A busy weekend for me… but I found some dolly time…

How can it possibly be Monday again? Wasn’t it just Thursday? My weekend was busy, as it seems to have been for quite some time.
I don’t ASK to be this busy, but somehow it just seems to find me…

Sarah has had her family visiting from Kenya and hasn’t had a chance to look at why I can’t comment in the comment section even though all of you can… but she said her family is leaving Tuesday so she will try then.

Today’s post is pretty much a “this and that” kind of post. You’ll see…

First up… Please keep Bithar (my very special friend from Haiti) in your prayers. She is DUE any day now with her 7th baby… She knows it’s a boy and so they’ll have 4 girls, and 3 boys… Samuel, Deborah, Esther, Blessing, Grace, David and next up will be Isaac. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s a good mom and just got her LPN nursing certificate.
She looked So pretty at church this morning, so I asked her if I could take her picture. :o)

Next up are some blonde and brunette chicks! My hubby’s “chicks” if you will. :o) He got rid of the hens we had as they weren’t laying as well as they used to. They were 2 years old and generally he gets a new “batch” of chicks around then. These pictures I think only show 12 but I think he found a few more at a farm store and now there are 16! Reuben loves to watch them in the brooder box in the dining room and it’s been quite noisy with them cheeping all the time…

I was trying my hand at a few more doll shoe lasts as it’s much quicker and accurate to make doll shoes when you have a mold to shape them on. There is a new Mini Bella sized doll from a pre-order that was just offered. Since Bella will wear the same size shoes as my Ten Ping doll (and she has the exact same size body as Ten Ping), I decided I should make a pair of shoe lasts that will work for both dolls.

I also cut out another pleated front pair of culottes too. The first pair I showed you the other day wasn’t really something I planned to finish, since the insides weren’t serged. I was just testing out the pattern to see how it went together, but this pair I was able to serger and use a tiny zig zag to finish the insides. The basic part of this pair is finished, but no snap in the back yet… and maybe some kind of embellishment. I’ve been trying to decide on a top for it…

It’s kind of strange, but I CANNOT get my pictures to show how cute these are… I know Joy mentioned they looked too flared out at the sides, and I know… it looks like it in my pictures, but in person, they are SO flattering and not like they appear in the pictures. I can’t figure out how to capture that… but for now, here they are…

So that was my weekend… There was lots more that took up my time, but that would be boring…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “A busy weekend for me… but I found some dolly time…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I know what you mean, Jeanne. The last two weeks it seems like I had an appointment (or Ron did) or an obligation of some kind every single day, and the time just flew!! This next couple of weeks should be quieter–I hope!!

    Well, I was wondering why Sarah hadn’t looked into your computer issue just yet; company from far away (particularly family) is a very good reason!! Hopefully it won’t take her too long to figure out what the issue is!!

    Congratulations to Bithar and the entire family on the coming little Isaac! You are right, she is just glowing and so beautiful in those pictures! Thanks for the update.

    Ruben is just adorable as he watches over “his” babies!!

    I saw that mini-Bella, and although tempting, I have kind of slowed down on dolly purchases of late (although I still have Sandy on the way….) The mini dolls are very cute–I was Really tempted to get mini-Hanna, as she’s one of my favs–but I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes!!

    The new shorts are very cute. I guess some things just aren’t as photogenic as others, but I can see they have really nice lines.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, who would guess, July is going to bid us good-by in a few days! Jeanne, you had the kind of weekend we all usually have, no problem with that. None of us are commenting from the Olympics in Paris, but wait, where does Georgina live? Anyway, we all have the usual things to do here, and it might not sound as glamorous as we want, but we certainly understand!

    Bithar does look lovely, and I love her dress! She seems like such a happy person, and I wish her all the luck and blessings with her new little bundle of joy!

    Those little chicks are adorable, and I remember when we had ours in our kitchen under a heat lamp. They grow so fast, it seems like right under your eyes! Rueben is cute as ever!

    Those flared shorts are darling, although I would call them culottes! I like them flared out like that, and the hat goes well too. Now for a top!

