A dolly dress made from a tea towel…

HI everyone,
Somehow, for some unknown reason, my lower back has been thrown out of wack. I’m trying to rest it but being in bed hurts the most… so I really wasn’t able to even consider trying to sew something… I wandered around in my sewing room, but just looked at fabrics mostly… trying to decide who I will sew for next… for now, that still remains a mystery! :o) I’m hoping to be better VERY soon…

But good news!
I received this email from Joy a few days ago…and I’m going to use it today. A few days when I started sewing the first black and white dress for Mae, I discovered my fabric was too thick. I finally pitched that dress bodice and started a new one. Well, Joy made a comment about knowing what it was like to make a dress from fabric that was too thick… She mentioned sewing a dress made from a towel… I was flabbergasted at the thoughts of sewing a dress from a towel… (In my mind I was picturing a big plush bath towel. It turns out it was a little bit lighter… more like a tea towel.)

Read Joy’s story below.

Well, I finally got it together to get a photo. This is Big Stella, by Connie Lowe. Anyway, last year after the holidays, I found a towel set at Kohl’s, a very discounted one that had embroidery on it, and I thought that it would be a cute pinafore. Well, here it is August, and it is finally finished. Well, mostly. No snaps of course. Hate doing snaps. I brought down Mr. Bear, the chair, and the little quilt I made from leftover one-inch squares of the dress fabric. What’s left over now does not have enough for even one more tiny square. The quilt is not very big, but enough for a tabletop or for smaller dolls, I guess. By the time I carried Stella, she is very heavy resin, down to the lower deck and got her set up, I really didn’t do a double check on her. Well, I should have as one collar piece is flipped up. But I liked the picture otherwise, so here it is.

The fabric was a bear. The checked toweling was very difficult to sew as it was thick and the white embroidered piece although slightly lighter weight, was a problem as well as it wanted to unravel. I really didn’t want to sew along the edges of the pieces, so I didn’t, tried to sew carefully, and just pinked the seams when I was finished. In the end, it turned out just fine. Although Stella is not as easy a girl for sewing as the Ruby Red’s. You have probably heard me complaining because after I had the sleeves sewn in place on the dress, I discovered that the sleeve bands were way too small for Stella. I had forgotten that she has huge hands. So, I had to take out the sleeves, take off the sleeve bands, all hand sewn in place, and start over. Grr! I didn’t have enough fabric left to make new bands, so I used the old ones and matched a few scraps on bias to lengthen them. But the outfit is finally done including a patched headband with one side white lining and a tiny, patched bow. I used my favorite pattern from Trentsation for the dress. (Jeanne here… I’m not sure what size Joy’s Stella is, so I just added a link to Marsha’s Etsy page and you can look for the right size doll) It does have a larger collar though that I designed. I really wouldn’t recommend using towels for a project like this, but maybe someone will have better luck than I did. 🙂

Thanks Joy! I think Stella looks very cute in her towel pinafore. I admire you for sticking with it to the end… well, almost… gotta get those snaps sewn on… maybe do one set a day! :o)

Since Joy shared something out of the ordinary in her sewing… I wonder if anyone else has a sewing story where they had a mishap or did something unconventional, or just a headache of a sewing job… I have one little Asian outfit that I could not for the life of me get finished… I think I still have it, but not sure. It aggravated the daylights out of me… and I finally gave up.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “A dolly dress made from a tea towel…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hi all, and thanks again for all the prayers and kind words today, and some cards that came in the mail, too! I most definitely feel loved and cared for. I know you will all be in my heart tomorrow.

    Today I went to the church and set up pictures and other memorabilia for people do look at during the coffee hour. For me, this is something fun to do, actually–arranging things just right, making little labels for some things, etc.

    Jeanne, I’m so sorry you have done something to your back!! I well know that can just take the joy out of everything you do, having your back hurt!! Praying that it gets sorted out soon, so you can enjoy your sewing again.

    Joy, thank you for sharing that cute picture of big Stella, and telling us the story of that outfit. I’ve had a time or two when I’ve inadvertently made the sleeve cuffs a little too small to get over a doll’s hand (and I mean, a regular doll, not a Stell). I remember one time I belatedly discovered that this particular doll’s hands were different–one had fingers more splayed out and needed more room!! It can be very frustrating!

