10 years ago today this blog began!!

HI everyone and welcome to my blog… I’ve just been having a little fun for the last 10 years and there’s nothing else to do but forge ahead for year number 11! Congratulations to me!!! :o) Sarah helped me get started with this blog… which was just an idea those 10 years ago. She asked me all kinds of questions about what I wanted it to look like, how I wanted it set up, what colors for the background, and many other questions. Then on August 1st, 2014, I hit the publish button and have been writing ever since. Today’s post will be number 3,152! When I divide that over 10 years, I’ve averaged 315 posts a year. That’s a lot of chatting and to think my biggest fear when I started was wondering if I would run out of things to write about. My sister Cindy told me I wouldn’t! So far, that hasn’t happened. Thanks for believing in me, Cindy!

For the first 2 years, I wrote a post every single day… then after 2 years I stopped doing a Sunday post… then about 2 years ago, I stopped doing a Saturday AND Sunday post. I just wasn’t able to keep up with what I needed to be doing at home and for my hubby. I try my hardest to bring a smile to your face every time you read something from me. I am very grateful for the subscribers I have from all over the world. I love hearing from you in the comments and in your emails! Thank you, everyone, for all your friendships and kindnesses to me over these last 10 years. I hope I can make the next 10 years as interesting as the first 10!

Okay, let’s move on to the next thing for today…
Bithar went to the hospital around 6:00 this morning and around 11:00 she had baby number 7… Isaac! I don’t know any details yet, but I’ll send some pictures when I get some. All her kids were adorable and I’m sure he is too!

Next up is a link to the auction for Emmie’s outfit… I decided to call it “Cool Culottes!” My hubby had to go to town this afternoon and I knew if I didn’t push myself and get this listed, it wasn’t going to happen. He’d have something for me to do, so I went with a variation of Charlotte’s idea… Thanks! I went outside in the drenching humidity! The heat index was 104 degrees and Emmie and I both were sweating like pigs… You can see a couple other things I did to make her outfit a little bit cuter…and what her “accessory” ended up being.

You can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE to see the auction.

Here are a couple of my outside pictures…

Okay, now for one more tidbit…
Remember all those things I have been selling… smocking pleaters, dolls, a doll couch, Hello Kitty fabric, Mini Roadmaster bicycles and lots more? Well, I had wanted to sell those things (and I still have plenty more…) for a long time, but I finally decided why hold onto those things when you could use the money to buy something you’d really like! So I worked harder than I have before at weeding out and getting some bigger items sold. And guess what? It paid off… I made enough money to buy…wait for it… wait for it…

A My Meadows Mae doll! Yes, I have one of my very own Mae dolls. I found her on Ebay and she was in excellent condition. I happened to get on the computer just when the lady had listed her… I think we figured I bought her 9 minutes after she was listed. I was excited but scared out of my mind at buying her! This is what she looked like the day she arrived…

She is quite weighty… I’ve never heard anyone say how much they weigh, but she’s the heaviest doll I own… I am treating her like she’s a porcelain doll… very carefully!

I had told my hubby I wasn’t going to get her out of her box and start making things for her until she was 100% paid for. I bought her on June 28th and let me tell you, it’s been hard not to get her out and start dreaming about what I could make for her, but I just reached the final amount for her yesterday and thought how fitting it was that today was my 10 year anniversary! What a way to introduce Mae on my blog today.

Thank you to everyone who bought anything from me… big or small, it all went toward Mae.

I did buy a doll shoe pattern that I was hoping would work for her, so I did open my glass doll cabinet and slip her shoes on for a couple “fittings!” Other than that she hasn’t been out of the dolly cabinet. I did order a wig for her other than the blonde one she came with… The wig was only $1.50 on Ebay and I have plans to cut/shape it like a small little girl’s style. Right now it looks a bit strange on her.

I know her cheeks are “bit” rosy, but I guess I can pretend she’s been in the sun! :o) I thought about taking the color off a little bit but for right now I just need to see if my clothes for her will sell…then I’ll worry about her cheeks later.

