Tuesday Tidbits…

HI everyone,
Well, things haven’t gone the way I wanted them to… my computer would NOT allow me to get into my blog site. I’ve been trying for a very long time and actually had my post all written out but couldn’t save it. It kept saying my internet connection was lost. I just kept typing thinking it would come back on and I could “save” what I had written, but it never came back on until I was getting up to go to bed and it decided to come back one. I was right… nothing had gotten saved, so I’m having to start over. UGH.

Oh well… it seems no one was interested in the skirt and sandals set for the RRFF, so I have already decided to go a little bit different direction, but I don’t have enough done to show it, so you’ll have to wait a bit on that.

It was HOT here today… stifling hot!! It was 93 but the heat index was 104 degrees and the humidity was AWFUL! If you just stepped outside, you were just soaking wet.

I texted Sarah about not being able to comment on your comments… which seems really strange to me… You all can comment and even comment on each other’s post, but “I” can’t type a single word in the comments section. Sarah is out of town until Thursday but will see if she can figure out what’s going on. I can write my blog and let you know things that way, but not in the comments.

Someone’s having a Birthday today… It’s Sissy! I saw where it was her birthday and thought we could all wish her the Happiest of Birthdays. I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your family!

It looks like Dorothy from PA and the World is heading to the UFDC (United Federation of Doll Clubs) on Saturday… I’m just a teeny bit envious… We sure hope you have lots of fun and hope you bring home a new doll to share… if no doll, how about some pictures? I know you said you don’t take great pictures, but we don’t care.

Yesterday was Alba’s birthday… same day as my sister, Deb. Alba is my friend from Colombia, South America. She and her hubby Edgar and their daughter Sara, were here for (I think) 5 years! We became VERY good friends and it’s fun to be able to connect with the What’s App and catch up on things. We spoke for almost 45 minutes. She is doing well and has been promoted in her teaching there in Bogota and her hubby is well too. Remember their daughter Sara, well, she’s in her 4th semester of College and is majoring in Industrial Design. She was ALWAYS very creative… it doesn’t surprise me that she’d major in something like that. Alba misses you ladies and says she’ll never forget how you saw her hands in the pictures of when I was showing her how to make and make cookies. You all said she had the prettiest hands and fingers. Like she was a hand model or something. She still remembers that!

I know this is terrible, but I HAVE to get to bed. I spent too much waiting on my computer to finally connect to the internet. I promise to have something better tomorrow…

Night everyone, (actually “Morning Everyone!”) EEK!
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, dear, I’m sorry you’re still having so many problems with your computer. That has to be so frustrating for you!! Sorry about the auction thing, too; I thought sure someone would jump right in on that!! It’s such a cute outfit!

    And your heat/humidity, too. I remember days like that w Just a hen we visited my aunt and uncle in Jackson, Mich., over the years. Ron could not believe how humid it was, the one time he was there with me! (He sure enjoyed going up in Uncle Don’s little 2-seater plane with him, though!)

    A very happy birthday to Sissy!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

    It’s so nice that you’re still in touch with Alba; I remember that photo, and yes, she does have beautiful hands!

    I saw Joy’s post about her zucchini/jack casserole, and Barbara replied that she’d like the recipe….and so would I! And I got to thinking, some time you might do a post or two of recipes that some of us have shared. If Joy is willing to share, there’d be that, and you already have one (possibly more) from me….Something to keep in mind, anyway, if you get to another point in your life when you are too busy do do the usual sewing/dolly type posts.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, what a bummer about yesterday’s auction, and the fact you can’t even participate in your own blog! I certainly hope things get straightened out soon!

    Oh, yes, I remember Alba and her family! I do remember mentioning that Alba ohad such beautiful hands! It is wonderful that Sara is majoring in something that suits her well!

    Yes, yesterday was a beast of a weather day! I could not breathe when outside very long, since it was like someone was suffocating you! And I don’t have breathing problems! It is very dark even now, and supposedly we will be getting rain shortly, which I hope will tamp down the extreme heat.

