It’s Question Time again….*sigh*

HI everyone,
Today was busier than yesterday…just one of those days *sigh* and I had too many phone calls, 2 trips to the Post Office to try and solve the mystery of a letter that was supposed to be here Monday and now the tracking shows it is in Kansas City, Kansas… *sigh* again…

Too much to elaborate on, but it got to be 10:45 tonight and I told my hubby I hadn’t had any time to get anything ready for a post for Wednesday… His response was, “Just tell them today you have no post!” *sigh” again…

I still can’t comment on “your” comments and so I can only read them and see what you all are doing and saying… *sigh” again…

Anne, I DID get your comment yesterday and it wasn’t in the pending file… but I’ll keep an eye out for it to make sure I don’t find one there.

I did sell 3 things from my Etsy shop… thank you dear buyer! *Yay*

So today will be a Question Day… remember those? I ask a question and you can answer in the comments or in an email to me… we’ll see if my tomorrow is a little less busy… I’ll actually give you a few questions to pick from or you can answer them all… :o)

1. What is your strangest quirk?

2. What’s the oddest food in your fridge?

3. If you could make up a holiday, what would it celebrate?

4. What was (or is) your most favorite job you’ve ever had?

Okay, that should do it… I hope you have some fun answers for me…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “It’s Question Time again….*sigh*”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, not sure what you would consider a strange quirk, and I don’t have any odd foods in the fridge right now (sometimes I have pickled herring, which I love but is not everyone’s choice!), and I’m not sure what holiday I’d make up, so I’ll answer the last question.

    Actually I’ve had two favorite jobs. In the early 1980s, I was a certified Stretch & Sew instructor at the local S&S store. I had taken lessons in about 1970 or so, and fell in love with sewing on knits, so when I learned a new store would be opening near me, my first thought was, good, I don’t have to drive to Everett any more, and my second was, you idiot, go and apply!! 😂 I took the teacher training (although I’d been thru ALL the classes 10 years earlier, we had to take them again, with an eye to how to teach those classe, as well as making our own wearable samples of all the garments we were going to teach) before our store even opened–at the time there was a large one down in Bellevue, where we went. I don’t remember teaching many lingerie classes (although to this day I still make all my own unders), but taught everything else–t-shirts, sweaters (yes, you can buy sweater yardage), slacks, skirts, jackets, and swimsuits. I loved it!

    My other favorite job was about 25 years ago when I worked in a doll shop!! Oh, my, that was fun, but of course my collection grew like crazy during those few years!! I occasionally sewed 18″ doll clothes and sold them at the shop, too; my boss allowed me to do that, and didn’t even ask for a commission, which was nice. However, I didn’t make a Lot of things–maybe a couple of things a months–so it wasn’t taking away from her business. (She sold doll clothes from commercial sources, as well as the dolls.)

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Well, that’s a lot of thinking for so early in the morning for me. Can’t think of a quirk. Right now, the refrigerator is full of zucchini. 🙂 A holiday? How about Picnic Day? In the summer of course and everyone brings a doll or two, food, and a blanket. The day is spent sharing dolls, eating delicious food, and making lots of new friends. A favorite job? Probably, my first real job other than babysitting and volunteering at the park was Locker Room Attendant at the Swim Center. Salary was $1.35 an hour. What a fun summer at the pool teaching swim lessons to kids, checking in clothing bags, cashiering, and eating lots of ice cream bars from the concession stand. And, when all the employees weren’t working, we were off on adventures all around the county. 🙂
    We hit over a hundred yesterday, but hopefully, it will be a little cooler today. Was able to sew in one sleeve on the doll dress I’m making. Too many other interruptions of which my attention was needed.
    Can’t wait to see what Jeanne’s next outfit will be.

  3. good morning everyone
    Jeanne I hope you get your challenges sorted!
    The US mail is a funny business. Hubbs has eye meds mailed to him, all in special packaging to avoid spoilage and several packages have had some crazy USmail travel adventures.

    My quirk? I can not identify one in particular but I am quirky.
    I am like my daddy, goal oriented. However, I shame myself if goals are not met
    The fridge? nothing weird, but I think it is interesting the way people arrange their stuff in their fridge, Everyone is different
    A holiday, hmmm, I think Grandparents MONTH would be great
    Jobs, I was an RN so I worked in hospitals for 4 years, hated it. It is just like the soap opera, for real!!!
    I worked for a private orthopaedic practice and loved that job. plaster and teaching.

  4. Susette from Southern California

    I know my children think ordering doll “stuff” is a quirk! What on earth will they do with all this “stuff” when it’s theirs? I won’t be here to know, thank goodness. I ordered something this morning that I’ll send a picture of when it arrives. I’ve wanted it for a long time.

    In the refrigerator I have Durkee’s Dressing. It’s a combination of mayonnaise and mustard that I have to order on line. Can’t eat a proper turkey sandwich without it. It’s a holdover from childhood when I lived in St. Louis, actually Ferguson, Missouri, in the early 1950s. Haven’t found it in a store here.

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Like Susette says, collecting dolls and their “stuff” is a quirk for most people, especially families. I have collected WAY to much “stuff” and fabric. Yesterday I mailed a 10 pound box of tiny doll toys to the lady that handles the stuff for the MDCC convention. These toys will go into the bags we get at the convention. I actually sent 250 little toys I have collected over the years! That is pretty quirky!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I wasn’t sure I had any quirks that I could think of, but I guess you could call my preoccupation with things related to housing quirky. I never wanted to be a realtor but would have probably loved home design. Wish I had realized that sooner. I do love designing houses and now, with the real estate sites on the internet I’m having a ball checking out houses for sale and probably spend too much time doing it.