Here is Mae… “out of the dolly cabinet!” She is VERY articulated and poses just about any way you like.

She looks cute in the pig tails but when they were let out, it looked kind of stringy.

I saw this first hat I made for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends a few weeks ago and slipped it on Mae’s head. It was a perfect fit! Yay for that!

Here she is the wig I bought… I think it can be cut into a cute style, but I just got her out of the cabinet today!

These are the shoes I was working on for her… they aren’t finished just yet…

I never thought I’d own a My Meadows “Moppet” doll (she’s the 15″ doll) but then again, 10 years ago, I never thought I’d be writing a blog either! Life is good! The Lord has been especially good to me and my hubby these last 10 years and I hope I have been good friend to all of you!

Thanks everyone!
Blessings, Jeanne

53 thoughts on “10 years ago today this blog began!!”

  1. Congratulations on your 10 years of making all of us happy! Look forward every morning to see what Jeanne is up to, a reward of a doll you have wanted for a long time is wonderful. We all need to have something in our life to pick ourselves up! Now on to the next 10 years,

    1. Thank you Sylvia,
      I certainly hope I’ll still be writing and sewing in the next 10 years. My heart will be broken if I’m not!
      Thanks so much for being a part of my little dolly family!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Congratulations Jeanne and Bithar!! I can’t wait to see pictures of Isaac! I was hoping to get Mae in her last preorder, but sadly, did not have the funds. I haven’t looked on Ebay either, but I should do that. I think I’ve been reading your blog since close to the beginning so I’m so happy you’re still here continuing to write it! Love this blog and I look forward to reading it every day. 😀

    1. HI Christine,
      I received a video of Bithar’s whole family in the hospital room, with big brother, Samuel, holding his new little bother. It was on Snapchat and I’m not sure how to transfer it over to my blog… but I’m going to try and find out.
      I wanted that little Sunkissed Mae in the last preorder too, and it hurt so bad to pass her up…that’s when I got serious about selling lots of my stuff that was just in the closets… I guess it paid off!
      I’m glad you still enjoy the blog…after all these years of being a reader…
      Thanks Christine,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Wow, 2 things exciting today, Jeanne. I know you once said I joined your blog in the beginning, but it is hard to believe it was 10 years ago. Good for you, and thank you for all the fun these years. I plan to hang with you as long as I can!

    Oh, Mae!! I am thrilled for you! I can’t wait to see your outfits for her! Will you keep the Disney doll now that you are going to sew for Mae? That face she has just melts me when I look at her, and my Peyton loves to look at her too, along with her best friend, Tia. I wasn’t going to get another that size because of the expense, but when I saw Tia….well….! The only way I can buy these dolls is to use Paypal credit. I get 6 months with no interest to pay for them. I always manage to sell enough to do it. I am so happy for you that you have her!

    1. HI Sissy,
      I’ll have to look it up and see when you joined in the fun and found a seat on the Sofa… I know it was early on too!
      I think I’m going to keep the DA dolls (I actually have Rapunzel too as I was going to repaint her eyes…) just so I can show the outfit on both dolls.
      Now I’ll get to see what all the fuss about Mae is all about… I think I already know!
      Thanks Sissy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Well,good morning and CONGRATULATIONS, Jeanne! I have been reading your blog from the very beginning, and am happy to say that it is about the first thing I read when I get on the computer at 3:00 in the morning! I don’t always comment just then, but sometimes have to think a bit on what to say,…..and wait for Charlotte first!😊

    You have brightened so many of my days, and have given me and many others, I am sure, a reason to start our mornings with a smile on our face. You are a wonderful friend and a very sweet person who radiates your Christian values, and sees us all as a beautiful varicolored bouquet!

    Love that little doll you just purchased, and I know there will many cute outfits for her!

