Let’s have an ONE DAY Auction right here on the blog…

HI everyone,
It’s my sister, Deb’s, birthday today! Happy Birthday to you!!! Love you!

I am still having trouble with the “nonce verification failed” error in the comment section. Sarah wasn’t at church yesterday so I’ll have to email her and see if she can fix it. I can still write my blog and see your comments, but I can’t answer anything. It looks like you all can answer each other’s comments… it’s just that I’m the only one locked out. Strange, huh? I’ve read a little about it, but I don’t understand what to do… it has something to do with the plugins on my blog.

BUT… I still am going to have an auction here on the blog. It’s just a one day auction… and it’s for a Ruby Red Fashion Friend doll. I have been so busy selling “stuff” I just had to sew something…so I made Freida a denim skirt from the same fabric as her sandals. I added a white cropped peasant top, a leather crossbody purse and some hair ties and I had an outfit… and you all have been SO patient waiting for me to sew again, that I decided we’d have our own little auction right here on my blog.

So these are the rules…
I will start the listing out at $50.00 and if you want to place a bid, you’ll probably want to send it to my email address… you can hit the tab at the top of my blog that says Contact Me and tell me what you want to bid.

You can bid as often as you want and I will try to UPDATE the bids at the TOP OF THIS POST if the bidding changes.

Might I suggest you bid something like $53.07 or $56.78… it will differentiate your bid and just make it easier. And there is less risk of a tie bid at the end.

The bidding will end at straight up midnight… 12:00 P.M. Central Time Zone… (Illinois time) I will check the times of any emails that come in close to the end to make sure I get the correct winner… AND if no one bids on it, I’ll probably list it on Ebay…

Okay? I think I’ve covered all the bases… but if you think of something I may have forgotten, let me know.

So here is what you are bidding on… the sandals, jean skirt, white crop peasant top, leather crossbody purse and hair ties.

Thanks everyone,
Happy Bidding…
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Let’s have an ONE DAY Auction right here on the blog…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what a cute outfit, and what a fun idea! I can’t perceive of the notion that it won’t get any bids, though!! Just too cute.

    The top reminds me of what I wore when I was a kid in the 1950s; we called them “midriff tops”, and they usually were sleeveless, but with a wide ruffle that sort of served as sleeves.

    Lots of mix and match possibilities with these pieces plus whatever your doll already has in her wardrobe (including, for the core dolls, anyway, the outfits they came in). Good luck, everyone!!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Oh you mean belly-sticking-out shirts. That’s what my little sisters called them when they weren’t wearing their baby soups. We older girls called them the same as you.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    That is such a cute outfit, Jeanne, and all the pieces make it too tempting not to bid! However, no RRFF here, so I will just watch and see what happens! I too, remember wearing tops like that as a girl, and my mother made us shorts to wear with them.
    It’s only not even 4:30 a.m., and already 80 degrees here! Going up to 100, and will feel more like 105 today. Yesterday, I was out only a few minutes watering, and felt like I was getting smothered! For sure I’m staying in today!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Wow Linda. You even have us beat here in SE Texas. We were at 75 at 4:30 a.m. Not up at that time so I had to hunt for it.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Trust me, Barbara, we are not trying to beat you! Although it is only 95 at the moment, it now feels like 108! Iā€™m busy changing doll clothes instead of going anywhere!

  3. What an adorable outfit on a sweet and beautiful doll!
    Happy Birthday to your dear sister.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Happy Birthday to Deb and many more. šŸ™‚
    Hope Jeanne can get the plug ins fixed so she can answer on her blog.
    We have fog this morning, so that it is nice and cool but it will warm up when the fog lifts. Can’t believe 80 at 4:30AM, for Linda. Hope she can keep cool today.
    The auction outfit is cute, but wonder how we can see the bids if Jeanne can’t answer?
    So exciting to be harvesting our first squash. Time to dig out my zucchini/jack casserole recipe. Love that stuff. The tomatoes are getting very close to being ripe too. Other person is looking forward to them. And the zinnias are lush, but no blooms yet. Can’t wait for those too. šŸ™‚
    Enjoy your summer as it is already the middle of July. šŸ™‚

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I would love to have your zucchini/jack casserole recipe. Hopefully we will have some zucchini soon and I don’t have any recipes for them just olive oil and on the grill. We’ve had several yellow squash so far but Sean’s garden took a beating from the storm like ours did and he had the squash and zucchini.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is so cute. I don’t have a RRFF doll so I won’t bid.

    Happy Birthday to your sister!

    I am counting down to the UFDC convention. We are leaving on Saturday. I can’t wait!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, hello. I will take some photos. I am not very handy with my camera though (laugh). I usually cut off people’s heads. I don’t have a phone I can use as I only have a flip phone which only rings.

        I promise to have fun for both of us (smile)!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      So nice to have you come to my state, Dorothy! Hope we cool off a bit for you, and I do see that in the forecast.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Linda, thanks for the kind words. I wish we were closer but I see that you are about 3 hours away from Kansas City. UFDC does have a public day where folks can come and visit the salesroom but it’s a bit far for you.

        Thanks for sending the cool weather to us while we are there. It’s been unseasonable hot here in PA. It’s not snowing though. That’s how I comfort myself (laugh).

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a cute, cute outfit. And I have several RRFFs. I’ll have to check my budget and see what I can do.

  7. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Deb!
    That’s a cute outfit. Some RRFF is going to be happy. We called them halter tops whether they had sleeves, were sleeveless, or like a swimsuit top.
    Have a great time at the convention, Dorothy!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, hello. Thanks for your sweet comment. I will wave in your direction as we drive through Ohio. It’s about 15 hours, not counting lunch and bathroom breaks, of which I am sure will be many (laugh).

      Knowing that there are dolls on the other end, makes the journey worth it.

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