Take Two on the Ruby Red Sandals!

We didn’t get very much rain like Linda said they did in St. Louis. In fact, ours was hardly noticeable…it was pretty much like any other rainy day. I’m glad Barbara wasn’t in too much of the bad weather. I hope everyone else in Beryl’s path is safe too.

Todays post is going to be almost like yesterday’s but it’s different… I made another pair of the denim and leather sandals for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls making some changes I thought for the better.

See… it looks just like yesterday’s post… but there is a new pair of sandals on Sarah’s feet.

These took a little bit less time than yesterday’s sandals, but I still need to tweak my pattern so I can fit all the pieces together like a puzzle, not having to guess how long the straps have to be or how much to turn under the fabric pieces that are glued under the sole.

Here are the two pair of sandals…

I made the front piece with the bow and the back piece with the strap and held it up to the Ruby Red’s foot and glued them in place. The main difference in my first pair and the pair I made today was I cut a piece of leather larger than the sole this time and glued it tightly on the bottom of the 1st layer that her foot rests on. When it was dry I too my knife and cut around the sole and the fabric.

Here is the new pair…

My first pair I cut out a second sole the same size as the first one and glued it on the bottom of the first dole. They weren’t exactly the same size so they didn’t look even. You can see the new sandals on top and the first ones on bottom.

I also added snaps and a metal button on the end of these straps.

When I burnished the edges of the soles, I rubbed the Tokinole on the leather edges and did it several times and now they have a shine to them… and I was very happy this time.

I think they look pretty much like a match…

Another day in the life of a shoe cobbler… or as Dorothy in PA called me… a Shoe Whisperer! :o)

It’s late, so I need to get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Take Two on the Ruby Red Sandals!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It’s interesting how much of a difference those little adjustments can make! These sandals are ever so much nicer than the first pair!! I think you have another winner on your hands here.

    Rosemary, hope you are feeling better. I replied to your post on yesterday’s blog.

    Glad to hear the storm has largely been an inconvenience rather than a danger or hazard for our sofa sisters. We are still hovering at the 90° point, which is unusual for Seattle area, particularly more than a couple of days in a row! I’m ready for it to cool down a bit again!

    1. Charlotte, thank you for sharing your family history of the UP area. It is special. I do love it so much in the summer and fall!
      Hubbs sister and her hub (Jim) have lived there for at least 50 years, Jim was a middle school teacher for most of that time, so his sudden death was a shock.
      The parks are beautiful, especially Presque Isle!

      Yesterday I was so miserable, I am the worst sick person (former RN) so I lazed around all day and every 4 hours the drugs wore off and I had to keep drinking to fortify the expectorant.
      I woke up this morning feeling loads better, but hubbs cautioned me, so I am doing that. It is way too hot here to do anything anyway. Since my daddy passed away June 2023, I have been a homebody and loving it. I sew all day
      Thank you for your well wishes, I am grateful

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Very nice work, Jeanne! You are so precise in the way things are finished off, and everything seems to meet exactly where it should! That doesn’t happen with me at E snaps on the shoe are so perfectly sewn on, what kind of a needle do you use that goes through the denim so perfectly?

    The soles are perfect now, and are an improvement over yesterday’s sandals. I think you have it down pat not!

    So today we get remnants of Beryl all day, and after that storm we had last evening. The neighbor next door had a huge tree fall over, which blocked the street, and my daughter had a power line break right in front of their house, which meant no power for 4 hours. Our yard is littered with leaves and small branches, but with it raining all day, it will be hard to get out there and clean up.

    Charlotte, I hope you cool down soon! Those temps are not fun if you have no air conditioning!

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    That’s scary about the power line breaking, Linda. One time in Missouri we had a wire on the ground and somehow a fire started and was heading toward our house. Luckily the firemen got to it in time.

    The sandals look really nice, Jeanne.

    I was wondering if anyone had experience with Tallina doll wigs or Monique or Kemper? They are for sale on Ebay, but I don’t want the hair to fall out if they are old or have bad elastic. What are good affordable wigs that fit 18 inch dolls? I think the size is supposed to be 10 to 11. Thank you!

    1. Hi Karen
      I just saw those Tallina’s wigs on Ebay and ordered one of the ones for $1.50… so I’ll let you know the quality of it when it arrives.
      Monique wigs are wonderful… especially the synthetic mohair wigs.
      Hope this helps…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thanks so much, Jeanne! It is appreciated <3. Hope you have a great night!


  4. Lost my first comment – I was commenting on your cute sandals. I like the Jean look and the bows are really cute.
    It’s already muggy here. I’m getting I don’t like summer here. The humidity is terrible. However, those in the areas where the hurricane passed through and those getting the tail end storms- stay safe.
    Jeanne, I also commented on how you get your days mixed up sometime- today when I woke up, I thought it was Friday.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    The sandals are so so cute. Will Jeanne be making an outfit to go with them? or will they become an item in her Etsy shop?
    Very glad the tree didn’t fall on Linda’s house. Her daughter is so lucky that the power at her house was back on in only four hours. Around here, it would have been a two days minimum. Crazy.
    Just when we are getting used to nice much cooler weather, we now expect at least two days of over a hundred later this week. Enjoying the coolness this morning though. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      A reply to your reply to me of yesterday. Yes we solved our lack of rain problem which doesn’t always happen when tropical systems come through here. We seem to always be on the dry side. When TS Allison arrived in Houston she stayed for days dumping tons of water on them. We didn’t get a drop. Beryl’s wind was brutal to our plants. Our tomato plants were just putting on nicely and now David’s not sure they will come back since they are so beat down. Aside from that and a piece of trim coming off our addition (easy fix) we seem to have faired pretty well. Can’t say the same for the eastern side of Houston. Beryl may have been a Cat 1 (nearly 2) but the wind gusts were more like a Cat 4 in some places.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Didn’t think about the plants. Sorry for the tomatoes, but hopefully, they will come back and produce. Can’t cut a break. Hope those in Houston without power get it back on quickly and can start the clean up. So glad you didn’t have more damage than the trim. Not liking the number of hurricanes predicted for this season.

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    Those are wonderful sandals — now we need a picture of your hand holding them so we can appreciate the size.
    I was concerned that Carbondale would get the end of the storm, but it sounds like you were lucky. Linda’s St. Louis sounds like a giant soggy mess. Generally messes get cleaned up quickly, but first they look so discouraging. Any word about damage at the Botanic Garden?

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Yes the second try for these shoes is much better. It’s amazing how just a tweak here and there can make such a difference. This is the cutest pattern. Maybe you can develop patterns for these shoes in several sizes. They are so cute and would lend themselves to all kinds of fabrics and embellishments.

    Rosemary, I hope you are feeling much better.

    It looks like Beryl will be hanging around for some time. My daughter in Maine is expecting some of the rain and they say it could go into Ontario. Beryl is evidently meeting up with some atmospheric situations that could help it along. Praying for those in its path to stay safe.

    I haven’t checked the news this morning but last time I looked some of the streets in Houston looked like rivers. But they did expect that any storm surge would be gone over night allowing the bayous, etc., to drain into the Gulf so flooding might end up being less of a problem since Beryl did not hang around and dump large amounts of rain like Harvey did. Beryl definitely was a wind event and even a short spell of that was enough.

  8. Hi Jeanne
    Well, everyone said what I think. These sandals are absolute cuties. You really are a shoe cobbler. I love the snaps with the buttons. Well done.
    Now, every doll needs these shoes!! I am pretty sure they are “a thing”!!!

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