    Here is to another 10 years of dolly fun!💕

    1. Hi Linda,
      Yes, you have been one of my early subscribers… and one of my “earliest risers” subscribers… You get up very early and sometimes alert me if I’ve accidentally forgotten to hit the “publish” button… It’s happened several times now and you’ve saved the day for me. :o)

      Thanks for all your vignettes of your many doll outfits throughout the years. They have been MANY and always so much fun to look at!
      Yes, here’s to another 10 years of dolly fun! I hope I can keep it up!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. ten years?? for some reason I felt it was longer. For myself, there was a long stretch (8 years) that I only read and never commented bc I was taking care of my parents. Both of them were in their 90’s.
    How is it that time flies and other times it seems like it was longer?
    That sounds like a math equation.
    I love this adorable sweet doll. You chose a good time to sell the things you held onto and chose this sweet little baby.
    I really enjoy your blog. I used to make piles of doll clothes, and people clothes and now I make all of that and quilts and other stuff. I love the “engineering” portion of your creativity as well as your artistic ability, I feel a kinship. Everything you make is superb and I for one am grateful for your generous time, sharing your mad skills!!!

    1. HI Rosemary,
      I remember when you mentioned you had to step away as you were taking care of your parents. What a selfless act of love that is…
      I’m so glad you like Mae… I certainly hope I stay in love with her and can make sweet things for everyone else’s Moppet dolls.
      I am so glad you are able to participate in the blog giving us your comments and opinions… I like that!
      I’m glad you find joy in being here with all of us on the Sofa!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    Congratulations on having your blog for 10 years, Jeanne! That is a long time. Also, Congratulations on getting rid of things and putting the money toward a doll. She looks cute. That is neat that she is so articulated. Also, Congratulations to Bithar! It sounds like the labor went fast if that was 11 a.m. Last Sunday was the due date for me. I’m hoping for next Sunday. Today is a scary dentist appointment for one of my kids and there are also supposed to be a lot of garage sales around, but it is somewhat rainy, so we shall see. Better leave soon! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, the wait is on for Karen. Hope your Sunday date works out, but whenever the arrival, I’m sure the girls will be so happy. Can’t wait to hear the news.

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Oh Karen, so excited for you! Do let us know when your little bouncing boy arrives!

          Congrats to Bithar too! How about that? Two little boys making their way to this world around the same time!

          1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

            Karen, how exciting! I hope the timing is right! Can’t wait to hear and see!!

    2. Thank you so much, Karen!
      I’m glad you enjoy reading the blog each day too! Pretty soon your time will be taken up by caring for a new baby! How exciting for your whole family! I’m sure I don’t have to ask you to, but when you get a chance, pictures are always welcome!
      I hope the dentist appointment wasn’t too scary and on a fun note, I hope the yard sales were great!
      Thanks Karen,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I have not been following the blog for 10 years but for some time. I came into the doll world of sewing after I retired in 2013. Didnt discover doll blogs until much later. I sure agree with all the comments so far, Jeanne adds light to my day for sure.
    I love that you still have posts available from the past as I have referred to these many times while sewing for a certain time period for my American Girl dolls.
    May you enjoy many more years of posting doll fun of all shapes and sizes.
    Blessings to you Jeanne,
    Doreen in Arkansas

    1. HI Doreen,
      Thank you for your kind words about the blog and what goes on here. I truly appreciate it.
      Yes, I use my past posts a lot too… recipes, looking up when I posted this or that, or looking to see when was the last time I made something for a certain doll. It’s like a diary to me…
      I hope to enjoy sewing a blogging for many years to come… Thanks for being a subscriber down in Arkansas!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Susette from Southern California

    Congratulations on ten years! That’s an amazing accomplishment. Your love, creativity and dedication shine through in every post. Thank you too for new friends we meet through the blog. It’s really an education to follow you while you are learning new skills you’ve taught yourself over these years. Thank you again. 💐

    1. Hi Susette,
      Ten years seems like such a long time ago and yet it seems like on a couple years ago that I started…
      I’m the one who has made SO many new friends… and it’s so fun to see all of you interacting with each other too.
      When I was talking to Sarah the other night about my blog, I was telling her how I know I have the greatest group of ladies who read my blog. I really mean that too! I do!
      Thanks for being a part of it all, Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Joy in northern CA

