Black and white with a hint of red…

Hi everyone,
Charlotte, you are in all of our hearts… please know we love you and are praying for you in this most difficult week.

Laura, I saw where you lost a long time friend as well. We will be thinking of you and her family this week as well.

Sissy, it’s nice to have you back from MDCC… It sounds like you had a wonderful time… I saw Allison’s video of the salesroom and all I can say is, “it’s a good thing I wasn’t there!” I spotted several little cuties that stole my heart.

…and this just in from Anne in New Zealand…
Hi Jeanne
It took a while for Sam to send the photos to me. These are the jackets/sweatshirts I made for Kai and Seb. I should have taken the photos myself but it has been really wet and miserable here lately and too wet to take the photos in the garden. Sam took these when they went to the Air Force Museum. I don’t know what Kai was wearing under the jacket but she isn’t nearly as big as the photo makes her look. The words on the back say SPYDER. I have no idea what TV show it is from but it was all designed by Kai. The first adult garments I have made for a very long time.

I know those took a LOT of time to make and you did a GREAT job on them! I can’t even remember the last thing I made for myself… pity, isn’t it?

Okay… so what’s black and white with a hint of red?

It’s a new dress I’ve had in mind for Mae ever since I got her. I almost wanted this dress to be her debut dress, but the turquoise one turned out to be just fine.

Last night, I had gotten this far on her dress…and things appeared to be going along okay…

…but today when I tried to turn that collar under with the lining fabric… it was just too thick. This particular black and white check is a woven fabric and a bit thicker than what you should use on something with a collar. Here’s a close up of the weave…

BUT… I was determined to find a softer, more lightweight piece of black and white check in my stash of fabrics. *BooHoo*… I had nothing… I had 3/8″ check, Microcheck, flannel check, houndstooth check, and a wool black and white check… RATS!

What did I do? I hopped in the car and went to Hobby Lobby. I was in and out in a flash… Rushed back home, cut out a new bodice and sleeves and started again… So this is what I have made so far…

The kitty is there to prevent any nudity…

I drafted that collar and it took some doing… it’s difficult enough to get an adult collar to look just right, and this thing is about 2″ by 2″… pretty small. Anyway, I got it sewn on and the sleeves set in.

As I was looking at my pictures… my sleeves have one puffed up and one flattened down…

I added some little straps with rick rack underneath and red buttons on top… I’m not finished yet…

There… I fixed the sleeves and took another picture…

Does this dress look familiar to any of you? My dress for Isabelle years ago was my inspiration!

Hopefully, I’ll have more done on the dress tomorrow…

See you then…
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Black and white with a hint of red…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you everyone for all the support. Yes, I have many lovely friends. Today I cut some of that lasagna up and now have SIX good servings in the freezer, and enough left for some more meals yet! I don’t think I’ll need to freeze any of the pie, though (haha!).

    Laura, I will keep your friends in prayer; it has to be the hardest thing to lose a child, no matter how old!

    Anne, those jackets turned out very well, and the zippers (which can be difficult when sewing in knits) turned out quite well. I do love sewing on knits a lot, but have to admit that inserting zippers into knits can be challenging at times!

    Oh, I do know what you mean, Jeanne, about that fabric just being too thick to turn nicely. Some fabrics just are that way. You found a suitable substitute for that check, though, and if this dress is half as cute as Isabelle’s that you showed us, you will have a real winner again, I think!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    It’s so good seeing how we care for each other here! It’s comforting to know that Charlotte is being helped by so many, that little Dominic has been blessed with a loving family, and how we show our sympathy with others on the sofa. You have certainly created a wonderful circle of friends here, Jeanne!

    Anne, you did an amazing job with those jackets! Just think of doing all that work for one, and you made TWO, and they fit perfectly! Thank you for sending the pictures to Jeanne!

    Oh, that cute little Mae! She looks adorable in that black and white check with the red buttons! It does remind me of something you made for Molly similar to that with a Scotty dog on the skirt. Our am I just imagining it? Isabelle looks just darling in that, and it could also be a back to school dress! I cannot believe what children here are wearing for the first day of school, which our local news has been showing as a feature! Not a dress in sight!