    Oh, my, yes, Jeanne! I remember many years ago now, one of the pattern companies had this “innovation” where the marks and all were done with iron-on transfers, and you just pinned and cut your pattern, and then ironed the marks to the back of each piece. Well, my fabric was a very lightweight floral with a white background, and rather than test a sample, I just ironed the whole thing! Of course the marks showed on the right side! I never did make it up and try to wash it to see if the marks came out. I just pitched or donated the whole thing!

    1. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Hi Charlotte,
      My thoughts and prayers are with you still. I am so happy to hear you have friends and family around you, that’s so wonderful and important as well. If someone offers to help you take them up on it! Let them come visit, let them bring you a meal, let them take you out for coffee, lunch, or ice cream… just let them help! Grieving is a process; there is no timeline. It can take a long time. No one said you need to be alone for it!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I’ll be thinking of you today, Charlotte, and know it will be a day of sadness and also sweet memories.

    Oh Jeanne, I am so sorry to hear about your back, but things like this happen me too, for no rhyme or reason, then in a flash, they are gone.

    Joy, your tea towel apron is really a cute one! I am known for using towels from Kohl’s for things other than tea towels too! Almost every tablecloth I use on Molly’s table is a Kohl’s tea towel! I have yet to make a piece of clothing from them, since my dolls have way too many outfits, but now the next time I go, maybe I will look at the towels differently!

    I was given the task of making a bridesmaid dress for my daughter’s wedding, since the store ran out of the right size of dresses that my sister was to wear. I found the same material and pattern and made her a beautiful dress of emerald green taffeta, and had it all finished, so wanted to give it a final pressing before the wedding. For some reason, the iron was too hot, and the minute I pressed down on it, it left an imprint of the iron on back of the dress! Oh my gosh, I felt terrible! However, it had a fold in the back where you could not really see it if you weren’t looking for it, but in certain angles and lighting , it was plainly there. Everything g went well, and no one seemed to see it, but I still think about it today, 26 years later!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I’m sure all will go well today for Charlotte. Sounds like she has been getting everything prepared so it will be a perfect remembrance for her husband. Take care, Charlotte.

    So sorry to hear about Jeanne’s back. Interesting, but yesterday, I too woke up with a twinge. And today more of the same. Maybe it is the change in seasons? Had planned to do some heavy yard work, but might have to put it off. And since it is to climb into the low 90’s, might be another reason to just forget it today. Sure hope Jeanne’s back heals quickly.

    As to the dress and pinafore. The pair of cotton kitchen towels that I used, one checked and one with embroidery, were just that. Not regular bath towels, but still towels that raveled like crazy and were much thicker than any usual cotton fabric. I even used thin white lining rather than the checked fabric for the collar knowing that it would be way too thick to sew. Anyway, other than the sleeve band problem, it went fairly well. Although, the seams, when pressing wanted to go their own direction. And, I did have enough of the white with a couple of the wreath’s to make a little apron for Stella’s friend Meili. Still need to make a dress, definitely not from a towel, to go with it. Stella and Meili are both the large size 18-19 inches about and heavy.
    I might add that the sleeve band length on the pattern was correct. It was my doing that made the bands shorter as I wanted a tighter look. The Trentsation pattern was perfect. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing my pic, Jeanne, and I sure hope you’re back to sewing soon.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, your ensemble is darling! I love how you achieved the holiday look with towels!

      Your Stella is a cutie. There were Stella dolls as part of the Modern Doll convention that Sissy attended. I saw a few on sale on ebay for $2,900 and $2,600! Stella is definitely a sought after doll.

      Looking forward to your next dolly caper.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Thanks Dorothy. The Connie Lowe girls come in several sizes, with the larger 18/19″ like my Stella up in price. They are quite in demand as Connie Lowe is now only selling at conventions/doll shows. She used to take orders. So, it is difficult to add to those I already have in that size. I would like one more, but the price is pretty high.
        And I actually had a successful dolly caper yesterday. Easy peasy. Knew I had a RRFF girl coming from Ed at Happily, and thought I heard the mail truck. Opened the door and there was the box standing there. I picked it up and brought it inside and quickly stashed it. Other person never came out of the office. I like that kind of delivery. 🙂

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Joy, that was an easy caper. I always imagine you jumping over fences and hiding in the hedgerows (chuckle).

