Yesterday it was my Madame Alexander Cissette doll and today it was my Effanbee Tonner Trixie who disappeared!

I have had another busy day… but again, productive. I HAVE to keep going… the more I list, the more I FIND to list…

Today it was Trixie’s turn to be in the spotlight. I still remember opening her box back in 2016! These are some pictures of her box opening that day!

I see that shine spot on her cheek I mentioned in my listing today was on her WHEN she arrived at my house.

Her shoe came broken but I took the outfit off of her that day and put it back in the box… until TODAY!

She became best friends with Patsy. It was nice to have a friend…

Before I could list Trixie, I knew I needed to fix that shoe… The slit where the bead went through had frayed and the end of the strap was just hanging by a thread. I used some of my very thin Dianna Effner leather and glued a piece to the back side of the strap… put a clamp on it until it dried. Then trimmed the edges and cut a new slit for the bead to go through. It doesn’t look great looking at my picture, but you have to realize in person it’s about 1/8″ wide and the bead is on top of the slit.

These were some of the pictures I used in her listing.

I started her out at $75.00 but added the Buy It Now feature and someone bought her very quickly for $115! Sorry you didn’t get to see her… Here are a few of those pictures…

If you check the “completed” listings for Trixie Tonner she should come up… and you can see the original listing.

So I switched gears after listing Trixie and went for something for the sewist…a Sally Stanley Smocking Pleater. I have an Amanda Jane pleater so I’m selling this Sally Stanley one. It is in near mint condition… I could find nothing wrong with it except I discovered when I ran some waxed paper through it, to sharpen the needles, that one needle was broken and one was bent. I removed them and now it has 22 needles instead of the 24 it did have.

As of now it is still on Ebay… so I’ll just add the link to the listing and you can see the pictures there. Here is one picture of it…

Sally Stanley Smocking Pleater

I added some smocking plates and a few unfinished projects…and a few other tidbits.

I guess I’ll have to see what tomorrow brings… I have a whole guest bed (like Sissy) full of stuff to sell. I told myself when we got the house, that I wouldn’t accumulate any more stuff than what would fit in my sewing room. Nothing could cross the threshold…if it was dolly or sewing related, it HAD to stay in my room…

Then I got shipping boxes and they took up too much room as they were unfolded and pretty big… so they went upstairs…

Next, I had TOO many doll boxes… but they always tell you…DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR DOLLY BOXES or you’ll regret it when you go to sell the dolls. So I put those up in the closet in the guest bedroom.

One time when I was cleaning in my sewing room I kept moving the stuff I “wanted to sell” from this spot to that… and decided I needed a big tub to put them in and get them out of my sewing room so I could get it “organized.” So that big tub is in the guest room too along with a few other boxes…

So, you see, it was TIME to let some things go… I’m going to keep selling for a little longer… probably a while… but I also have a few dolls that I’m planning on selling and I think I’m going to make them something before I send them out… so I’ll be back at my sewing machine soon.

Well, that’s it for me! I am READY for bed.
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Yesterday it was my Madame Alexander Cissette doll and today it was my Effanbee Tonner Trixie who disappeared!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations on the quick sale of Trixie Effanbee! That was really fast!!

    If I didn’t already have a Martha Pullen pleater, I’d be tempted by your Sally Stanley. I believe there are places where new needles can be purchased, but if the buyer is only wanting to do smallish projects (doll clothes, baby dresses), there will probably already be enough needles to do that. I know I don’t often use the full amount of needles for my projects.

    Dorothy L. and Linda both mentioned not receiving your blog via email; I was getting TWO every day, one from and the other from your gmail address, and I am no longer getting the one from your gmail address. Perhaps if Dorothy L. and Linda go to and sign up there, they will start getting your blog via that route? In the meantime, perhaps your computer guru can figure out why they haven’t gotten your blog the usual way. Just a thought, anyway.

    Tomorrow I will try to remember to send along the molded tuna salad recipe. I did make sure to take a couple of pictures today before I polished of the last serving!! (It was delicious!)

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Oops, you might know….I got TWO emails with your blog again tonight, the first from wordpress, the second from mailchimpapp. So perhaps it’s the latter that Dorothy L. and Linda were getting theirs from. I think it was a year or so ago, that I got ones from your gmail address. So…try and sign up there, maybe?

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you for that information, Charlotte! I looked at the last blog I received, and it was from Mailchimp. I used to get two blogs from Jeanne everyday, but it went down to just one about a year ago, and now none. I haven’t done anything to cause that that I know of. I really am not sure what to do about it now for fear of messing everything completely up! Since you are getting two, maybe you are getting mine!😊

    It’s nice to hear that your dolls are getting sold so quickly, Jeanne, but you do know how to do it, always do have nice dolls, and a good clientele who know you! That spells success!

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      I wasn’t getting the blog either, Linda, it stopped a few days ago and I was using a previous one then suddenly this morning it arrived again.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    This is crazy! As I was writing the above comment, using last Friday’s blog, I received my regular blog from Jeanne! When I clicked onto that, I also got all the emails from the past three days that I was missing, all in one big long blog! Maybe, and hopefully Dorothy L. also got hers!

