New American Girl Doll NECKLACES for Sale!

Sorry if you thought the Corolle doll was creepy or angry or naughty looking or needed a makeover. I just bought her for her “accessories!” I’ll find something to do with her. She DOES smell lovely! :o) Linda, look closely at the side picture… She DOES have eyelashes! :o)

In my cleaning and sorting and listing… I found some necklaces Rebecca had made that never got listed. OOPS!! I thought I’d give you all first dibs on them…before I list them on Etsy. I don’t have any duplicate beads (they were hers that she brought from PA) so if you see something, it’s a one of a kind, and you’d better snatch it up. (I do have duplicates of the crystal and pearl necklace… I’ll tell you about it below.)

So I have 12 necklaces for the American Girl dolls. They are all made with Glass Beads and pearls and were made by my wonderful jewelry expert and daughter, Rebecca. They are all beautiful and all have magnetic clasps in the back… which makes them EXTRA WONDERFUL! They are glass so I have to pack them carefully and pad them so they arrive safely at your house. There isn’t enough padding in just a padded envelope to send them securely. If my package is over 3/4″ thick I have to send it as a parcel which in the past has been $3.50-5.00. Unfortunately, I have had to raise my prices, but I’m still trying to give you the best deal.

You can either leave a comment below with any necklace/s you’d like or you can send me an email with your paypal address on it and I’ll send you an invoice.

So this is what I’ll do…
1 – 2 necklaces will be $12 each with Free shipping. ($12 – $24)
3 – 4 necklaces will be $11 each with Free shipping. ($33 – $44)
5 – 6 necklaces will be $10 each with Free shipping. ($50 – $60)

Okay, so let’s see the necklaces. I gave them all a color name to help you tell me which one you like. I’ll try and remove the pictures of the ones that sell so you’ll know what is left.

I’d like to thank Felicity and Rebecca for being my lovely models! Here are the glass pearl necklaces…


Dark Wine…




Ivory and crystal

Lavender Glass beads

Apple green with yellow beads

Mint Green glass beads

Well, that’s all the necklaces…

I did list all of the purses and handbags and totes patterns on Ebay this evening and a Smart Points Weight Watchers calculator…

Handbag/purses/totes patterns lot

Weight Watchers Smart Points Calculator

…and that makes today a wrap!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “New American Girl Doll NECKLACES for Sale!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What lovely necklaces!! I’m sure some dolly will love to have one (or more) of them. The ivory one looks like real pearls, I think, but I have to say my favorite one is the mint green. Such a delicate color!!

    Our hot weather is finally breaking–we had four days in a row of 90°+ temps, which is highly unusual for the Seattle area. (As a matter of perspective: last night they said on the news that the most–Total–number of days with 90° or higher weather in a single year for us is 13. That’s probably why so many houses out here don’t have a/c installed! Why bother, for just two weeks?! LOL)

    So, today the high was 88 (yesterday it was 98), and tomorrow they are saying 83. Tonight it has cooled off enough that I’ve actually closed a couple of doors! Windows are still open, at least somewhat, though. We are to have highs in the 80s for another week or so anyway.

    And that means, maybe another molded tuna salad for me. Right now I’m working on the broccoli/grape/chicken salad I made yesterday, so maybe Saturday I’ll make the tuna one again.

    Ron got his hair cut today! The barber came to the house and did it for us. We got him sitting up in bed, and she draped a sheet around him so the hair wouldn’t get in his bedding, and then she cut his hair. She’s been his barber for probably 20 years or so.

    He is finally coming to grips with the fact that he’s not going to get suddenly stronger; it will take a long time. I told him today, you were really gravely ill for over a week, before you started coming out of it; it’s going to take some time. (He’s still not able to stand alone or use his walker.)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I did see those eyelashes from the side photo. What I meant was painting some around her eyes to make them more prominent. The newer American Girl dolls have them now. I’m not really a fan of them on the American Gril dolls, but this little doll could use them in my opinion!

    What lovely necklaces! I know firsthand that everything made by Rebecca is first class, since I have quite a few already and they stay so pretty! I know, postal prices on shipping and mail has gone through the roof! Since those beads are glass, you have every right to mail them so that they don’t get damaged. Going through the list, they just get prettier and prettier, although the plain pearls necklaces get a lot of use at my house! They are a great way to hide the separation of the neck and body on the dolls.

    1. Thanks Rosemary,
      I just added some new things to my Etsy shop today too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Curious, but does Rebecca make any smaller scale necklaces? Like for the Ruby Reds or Meadow kids? That would be fun I think. Although, I’m sure those with AG girls will be snapping them up.
    Turns out yesterday that we went higher than the planned 87 and hit 95. Today, might hit 100. Glad to hear that it’s cooling off in Charlotte’s area. Lots of similar homes around here that don’t have whole house air conditioning. Us included.
    I’ve been working on a couple of doll outfits. One made from some kitchen towels with Christmas themes is interesting. Not sure how it will come out though. I suggest, don’t try this. 🙂

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, Nice that you found all those lovely necklesses! While working in my sewing room this week I found a lot of things, but nothing so nice as those.

    My plans to teach my granddaughter to use the sewing machine have failed. Her mother had a minor accident with the car tire and they can’t get another in time, so they will all be flying to FL and she and Simone will not make a side trip here for a good visit. Simone will be having fun with the cousins instead of playing with her Granny, which is only natural. At least I won’t be worrying about them driving back and forth to Long Island, and I have done a lot in the sewing room which needed that!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, I am sure that your granddaughter is just as disappointed as you are. Perhaps you can plan lessons for another time.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, the fun your grand will miss. Hopefully, the lesson will work out again soon.
      What were you going to make? I’ve heard that it is fun for a first project to make a pillowcase. You know, some print fun for her age group. And easy straight stitching. Just a thought. 🙂

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    All the necklaces are beautiful. While I don’t have an 18″ AG doll I do have two MA 18″ dolls so I’m trying to decide which one(s) I like best. I probably ought to hurry and make up my mind because I imagine they will go fast. I have several of the necklaces for the smaller dolls and they are lovely.

    Thanks, Sissy, for the info on the Crepe Myrtles. Since my bush/tree is so huge I don’t imagine there will be much pruning going on. Some of my neighbors who practice crepe murder may be able to get theirs to continue blooming. I noticed some of the bushes do have a few remaining blooms but they don’t look so good.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the necklaces are so pretty. I am sure that there are several 18-inch dolls saying “Oh please, oh please, Mama!” (smile)

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