Civil War neck pieces and some garden pictures from Joy!

HI everyone,

It looks like we are still on Baby Watch for Karen… I hope he comes soon! (I bet Karen does too!)

Well, you won’t believe this, but I still haven’t made a decision on the neck pieces for Rebecca’s Civil War dress. I tried a black ribbon but it’s too stark… there is no black in the dress and it just looks like the wrong color. So, I played around with these 3 pieces… a blue wired ribbon, and white heirloom lace piece and that same olive green dotted fabric.

Okay, so here’s the problem… the button is so small, it gets kind of lost by itself… it needs something else added to it, but the button is so small, it’s hard to fit anything under the bottom of the button… the button needs to be in the middle of whatever is put there…

Plus, if the button is stitched onto the collar evenly spaced on the white collar, it totally gets lost under the dolls chin… It has to be scooted down at least with half of the button on the collar and half on the fabric.

I tried the blue ribbon first… shaping it like there were 3 layers, then cinched it up at the top. I even tried putting a little blue elastic cord around the button and fastening it to the blue layered ribbon… this ribbon was too wide, so when I cinched it up, it really doesn’t fit under the bottom half of the button. Here are a few pictures of it… mind you, it’s just laying on top so it’s not necessarily centered where it would be if it were sewn on…

Then I tried a piece of white heirloom lace and gathered it up in a half circle, but it didn’t do much for me either…When I moved the half circle of lace up to the line of the collar, it was hard to tell it was a piece of lace…

So I went back to that scrap piece I hurriedly cut out and fringed and tried it in a different light… not on the doll, because you can’t see it under the neck because of the shadows… but laying flat right under a light.

It’s a perfect match to the olive green leaves in the dress… whether it shows up that way or not on your phone or computer…

These are a few more I took of it… I’m sorry, but it really is my favorite… it gives the dress some pizzaz beside just being blue and white lace…

So does anyone have any different opinions about it now? Or should I just keep looking for something else. I don’t have any other sheer lace to use… and I don’t have any blue ribbons unless I used a satin ribbon and tied a couple of loops instead of a bow and put it behind the button.

Now for something from Joy…YUMMY!

Well, I took some pics of our garden. Nothing like what George does, but thought he’d like to see.

Showing our cucumber and tomato plants and my zinnias. Pic was taken after picking the ripe tomatoes.

Our favorite pup next door Winnie is shown with her nose through the fence waiting for me to give her a half little milk bone. She is the best pup ever.


Thanks Joy… I hope we have the picture issues worked out now… they worked great this time…

I will see everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

35 thoughts on “Civil War neck pieces and some garden pictures from Joy!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Lots to look at tonight, Jeanne!

    I really like the look of the loops of that medium blue ribbon, although I think it would be better if the button could be placed lower on it. Did you try removing the wire and see if that worked any better? I’ve sometimes done that–used wired ribbon for something but removed the wire because it was just too stiff with it in.

    The lace is pretty too, especially since it does highlight that “lace” effect in the fabric.

    The olive green tiny dot fabric is, I think, more accurately presented as to color this time. I wonder why that is?! But, no, not my favorite of the three.

    Joy, your garden and its produce look wonderful! I loved seeing your zinnias, as, when I was a child, that was always what I chose to plant into my little row in mom’s garden!

    Winnie looks like a darling little pup!!

    Karen, I’m still praying for your and baby! So nice that the girls got to see the ultrasound pictures.

    Thank you everyone for the prayers and good wishes; they are much appreciated. Apparently Ron’s time is getting quite short (less than a month, probably much less), which I sort of figured out.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Oh Charlotte. This is such a difficult time of life for you. As well as prayers I’m sending a huge virtual hug to you. Wish it could be a real one.