  3. Georgette Fabre

    Bonjour .Et bien oui ,les jeux Olympiques ont commencé, sous la pluie. Hier, heureusement le soleil est revenu. J’aime venir ,sur votre site, pour apprendre comment vous vivez . La vie ,ici est semblable à la votre ,avec des occupations ,les fins de semaine, des enfants ,que l’on reçoit; et bien sur, pour moi , les poupées..! J’habite à 50 kilomètres de Paris ,à côté de Fontainebleau. Je vous souhaite une belle journée et je vous envoie mes amitiés. Georgina. PS: J’ai fait votre gratin de courgettes ; c’est délicieux.

  4. Bithar is a beautiful woman. How exciting. Pregnancy was such a lovely time when we were young. Juust the whole blessed adventure.
    The Chicks are so cute. Reuben looks proud. How sweet
    I love the shoes. They are special, this is an incredible craft you have developed!
    So so so many dollies need shoes. I love the blue leather
    I hope every one has a happy delight filled week.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like busy Jeanne, accomplished a lot this weekend. Good idea on the shoes for the tiny set. Mini Bella is on order and will join others her size already here. Their feet are so tiny and they always need shoes to match an outfit.
    I like that fabric on the latest culottes, as per Linda. I so remember having those but we were not allowed to wear them to school. Only skirts. Thankfully, that has changed. Because, now grand, starting 6th grade wears very short skirts with attached shorts all the time. Great for sports at recess. 🙂
    Do dogs eat chickens? Hope adorable Reuben isn’t hungry. 🙂
    With the slightly cooler weather, I’m back to pulling weeds again. Oh goody.
    And our refrigerator now has enough zucchini to make the Zucchini/Jack casserole. Getter get on that. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I remember not being able to wear anything but skirts and dresses to school. At the end of my junior year in high school and my sister in 9th grade we went to visit my grandmother in Wilmington, DE. We lived in PA and had blue laws and sales tax, Delaware had no blue laws and no sales tax so we went shopping. Beth and I wanted culottes but I knew I couldn’t wear them to school but I found a pair with the panel in the front with buttons that looked like a skirt from the front. Beth opted for a pair of obvious culottes. We wore them to school but I worried all day I was going to be called into the principal’s office because from the back they were obviously culottes. Beth was a limit pusher and wore her culottes with pride. Neither of us got in trouble but it was the last week of school so maybe that’s why. I had no problem with my kids wearing shorts to school because we start school in August and it’s very hot here. I remember the first day of school in PA we actually wore sweaters in the morning. One year when my daughter was in junior high we bought her a few nice pairs of shorts to start school (mid-thigh length). Then we got a notice that shorts were no longer allowed for those in junior high. There had been too much disregard for the length of the shorts. We had to “do over” back to school shopping that year.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Beautiful pictures of Bithar. I love her dress. I hope you can send pictures of her and her growing family after the baby is born. They are a lovely family.

    Love the culotte/shorts. Great fabric.

    I once had chicks in the house. Sean was into raising chickens. I was glad when they moved out to the hen house for several reasons and the noise being the least of them. Plus we had to be careful not to let our dog in that room. Joy was the only one that mentioned what I was thinking. To my dog they would have looked like a good meal. Once when David and Sean went Dove hunting they took them to the backyard to clean them. They counted and one was missing. They went looking and found Gwynne our American Eskimo dog looking very contented. There was no Dove visible but she still had feathers hanging from her mouth.

    So far I have two of the Mini RRFF and Mini Bella has been ordered. Well I guess you could say I have three of the minis because I accidentally ordered two Mini Hanna’s. But if you want to see something cute you should see them together. You can just see them dreaming up impish things to do and having a great time together.

    Can’t believe it’s the end of July already but in a way I’ll be glad when it’s the end of August. The two older grandkids are away at church camp so I won’t have any grandkid visits this week. Actually they pretty much entertain themselves but I sure do wish they had not closed our pool. Fortunately Dionne babysits for two children around Azure’s age so he won’t be too lonely but I know he will miss them.

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