    1. hubbs and I were just talking about school clothing.
      When I was little, we had leather shoes. I got my first pair of “sneakers” maybe in 4th grade. We never wore those to school. What did we wear out to play? I cant remember, usually “old school clothes” I did have a few pair of pants and shorts. My mom made much of our clothing, with button side closure shorts for example.
      T shirts in the olden days were “under shirts” we did not wear them outside
      Funny how times have changed. I do not know if clothing is a distraction these days, certainly not in elementary school but I would imagine obviously in the higher grades

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I remember when I was in 7th grade in junior high and we had gym class. We had gym sneakers and for class we wore loafers or saddle shoes. Since PE is now in every grade with no wardrobe change as we had for gym, it makes sense to make sneakers the go-to shoes for school and pants or shorts instead of dresses since if you wear a dress you have to wear something like bike shorts or leggings under it. That tends to be bulky. As you said funny how times have changed. All I can say is my dolly girls still wear dresses and skirts to school – and sometimes pants. I just read where they are already having trouble with the dress code in Waco, TX. The kids and parents are protesting the dress code. They want torn jeans among other things. Good grief.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Glad to hear that Charlotte, is set for great dinners for awhile. Love to be able to pull something delicious from the freezer and have a meal ready pronto. πŸ™‚
    The sweatshirts that Anne made are an amazing feat. Stretchy material and zippers are not my forte at all. Hers turned out perfectly. Good job Anne, and thanks Anne and Jeanne for sharing the pics.
    I’m so excited to see Mae’s new dress. Love the checks. Wondering if the straps might be moved any closer together? Maybe not, but it’s hard to see them situated so far out on the chest. I do love how the straps have the pattern running the opposite way and the red accent button. Adorable. The rick rack is also a special touch. This is such a sweet dress. Love it. πŸ™‚ And whether or not Mae gets the kitty, it is so cute.
    Supposed to be a nice comfortable 84 today. Yay

  4. I went back to yesterday’s post and wanted to thank Joy and Karen again, also Dorothy in PA and you Jeanne for kind thoughts and prayers for our neighbor friends.
    Fantastic job on the sweatshirts, Anne. They look so professionally done with the ribbed bottoms, zippers, and drawstrings. Wow!
    Aha, I just knew it! Mae is back again. The black and white checks with a touch of red is so classic. I like the bias cut strips. The kitty of course is purrfect! All he needs is a red bow.
    Gorgeous day here, in the low 70’s!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I started commenting yesterday and got interrupted and didn’t realize I’d never commented on the wonderful baptismal pictures. What great pictures and what a sweet little one. I was thinking as I was going through the pictures how quiet and peaceful Dominic looked. We’ve had a lot of baptisms in our church lately and at some point the babies being baptized got upset and let everyone know it. Then I saw the last picture and had to laugh. But those pictures can be the best. Sean was two months old and Andrea 20 months when we took them to see Santa Claus. I wanted their picture with Santa but didn’t figure on them both taking issue with it. They both started screaming. I had paid for the picture before they took it and they were going to give my money back but I told them to take it anyway. I got a lot of mileage out of that picture as they grew up and now I show it to the grandkids. I can say though that they were not terrorized by their Santa experience. The next year they were all for it and the next year they had their lists ready and waiting.

    Anne, the jackets turned out great. And I think the reason Kai looks so big is she had her hands in the pockets and was making the jacket poof out. I’ve only tried making something like this for a doll, never for a person. Great job!!

    Another wonderful dress for Mae. And it does look like a back-to-school dress. I love gingham check, especially black and white. Isabelle’s outfit is wonderful.

  6. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Thanks everyone for the kind words about the jackets. I have had trouble with zips for a long time. I have pinned and I have tacked but the zip always seems to slip. I have made a lot of bags lately and had the same problem with zips in the bags so I started using the same product as I used for applique (Steam-a-seam, Vliesofix or an unbranded one I get from a local store). I cut a 1/4 inch strip and iron it on to the fabric then Iron the zip on. It stays exactly where I have put it when I sew which has always been the problem before. I wasn’t sure if it would work on the polar fleece but it was certainly better than it would have been pinned or tacked. I think I mentioned in a previous post that I ended up hand sewing the sleeve lining to the sleeve cuff, the instructions for doing it by machine were completely inadequate for me. I kept thinking about what Patrick and Esme would say if I was on Sewing Bee lol.
    Charlotte, I am so glad you have people who are helping, in this really difficult time for you. I hope you are feeling the love from all the sofa sisters as well even though they can’t be with you in person.
    Karen the photos of baby Dominic and your family were lovely. Thank you for sharing.
    Jeanne, I love the way the dress is coming along. I’m looking forward to seeing it finished
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks so much for the zipper trick. Should I ever attempt a dolly hooded jacket, I think I’ll try that. πŸ™‚

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