    Well, Hello, Mae. So nice to meet you. I have one of the first Mae’s, and she too has that bloom on her cheeks, which I love. It photographs so well, I think. As to the wigs, I adore the little blond with the ponytails. So sweet. The color of the other one doesn’t do much for me and kind of reminds me of an old lady look. But, that’s just me. 🙂 I’m sure Jeanne’s touch will make it more interesting. I like the color of the shoes, but I wonder if the high top might interfere with the ankle joint movement? Maybe not. Looks like there will be room for her little squirrely toes to fit too. 🙂 The hat is perfect for Mae, and it looks so cute on her. But, I do think she needs some little panties. 🙂
    What a very happy day at Jeanne’s place. New Mae, and ten years of blogs. Speaking of which, yesterday, when I didn’t receive the blog, I went to WordPress and tried to fix my problem. WordPress wanted my password, but I don’t have one, so I ended up just resubscribeing. Jeanne, said that I had unsubscribed and then resubscribed, but I didn’t unsubscribe. Not sure what WordPress did, but this morning I received the blog and not in the usual form. In the past, it has always said, I Dream of Jeanne Marie, but now it only says Jeanne and nothing else. Why? Don’t know, but at least I did receive it. Although, I did have to hit it again once opened to get to the right page. So, it looks like when Sarah did something with the plug ins, I was unsubscribed. I wonder if any others were as well?
    The Mae here will be very happy when I finally get her shorts finished. Poor thing. She doesn’t appreciate the wait at all. But, I started another strange project using the few leftover pieces of towel I had from the other outfit I recently made. I’m making a sort of very poorly done patchwork tiny quilt/ picnic cloth made from one inch pieces. It looks like a two year old made it mainly because the fabric is stretchy. I think it will work for a table cloth too. It’s pretty small.
    I almost forgot. Emmie’s, outfit is very cute. Now, with the little buttons, it reminds me of a bandstand skirt that were very popular years ago. 🙂 But culottes it is. Good job Jeanne.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’m happy to be a Mae Mom now… I sure thought it was never going to happen, but when I saw all the stuff I could sell, I realized with some hard work and determination, it seemed like it could happen. When I hit that buy it now button on Ebay, I just about passed out… Finally she was mine!

      I hope your Mae gets her shorts made and I hope you’ll share a picture of your patchwork quilt with us… you know we all want to see it.

      I like skirts have those buttons sewn on the pleats like that, so I decided to give it a try on the culottes. I was happy to have gotten a bid so early on.
      Thanks Joy for all the comments you given over the last years… I don’t remember when you joined, but I can look it up…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    Ten years and counting. How wonderful! I can’t remember exactly when I joined. I know it was in the beginning of my dolly adventure. It has been a fun ride. Sometimes it feels like we sofa sisters are in the same room and not miles (often thousands) apart. And sharing your life, Jeanne, has made our friendship very important. Wishing you many years more of blog writing. Hopefully I will be here for at least most of it.

    So you have a Moppet. Too great!! They are adorable. I have a Dumpling and was surprised at how heavy she is. I can only imagine the weight of a Moppet. The shipping must have been pretty pricey. But my little Cindy Ella (aka Cinderella) is in a bit of a funk. She figures now there is no hope of her ever having a Jeanne Marie original in her closet since the clothes don’t fit both Moppets and Animators. But I told her she would not do without. I will see that she is properly clothed. To which she replied, “Yes, but it won’t be a Jeanne Marie original.” What’s a mother to do?

    I love Emmie’s outfit. So many sweet pieces and a little dog too. Good luck on the auction. I know there are a lot of LD mommies out there who would love that outfit for their little girl.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      And congratulations to Bithar and her family. Can’t wait to see pictures of little Isaac and the rest of her beautiful family. Isaac is the middle name of my daughter, Andrea’s, son. His first name is Anderson (Andrea’s son).

