Today is World Doll Day!

So what is World Doll Day?

World Doll Day is celebrated every year on the second Saturday of June. The first World Doll Day was observed by Mildred Seeley on 14 June 1986. Dolls are toys that have been a part of human civilization for thousands of years.

Here is a link to the UFDC… United Federation of Doll Clubs and what you can do to participate!

United Federation of Doll Clubs

I don’t actually have any dolls to give any little girls, but thought I’d share my favorite time of giving a little girl a new doll. This is our friends from Haiti, Jean and Bithar’s little girl, Deborah, when she was only 4. This was back in 2016. So I guess she’s 12 now.

(This was my post in October, 2016.)
This post isn’t about ME and a new doll…it’s about Deborah and her new doll! Deborah is the daughter of Bithar…my new friend from Haiti. Wednesday was Deborah’s birthday and she is now officially a big girl, turning 4 years old! I wasn’t sure if she had a dolly or not, but I saw one at Walmart and just HAD to get it for her. It had a squishy body and was just the right size for Deborah’s little hands. I showed it to you yesterday…and think it’s the sweetest little dolly!


Well, this afternoon I took my cupcakes and Deborah’s wrapped up doll over to their apartment. I wanted to see her reaction when she opened it up and saw the doll. I could hardly take pictures as I was so touched… I wanted to share this with you…since it DOES involve a doll! :o)


This next picture was the sweetest…when she got it opened enough to see that it was a doll, she put her hand up to her mouth and just squealed… it was in Creole so I asked Bithar what she was saying… she was saying it was a baby and she was happy! She just stared at it for the longest time!



We had a dickens of a time getting this poor baby out of the box… she was strapped in, tied down and taped up… it took 6 hands to get her free from the box!



Oh, but just look at this smile….


Her mom asked her what she was going to name the baby… and she hollered out… JEANNE! I understood that! :o)


Well, that certainly made MY day… I hope it put a smile on your face too!


It was certainly Dolly Day back then for that sweet little girl!

This is another post I did back in August 2015… and it has a very special little girl receiving a very special doll too! Maybe you’ll remember Sara, the daughter of our friends, Alba and Edgar, from Colombia, South America? This is so sweet…

Here is that post from 2015!

A few days ago, I got a big box in the mail. It wasn’t for me. It was for Sara, my little 10 year old sewing friend from Columbia, South America. Someone whom we all know had sent it to me and asked me to give it to Sara. Let me tease you just a bit… this woman makes the most glorious outfits for dolls you’ve ever seen, embellishing them like no one else…with beads and French knots and yards and yards of pleats… know who I mean yet? She lives in Vermont and sells patterns for many of her designs… know who I mean? Well, enough teasing… it’s Magalie of MHD Designs. You can go to her website HERE. (But don’t miss the story…)

She wanted to send something to Sara…and asked if I could give it to her. I could hardly stand the wait until the next day when I would be seeing Sara. She had no idea when I brought in the box, that it was for her. When I told her, she grabbed a pair of scissors and began opening the box.

[If you click on any picture, it will enlarge.]



She was polite and read the card first… Her English is pretty good so she understood most of Magalie’s note…


Her mom couldn’t believe it and had to read it herself…


Then she wanted to see what was in the box… Well, guess what was on top?


Can you see the bond of love already?



In the box there were about 6 new outfits for the doll, about 4 pairs of shoes, and much more. I was snapping pictures as fast as I could, because I knew I wanted to share this moment with you, but my pictures aren’t the greatest…

Underneath the doll things, there was so much sewing stuff, you can’t believe it. Fabrics folded up so pretty, ribbons, embroidery floss, laces, threads, snaps, doll patterns, etc. It was very exciting to see it all… and it just kept coming out of the box. I thought Sara would cry but she was too happy I think. She just kept saying, “Oh…Oh…” Her mom was very touched by Magalie’s generosity.


It was quite a wonderful gift for Sara and she decided to name her doll Maggie…after Magalie! Magalie told me she has a friend that volunteers at the MCM Benefit American Girl Doll Sale and she has sent her dolls over the years in exchange for services and patterns and such. The doll has the little x on the bum to show it came from the sale. Magalie has given American Girl dolls to all the little girls in her community and I just think it’s the most wonderful and generous gesture to a child.

I was meeting with her mom, as I do each week, and Sara dressed Maggie in every outfit that Magalie sent…from the bikini and cover up to her favorite one…the jeans and the polar bear sweater…


The next day Sara and her mom and dad came over to our house… my daughter, Rebecca, made Maggie her own personalized necklace… isn’t it cute?