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I got 2 emails again today for the first time from the new router. I had only been getting one since it was installed. Ain’t computers fun!!

    Reading about all your boxes etc, well, my boxes and extra fabric are in 2 walk-in attics. One is off my sewing room, the other attic is off the guest room, and both are FULL of stuff! The guest room has 3 big bins full of dolls and doll clothes, as well as the bed. I have to get the sewing room cleared out first. I wish I could have you and all the sofa sisters come and have a clearing out party, taking home lots of goodies.

    I love your Trixie. I really loved mine. I had two of the first ones with the afro hair, and trimmed one to be a boy. I have sold all my Tonner little ones except for my first Ann Estelle, she needs restringing, but is just so cute I love to look at her. Collecting dolls and accessories, as well as fabric, ribbon, and other craft stuff can really mount up by the time you get in your 80’s!!!

  5. She is a beauty and a bargain, I think. Then again, I have a high price point on dolls, always. They are treasures.
    I know she went to a good home.
    Question: did you recently move to a new home, or are you preparing to?
    Down sizing is so treacherous😱😬
    Hubbs and I are moving to a small house next year. It is being built.
    I have a lot of sewing things. Those are difficult to rummage through.
    Books, those are easy to give away. I have many treasures from mom and dad
    Those I can not give away- everrrrrr. I hope to take those with me when I die. 🙂

    1. Susette from Southern California

      What I haven’t figured out is why a Buy It Now price is listed on items when you might easily get more for the item if you just left it open to bidding. You might be surprised how much more you would end up with. I have never sold anything but wish I would try and see how it goes. My children will have no idea what to do with all this “stuff.” Frankly, neither do I! Good luck with your project, Jeanne. 🥰

  6. Joy in northern CA

    What a great shoe save. I’m sure Trixie is pleased and her new momma too.
    I’m jealous of Jeanne’s reorganizing frenzy and sales. It seems overwhelming to me. How to find the right doll box is the big problem here, I think. But, it is great to see the results listed on Ebay.
    I was able to finally finish my week four sew along dress and now I’m on to five. This one has a cute kind of cap sleeve. Trying to figure out what fabrics to use. But it will have to wait a couple of days. Other person and I are both off to the ophthalmology department this morning. Somehow we have appointments fairly close together. Interesting.

  7. Debbie in North Carolina

    I wish I could get inspiration from your efforts but it is not working in this 99 degree heat. I thought all smocking was done by hand! I will not be paying those high prices for the smocked Little Darling dresses anymore! I have figured out that those dolls were crafted for doll seamstresses not for the likes of me who could go broke dressing them. The recent doll museum visit did inspire me to add a vintage Kathe Kruse and a new in the box AG Kirsten from 2010, I sold both of my Kirsten’s this year and found I missed them. Both will remain in their factory clothing. Good luck Jeanne with all of your decluttering I hope to get the bug.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Boxes, boxes and more boxes. I’ve kept them all in case I or one of my family down the road might want to sell my dolls. But I realized that no one in my family would have a clue what doll goes with what box so I’m going to set up a system whereby they will know who goes where. And then there’s the fact that some of the dolls are much more valuable than others and should not be “given” away on eBay but sold to someone who’ll know what they have. I took boxes out of my guest room closet and moved them to the top of a coat rack that will eventually become a closet in my laundry room. But the other day when I was moving my summer clothes out of the guest room closet I looked up and what did I see? More boxes!!! I’m going to separate out the small from the large boxes and probably keep the small ones in that closet and the larger ones in the, hopefully, new closet I will be getting. We have no attic or basement so storage is a nightmare in this house.

    I would be content to stay here the rest of my life but David insists we will be moving to cooler climes at some point. But then he keeps adding projects to his to-do list – develop our property for housing, help Jason and Stephanie set up a mobile home or RV park on some property they want to buy. And since he’s the one with the expertise and everyone else relies on that, well we could be here awhile. But I’m okay with that because I really don’t want to have to give a thought to downsizing my stuff. I get attached to things so that’s my initial problem. I have most of my things in my sewing room but it’s busting at the seams so some things have migrated to the guest room. Fortunately I rarely have guests so I haven’t had to concern myself with what to do with that dolly swimming pool I created last summer that sits in the middle of the guest bed.

    NIce save on the doll shoe. Yesterday I was putting the outfit I bought on Ellowyne. Pretty outfit but the price I paid was ridiculous considering the fact that the one pair of hose does not fit the doll and neither do the gloves. They are fingerless gloves but you can’t get them past her fingers to her arm. Then I was putting on her boots and the heels came off so I have to fix them. I have some beautiful patterns for her from Designs by Jude so I will just be sewing for her rather than trying to find outfits made for her that don’t fit.

    I’m going to have to pay more attention to what your put on eBay. I’m missing things I might be interested in. Just what I need – more stuff.

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