Three tries and FINALLY I got this Effner Little Darling top right!

Hi everyone,
Today would have been my dad’s birthday. It’s very hard to believe, but he would have been 99! Happy Heavenly Birthday Daddy! I love and miss you!

I just discovered I can take my curser and cover a comment like I’m going to copy and paste, but I can go to the translate to English and when I click on it, it leaves it translated! I did that with Georgina’s comments and now they are in English and I can’t get them back to French. Maybe in a few days I’ll be able to make comments again.

Some dogs like chickens… a neighbors dog got after our chickens one time when we were letting them wander around in the yard… and it was a disaster… this big Rottweiler was chasing them around and when he’d catch them, he’d sling them around in his mouth… it was awful. Rebecca grabbed a baseball bat and ran out of the house and was chasing the dog with it. He was too fast… I think we lost 6 hens that day… But Reuben is just curious, I don’t think he’d bother them. We had a wire cover over our brooder box, so he couldn’t get to them even if he wanted to. They were moved to the coop since it’s been so warm… no heat lamp is needed, which is nice. They are growing… I’ll have to show you some new pictures…

I’m glad everyone likes the culottes in this fabric. It’s a really cute little print and I have a few ideas to bump it up just a bit. :o)

I didn’t make it into my sewing room until after 6:00 so I was trying to figure out what kind of top to make to go with these culottes.
I remembered I had made a short little top with lace on the bottom edge for Violette, one of my Ruby Red Fashion Friends… I looked it up again on my computer and decided, yep, a top like that would be cute.

So what did I do… I went to my patterns, got out that piece, cut it out of some white embroidered gauzy like fabric… stitched it up, pressed it and got ready to try it on Emmie… and it dawned on me… EMMIE ISN’T A RUBY RED DOLL… she’s an Effner Little Darling… UH… wrong size, wrong doll, Jeanne! Not a total loss… now I have a nice head start on an outfit for the Ruby Reds…

So I searched for a pattern for the Little Darlings… found one that said, “sleeveless” bodice… I thought it would work… but I made it up and it was too big in the armholes… I don’t like that… so we moved on to Top #3… another one created and this one finally worked.
It’s just a fun little crop top without anything done to it yet…

How can a seamstress be soooo scatterbrained?

Here are a few pictures… sorry, no variety in the pics… only a few different angles.

Emmie picked out these burgundy shoes to match the tiny little specks in the fabric. I think they look pretty cute, even though they are Mary Janes…

Well, I’ll see what I can get done on this set Tuesday…
Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Three tries and FINALLY I got this Effner Little Darling top right!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Glad to see you got some dolly stuff done, Jeanne! The top is very cute. But three tries!! Well, like you said, you now have the start of an LD outfit, so I guess we know what’s next after this!

    Will you be able to add sleeves to the one that was too big in the armholes? Or maybe add a skirt and turn it into a jumper, with a little top underneath?

    I didn’t get in my sewing room at all today, but I did get several errands run, so I guess that’s something!

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Looks like my “woohoo” landed at the bottom. And for some reason I’m no longer signed in to your blog!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, how cute, Jeanne! The top really shines with your choice of fabric, since it is just a plain little top, until you see the fabric!

    Are you going to make burgundy shoes or keep those with the set? The color works just fine! I think a cute denim bag would work for this set, much like the one that AG now has out for the new Gap outfit. Maybe a cute design on the front of it would make it special.

    Have to run, my grandson is spending the day here today!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Glad to hear that Reuben isn’t a chomp/munch chicken thief. Rebecca was brave going after a Rottweiler. Very scary.
    As to the translate, I’ve never had to highlight the entire paragraph. Just go anywhere in the area with your curser, right click on it and hit translate when it comes up. Easy peasy.
    Emmie’s new top is sweet. I like the length with just a peek of her tummy. Those LD’s have very round shoulders and are hard to fit, but this top looks perfect. I’d probably go with something other than a purse for a summer look, as I don’t think many carry purses anymore. Maybe a beach bag instead or a backpack. She could use it to carry a picnic lunch and even use it for back to school which starts here very soon. I think the Mary Janes can go with anything now. They really spiff up an outfit.
    Finally, took time from blackberry cutting to get started on the 2nd pair of shorts for my Meadow Mae. First pair were a too small pattern mishap. Ugh. Can’t wait for them to be done. Kind of sick of looking at them. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I did laugh at your comment about the shorts. I have committed myself to the three short sets for my Siblies. I still have one t-shirt and two pairs of shorts to go. This morning I was looking at some of my other dolls and saw my one Maru Mini needed something summery besides her Easter dress. Next to her was another Maru Mini wearing one of my favorite patterns, a bow shoulder dress from Kathy Anne Designs. Very summery. I’ve made one of these for several of my dolls in different sizes. Now I want the shorts and t-shirt to be finished so I can take on something else. And then there will be back-to-school.

  4. this outfit is really cute. The top and the skirt, and the shoes, wow.
    I try not to make sewing errors, but I do. I think it is just part of the thing: remembering
    Have a super fun day

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a sweet little top. The fabric is great. Don’t fret about choosing the wrong size pattern for your top. I have trouble keeping my mind straight on my RRFF minis, L’il Dreamers and RRFF Siblies. I keep having to remember which is which so I don’t grab the wrong pattern. I don’t have this problem with my bigger dolls but I sure do with the smaller ones. And considering what all you have on your mind as a rule, it’s surprising it doesn’t happen more often.

    I often wished I had the advantage of being a single-issue person. I actually have friends that are. But in my household that has never been an option. Yesterday before lunch David came to me and asked what we should call the subdivision we’re building. He had to give something to the city engineer. I was in the middle of a task but decided to give it a try. We always called our property Oakmoor because we have Live Oaks and it’s on Moore St. Since we have three entities on the property (house, mobile home park and his shop) this was for recognition purposes. It was a start. I suggested Oakmoor Estates and he thought that sounded too pretentious. Since our property is flat as a pancake knoll, hills or anything else that suggested changing terrain was out. He didn’t want park because that is what we call the mobile home park even though it will no longer exist once we build the houses. We went to lunch and when we got back I got back to what I had been doing totally forgetting about naming the subdivision. A short while later he came in and asked what I decided. Huh? Oh yeah. I forgot. He said I’m going to the shop. Call me when you think of something. As soon as he walked out the door I came up with Manor. He said that sounded good and then he looked up the definition to be sure it was appropriate. I thought that was hilarious. I look at a lot of maps and am familiar with names of subdivisions. I just needed to find one he wouldn’t reject.

    I agree that something like a beach tote would be great with the outfit. My LDs have those shoes and also in tan. I think they are so pretty and they go with a lot of things.

    Even though our temps are in the low 90s (91 92) we have a feels like of 99 due to the humidity. Ugh! We were so enjoying our days in the 70s and low 80s with low humidity. Is it the end of September yet?

  6. The first spring after we had rescued our precious Collie/Samoyed/Keeshond mix from the driveway there were robins once again nesting it the yard. Unbeknownst to me, a fledgling was on the ground when our dog was running in the backyard with me. All she did upon discovering it was sniff it and nudge it gently with her nose. She was also able to remove a piece of human food treat from your mouth and only brush your face with her whiskers.
    Sweet top for Emmie. She looks cool and comfy.

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Forgot to comment on the translating. I just click anywhere on the French (or any language)and than click translate to English. To get it back to French, refresh the page.

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