Any guesses as to which doll will wear this next dress?

HI everyone,
I hope all the men associated with the women in this group had a wonderful weekend… especially if you are a father! We had a nice visit with Tom and Mike and my hubby on Father’s Day! My sisters are gone and we’ve been texting back and forth already… I miss them so much when they leave. When we do get to visit we make the most of EVERY SINGLE MINUTE! :o)

I received some pictures from Marti, who won the “Blue for Two” dress set that I was hoping would fit the 15″ Meadow Dolls AND the Disney Animator 16″ dolls, like my Tinker Bell. She actually had BOTH of the dolls so she was able to show me how the dress and all the pieces fit.

Marti wrote this…
The outfit is lovely, but the bloomers and shoes are two big for Tia (Meadows Moppet).

Here the set is on Moana and Tia…

I will try and add something to the bloomers to make them stay up on her. For future reference can I suggest shorter piece of elastic.

I also included a comparison picture with Tia and Disney Animator doll Moana.

Marti Wulfow Garner

So… it looks like I still have lots of tweaking to do before I can sell them as a set that fits BOTH dolls… and I may never get them to… but I’ll keep trying.

I had a very messy sewing room as I was working on Dylan’s puppet trying to tweak a pattern for leather shoes that would fit Jule and also drafting a pattern to make a tee shirt that would go over her ample bust! :o) I hadn’t taken time to put my things away and it showed. I had to take some time this evening to get things straightened up just a bit…

Then when I was done, I started on the next dress…

Any guesses who it might be for? :o)

I’ll let you see more tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Any guesses as to which doll will wear this next dress?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, Marti, thanks for sharing those pictures of your dolls in the cute outfit that Jeanne made. Even though their bodies are similar, they are definitely different, too! They both looked very cute in it!!

    Now, which doll is next? I’d say that outfit definitely looks like Molly! So, that’s what I’m saying. Now we have to wait and see!

  2. I am so happy that you enjoyed time with your sisters, and had a lovely father’s day week-end too.
    We did have a nice week-end watching 24 hours of Le Mans racing… it was interesting.
    I do not have a clue. The fabric is really cute!!
    Doll clothing is always tricky.

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    Looks like Marti has a doll sized for any outfit you’d make — the ideal winner.

    Red is great for Molly, but I think his one is for Kit.

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I think the outfit will be for an American Girl doll.

    Congratulations to Marti for winning! It was nice to see her dolls.

    I am so glad that you had fun with your sisters!

    And yes, Happy Fathers Day to the Sofa Sisters in honor of their fathers.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    If Jeanne is looking for a Meadow Mae, or one of the other Meadow girls that size, now is the time. Seems like a lot have been for sale mainly because the conventions are coming and some attending need cash to buy another doll, is my guess. 🙂
    Absolutely love the red/white checks and sweet white collar. Can’t wait to see the model chosen. Definitely looks AG to me. I think a picnic is planned soon. Might need a pair of white or red sandals too. 🙂
    Well, smoke from the fire here was much less yesterday until just about the time we open up the windows to let in fresh air. Then, the smoke started again. Turns out that it wasn’t from the Point fire, but one blowing west from another fire near Colusa, in the Sacramento Valley. So, closed the windows. About midnight, it was stifling inside, so I checked and the air was no longer smoky. Wind change. This morning, it is cool and the wind is down, so hopefully, the crews will have the fires under control soon.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I forgot. That r/w dress might fit my Meadow Ardyn as well as the AG dolls. She would be very cute in that. 🙂

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Yes, there is a difference in the body proportions of the two dolls. I have a Betsy McCall and a Wellie Wisher, and the two can wear SOME clothes of each other’s, but other’s do not fit them both, due to the Wellie’s having broader shoulders, and foot sizes. Some things work, and others don’t. You just have to try them.

    Wow, your sewing room is looking much better, I hope! It does feel good when everything is put back and cleaned up, doesn’t it?

    My first thought for the red and white dress was Molly. However, it could also be for Kit. Whoever it is for, I’m sure it is an American Girl doll!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I often see a lot of clothes for 14-14.5″ dolls that are assumed to fit both Betsy and the Wellies (I have both). To me the Wellies have a more athletic body and Betsy is more on the svelte side. I’ve never bought anything assuming it would fit both. And their shoes are definitely different sizes.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Guess we can throw the RubyRedFashionFriends into the mix as well as they are that size as well. 🙂 Some things fit and some don’t.

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Fortunately I have dolls of all sizes so if I buy an outfit that doesn’t fit one doll I can surely find one it will. Same for shoes, but I’m still trying to figure out what shoes fit the Maru Mini’s. Finding shoes to fit them is like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. One size is too short and another is too long, wide, narrow, etc. And I have a lot of shoes to choose from. But considering how hard it’s becoming to find shoes at all, that might not be a problem down the road anyway.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    No matter how tidied up my sewing room is it always looks messy. Too much stuff in too small a room. Well the room is not really that small, so I guess it’s more that I have too much stuff. Plus I have an overflow into my guest room. If I were a single-issue creator I probably would not have a problem but I’m not and everything I do has tons of things I need to do them. I remember when I bought my embroidery machine and started buying the hoops, thread, designs, etc., I was amazed at what was needed – not to mention the cost. The woman at the shop told me that in time I would realize the machine was the least expensive part of the endeavor. It didn’t take long to find out she was right.

    I was wondering how close the sizes were for the Animator dolls and the Moppets. Thanks, Marti, for sharing. I have an Animator but not a Moppet. But my Cinderella doll (Cindy Ella) says that if you can’t make something to fit both, a dedicated Animator outfit would work fine for her. I just recently bought her and just made her a summer outfit. I’m so used to sewing for smaller dolls that I felt like I was making an outfit for a child. And their underwear cracks me up. When I took her Cinderella dress off and saw what was under it I couldn’t help chuckling.

    I am clueless as to who will be the recipient of the next outfit. But I love the fabric so I’m looking forward to finding out.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      I’m hoping by answering, you can see it on your end too. Hopefully, this means progress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Nice to see both of Marti’s dolls wearing the outfit. They definitely are different and it appears even the feet on the Disney dolls vary as the sandals fit Tinker Bell well while Moana’s toes are over the edge.
    Love the red and white checked fabric and white collar. I’m assuming it’s for an AG as well. I’m guessing Kit, but you don’t have her. I think you need to remind us what dolls you have as some have left.

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