Got any NAMES for this Dianna Effner, Little Darling outfit?

THREE CHEERS for Sarah! She FIXED whatever was wrong with my blog and I can now comment on YOUR comments! She’s a GREAT Tech person to have in your corner! I can’t really tell you what it was… but something happened and I was being blocked from my own blog… and I run it! She had to add a new plugin and delete the old one. Hopefully it will stay for a long, long time!

I made quite a bit of progress on Emmie’s outfit. I hope you like how it’s turning out. I still want to find the right accessory to go with this and haven’t even looked at what I have yet, but maybe today I’ll find it or make it. Now I’ll need a name for the listing on Ebay! Maybe you can come up with something… I haven’t looked at any of the names in my book yet.

Here is her hat now… I added a band of gold cluny trim and then a bow made from the culotte fabric.

I also added some little reddish buttons to the front pleats on the culottes…

Then I added some white buttons on the back of the top…

I was going to make a pair of leather shoes for this outfit, but in the end decided to make Emmie a pair of sandals from the denim fabric, fringing the edges and then adding some stretch elastic cording. The cording holds her foot in place and makes them super easy to put on.
I used leather for the 3 layers of the stacked sole.

So how does it all look together?

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “Got any NAMES for this Dianna Effner, Little Darling outfit?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hooray!! But now I notice that my name doesn’t automatically come up when I click on the link from my email to get you blog. I went to wordpress and made one change, and will see if that does it; it said it wouldn’t happen right away.

    Anyway, names….how about Summer Cool? It does look like a very cool outfit for hot summer days. Or perhaps you can play on the word “culotte” in some way?

    I like the added trim on Emmie’s hat, and her sandals are as cute as could be. I think you may have a winner here, Jeanne!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I hope by adding your name back in things will get back to normal.
      Using culottes is a good idea.. maybe Cool Culottes?
      It took me a while to remember how I had those sandals for the Little Darlings!!
      Thanks Charlotte… I am keeping you and Ron in my prayers. I know this has to be a hard and busy time for you.
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        So nice to see you can reply, Jeanne! ANd, no, I am still having to fill in the blanks with name and email address.

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Well, it is adorable, Jeanne! I really love that hat, and the culotte and the sandals. She is just too cute in this.

    I am busy getting ready for MDCC, making an outfit for St. Jude auction and getting my workshop materials together. I went to Hobby Lobby Monday to get some more feathers for the fascinators. They have the cutest feathers with dots on them, I haven’t seen them anywhere else. As usual, the whole store is Fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!!! I always get some little activities for the after-school-kids to make. They have a turkey set that has feathers in many colors. I was a good girl and didn’t go to the fabric area!!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, have a great time at Modern Doll. A friend in my local doll club will be attending.

    2. Hi Sissy,
      I hope you get everything packed and have a wonderful time at MDCC… I’m sure you will! How many years have you been going?
      Someday I’d like to go to a doll convention!
      I had to laugh when you said you didn’t go near the fabric area… Sometimes I have to “make” myself not go there either.
      I wonder if I saw the same turkey set you did… I picked one up the other day and was thinking it was awfully cute and could I buy it for… I didn’t get it but it looked like fun.
      Thanks Sissy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Jeanne, the turkey one makes 24 turkeys and has 4 separate colors of feathers for each turkey. Great for kids to make.

  3. What a sweet little outfit. I really like the material of the hat and skirt and her sandals are perfect.
    Emmie looks like she’ll stay cool and fresh in this hot and muggy weather.

    I’ve been so busy this summer as usual. Too many things to do and spending more time at Lake Erie this summer. As we approach August, I have to wonder where the time went for June and July!

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I added a few more things to Emmie’s set and it will be listed on Ebay this evening.
      My hubby and I were just wondering where July went. I told him I was still wondering where June went! It seems like the year is just flying by!
      Glad you are enjoying your summer… even if you have to do it indoors! :o)
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Helen,
      I already picked a name for the outfit as I was listing it on Ebay and needed that… but I do like Summer Delight and wrote it down to use for another outfit. Sometimes I get the name first and it makes it easier to pick a doll to fit the name. Maybe that will happen with Summer Delight!
      Thanks Helen,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Apparently, when the old plug in was deleted, I was deleted as well. Because, I’m no longer getting the blog. How can that be fixed??? I would like to receive it every day as usual. Thanks for any help.

    1. HI Joy,
      Sarah just asked me how the day was going with the blog and I told her a few of the things all you ladies mentioned. I also saw where you unsubscribed and resubscribed. I hope this is just one of those hiccups that happens every so often… and then resolves itself.
      I managed to get Emmie’s set all finished and it will go on Ebay tonight… That’s why I hadn’t answered you yet…
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Linda in St. Louis

    Emmie looks perfectly darling, and why not? She IS a Little Darling!! The hat is perfect for keeping the hot sun out of her face! The sandals are cute, just the kind that you made for my Betsy! The whole outfit is perfect for going to the zoo or playing in the park.

    I just came in from watering, and is it ever humid and hot out there! It really hits you when you first go out, and then, boy, when you come back in with the air conditioning, you really feel how hot it is. I pity the poor people who work outside all day, like our mailman with no air conditioned mail trucks. They just get fans to blow the hot air around.

    Am I having trouble thinking of a name, Jeanne! Maybe Culotte Cutie? However, I think they might think they are getting the doll! We couldn’t have that happen!

    No trouble getting on the blog lately, after not getting it for a few days.

    1. HI Linda,
      I know what you mean about the humidity… I went outside to take a few pictures of Emmie in her new outfit before I listed it on Ebay, and it was so hot and humid… I didn’t stay out very long! When I did come in my face looked like I had been splashing in a pool somewhere.
      I actually used a couple of words that Charlotte suggested… and turned them around… Cool Culottes! I hope that grabs people’s attention.

