I can’t believe I’m going to show you this doll dress!!

You are going to think I’m crazy when you see it… but keep in mind, it’s in the “early” stages of being constructed… the skirt is gathered up, the sleeves have cuffs on them, the waistband is just wrapped around the bodice and skirt to hold things together…
Well, actually, the whole dress is just pinned on American Girl, Rebecca, who is modeling for me today… she was in standing in front on the dolly shelf, she had green eyes to match the leaves in the fabric and her hair wasn’t going to get in the way. It was an easy choice.

Maybe this won’t be TOO fancy that Rebecca or Addy couldn’t wear it for a school dress… do you think?

I’ve had this blue fabric for a few years and loved it when I bought it, but never got around to using it. I bought it with a Civil War dress in mind… so I guess the time was right!

The bodice is constructed, but you’ll really have to use your imagination on this one… I promise you there will be a HUGE difference the next time you see it. At least that’s what I’m hoping for.

I looked through my vintage buttons and vintage “looking” buttons and found these three. I’ll have to see if there is a consensus on which one to use… I know the small blue one is blurry… but I didn’t notice it until I was writing this post… just use that picture as a guide for the size of that button.

14 thoughts on “I can’t believe I’m going to show you this doll dress!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I can see why you like this fabric, Jeanne; it is certainly interesting. I love that some of the “stripes” look like lace! Keeping to simple, plain white for collar and cuffs works very well.

    As to the buttons, I like either of the first two better than the third one, at least with this fabric. I think that blue rose is beautiful, and might be pretty with a lighter blue ribbon bow or rosette underneath it. The cameo is lovely, too, though, and certainly picks up the colors well.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Such a pretty shade of blue, Jeanne! The lacy border really dresses it up and makes it look special! I too, love the white cuffs and collar! This is going to be another winner for sure! I do like that cameo with the blue background, but would like to see the buttons pinned on with the view of the whole dress first before making up my mind.

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it is a pretty fabric. Wearing it, she looks more like the schoolmarm than a student. So the concept still works, I think. It’s just a more grown up look.

  4. What a pretty surprise on a Monday! Like Linda I also would like to see the button/ brooch from a little further away. So far I like the light blue, it catches the blue roses in the material. Can’t wait to see other comments they are always so much fun.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, that fabric is a dream. I really like the lace accent. I wonder how the fabric would look horizontally cut for a skirt? just curious. The color is lovely too. As to buttons, the first one seems to stick up too much. The second, cameo is too large. But the little blue baby bear button is just right. 🙂 I think this will be a lovely dress for afternoon tea or a stroll on the town square.
    We had a guy come and look at the retaining wall we want to replace. Can’t even start for a month. Other person didn’t want to tackle this one, even though it is quite doable. So, we’re back to the thinking stage. 🙂

  6. hahaha Civil War … indeed
    I love this dress “mock up” and it is beautiful fabric.
    I love all of the buttons and trims. Wow

    Happy Monday every one.
    Busy week here. “cooler” weather, I will take it
    Stay out of trouble and enjoy yourselves (can we do that?)

  7. Excellent! A Civil War dress is chosen. That blue stripe is so pretty. I love blue! As to the buttons, a cameo would usually be my first pick. Then I really looked at the third button. It seems to pull out the more subtle colors of violet and light blue in the fabric and the scrolls mimic the leaf vines. A very nice contrast. I’d like to see it from farther away to be sure.

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Well, I will miss you as I leave the sofa tomorrow until Sunday. I will try to send some
    photos of MDCC when I get back.
    Y’all have fun and behave your selves!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, you’re so lucky to be able to attend. Have a wonderful time and check out the Connie Lowe dolls if you can. I want another so much. Maybe some day. 🙂

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    Wow! Beautiful color, beautiful fabric, and the perfect design for the dress. It needs a big brimmed hat, probably simply but elegantly trimmed.

    I like the last two buttons — I always like cameos and this one is framed nicely. The last button is especially pretty, but like everyone else, I want to see them with the whole dress to be sure of the proportions.

    For now I’m calling this Summer Lace. It’s a lovely transition dress. I think Rebecca has been invited out for tea.

  10. what a nice fabric ! I like the lace printed on it. I hesitate between the first and the third button. Both of them are perfect.
    Have a nice day.
    Sophie in Brittany.

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