      Praying for a safe and quick delivery for Karen. My daughter was born in April so I didn’t have to go through the summer heat. But my son was born in October and here it is very hot until the end of September. It was definitely a long, hot summer that year. At least Karen will be more comfortable for the remainder of the season. I’m sure she’s definitely thinking the sooner the better.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you for your prayers, Barbara! We have 2 birthdays at the end of September, one at the beginning of October, one in Nov., one in January, and this one will be in Aug. So August, September, October, November, all in a row 🙂

      2. I saw a video from Bithar today but it was on Snapchat and I’m not sure how to make that show up on my blog. it was the whole family in the hospital room… they have a sweet family… Big Brother Samuel was holding Isaac… it was adorable.
        Thanks Barbara…
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad you are a part of this dolly group too… we are all over the place and yet, it does seem like we are much closer together…
      YOU BETTER BE HERE for the rest of my blog posts, Barbara! We need you! :o)
      Yes, I have a moppet now… it seems weird to say that and I’m not used to it yet. I can’t decide what I want to make her… I’m still pondering things.
      If you Cindy Ella is the one with chubby legs the dresses I make should fit her, but if she’s one of the slim line Princess dolls, they are too skinny.
      You’ll just have to make her something to appease her.

      I was worried I didn’t have enough pieces for this Little Darling outfit… but I got a bid fairly quick on this one, so maybe not. I did pick up a sweet treat to go with it… :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Hi Jeanne,
    10 years, wow, it has been awhile!!! I have been here since the very beginning. I don’t comment very often at all, but I look forward to your blog and read it every morning with my coffee.
    It doesn’t seem like 10 years, it has flown by. Congratulations and here’s to another 10 years.
    Congratulations, Mae is precious. I can’t wait to see all the things you make for her.. I would like to see how you cut and style the second wig you bought for her. I love the first one on her, it looks darling..
    My Mae is my favorite Meadow doll. Mine is one of the first ones that was produced. I love sewing for her and of course the other moppets..

    1. Thanks Judi,
      I don’t drink coffee, but I’m there with you in spirit! :o) So glad you enjoy yourself here.
      I’m having a bit of tough time trying to make up my mind about what to make for Mae’s first outfit… I’d like to make something different but can’t quite figure it out yet… I will…
      So you have a Mae too… there are a few Mae Mommie’s on my blog after all. I am happy to be one now too!
      Thanks Judi,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Dear Jeanne, I know whatever you make it will be adorable…
        Wow and you are going to make shoes too!!! Yes to get nice shoes they are expensive…

  12. Congratulations Jeanne!!! I have enjoyed your blog so much and meeting all the Sofa Sisters!! 10 years of consistence for beautiful clothes for our dolls and so many interesting articles. It has been an enjoyment to look forward to whatever news you wrote about and the responses!

    Much happiness sent to Bithar and her family!! And Karen, can’t wait to hear your news when baby comes!!

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Paula! Please everyone pray for me! I am kinda worried about being able to relax through the labor pains. I fight the Braxton Hicks so readily.

    2. Thank you Paula,
      I’m so happy to have you sitting on the Sofa with all of us… I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your dolls. Your Swiffer Boxed Doll is still one of my very favorite stories ever. :o)
      Yes, new babies all around… I will send pictures when I get some to share.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, congratulations on 10 years of opening up your heart and inviting us to sit on your sofa and share your life. There was clearly a Divine order in place as you set out on this journey and invited us to join you.

    Congratulations also on receiving Mae. I am looking forward to the outfits you will make for her.

    The Cool Culottes outfit is so cute and just the thing for an August play date.

    I am raising a teacup to the next ten years of sitting here on your couch and sharing time and stories with you and the Sofa Sisters.

    PS And where is Charlotte? I hope she is alright.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      What sweet words to share with how my blog came about and how it has impacted all of us.. .me included. I’m just happy so many of you have stayed around all these years later.
      Thanks for the congrats on getting Mae! I hope I can make her a happy model with the things I intend to make for her.
      I will raise my teacup and clink yours as a happy toast to another 10 years living life in the dolly world.
      I was wondering about Charlotte too… hmmm…
      Thanks Dorothy… (I am loving the Dolls magazine!) :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Congratulations, Jeanne, on 10 years! I believe I found you in September that first year. I’ve enjoyed each daily happening and connecting with the Sofa Sisters. Congratulations also on Mae. I know you’ve been wanting a My Meadow and selling things you don’t want to get something you do is great. Now you’ll have another type/size doll to add to the mix.

