The Happy Couple and a few more auctions…

HI everyone,

Just a quick reminder…the Vintage Vogue Ginny 8″ doll set ends this evening on Ebay…this one…

You can see it by clicking this link… Vintage Vogue Ginny Doll Set

Also the Felting Needle Tools and the Wool roving ends right after the doll…

Needle Felting tools and Wool Roving

The last one for Tuesday evening is the Peggy Nisbet doll…

Peggy Nisbet Maidservant doll

I fixed dinner and was going to sit down and answer some comments… YIKES… you guys were chatty today! 22 comments! Thank you for chatting with each other today… We got up in the 80’s today but it started out in the 60’s and it was really a nice break! Sorry for Joy roasting and for Anne freezing.

I received some pictures from Sissy, who was at the wedding of her best friend. It looked like a beautiful wedding… and I can’t believe that friend of hers is 80! She is very pretty! See if you all don’t agree! This was my note from Sissy!

Jeanne, some of the group mentioned they would like to see the wedding. Here are a few photos for my best friend, Kelley and her new husband, Ed Trygar. They met at church and started just having fun, they love boating, eating out together, and never thought they would ever marry again.
Well, time will tell and fun turned to love. She is having her 80th birthday this month, but is very active, still playing tennis, and although he is 6 years younger it makes no difference in their lives. I am so happy for them both.

The photos show Kelley with her 2 sons, the one on the left is my God Son.

Next is Kelley and Ed…

Kelley and her grandkids; the two youngest were flower girl and ring bearer…

The last photo are me and my husband, Peyton with the happy couple.

Thanks Sissy! What a pretty bride and handsome groom! And what a sweet couple you and your hubby make!

I had to answer Susette again… she said I was probably a Candlestick maker too…after doing that cake… Well, that is one thing I have NOT tried and probably won’t. I’ve never tried making soap either… never had a thought to try either of those!

I did manage to get a few more things listed on Ebay… today it was just some fabrics. I have some McCall’s Vintage looking fabric with 1950’s style dresses shown on young girls. There is nothing but a number on the edge of the selvage. One fabric is a larger version of the dresses and one fabric is the smaller girls in dresses. Just a fabric I need to let go of… Here are the links to them…

McCall’s Fabric of Vintage dresses on 50’s Girls

McCall’s Fabric of Vintage dresses on 50’s Girls (Large print)

Then I got this out of the archives… my Angel Hello Kitty Vintage Sanrio fabric. I knew it was pretty special and VERY hard to find, so I called Rebecca and talked to her about vintage things… She gave me some pointers on selling it… we’ll see if she was right.

I have 3 different lots of the Hello Kitty fabric… the dark fabric, the light fabric and the patchwork panel fabric with some scraps.

Here is the dark Hello Kitty Fabric… 4 yards in one piece and 22″ in another piece… Hello Kitty Dark Pink Fabric

This is the light Pink Hello Kitty fabric…1 yard and 32 inches in one piece… Light Pink Hello Kitty fabric

And this is a panel in a sort of patchwork style… all using the same pinks with a light purple checked color in it… The panel is 1 yard and 20 inches long in one piece…and I have lots of various squares and pieces included…

Pink Hello Kitty patchwork panel

It is a pretty rare fabric and very hard to even find… I only found one fat quarter of the fabric and one listing of not even a full yard in ALL OF EBAY! I used to have this in the purple and blue colors too, but sold them. Rebecca always told me to hold onto the pink… I did… until today… :o)

Want to see what I made out of these fabrics… (back in the day?)

I made little dresses like these and sold them at my local Farmer’s Market… I made a purse and a hairbow to go with them… I also made them for the American Girl dolls too… they got an animal instead of a purse.