    A big Happy Birthday to Sissy! I guess I can speak for the rest of the sofa sisters in saying we are so glad you are finally back with us!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Thank you for the sweet birthday note, Linda. It is so glad to be back and hoping for Jeanne to be back too!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Hi, Gang! I am having a wonderful time with family here in FL. Lots of water fun, and this morning we plan to go to my favorite swimming place, Three Sisters Springs. It is so beautiful and a favorite place for manatees, although they are mostly there in the winter. Wishes for Jeanne to join us on the sofa soon.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    I am sorry you’re having computer problems, Jeanne. It must be frustrating.

    Yesterday Avila wanted me to help her make a list of what goes into a cake, so she could make one herself. So I thought I better help her make one. Marion frosted it and added sprinkles. It is chocolate. We had some for breakfast dessert in honor of our Lady of Mount Carmel’s feast today. 🙂 Marion and Rose left early this morning to go fishing with their daddy. Yesterday he installed the doors to the new pantry he is making in the kitchen. It looks great.
    Am using much of my summer time anticipating the baby coming. Might be two weeks or so! Still need to go through 2 girls’ school clothes, put in order the sewing room, clean off my desk, and mend a bunch of clothes.

    In Minnesota, the daughter of the foreign exchange student that my mother had when she was in high school(!) is staying with my parents with her family until Thursday. They are from Belgium. I met her when I was a kid. Two are vegetarians so my mother needs to figure out what to feed them.

    Happy Birthday to your sister, to Sissy, and to Alba! It is our good friends’ 30th wedding anniversary today as well. I hope Sissy gets to see a lot of manatees!! Happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, everyone!

  5. so sorry you are having computer problems. How annoying.,
    Happy Birthday to all of the Birthday Girls!
    The days are roasting hot in northern Virginia 35 miles west of the swamp (DC)
    I am going to have to venture out now and zip to the Lidl just down the street (yeah, I will drive) and get some milk and fruit
    Stay happy and cool

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Sure hope Jeanne’s computer/blog problems can be fixed. So frustrating I’m sure. So nice that she can keep up with Alba in South America on What’s App. I’ve never tried that. And so sorry about the wet heat too. Here, after our really hot weather, 93 doesn’t sound all that bad. But, we don’t have the humidity. Only dry heat.
    A big Happy Birthday to Sissy!! And many more…. 🙂
    I have enough zucchini now to make the Zucchini/Jack Casserole I make every year. It’s one of those things that can’t fail and you can add what you like. The original came from my mother in law, Stella, who made it for her vegetarian sister and family one time when they visited some years ago. It is a great dish that we use as a main course, but can also be a nice side. I make it in a 13X9 baking dish. I’ll give you approximate amounts of some things as I don’t have it all exactly down. It always comes out great and you can change/add ingredients to your own taste. 🙂

    Stella’s Zucchini/Jack Casserole

    When I have a lot of zucchini, I use a variety of what I have which may include patty pan squash, old fashioned zucchini, or any other similar squash. I love the yellow patty pan squash, but mostly it is the regular green zucchini.
    I have no idea of the exact amount of squash I use, but basically, I slice them about 1/4″ thick and fill the pan leaving room for the topping. I probably should grease the pan with butter, but I often forget and it really doesn’t make any difference. 🙂

    1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs
    16 ounces of Monterey Jack cheese or about 3cups. I also add some sharp
    cheddar, not included in the amount above as I love cheese.
    6 eggs
    1/2 cup milk
    3/4 tsp salt
    3 tsp baking powder
    5 tablespoons flour
    1 tablespoon butter melted
    1 small can diced mild green chilies drained

    Preheat oven to 350

    Fill the dish with zucchini.
    Mix the beaten eggs, milk, salt, baking powder, flour, butter, and chilies in a bowl. Add in the bread crumbs and cheese, reserving some cheese and breadcrumbs to sprinkle on the top. Spoon the mixture over the zucchini. I mix in in slightly with the zucchini in the pan. Sprinkle the top with the extra cheese and some Italian bread crumbs.
    Bake uncovered 45min or until cooked through

    Hope you enjoy. We do. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Joy. This sounds like the perfect thing for me. I don’t like cooking much and this seems really easy and sounds delicious. If I can round up some squash of any kind around here I’m going to make this. After the storm it seems our gardens are in a holding pattern and we’re holding our collective breaths.