    Also congratulations to Bithar. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about her little Isaac.

    I also just received the Jeanna mailchimp blog again, but today it came to my Inbox instead of promotions. Wonder what happened to the “Idream…” one.

    1. HI Laura,
      Yes, now I have “another” size doll to deal with… not that I’m complaining… I’m trying to figure out her first outfit… I want it to be something really special and haven’t landed on it just yet…
      I’m not sure what is still going on with the blog, but I’m hoping things are all okay in a day or two…
      Thanks for being such a faithful reader and commenter, Laura…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  15. Congratulations Jeanne,
    You can not imagine how much I enjoy your blog every time you post it. I usually do not participate with my comments, but your blog is part of my every day activities and you and the Sofa Sisters are like dear friends to me.
    Thank you Jeanne.

    1. HI Angela,
      You should just introduce yourself and become one of the many ladies who do comment… it’s really a nice group of ladies who love dolls and sewing and displaying them and finding props and sharing all that with each other.
      I wouldn’t trade my ladies for any other group of ladies in the world.
      I’m so happy you find such enjoyment in reading the blog and comments.
      We all would like to get to know you better…
      Thanks for your kind words, Angela,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  16. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I still read, although I don’t comment. Greetings to all ladies who like to sew for dolls and play with them.

    1. Hi Alina… and a very BIG welcome to you from the United States… I hope you are doing well and still finding time to play and sew and knit for your dolls. Maybe pop in every now and then to let us know you are alright…
      Thanks for still reading… We DO still have some empty SOFA SEATS available…
      Thanks Alina,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  17. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Congratulations Jeanne 10 years, that is dedication, well done. I am not sure we always understand how much time and effort goes into making the content we all enjoy so thank you.
    Ten years ago on Sunday my Dad passed away, and Kai was 9 years old that day! a Maori legend says that if an Elder dies on your birthday they become your Guardian. That gave her a lot of comfort especially in those early years.
    On a happier note, you may remember that Jono and Kai both went to Australia last year to stay with a friend they met on line but had never met in person. They all got on like a ‘house on fire’ as they say and Seb arrived here last night for 4 weeks so he is here for both their birthdays, Kai’s on Sunday and Jono’s on the 28th. Jono is about 6ft, Seb is 6ft 3″ and Jono’s other friend, Cruz is 6ft 4″, they are all sleeping in Jono’s room!!!! I haven’t met him yet, I wasn’t keen to go to the airport at 1 am even if there had been enough room in the car.
    Congratulations to Bithar and Karen I hope everything goes well for you I look forward to seeing photos of your new baby.
    Have a great day ladies

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I like that Maori legend. My son was born on the day David’s favorite uncle passed away. When they mentioned the death of my father-in-law’s brother in church that day my mother-in-law said yes, but we gained a beautiful new grandson that same day. The circle of life.

    2. HI Anne and thank you for being a reader from SO far away in New Zealand… Sometimes when it’s late at night and I’ve had a busy day and I say to my hubby, “what can I write about tonight? I have nothing.” He’ll say “just skip a day… it won’t matter.” but it does to me… I don’t like to skip a day… so I come up with something…

      Sounds like you are going to be having a 4 week long slumber party! Have fun with that! :o) They will be eating everything in sight… you’ll have to watch out for that! They’ll be fine!

      I will share baby pictures when I get some…
      Thanks Anne for being a long distance Sofa Sister… I mean a REALLY long distance one…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  18. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    I meant to add that Seb works for a landscaper so this was the only time he could have a holiday. He is from the Gold Coast and last night it was 0 Celsius here and is only expected to get to 12 today so he might find it a bit of a shock to the system lol.

    1. It’s too bad your weather isn’t different than his… I’d put him to work getting some landscaping done from him… of course, he’s on vacation, so maybe not such a good idea…
      Have fun with the extra kiddo’s in the house…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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