was holding a bunny. It was one of the few times we had formal pictures done by Olan Mills. Back then they were very pricey and there weren’t a lot of other options for anything but candid photos. The change to the shoes worked well. Glad the socks are working better. And I love her ponytails. I remember my sister having very fine hair also.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, please see my last comment from yesterday and let me know how to get you the information. Thanks.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I wouldn’t mind if you would put me in touch with the woman that heads up Region 3 of the UFDC. I’ve never had much luck finding a group in my area and with all that’s going on around here right now I don’t want to commit myself to starting one and then find I don’t have the time, but it would be fun to see what is going on in the Region 3 world and see where I might fit in. Either Jeanne can give you my e-mail or she can give me yours, whichever you prefer.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the children are adorable. Blessings to the family.

    Mae looks so cute. The dress is perfect for her. I think you are going to have to make another one because she is NOT going to want to give up that beautiful ensemble.

  9. She’s very cute!! But, I’m (pretty) sure she’s WAY out of MY budget, but I’m curious how much she costs. Also, would it be possible to show us her and a RRFF side by side so that I can get an idea of her size, pretty please?

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