Happy Saturday and Happy Selling…

Hi everyone and I hope you are already having a nice Saturday!

I have a few items ending this evening and wanted to remind you about them…

Here is the darker Hello Kitty Vintage fabric… Dark Hello Kitty Fabric

Here is the lighter Hello Kitty Vintage Fabric… Lighter Hello Kitty Vintage Fabric

Here is the patchwork/quilt like Hello Kitty Fabric Patchwork-like Vintage Hello Kitty fabric

This is the McCall’s Vintage 1950’s Girls dresses fabric in the smaller version… McCalls Small version of vintage 1950’s girls dresses

This is the McCall’s Vintage 1950’s girls dresses fabric in the larger version… Mccall’s Larger Version of the Vintage 1950’s girls dresses fabric

I was able to get a few more things listed last night and wanted to make sure you saw them…

One listing in a set of 10 books… those “Eat This, Not That!” books… you can see them at this link…

Eat This, Not That! 10 book set

The other thing I managed to get listed was a little miniature couch in a pink, sort of velvet-like fabric…It’s for the smaller dolls like Mini Bailey and Ten Ping… I’d say any dolls 8″ or under would be fine with it. My Mini Bailey doll is NOT included.

Mini Couch for small dolls

Well, that will knock out quite a few of my auctions… I’ll still keep working…

Thanks everyone,
Have a great weekend,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Happy Saturday and Happy Selling…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m happy you sold your pleater; someone will enjoy using it, I’m sure! I have a Pullen Pleater (Martha Pullen company of some years back), and I do use it every now and then. Mostly I’ve used it for doll clothes (surprise surprise), but I am currently finishing the smocking on a summer nightie for me, and then I have a blouse I need to pleat and smock the fronts and put together. I was hoping I’d get both done in time to enter in the fair, but it looks like it’ll be just the nightie this year, IF I get a move on and get it finished!!

    Our head librarian wants to learn to smock, too, so next time I have my pleater out, I’ll pleat up a sample for her to try.

    Joy I’m sorry about the smoke in your area. We’ve had some up here today/tonight, too, and my allergies are really kicking up. I’m not sure if it’s fireworks left over from last night, or smoke from a wildfire somewhere.

    We are gearing up for our first hot weekend of the summer; I know 94 doesn’t sound like much to some of you, who face much worse, but in the Seattle area, it’s a rare occurrence, and many homes out here do Not have a/c (including ours), so the heat can be a real challenge! I’m sort of hoping our pastor decides to hold Sunday service in the basement, as the main floor of our church gets like an oven in temperatures like that!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Happy Saturday, Jeanne! It was a surprise to see the blog this morning, and I see more has been added to your sales! Hmmm, I am trying to lose weight, so those “Eat This, Not That” books are tempting!

    That little jewelry box couch is darling! What a find for a smaller doll!

    Congrats on selling the pleater! I had no idea there even was such a thing, and thought all smocking was done by hand! It seems like now, there is some sort of machine for everything you can imagine to do for sewing!

    Oh my, Charlotte, no air conditioning at home or church? It’s hard to believe that if you lived here! We have had the air conditioner on since sometime in April nonstop, due to pollen, then heat. If we turn it off and on, it just makes it harder on the air conditioner to work, so it stays on until maybe a couple of weeks in late fall, then we go back to heat. With global warming, things got heated up earlier this year, and will probably stay that way for most of the summer and fall. Today we go only to 88 degrees, but 88 with no humidity is a lot different than 88 with it! Luckily, we have decent humidity today, for a change!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Hi Linda,
      Well, in the Seattle area we get 90+ temps about one week out of the year, and some summers not even that many days, so people out here aren’t as quick to get a/c, usually. In fact, I remember in 1964, I had just graduated HS, and we were planning a trip to Michigan, and we needed a newer car. Daddy found a 1964 Chevy (Bel Air, I think), and it had gone from dealership to dealership out here, and just would Not sell. Why? Because it had an air conditioner installed under the dashboard! NO ONE wanted a/c in their cars out here at that time!! So daddy saw it as a really good deal and a true blessing for when we’d have to be driving across Montana and other hot areas, and bought it. I will tell you, it did make a difference, and I don’t think he ever bought a car without a/c again, as long as he lived!!

      I’d like to clarify something you said about Jeanne’s pleater. All the pleater does is pleat the fabric in evenly spaced rows; you then tie off the pleating threads, and the smocking is done over the pleats–it’s basically hand embroidery over the tops of the little pleats. After all the smocking is done and the area is steamed and blocked, the pleating threads are removed (except the two top ones, which are removed later) and the garment is finished.

      Maybe Jeanne could do a tutorial on pleating and smocking sometime??? Just a thought.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Well, thank you Charlotte, for clarifying smocking and pleating! So it’s a two step process? Who knew? Not me!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    We have been looking at Beryl as it is heading for Texas. Praying for any one living there and any family living there. Very scary.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    I’ve always loved your pink couch in photos. So cute. I’m sure it will sell quickly.
    Thought we’d get some sleep last night, but the power went out. Oh great. We got up and looked out to see is anyone else was out and yes, looked like a lot. Turned out 12,000 were without power according to PGE. But, the fire department says it was 27,000. Figures that PGE would try to minimize it. Anyway, I called in the outage and started thinking about how many hours the refrigerator would stay cold. Really wanted other person to turn on the generator, but we’ve not had to use the latest one and it would have involved actual thinking at 2:00AM. So, we went back to bed. Couldn’t sleep thinking about spoiled food and how we’d stay cool. Even was going through a list of places with power that had hotel openings. Some hours later the power came back on even though PGE said to be prepared for a long outage. So, we’re good this morning, but groggy yet again. Turns out the cause was a switch that goes off if there is a disturbance at a pole to prevent wildfires. Not a fan, because they keep going off for no reason and within the city limits, they are unnecessary according to the fire department. Guess I will have to do the laundry after all. 🙂

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      So sorry for your woes, Joy. There are some really nice places to live on the East coast, especially in McIntosh Co. where we live.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Thanks Sissy. Would love to visit McIntosh County since other person comes from the McIntosh family Scotland via Canada. 🙂 But, I’m a California, girl, and I’ll get over it. 🙂

    2. Susette from Southern California

      Your homeowners insurance probably offers an option to cover power outages for refrigeration for a very low premium. We have serious cloud cover here and it’s only 68 at 10:30, going up to only 79. Not even good beach weather. Have a nice retiree’s long weekend.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        That is interesting about the homeowners, but here, no one wants to make waves as so very many have already had their Home Owners cancelled. We’re holding our breath on ours.

  5. Laura in Ohio

    Forgot to mention yesterday that my neighbor friend ( fellow kitty caregiver in arms), Bob’s 50+ year old backyard oak tree was split by lightening during the night on Thursday about 4 AM Friday. Flash and Huge crack! Went down the street the few doors to watch part of the massive clean-up begin and talk. He’s a widower/ Vietnam Vet and had fallen asleep watching TV in his family room when it happened. Put a hole in the roof of that room and took out a part of the wall. Poor Bob asleep just a few feet away though a bomb had gone off. So glad he was safe from harm. Also hit the neighbor’s screened in porch and took one wall of that down.

    So sorry for your heat, Joy. Hope you get some sleep this weekend.

    That pink couch is super cute, Jeanne.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Yikes, on the tree. What a close call. I wonder if Home Owners will cover it? Some won’t. We have massive redwoods a couple of houses away that worry me in wind storms. Not much you can do about it as a removal quote to the home owner was close to a hundred thousand. Crazy.

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