Well, I’ll have to see what I can find tomorrow to list…

See you,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “The Happy Couple and a few more auctions…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Lots of cake stories being told in yesterday’s blog! I took cake decorating lessons while we were waiting for our child to arrive. Ron was in hog heaven–I had to bake a cake every week for however long the lessons lasted (6 weeks, as I recall)! I missed the last class because by then we had just gotten Daniel. I did use my skills for birthday cakes for him as well as a few shower cakes, and even one for my in-law’s 25th wedding anniversary! My hands won’t take all that squeezing of bags any more, so I guess I will need to find a new home for all my tools!

    Sissy, thanks so much for sharing pictures of your friend Kelley’s wedding; it was a lovely wedding! So nice to see a picture of you and Peyton, too. You look much as I remember you when we met a number of years ago.

    Jeanne, I remember that McCall’s vintage fabric; I’m sure I have some of the allover print, which I just love, as well as the all-pale-pink one that had line drawings of the fashions on it. I don’t remember seeing the bigger print, though. It’s quite wonderful, too!! And the Hello Kitty fabrics–what fun! I’ve always rather liked Hello Kitty, but I don’t remember seeing those fabrics before.

    A quick update: Ron is still very very weak, but he is definitely eating better and swallowing much more easily now. The physical therapist thinks that eventually he’ll be able to use his walker again. We shall see!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      So glad for the update on Ron. Prayers will continue for more strength. God bless you both.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Lots of things to see today, Jeanne, which makes your blog so fun and wondering “what’s next?”!

    First off, Sissy, your friend’s wedding pictures were wonderful! I loved the bride’s dress! She certainly was a beautiful bride, and so refreshing to see a bride at our age! It was good to see you in the picture too! So that’s the Sissy we all know now! It’s nice to see names and faces together! Thank you for sharing!

    Jeanne, I can’t believe the variety of things you have there that we get glimpses of every once in awhile!😊 I love that little Hello Kitty dress, and Betsy wants one in her size!

    That Peggy Nisbet Maidservant doll got me thinking that she would be a nice doll for an American Girl doll! I will send some pictures of my dolls holding their American Heritage Dolls that are the same size (6”) as yours. I’v got a Fourth of July picture too you can use, if nothing else!

    Keep cool everybody, except for Anne, who needs to get warm!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    We are hearing thunder here and hoping for rain, every morning there is so much humidity the windows are covered in moisture and we can see out. We have had to stop eating meals on the screen porch. However, if no hurricanes find us we will not complain!!

    I am so glad y’all are enjoying Kelley’s wedding photos. I am still high on joy for her. She has been though a lot of stuff in the last years and no one deserves happiness more than she.

    Wishes for all of you to stay cool or warm as need be. I remember growing up without air conditioning. At least our home was right by the beach and we had breezes most of the time. I do remember going to sleep with the ocean breeze coming in my window and then waking in the night sweating when the breeze stopped and the room was full of humidity and heat. That would happen when the tide turned. Those were the days, though, I loved the beach.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    So fun to see what new items Jeanne has for sale each day. Interesting seeing the Hello Kitty fabric. None of that around here, but probably something else from years past. I always thought that Simplicity fabric would be attractive in a sewing room, but that larger print might make a fun circle skirt with an eyelet top for a summer outfit. 🙂 Not that that would get me out of my shorts and tennis shoes.
    Sissy’s wedding pics were wonderful. So nice to see her and the bridal couple together. What a fun wedding.
    It cooled down here last night, but I don’t think that will happen again for awhile. We have a Heat Warning and power is being turned off for some. System is being drained. Krispy critters for fire danger as well. Not a fun time, with people without brains lighting off illegal fireworks, scaring wildlife as well as poor quivering pets. I’ll be thinking of Anne in NZ. Keep warm.

  5. Laura in Ohio

    How wonderful to see a photo of you, Sissy and your husband as well as the bride and groom. Beautiful ladies and handsome gents.
    Never had any of the Hello Kitty fabric, but a few other Hello Kitty things made it here.
    So sorry about the heat for you, Joy and the cold for you, Anne. We had a respite yesterday morning. it was in the 60s and actually chilly after the 90 + we have been having.
    Happy to hear Ron is doing better, Charlotte.

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