    2. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Hi Joy
      The recipe sounds great so I have copied it. Might have to wait a few months though, zucchinis are pretty pricey at the moment. I have a similar recipe that uses cauliflower and broccoli and less cheese. We don’t get Jack cheese here, is it a fairly mild cheese? I usually get tasty cheddar.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I’m not Joy, but I can tell you, Anne, that Jack cheese is quite mild and fairly light in color. Havarti is somewhat similar but a bit softer (if you have Havarti cheese there!).

  7. A very Happy birthday to you, Sissy! I hope you’re having fun. We stayed in a friend’s condo years ago in Ft. Myers Beach and got to see The Everglades, manatees, Sanibel Island etc. I hope Alba had a lovely birthday as well.
    Sorry you are locked out, Jeanne, and I hope the problem is fixed quickly.
    Yesterday was horribly hot here as well. Hit you like a wet blanket when you stepped outside.
    The zucchini jack casserole looks really good, Joy.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    I wish I had bid on the outfit before I left the blog yesterday. I was sure it would get lots of bids but I actually might have had a chance to snag it. Unfortunately, I forgot to check back. Granddaughter Jaiden was here yesterday so my mind was elsewhere. We watched the AG “Samantha” movie. It was wonderful. Mia Farrow as her grandmother was a perfect role for her. And the girl that played Nellie was cute as a button as were her sisters. The young lady that played Samantha did a beautiful job. We have “Felicity” and “Molly” yet to watch.

    We have two newcomers to the dolly family. Twins have arrived. It seems I ordered Mini Hanna twice. I was trying to decide what to do with the second one when David said it looks like you have identical twins. So twins it is and I’ve decided to keep them both. They will be so cute to dress in matching clothes. I have a friend who has twin girls. She never dressed them alike or if their clothes were the same they were in different colors. She said it was for instant recognition. I said you’re their mom and you can’t tell them apart. She said it was easy for her but not for other people so she was helping them out. Well one day she went to pick up the girls at school. She was talking to one of their teachers (they were never in the same classroom) when the girls came toward her. My friend asked the girls why they were wearing each other’s clothes? The teacher said, “What?!”. Turns out at lunch they had switched dresses and attended each other’s class in the afternoon.

    I see where Mini Bella is out now. I have ordered her and made sure I only order one this time.

    Happy birthday Sissy, Alba and Deb. Hope you all had/have a great one.

    I can’t believe so many are sharing our Texas heat this summer. Air you can wear is what we call it. But we are more prepared for it than so many of my sofa sisters so I’m wishing everyone well and that it will be over for you soon. There are still many here in the Houston area who do not have their power back on so they have no A/C. Hopefully their power will be back on soon. The power people are working long hours to make that happen and we still have many months of heat to go through. Rain at this time of year here doesn’t cool things off it just raises the humidity several notches. But a little rain every now and then would be good when not accompanied by severe weather. Seems that’s not an option so far this year.

  9. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I am going home tomorrow and hope to get some photos to show Y’all. I will in the water so much that the hot weather felt good. Hoping for cooler weather for all!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, Happy Birthday from me and all of the dollies here! Charlotte Noelle, the dolly who always has something to add, said, “tell Auntie Sissy to have a big cake and ice cream too!”

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I promise to take photos, even if they are bad. There will be information in Doll News about the convention with really good photos (laugh). I am so excited!

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