    2. Marilyn in Colorado

      I know this happens to everyone, but that doesn’t make it easier. The only thing that does is knowing that you have done the very best for the person you love. I remember going into the grocery store and thinking, “Surely I could have done a better job cooking for them [my parents]” and then asking myself, “How?” We really did everything we possibly could and have since realized that we really needed to have taken better care of ourselves — so don’t forget to try to do that too. The three of us that did the work look at each other and say, “Yes, but think how we’d feel if we hadn’t done everything we did.” There is no happy medium. You just do your best and then acknowledge that you did it.

      Of course we miss our parents but having no regrets means we can remember the funny things and all the things we got right. You will have so many good memories.

    3. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Dear Charlotte, I am so sorry, I’ll keep praying for you both. Especially for you. Stay strong, Kia Kaha

    4. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, Charlotte, I’m so sorry. Please know that I’m thinking of you and Ron, and hoping for the best. Please take care of yourself too, so you can be strong for Ron.

  2. I really like the fringed olive green with the small blue button. Both those colors seem to pull out the same colors in the dress.
    Love Joyโ€™s pictures. My zinnias never came up this year so glad to see hers did. They say โ€œgood fences good neighbors makeโ€ but milk bones are even better! Lol

  3. Adorable neck adornments. I do like the green so very much, as Dorothy stated.
    Joys pictures are amazing. Dorothy, my zinnias did not come up either. I am not sure if it was the early pouring rains, then drought and heavy rains, the garden did not get my tender loving care as usual. Mosquitoes were horrible this year and I was not up for having 12 bites at a time over the whole summer.
    I do love zinnias so much. I love her garden.
    Last Fall, still in grief emotional madness, oh, about mid November, in my winter coat and gloves I planted 100++ tulips in my gardens in honor of my parents, I cared for them fully for 10 years after mom had her stroke. Long long long story and adventure. Mom went to Heaven in 2016 at 93. Daddy lived on until June 2023 and went to Heaven at age 99 and 1/2. I can not describe the joy and crazy adventures we had. Both of my parents were active and adventuresome. Long story.
    Okay, so This March those tulips came up all over the yard, It was madness, just wild happiness and I did sob a few times. I took a lot of photos to share with my siblings
    Happy Thursday everyone.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      You were definitely blessed with some great parents and shared many years together. I know you miss them terribly but they live on in the beautiful tulips you planted in their memory. Each spring it will be like a wonderful visit from them.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      What a wonderful way to remember your parents. Seeing the tulips pop up must have been delightful for you and family.

      1. Dear Joy, It was an amazing shock and delight. I had forgotten about them since they were planted so late and very quickly.
        I was tearful and felt so happy

    3. Charlotte Trayer

      How lovely, to have all those tulips–and all those memories of your parents, too! My parents have been gone 17 and 19 years now. Still miss them but lots of good memories. They sustain us when we are feeling sorrowful! And yes, there will be times, even years from now, when things may still make you cry. And that’s okay!

      1. We are fortunate to have had such happy memories.
        I know many that have not, but I can say my parents were the very best. A long story for sure. They lived through WW2 in Rotterdam, all their lives, and met after the war. My dad was a POW with the nazi Razzia they had in 1943

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thank you so much for showing my photos yesterday. I had so much fun telling about my trip to Convention. I realize that I left out the “education” part when we went to seminars and programs. I will have to put together a little piece on what happens at Convention as we draw closer to the 2025 Convention in Norfolk.

    Thanks to all of the Sofa Sisters who made comments. I am happy to answer any questions.

    I am looking forward to Sissy’s report when she returns from Modern Doll.

    I like how the dress is coming along. I am happy that Mae’s dress sold so quickly. I am sure that Mae is not happy but you will make her another one soon and then she will be happy.

  5. I canโ€™t make up my mind on the button and bow. I trust your judgement Jeanne. The dress is beautiful and Iโ€™m sure whatever you choose, will be lovely.

