New things added to my Etsy shop… F-i-n-a-l-l-y!!

Hi everyone,
I was having trouble commenting on your comments this evening. It kept saying “Nonce Verification Failed.” What is THAT? I tried answering the first couple of comments… and it kept saying that… so I restarted my computer, tried again and nothing.. I clicked the Log In button at the bottom of my post and when I did that, it brought up those boxes where you have to log in with your email address, and then your name.
Since Rosemary had a short comment, I tried doing that with her, and it was the only one that worked. By then it was too late to fiddle with it anymore. I’m hoping to resolves itself.

Someone bought 3 of the doll necklaces… YAY! …and then sent me her paypal address for an invoice to be sent! How much fun was this? UNTIL I “sent” her the $33 instead of “requesting” the $33. I then had to spend time trying to undo that fiasco.

Joy, you mentioned if I had any necklaces for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends and guess what? I did! I spent the better part of today listing the ones I had. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can price everything so it’s easy to buy.

I sold a pair of red doll gloves from my Etsy shop, so I had to get those packaged up too.

Then I had to get a dress finished that I was altering… It wasn’t hard, but it did take up some of my time.

SO… I’m just going to have to show you some of my things I listed today and then add a link to my Etsy shop.

I Dream of Jeanne Marie Etsy Shop

Well, I have had a busy day, and it will be busy tomorrow at the Food Pantry.

I will see you Monday…
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “New things added to my Etsy shop… F-i-n-a-l-l-y!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, dear, I’m sorry about your computer issues, Jeanne–hope you get them figured out soon!! AND your paypal issue, too!! One headache after another!!

    So glad you got a few things listed in your etsy shop; I took a quick look but will have to take a little more time tomorrow; I need to get to bed now.

    Did I remember to send you the molded tuna salad recipe a while back? If you need something quick to post, and I didn’t, please let me know, as it won’t take long to get it off to you.

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Thank you, Dorothy, my son did say they would try for a visit to make up for it, probably on school breaks. This is the third time something has happened to cause her not to come. The other 2 times she was sick. We did fly for a visit last August, but my dear Hubs is not up for flying anymore.

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Joy, I love the big bushy Crepe Myrtles! Maybe just cut a few lower branches to see if it works. We planted 2 when we built the house 24 years ago, but the neighbors trees got so big around them they just shot way up to get the sun. I can’t even see the blooms for the trees. However, a bird planted one by the back steps. I keep it fairly small and it blooms twice. Birds also planted a white one next to the neighbor’s white one, but it is over the lot line on our side. It has grown pretty tall so I won’t prune it.

    Simone and I decided on making doggie bandanas. Those have straight seams, too, and are smaller. They have 2 dogs. Simone is 12 and 1/2. I also started another grand girl on her mom’s machine when she was 12. She ended up taking sewing lessons and sews beautifully. She is 27 now.

    1. Now, those bandanas would be fun, only they would have to be kitty size for our grand. Ha ha. However, I would have to haul my machine down to their house and be able to do a lesson in a half hour, as we usually only have a few hours there before it’s time to head home. 🙂 And I suppose all three of them could make one. 🙂 Group lesson.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Joy, they would love that! And I would love to see them. You could have the part that ties done on them and let them just do the easy part, and have the edges ironed to make it easier.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Last Christmas we bought our granddaughter, Jaiden who is also 12 1/2, a basic sewing machine and all she would need to get started. She was very excited. Her/our first, and only, project was a skirt for her to wear for Easter. She hasn’t touched the sewing machine since or worn the skirt since Easter. She wears jeans to church. Sadly my daughter-in-law has a negative opinion of sewing and my granddaughter is picking up on that – or she just doesn’t want to rock any boats. Can’t blame her for that. Jaiden loves art and I think she would love sewing but maybe she will have to get a little older to not be influenced by her mom’s attitude. We think that someone during Dionne’s childhood tried to force her to learn to sew and she developed a mental block. She had more than one stepmom and none were very good to her, and her biological mom took off when she was two months old. She is a handful, but we keep hoping we can help her through all this. She has so many amazing qualities but still seems unable to find herself. We pray for her.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Barbara, That is so said, I can see how that kind of growing up would effect her. Do you live pretty close? Maybe you could get Jaiden to visit you and you could sew together? Or maybe she just has to grow up a bit more.

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Actually we do live fairly close. We are about 45 minutes from them. Jaiden is out here at least one day a week now that school is out but when I ask her if she wants to do a project she says no. I’ve got a lot of things other than sewing we could do and she loved to do things with me when she was younger. She is my only granddaughter (I have three grandsons) and I would love to spend more time doing things with her but I’m patient and I love her to the moon and back so I look to the future. There’s always hope.

