This was “supposed” to be a QUICK Ruby Red Fashion Friends outfit…

…and for the most part it was… there was a little glitch with the skirt, but that was easily fixed with a new pattern drafted to make it more flared.

BUT… I have to tell you, this latest HAT …

…has totally been the hardest problem to solve in my sewing history… 60 years of sewing and a hat (well, actually JUST THE BOW) does me in! I absolutely CANNOT get the knot to tie like it did when I made THIS hat last October. The fabric is super thin denim, so that’s not the problem…

I have scrutinized the few pictures I took of it… read my post when I showed it looking for any clues to see if I mentioned any troubles putting it together. In fact, I picked this pattern because I loved the hat and it was well received… and I “thought” it would be an easy and fun accessory to this piece. I couldn’t find ANY clues…

I had my hubby hold up his pointer fingers just a little bit apart and I wrapped pieces of fabric around them trying to replicate the size of the bow and how to get that knot and it “sort of” looked right, so I’d try again and again… but never succeeded.

I even looked up who WON the hat when I listed it on Ebay. I saw the winner was from Kentucky and told my hubby I’m ready to pay her $25 to send the hat to me… “just so I can look at it and dissect how I made it… not taking it apart or untying it, but just doing some measuring.” Seriously that’s how badly I wanted to figure this thing out… It feels like it’s going to haunt me forever! :o(

Finally, I came to my senses, gave up and said to myself, “give it up Jeanne…. it’s a hat!” So, I cut out a new hat… a smaller one and created a knotted bow and stitched it on by hand… not what I wanted, but hopefully it will be okay…

So hopefully this will be acceptable, and I’ll move on… gladly, but not without a little regret for not being able to make it the way I wanted.

Okay… enough whining… let’s see some pictures of the new hat. :o)

I curved the ends of the bow so it didn’t remind Joy of a “propeller” anymore… Good call on that Joy… I laughed out loud! :o)

Here is Freida, still with a smile on her face, after countless fittings.

This is how I ended up attaching it to the hat… handstitched it…

Here is the difference in the hat yesterday and the one I remade today… a big difference that is a mystery to me. I have marked on my pattern pieces that I used yesterday… “blue and coral floral hat for Freida”… but I chose to make it 5% smaller this last time…

So that’s what I worked on today…seems kind of silly when I think of the hours I put in on this crazy hat bow… but that’s what happened.

I will see if I can get it listed on Ebay over the weekend…
Thanks everyone for enduring all my hits and misses over a silly bow.
Have a great weekend…
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “This was “supposed” to be a QUICK Ruby Red Fashion Friends outfit…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Boy, this has been quite a journey for you, Jeanne, with making this hat. In looking at the original one, I’m wondering if maybe you used two separate pieces, and just wrapped one with the other to get the bow to look like that?

    Whatever….anyway, I’m glad to see you made this one smaller than the last prototype; it looks much more appropriate, size-wise, and Frieda is looking pleased.

    Today was quite….”interesting”. Before, during, and after my dental cleaning, there was much back and forth between me and the caregiver, me and the doctor’s office, and even, this evening, me and the evening answering service, about Ron. He’s been coughing a lot the last 24 hours, and they (the AFH) can’t give him any medicine (even over-the-counter) unless there’s a doctor’s order, which meant a video visit–which Elizabeth and Ron had to do without me because I was getting my teeth cleaned! Upshot: Covid test is negative, anti-nausea med ordered and, finally this evening, over-the-counter cough medicine ordered, and both given. Hopefully this will help. He didn’t eat much tonight, and is dozing quite a lot, but when I saw him after supper, I used his scalp massager on him, and put him to sleep! And then, sleeping, he was not coughing, so that was good.

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Charlotte, what a sweet, caring wife you are. I am glad Ron didn’t have Covid and that his got his cough meds. I can just imagine how I would feel in your shoes. God bless and keep you both.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Sissy. This week it feels like maybe we won’t have him much longer; nothing I can put my finger on, but….and, I’ve felt like this before, and have been wrong, so we wait and see. He’s in God’s hands, whichever way it goes.

    2. Hi Charlotte, glad to hear Ron’s Covid test was negative. Prayers that the medicine helps him feel better soon.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Laura. Ron commented after he first got home from the hospital that he knew lots of people were praying for him, and we both appreciate that so much.

    3. Joy in northern CA

      Wow, so much accomplished and teeth cleaned as well. Very glad the Covid was negative and that Ron, has some meds to help him. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too. We’re going to be 102, as it keeps changing. Hope that our heat isn’t traveling up to your neck of the woods.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Joy. It was one of those days I was really thankful for a cell phone so I didn’t have to cancel my appointment and stay home by the telephone!!

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Good morning, Y’all. We got home from my reunion on Wednesday, took some time to unpack, do laundry, and get our strength back. Today I have to go get another shot for my back but hope to get a few photos to Jeanne to share from the wonderful time we had. There were 22 of us, 3 generations, and some boy friends. One kid had to go back to work before we got there, and one boy friend had to leave early. I was wet all day for 3 days, loved it! Peyton had fallen on some stairs on July 6th and cracked 2 ribs, so he just took it easy and enjoyed the boat rides. Y”all have a great weekend!

  3. Ce chapeau là est beaucoup mieux ,Frieda a l’air contente ! Je pense ,que vous retrouverez ,comment faire le nœud, quand vous serez passée à autre chose. Les solutions reviennent toujours après. Belle journée . Georgina.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    You know what? Charlotte, may be right about the bow. Perhaps, a simple separate piece was added instead of being tied. I wonder if someone has reviewed the pattern and made comments about it somewhere? Regardless, the smaller size is very pleasing and the bow looks great. Remember that Wren Feathers Asian outfit that was a bear to make some years back? Don’t feel bad. 🙂
    Well, finally done with the hedge clean up and cutting into little pieces. But, not before other person was able to saw off some overhanging sycamore tree branches. Cut those up too. Now, maybe we can work in our own yard. Ha ha Or, I can figure out how to “Turn off the power and remove the thread plate”, that keeps beeping at me on my sewing machine. No idea how to do that.
    Keep cool everyone, we’re heading up to 101 today. Ugh

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      You’ve gotten a lot done, Joy!

      We are on our 16th consecutive day of temps over 80 degrees, which is highly unusual in the Seattle area–in fact, it is a new record for us! And they expect tomorrow to be the same, and possibly Sunday! Whew!

  5. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, the hat looks a lot better now, since you made it smaller and the bow is just perfect! It really doesn’t matter that this didn’t go as fast as you wanted, because the total finished outfit is darling!

    Poor Joy with 101 degree temps! We are having some wonderful, low temps and humidity that are very strange for the middle of July for us.

    I forgot to mention the darling bracelet you made the other day! What a cute addition!

    I must say that this is day 2 of this week that I have not received the blog in my email as usual. Of course I keep the latest one and go from there, but I wonder why this is happening so frequently.

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Me neither Linda. I thought it might have gone into junk mail but it wasn’t there either. I have made sure not to delete the last msg i received and use that

  6. The new hat is sweet! No, when I enlarge the photo of the old one it was definitely tied. I can see the extra part where it is knotted. I’m assuming the tie goes through the casing of the brim. Wild guess, but could the tie have been cut extra long to allow for easy tying? After tying you took out the slack from the back?

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    Wait — no purse or bag? Can that be right? But I love the bracelet. And the hat is darling.

    We are having reasonable temperatures and only one nearby fire so far. Lots of clouds are keeping us cooler.

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