    Wow- Joyโ€™s garden is fabulous. Everything looks luscious. Those tomatoes!!! Thank you Joy gir sharing your wonderful garden. I can see how the hard work is worth it. Loved Winnie wanting her treat! So cute!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I actually like the blue ribbon and the effect it has. Kind of like a jabot. Thanks for posting Joy’s pictures. The picture of her tomatoes reminds me of what my kitchen counter looked like each day before Beryl. I’m very thankful we suffered no greater damage than losing our vegetable and flower gardens, but it was the first year we had planted a garden in years and it was doing so well. It was a disappointment to lose our veggies, especially since Sean’s suffered the same fate, but we’ll try again next year with hopefully better results and hopefully minus a hurricane.

    I can now say for sure that my monitor is showing true colors. The other day when you said the leaves were green, my monitor showed they were more brown. But when you said they were olive I knew I was seeing the right color because that’s what mine looked like. I really, really love this fabric.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So sorry for the garden loss this year. If I could, I’d send you some of our excess. Too bad we aren’t closer.

  7. I will also leave the ribbon choice up to you, Jeanne.

    Your garden looks wonderful, Joy. Your tomatoes look great. Are the cherry ones Sweet 100? I love homegrown veggies. Your zinnias are so pretty. My grandmother always had them and I love them also. So bright and cheerful. Your little garden watcher Winnie is adorable! I’d be ready will a treat for her each day as well.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Very late today as I had early dentist, no cavities, and then we went for our walk.
      For the bow, I love the blue. Looks very regal. However, I would like to see it done horizontally with perhaps one less loop, so it would fit nicely under the white collar. I think the button needs to be centered on the blue and not above. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the garden. Time to head out and water. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Whoops, accidently put my comment under your post. I wanted to tell you that you guessed absolutely right. The cherry tomatoes are Sweet 100’s. Love those. ๐Ÿ™‚
      If I’m out in the backyard, and Winnie happens to be out too, it isn’t long until I start hearing a little whimper. Then, it gets louder, and finally maybe a little bark until I answer and tell her okay, Winnie, I’m bringing your treat. I always have to remember to put a half biscuit in my pocket or I’d have to climb those thirteen steps and two decks to go back inside and get the treat for her. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, finally here, Jeanne! We had to take our car to the dealership for a repair, the. To Mass for the day, and before you know it, it is almost 11:45!

    First, what can I say about the ribbon? Well, the blue looks so very pretty, really my favorite, and like Barbara said, looks like a jabot. I just wish you had picked a bigger button, so that it doesnโ€™t get lost there. Just one of the pictures showed the green, but it was almost like lime green, the others were like mustard yellow, so I cannot really decide on anything without seeing the correct coloring.

    Joy, loved the pictures of your garden! Zinnias remind me of my 4-H days, and learning flower arranging for our local county fair. They have always been a favorite of mine!
    Oh my, those yummy looking tomatoes! If I ever plant a veggie garden, tomatoes would be the first thing I would plant! Love them!

    Little Winnie knows a good โ€œdealโ€ when she sees one! What a lucky little dog! Thank you for sending pictures of your garden, it is one to be proud of!

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m with Barbara on the style of the blue ribbon. What would it look like with the cameo? I like that button a lot, but what if something bigger looked better?

    Or — do you have olive green ribbon like the blue ribbon. Would a solid green look better and set the button off more? I agree that the green is nice contrast but I’m not sure about the fabric.

    You will solve this — you always do. Isn’t it funny, the unexpected things that cause the problems?

  10. I’m repeating my comment here as, I accidently put it under Laura’s.

    Very late today as I had early dentist, no cavities, and then we went for our walk.
    For the bow, I love the blue. Looks very regal. However, I would like to see it done horizontally with perhaps one less loop, so it would fit nicely under the white collar. I think the button needs to be centered on the blue and not above. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the garden. Time to head out and water.

  11. Karen from Kentucky

    Hi ladies. I think I am in labor. Please pray for me. I especially like the dog picture, Joy ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for praying everyone <3

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Oh my gosh, labor. So hope all goes well for you. I’m sure your girls are so excited. Take care and hopefully, tomorrow will dawn with a new little one at your place.

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Praying here, too, Karen, although he may have already been born by now! But I also prayed for you earlier today!!

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