    When I was growing up, as most here on the Blog, they were just starting to populate suburbia. I lived in one of the third subdivisions (we called them developments) in our area and got to watch many others be built. At that time all the developments had model homes and my mother and I used check them out as soon as they were finished. It was a fun day out. Recently I started checking things like Zillow and realtor. com when David wanted to see how competitive his pricing was on the homes he’s about to build. I couldn’t resist checking out all the pictures of the houses and interiors and sometimes they actually include floor plans. But I’ve been a floor plan junkie for years. Lowe’s used to have books of houses and floor plans and whenever David had to go to Lowe’s I tagged along. I always came home with one or two books, created some of the floorplans on my home design program and then decorated and landscaped them. These new home design programs are amazing and since David is getting into home building, I had the opportunity to justify the cost of the architectural program that includes wizards to design swimming pools, fireplaces, etc. I guess that along with my doll, fabric, trim and craft addictions probably qualifies me as having many quirks.

    I have no odd foods in my fridge. Just the usual eggs, milk, cheese, etc. I probably have the most boring fridge on the planet. I used to have things like leftover wax from candle making but no longer do any of that.

    I think my only favorite job in my nearly 35 years of working was one I had for only a short while. It was a job I had when I started working for a major oil company. I worked for the Northern Development Group. It was a small research group charged with researching the feasibility of drilling and production in the Gulf of Alaska. During that time the company purchased a company in Bakersfield and the NDG morphed into this new division so I got to work with that group, including a trip on the company plane to Bakersfield just for fun. One of the reasons I loved the small groups was it was a true team and you never felt like being a support person was unimportant. We even got to go to the Offshore Technology Conference on the Company. But then these small groups were incorporated into larger departments and I got transferred to a job I would forever consider least favorite. Corporate legal.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Barbara, we could be twins, I think! I, too, am a “floor plan junkie”, and have been since I was a kid. I love to look at floor plans, and even draw them sometimes. At one time, I thought a little about becoming an architect, even. And I have been known to look up the address of a new build in my neighborhood, and see if there’s a house plan shown with all the realtor’s pictures! My favorite project in HS was in a class called Home Relations–find or draw a house plan, and use swatches and samples and pictures cut from magazines to “decorate” it. Write a story about you and your imaginary family, and also plan some landscaping (my least favorite part; I’m no gardener). I got an A, and I still have my project!

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Being twins with you would be a lot of fun. I used to design houses when I was a kid and once my mother saw one of my drawings sitting on my bed. She was on the other side of the room. She asked me where I got the picture of that lovely house. I showed her it was my drawing and she was amazed. Your class in Home Relations sounds like something I would have loved. I actually do scenarios for the houses I create now using my dolls and their families to give it a little personalization. I have a good imagination and this is fun for me. I’m not a gardener either but I do love landscaping my designs. Since they give me what I need to do it and also have templates of gardens already created, I do pretty well.

  7. Susette from Southern California

    Jeanne, could you request to be accepted as a member of the blog and accept yourself so you would be able to comment? Just a thought. I also noticed that the “website (optional) keeps defaulting and I have to slide the black ball to the right every time in order to keep receiving the blog without having to look it up. This should stay once it’s shifted to the right instead of defaulting. It’s a fixable problem. Thanks, Susette🥰

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    I guess I’m with Susette, with buying doll things as quirky! I’ll tell you right now that my daughter is already overwhelmed with all the doll things that I have! And my son, with three boys, good heavens, they are sure to think that grandma was a bit crazy!

    I don’t have any crazy things in the refrigerator, but it reminds me of my mother-in-law, who did. She had a jar, which was covered up with labels, and put money and some jewelry in it, because, as she said, thieves would never think to look in the refrigerator for things like that!

    As far as holiday’s, I think we have enough already!

    My favorite job was as an elementary art teacher. I loved that and it brought me a lot of joy teaching children to make things and feel good about themselves. Art was a way for them to be creative and to bring that to them was very rewarding for me.

  9. Laura in Ohio

    Late to comment, but wanted to chime in on a holiday. I think there should be a free vet care and spa day for pets of the homeless.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I agree. The prices have gone up so much for pet care. Not that the doctors don’t deserve it, but it seems like there should be some sort of an income sliding scale for pet owners of all kinds. We were talking to our neighbor this morning who is the kindest person in the world. She was headed home after an errand and saw a woman out in the street trying to corral a dog so she stopped to help. The woman was on her way to work and didn’t know what to do, but Becky to the rescue said that she would take it to the Humane Society. She volunteers there. So, she got the pup into her car and turned around. About that time, she saw a man hobbling down the street on crutches as he only had one leg, calling for his dog. So, she pulled up by him and said, “I think I have your dog.” The man was so happy. He told her that he was staying in the new homeless shelter with a friend and somehow, the dog had gotten out. It was hot, so Becky offered to take him back to the shelter, but he refused saying that he was all sweaty. She finally persuaded him to get in the car and she drove him and his pup home. On the way, he told her that someone had stolen his prosthetic leg. I know, crazy. Who would do that? Regardless, Becky, got the man and his pup home. Now, how many people would have done that?

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