          What new RRFF doll did you get? I see Ed from time to time at local doll shows and sales and at doll club luncheons. I thought I might see him at the UFDC Convention this year but I don’t think he was there.

          I got to meet Ruby, herself, in the salesroom. She is a lovely person. I was hoping she had a Violette (like Jeanne’s doll) or a Victoria tucked away somewhere but they were limited edition sales and they are very hard to find.

          Thanks for sharing your stories. They always make me smile!

    2. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Hi Joy,
      Nice job on the pinafore. I would never have known it was a towel. I know what you mean about the hand size. They are so large in comparison to the size of her tiny little arms. The CL dolls are a bit odd but that’s what makes them all so endearing to me.

  4. Charlotte, you are so brave. Our prayers continue dear friend.

    Joy’s dress is beautiful. What struggles we get ourselves into.
    I have made many mistakes. I can not recall any memorable ones, but
    this is what helps us learn, makes our brains grow and hopefully with lessons learned we do not give up, but we are determined to try again and succeed with a good result.
    Today is going to be stinking hot. I have a few errands, but hopefully I can come home and get some sewing done.
    Enjoy this day!

  5. Karen from Kentucky

    I’ve been thinking about you, Charlotte and praying. Hope it goes all right for you today.

    I am sorry your back hurts, Jeanne. Just try to move around slowly, I guess.

    Big Stella looks nice with her new outfit, Joy.

    Before last Christmas my friend crocheted me a doll, and she wanted me to crochet her a simple scarf in return. I have two started and having a hard time getting one of the sides to be straight. In the olden days, I made Marion a baby blanket that turned out better. My friend has probably given up that I’ll succeed. Marion could make her a nice, even one really fast, but then it wouldn’t really be from me.

    Today is the first day of school for the kids, and it is Avila’s first day of Kindergarten, so now there are only 2 left at home. I hope it goes well for them.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I used to crochet a lot. It’s what I loved to do while I watched TV in the evening. I made crocheted blankets for all my grandchildren except Azure. Dionne had a theme for his nursery and I found an “I love you to the moon and back” quilt kit so Azure has a quilt instead. My first and so far last quilting effort. I kind of had to laugh at your comment about only two left at home. I had a neighbor once that it seemed every time she got her last child in school she had another to keep her company for another few years.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        I bet your grandchildren treasure the blankets that you made for them. I have an aunt that sews a baby blanket and burp cloths for all the grandchildren. Her son’s boys found a stuffed tractor for Dominic. She thought it would remind me of my late grandfather who was a farmer. That is nive your neighbor had a lot of company 🙂

    2. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Hi Karen,
      I’m so sorry to read about your nephew. Spina Bifida complications are scary. How old is he? I will send up prayers for him!
      Oh, just a heads up… there is a package on its way to your house. Should be there in a few days : )

      Hugs to you

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Hi Ingrid,
        I think he is around 15 years old. Thank you very much for praying for him! Also, Thanks very much for sending us a package! That is very kind of you! Will be looking forward to it 🙂

        God bless you!

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    Also, last night my nephew was undergoing an emergency surgery for sepsis in his stomach I think. He was born with spina bifida. Haven’t heard out that went yet. 🙏

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Prayers for your nephew that he recovers well and quickly from his surgery. Sounds like a difficult time for him and his family.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am sorry you are having these health issues. I hope that you will find a remedy soon!

