A new pair of sandals for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls…

The weather is a little bit of everything for everyone it seems. Joy is having hot weather, power outages, fires, drought, and probably something I’m forgetting… I’m sure by now Barbara, down in Sealy, Texas is feeling the brunt of Tropical Storm, Beryl! I hope you both are safe even though your weather is totally different.

It’s been hot here! I don’t remember what day it was, but I went upstairs to find a box to mail something in and the temp up there was 108 degrees! But we have Air Conditioning downstairs, so I’m not complaining.

I did sell lots of things over the weekend… my little pink couch (I have another one), the Hello Kitty fabric… although the winner hasn’t paid for the dark pink one yet, the vintage looking McCall’s girls in 50’s dresses fabric, and more… I need to get busy with some new listings, but I took a break over the weekend and worked on something fun! A pair of doll shoes… partially leather, but partially denim.

I found a doll at the Goodwill who had ONE sandal on and I loved the way it was made… I debated about just taking a picture of it and replicating it from memory, but I thought it was worth the $4.74 to buy the one shoed doll and take the shoe apart and use it for a pattern. When I got home and tried the sandal on the RRFF dolls, it was a perfect fit. BINGO! So that’s what I was working on. I forgot to take a picture of the sandal as I found it. It was actually kind of messed up… the sole was made from chipboard ( thick cardboard) and was kind of curling back from the rest of the shoe.

These are the pieces after the sandal was “deconstructed!” The sandals were REALLY cute! It was a new design for me, so I was excited to make them.

I never thought to take any pictures along the way as I was sewing them, so all my pictures were taken after I was finished… Well, actually I still need to work on a few things… I’ll show you…

But here they are on Sarah, who was anxious to show you what they look like.

They have a cute little bow on the piece going over the foot and I loved the design.

This was my first attempt and I think I got them fairly the same… that’s the hard part about making shoes. ONE is easy to make…Making shoe number TWO requires some extra patience because it has to look JUST LIKE shoe number ONE!

Okay, so let me play critic for a minute… looking at this picture…

My leather didn’t come out exactly the same on the sole… sometimes it slides when you glue the two soles together. I can probably sand it down and even them up and it will look better, but I’m also not crazy about how the Velcro I used to close the straps looks… it sticks out too much. I might take it off and just add snaps and a button for looks. I think it would look better…

I’m also not sure about the leather sole sides… they look a little rough, so I held a piece of navy trim along the edges and wondered about using something like this… (although I do like the leather and denim look by itself.)

This was my first attempt, so I’m already thinking of ways to make them more simple… in other words… less construction steps.

But for the most part, I was very happy with how they fit and how they looked. I’d like to make a pair of of all leather and see how they look! :o) :o)

Well, I better get to bed…
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “A new pair of sandals for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    The new sandals are just darling, and have a lot of potential for embellishment, etc. as you refine the pattern. What a great idea, to buy that doll for the one sandal, and it turns out to fit your Ruby Reds! I’m sure you’ll figure out the Velcro vs. snaps vs. tiny magnets or whatever for the fasteings.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Darling sandals, Jeanne! The originals look like they would have been cute too, in a material that would match the dress. Knowing you, things will go right along, and you will find plenty of ways to make those sandals Jeanne Marie Originals! This will be great for people who have RRFF dolls and clothes, yet not enough shoes!

  3. these are reallllllly So adorable. I love making tiny things. These are tricky, I agree.
    You did a fantastic job. yes, a thin grain ribbon would work but it could get too gluey.
    I hope every one of your visitors, and you too, have a lovely week
    Hubbs came home from 4 plane trips to Marquette Michigan and bk to see is big sis. Her hubbs passed away suddenly last month!! Rex (my hubbs) was having eye surgery then. So anyway, he came home on Thursday and brought back a horrible cold, which now I have. I am never sick…. so this is epic. I probably will not get anything accomplished today. Did I share the link to the brown bears of Katmai? They are live on the explore website. They are so silly and cute
    scroll down and you can see all of the live cams. Brooks Falls has the most bears, there is a well known bear Grazer that has two baby cubbies this year. She stays mostly down river at RW or KRV
    Be well everyone.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Rosemary, I’m so sorry you ended up getting sick! Hope this cold is short-lived. Take good care of yourself!

      My ears perked up when I read “Marquette, Michigan”–both of my parents were born in Ishpeming, which is just a few miles outside of Marquette; my dad grew up in Ishpeming (mom’s family moved a few times). Also one of my cousins lives in Marquette, and his kids live there or very nearby with their families. I have many ties to the U.P.!! (I grew up in Stephenson, about 100 miles south of Marquette, in that part of the U.P. which is truly a little slice of heaven.)