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I know how frustrating that can be! If you can’t fix it, maybe you need a new router!! I am so happy to be back to the group again!
    Happy for your ETSY sight to to be back. I have never tried to get one. I just don’t sew fast enough. Have a good weekend!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    The necklaces are pretty for the Ruby Reds and the headbands too. I’m looking for some that are made with smaller beads and have toggle clasps with short extension chains so that they can be adjusted in length for different outfits. I’m thinking freshwater pearls or something similar. I’d also like a pendant on a cute silver chain and small bead stretchy bracelets in pearls or small beads with a little heart charm. I’ve made one bracelet that turned out okay, but I’m not sure of the correct way to knot the stretchy plastic cord. My fingers are kind of sketchy trying to hold small beads too. Just some ideas for the future.
    Turned out we weren’t in the high 90’s yesterday, but hit 102. So hot when I had to water twice, but my plants appreciated it. Today, probably in the 90’s, but then cooling off to the high 80’s which should be great for a family picnic soon.
    I know the power is still out in a lot of Houston, but hope everyone in other locations keeps cool this weekend.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Keep your fingers crossed but I think Sean finally has his power on. It has been on and off since Monday. They would get their power back on and then when the power company turned on another section they would go off again. Hopefully they found the short or whatever was causing that. We brought our generator home on July 4th but it is back in north Katy again so they can at least watch TV and run fans. But it seems every time the power goes off my 3 1/2 year old grandson goes ballistic. I told Sean he is picking up on his and Dionne’s frustration. It’s not been as hot as it could be here but hot is hot, especially when you can’t sleep well. I was becoming very worried because there is concern that we will reach dangerous heat levels soon. So many on the east side of Houston are not scheduled to be back on till maybe the end of next week because of serious infrastructure problems. They have set up cooling centers and churches and businesses with power are inviting people in to enjoy the A/C, charge their phones, etc., and use their laptops. Buttons ‘n Bows, a fabric/quilting/smocking shop I love is in an area of Houston that has power and they sent out messages to people on their email list telling them to bring their projects and sewing machines in and work on their projects while enjoying the A/C. So many have been so generous. Yesterday I did two loads of laundry for Sean and Dionne so I’m doing my part. We even invited them out here to stay for a few days and they probably would have if they didn’t keep getting teased that their power was on. By the time they thought of packing up and coming out here, the power was back on – only to go off again a short while later. Yesterday Sean left at 4 p.m. and texted David at 7 p.m. that their power was back on. We haven’t heard anything else so hopefully it stayed on.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Well, hopefully the power is back on for your son and family. What an experience and so annoying. I was trying to figure out if a friend had power in Houston, yesterday. The map provided by the power company was not the greatest and not easy to navigate. Most of the street names were covered in a color indicating power, or not, and where exactly in line that area was in relation to when power would be restored. But, you couldn’t read the street names. So, I had to look at a regular map, find highways, and then go to the provided map and figure out where they were located. They were without power and it indicated that they had been assessed. That’s it. No mention of what that even meant. Apparently, their internet is out as well, so texting is the only communication. Hope everything gets fixed soon for all. So hot and so long to be without power.
        That was so kind of you to do laundry for your grands and family.

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          I know what you mean about trying to figure out the power company map. I tried to find out yesterday about Sean’s power and it was useless and I know the area. One of the things that was most annoying was that in the beginning Center Point was good about keeping people informed by text message, but when the power kept going off things became very silent and Sean couldn’t find out a thing.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I definitely took advantage of the additions to the Etsy site last evening. Once the dolly girls checked out the site, my goose was cooked. So many cute things but I reached my budge limit and decided to save some things for others.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, Hallmark is airing its Christmas in July series and one of the movies shown was Miracle in Bethlehem. I thought of you, of course.

      AAA is taking a bus trip in early December to experience Christmas there. I am thinking about going. The only issue for me is the trip to see the star on South Mountain. If that is anything like Peter’s Mountain, I might not be able to go. Mountains are scary (laugh).

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Dorothy, the Christmas show about Bethlehem PA that Daniel Roebuck is doing won’t be out till this Christmas season and will actually be filmed in Bethlehem PA. The one that we saw last Christmas and will be shown in July was actually filmed in Canada with some shots of Bethlehem mixed in. I’ve seen the Star of Bethlehem on South Mountain many times. You can actually see it from most places in Bethlehem but at least when I was living there you could drive up to it. South Mountain is not a steep mountain so nothing to fear, but if you find mountains scary you really need to go to Colorado. We used to drive up to the Alpine Tunnel. It’s not in use now but once had a narrow gauge RR that went from the eastern slope to the western slope. The road up is narrow and winding and if another car is going the opposite way you have to find a place to move over and there aren’t many. I didn’t have much trouble going up but coming down my side of the car was on the outside of the road and it’s a sheer drop off. David was always telling me to look down at all the Beaver ponds. No way. I could never have driven it.

      2. Charlotte Trayer

        I agree! Mountains are scary. (I know, I’m living in the Wrong State!! ) I drove my cousin up to Leavenworth (an alpine-like village in the mountains east of Seattle) one time; going up wasn’t bad, and the town was wonderful, we had a great time–but coming down, it was white knuckle all the way!! WHY did I think this was a good idea???? Even after over 60 years living in Wash. State, I am SO a midwest girl!! 😂

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the girls all look so regal. I think they must be planning to attend a ball (smile).

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