      I’m glad you didn’t have any trouble with the blog today… a few people have noticed things and Sarah just texted me and wanted to know how things are going… I told her a few of the issues and hope it will resolve things on its own.

      The blog looks exactly the same to me… with the exception of the space for commenting looks bigger… but it’s so nice to be able to comment again. I really missed not conversing with everyone.
      Thanks Linda,
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    The spacing on the blog entry looks a bit unusual. I’m not sure your problems are over.

    I really think this outfit needs a shopping bag or purse with a flap with a red button on it. Or a bag to carry a stuffed animal or a kitten, with a red button or buttons, if you have any left.

    I love the blouse fabric.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Well, I had to get my listing for Emmie’s set on Ebay while I had time so I was working fast while my hubby was in town. It always seems like I’m trying to get something listed right at dinner time…
      Well, I did use a “word” you mentioned, but you’ll be able to see tonight when the listing goes on Ebay… I might make one more thing for the winner even though it will just be added to the box after the listing is over…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The blog does look odd and today I only received the Jeanne Weidlocher mailchimpapp one in my promo folder. The typical “idreamofjeannemarie” one that comes always to my Inbox didn’t arrive. I always get here through the “idream…” one, but used the promo one today.
    OH, now poor Joy is deleted again. Something isn’t quite fixed yet.
    What a sweet little outfit that turned out to be. Emmie looks very happy although she does need a furry pet, IMO.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I don’t notice anything different on my end of the blog posts… just that the box for commenting is bigger… and the font seems larger…easier to see.
      I’m hoping things get resolved on their own…
      I managed to get Emmie’s outfit scheduled to go on Ebay tonight… you’ll like her “accessory!”
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Same here, Laura–I only got the mailchimpapp one, and not the idreamofjeannemarie one the last couple of days. And the idream… one used to always appear first, and usually right around 1 a.m. Pacific time, so I could read and reply before shutting down my computer!

  8. All the pieces of this outfit are really cute. I’m not a fan of the different denims, and it just seems the bow on the hat is trying to pull it all together. I think I just loved the test fabric so much that I it ruined me for these pieces. The denim hat would look great with the test material shorts and a cream colored top. I also like those fringed fabric flowers you make. How about some in calico, but not real matchy? Have you ever made them with beaded centers for some bling? As I said I just really liked the test material.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m sorry you don’t care for the way I finished this up… I really couldn’t use the first culottes as they weren’t serged on the inside and the hem was turned up with no serging either. The plan was just to see if I had reduced the pattern to the right size… then when I saw how they fit, I drafted another version of them with some room for the serged edged to be finished.
      I have added a few more pieces that might make it better for you.
      Somehow it seemed sweeter to me this afternoon when I finished it.
      I had to get it listed on Ebay this afternoon if it was going to make it… my hubby was in town and could work quicker without him asking me things.
      Maybe I’ll have to make another pair of culottes out of the test fabric and see what I can come up with.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    I always use the blog from the day before and refresh to get the new one so I’m not having any trouble so far. But the “Leave a Comment” area is different so I’m trusting this will work.

    Being someone who likes using different textures and colors this outfit really appeals t me. I love what you did with the hat and the sandals are absolutely adorable. Now for a beach tote?

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Yes Barbara, I think it needs a beach tote rather than a a more formal bag. I don’t have any names though I am useless at that!

    2. HI Barbara,
      I’m glad down in Texas things seem to be working on the blog… at least for you…. and I did notice the comments section was bigger too… the font is even bigger… but the main thing… is really works… I missed not being able to comment or answer any questions.
      Well, I didn’t make a beach tote, but maybe I could still make one for another set of culottes… I really like the pattern on the Little Darlings… I wonder how I’d like it on the American Girl dolls/
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am back from the UFDC convention. I had so much fun! I did take some photos but they are still in my camera. I promise to send some to you.

    In the meantime, you and the Sofa Sisters can look on the UFDC Facebook page for some short videos of the convention. You don’t have to have FB to look at this information.

    I got to meet Ruby of Ruby Red Galleria as she had a booth in the salesroom. I didn’t purchase any of her dolls but I did look at them.

    The convention next year will be in Norfolk Virginia from July 22 to 26. The souvenir doll will be made by Robert Tonner.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      So glad you are safely back home… I bet it feels good!
      I will be waiting for your pictures… but I plan to look at your links and see what was happening!
      How wonderful to meet Ruby in person. She seems very sweet and so happy to be making dolls! I am thrilled to own Ten Ping and happy that the new Mini Sarah and the new preorder for Bella share the same body and feet as Ten Ping.
      Norfolk Virginia is a lot closer to you, isn’t it? Are you already planning to go next year? How fun to have a Robert Tonner Souvenir doll…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Jeanne, I forgot to write that I really like the outfit you created. You have the cutest Little Darlings!

        Yes, Norfolk is closer for us in PA. It’s about a 5 hour drive. The drive to Kansas City, Missouri was 15 1/2 hours, not counting food breaks and restroom stops. It took us two days.

        The folks in my doll club are already thinking about next year! I will find a local tearoom for us to visit. This year we went to Emilie’s French Teas and had an amazing tea!

        The Robert Tonner doll will be an extra cost. Information hasn’t been posted yet but I am guessing the doll will be at least $400 over the convention registration fee. I probably won’t get the doll.

        People are already selling the convention dolls on ebay. Some folks attend the convention and then sell the dolls to pay for their convention fees.

        The 2024 convention doll was made by Helen Kish. She represents Miss Unity and is the symbol of UFDC.

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