      Thank you for the link; what fun to watch the bears catch fish as they jump out of the water!!

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the sandals look adorable. You really are the shoe whisperer (laugh).

    It is hot here also but it’s not snowing. That’s how I comfort myself (smile).

  5. Joy in northern CA

    No weather complaints here as the fog rolled in and it is cool this morning. So pleasant. 🙂 Now, I’m hoping that everyone in Beryl’s path stays safe.
    What a find. Who else would buy a one shoe missing doll just to make a sandal pattern from the one remaining. 🙂 I really like the sandal with the leather showing. If sanded as you mentioned, I think that would be the way to go for these. Not a fan of the edging as it seems too wide and also spoils the leather/denim look. These are the cutest sandals ever and every Ruby Red will want some. They would be perfect for fall too before it gets chilly. Hope you can make some more and put them in your Etsy shop. 🙂
    We’re overrun with weeds again around here. It’s been way too hot to get out in the yard and do any work lately, but hoping the weather cooperates so I can get back to the mess and once and for all demolish the invaders.

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    I love the sandals! Great find for the pattern!
    I hope Barbara in Texas is ok. I hope we hear from her soon.
    I am working upstairs in my sewing room, if I ever get it done will show
    before and after.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I would love to see the before and after photos. Please take a lot. Might give me some inspiration. 🙂

  7. Laura in Ohio

    Hope Barbara is okay and checks in soon. Not anymore, but I had lots of family ties to Texas – Pasadena, Rosenberg, Kerrville, Galveston, Welcome (yes, the town my grandmother was born in was names Welcome) and their farm in Beasley. Those maternal great-grandparents immigrated through Galveston while my other maternal great- grandparents came though Ellis island. I’ve been to other places in Texas as well (The Alamo, El Paso, Fredericksburg, Brenham etc.)
    The sandal design is so cute, Jeanne. I love the bow on top. I also prefer just the denim and leather look so I’m sure you’ll find a way to make the edge smooth. I noticed it, but figured you just were not finished yet. I did notice Sara’s very short mini skirt with the sequins and rhinestone though.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Well I’m here safe and sound. Beryl came on shore at around 3:50 this morning as a Cat 1. A strong Cat 1. It was much further north than they had predicted so it spent more time in the Gulf not to mention that even when it hit Houston 1/4 of it was still hanging out in the Gulf. It was supposed to come on shore at Corpus Christi and they were prepared for it but they actually got none of it. We got a lot of wind and rain but nothing like the east side of Houston that got gusts of 94 mph. Our gusts were about 60 mph and that was enough. It’s still raining and windy but thankfully the storm is now a tropical storm and moving northward fairly quickly. Looks like Jeanne may get some of the rain as it is moving in her direction.

    David went down to his shop to check things out. The only worry I had was a couple Pecan trees near our house. The only two deaths so far have been from trees falling on homes and the roof collapsing. So sad. They say to stay home and people feel safe and then that happens. All the tornado watches and warnings are now north of us and that’s good. We watched a high water rescue a little while ago. It was in an area that always floods badly so I have no clue why anyone would drive into that area with so much rain happening.

    We lost power twice but only for a few seconds each time but over 2 million in the Houston area are without. So far we haven’t heard from Sean so hopefully they still have power. At lunch yesterday I said something about us only having one generator and what if we both needed it. Grandson Skyy had a solution. He said they could come stay with us. The last time we had that problem was during the winter storm of 2021 and we had no generator then. For a couple days we went back and forth to whatever house had the power on.

    I love these shoes. The doll must have belonged to my granddaughter. She never could find both of her doll’s shoes at the same time.

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      So glad to get your report, Barbara. Here on the Ga coast we are always nervous during hurricane season.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Sounds like you received some of that needed rain. Have to look at the bright side. So glad you and family are safe.

  9. Susette from Southern California.

    My son and family live in Cypress, Texas, which is directly in the eye of the storm right now. The electricity is out but they bought a generator a couple of years ago. They feel safe so far.

    Jeanne, silly question, but did you turn the pattern over when cutting the left shoe. It doesn’t look to me to be exactly the same as the one on the right at the arch of the foot. More pointed at the sole than on the right shoe. They are darling and would be great in a print.

    Also could the field where Website (Optional) be fixed so when I move to black dot to the right, it’s permanent and doesn’t have to be toggled every time? the

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Glad your son has a generator. So nice to be prepared. Hope all remains well in Cypress.

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    We just got hit with a huge storm in St. Louis, which is in the path of Beryl, farther up, but maybe Jeanne is getting it now. It was not fun seeing all that rain come down sideways, and the power flickering. I hate to think what it must have been like in Texas! Glad to hear that you are safe, Barbara, and Susette’s son!

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