  8. Barbara, I responded to you yesterday.
    Thinking of you today , Charlotte. I hope your back feel better soon, Jeanne. Sometimes you just move wrong. I made my shoulder and back sore the other day dragging in a 40 lb bag of litter (much cheaper than the 20 lb). Usually it’s fine if I do it slowly and “walk” it. I obviously turned funny this time as I came in from the garage.
    What a cute dress and pinafore, Joy. Stella looks ready to bake some Christmas cookies.
    I hope your nephew’s surgery went well, Karen. How exciting for Avila to be starting school.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for letting me know you responded to me. I usually go back and look at the previous day’s comments first thing but today was one day I didn’t. I would have done much better with homeschooling than day-dreaming my way through 12 years of school. I am a visual and hands on learner who retains little of a class lecture. I would have to go home and read the material myself. And your mention of math concepts was a perfect example of what I went through. I started first grade at the age of 5 1/2. The cut off where I was living was January 1 and my birthday was December 26. And back then parents didn’t have the choice to wait another year. And kindergarten was not mandatory and there was no school nearby so I started first grade not knowing a thing. We moved before first grade to a place with a neighborhood school and all the others in my class had attended kindergarten. I felt like a fish out of water. I took to reading immediately but was losing in the math department. Finally in 8th grade I failed math. My parents were going to put me in summer school but I refused and said I wanted to repeat the grade so I could get my feet under me for the first time. I would still graduate at 18. Because I was a repeat I was put in the class with other repeats who really didn’t give a fig about school. I did and I did well and it came to the notice of the teachers and principal and they wanted to move me out of that class. Problem was I loved my math teacher and he only taught my class and one other. Our classes were labeled 8-1 thru 8-13 according to skills tests. I was in 8-13 and the only move where I could keep my math teacher was 8-12. That class was first time 8th graders many of whom would end up repeating the grade and that is why they weren’t delighted with my choice but I was determined to keep my math teacher. After seeing my Iowa Basic Skills tests, he asked me why I was repeating 8th grade. He showed me my math scores and said I had great math potential. When I took courses at a junior college years later my college algebra teacher said there were few who had my math potential. My parents had just given up on me assuming math was not my thing and until my second (the first was a disaster) 8th grade math teacher showed me something different, I totally believed them. Homeschooling in the right program would have allowed me to grasp the basic concepts at my own rate and after that I would have advanced quickly, but that was not an option back then. Since my granddaughter seems to be following in my footsteps, I’m hoping we can help her to see her potential, whatever it is, sooner than I did. She’s sure not getting what she needs from her STEM school. Big disappointment.

      1. Yes, sometimes it’s the teacher whose at fault and can’t reach a student at their point of understanding. Glad you had a teacher who saw your potential. My daughter and I are both visual and hands on learners as well, so I bought or made teaching aids to help get some concepts across. She always scored in the 99th percentile on the IOWAs when she had to go and take those each year. I must have been doing something right. It also gave her some scholarships for college.
        I hope your granddaughter excels with her homeschooling.

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Laura, thanks so much for your valuable input. I’m sure I will be sharing Jaiden’s successes from time to time as well as those of Skyy. This is a new and different journey for all of us.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Joy, I just love your Big Stella outfit. And I admire your patience to stick with it no matter the obstacles. What a clever idea to use the pattern on a tee towel for a pinafore. I like Trentsation patterns too and have used many of them for my Meadow Lolla and for a couple other dolls of that size. I like your “staging” too. Sweet little chair.

    Jeanne, I’m so sorry to hear about your back. I have a lot of trouble with my sciatic nerve which makes me just want find a comfortable sitting position and not move. And I have a problem with my back when I sew. I’m hoping some of my upper body strengthening exercises with dumb bells will eventually help with that. Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe you just slept wrong and after another night’s sleep you can get everything back in position. Or it could be a pinched nerve. I’ve had them and that is not fun at all. Even after it eases up there is still soreness for a while. And thanks for your take on homeschooling. I think this is going to work better than when they had “school” during COVID. Since I was acting as proctor during that time I was wondering if they were learning anything at all and they were expected to engage in a usual full day of school. Dionne is starting to plan field trips to museums, etc., when they finish their school day. I’m going to see if I can tag along for some of them. She’s also going to see what is available with others homeschooling in the area.

    Got some good rain the past couple days. It’s made it difficult for Sean to complete the project he’s working on but we needed it a lot.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks everyone for the nice comments on Stella’s dress and pinafore. I’ll probably never make something from kitchen towels again, but it was interesting for sure.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Didn’t mean to post after your post. Goofed again. Sorry.
      Glad you like Stella’s dress/pinafore. 🙂

  10. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Hi Jeanne,
    I’m so very sorry you’re in pain. I pray it resolves quickly. My back goes out once in a while (when I say out, I mean I need my walker to get to the bathroom forget about leaving my bedroom! yikes) Call the doctor and get some muscle relaxers. They are a God send, helps those muscles to relax and in the process helps with healing. But you know that already. lol
    I think your newest Moppet set is adorable! That cute little Scottie dog makes it that much cuter and those shoes! Oh my gosh! wow
    Hugs to you and feel better

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