When I was just about ready to leave, Sara’s mom said, “Oh, show her your knitting…” She told me Sara wanted to learn how to knit and found a kit at Dollar General for $4.00. Her dad bought it for her and told her if she could make the purse on the front, she wouldn’t have to pay him back the $4.00! :o) Well… this child…this genius of a child, who didn’t know any English 12 months ago, took those directions and tried to figure them out… but she said they didn’t make any sense the way they said to do it, so she got online and looked up how to knit tutorials and look what she’s done…taught herself to knit! She’s an absolutely amazing little girl…




Well, that’s it for World Doll Day from me… Hope you can find some time for your dolls today!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Today is World Doll Day!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It was so lovely reading those stories and seeing the pictures of Deborah’s and Sara’s special doll gifts again. You can just see the joy and excitement in the eyes of both girls! Do you ever hear from Sara or her family any more? How about Deborah’s family? I think it’s been quite some time since you last mentioned them.

    I am working on clothes for 18″ dolls; it is our sewing guild’s charitable project this year. So, I guess that’s what I’m doing to celebrate World Doll Day. I might get out a doll or two and change clothes. I’m sure Moly and AbbyRose would like to get out of their Christmas dresses now! 😂

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Surprise! It’s a Saturday, and we have a blog! Of course we do, ,since it is World Doll Day, and why are we here, after all? Dolls!

    What sweet remembrances we have seeing little Deborah and Sara with their new dolls! Yes, I do remember those heartwarming blogs, and the wonderful feelings I had after reading them! As a little girl, nothing would ever top any experience of mine to that of getting a doll, and I think that same thing holds true, even today! There is just something magical about getting a doll that I can’t explain! Like Charlotte, I wonder if you ever hear from those two wonderful families anymore.

    Just last week, a nice little family moved right next door to me, and I went over with some brownies to welcome them, and found that they have a boy, 11 and a
    little girl, 9 years old! I have no idea if she has or likes dolls, but we will see. She seems so sweet and really, there are not many children around here to play with, so maybe I can show her my dolls and see how she reacts to them.

    Happy World Doll Day everyone!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      How fun, Linda! You might have found a little playmate to enjoy dolls with you.

  3. I lovedddd dolls as a little girl, I still love dolls.
    I love all dolls. Every doll that exists, I love it. even the ones that are dressed in funny clothes and orange and pink hair, huge eyes and purple lips.
    They are all so cute and fun.
    Jeanne, I so enjoyed reading about these lovely gifts to these adorable girls on WDD. How absolutely sweet and memorable.
    Happy Saturday.
    As Charlotte suggested, perhaps I should get my four AGs out and change their clothes.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    Such sweet stories! That is so neat that Sara taught herself how to knit! Happy World Doll Day!

  5. Susette from Southern California

    Thank you, Jeanne and and Magalie, for this inspiring post. It was a lovely surprise on World Doll Day. I enjoy shopping for a doll and also a truck for a boy for US Marines Toys for Tots each year at Christmas now that my grandchildren are a bit older for them. It was wonderful to see the beautiful girls from the families we’ve met over the years through the blog. The dolls were perfect matches for them! I’m inspired to change some dolls out of Christmas dresses too, Charlotte!

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Well, Happy Doll Day to everyone. Loved seeing Jeanne’s pics and so remembering Sara, from Columbia. Is she in college now? Have you heard from her and family recently?
    For WDD, I’ll probably be trying to work on the week 2 doll sewing outfit for the Sew Along. Still not finished and now week 3 is also out. So behind.

  7. This is what Sissy emailed me today… I copied it so she felt a part of the Sofa Sisters again… I hope we can get her computer/blog issues solved soon.

    Jeanne, I was thrilled with the photos today. I remember little Deborah as a 4 year old and her doll, that was so dear. It reminds me of the times I gave dolls to my granddaughters. The story with Magalie was new to me, I must have been out of town or something when it was on the blog. I really loved seeing her wonderful box and also the talented young Sara and her knitting!
    I never new that Magalie was so generous with young girls, but it is no surprise. I was so grateful to get to know her in person at MDCC the last time she was there. One afternoon we snuck away from the crowd and had tea together. Such a lovely time. I know it could get to be a task for you to send my comments to the Sofa Sisters,
    but if you do I can read any replies they give. I won’t send comments too often to take up your time.

    (It’s okay… anything to help you be a part of this group!!
    Blessings, Jeanne)

  8. Laura in Ohio

    I figured there would have to be a blog post today for World Doll Day! I remember both of those posts. Deborah was so happy with her doll and Sara with her doll and sewing things for her. Wow, Sara is a adult now (19). I also wonder do you hear from either of these families anymore?

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Happy World Doll Day to you and the Sofa Sisters!

    I love seeing the photos of the two happy girls! I remember Sara. She was a special little friend of yours. I remember you teaching her how to cook things. I think about her sometimes and wish her well.

    Today my doll club had its annual luncheon. Guess who our speaker was……..
    It was Robert Tonner! It was amazing to see him in person. He was so nice and gracious.
    Guests had taken along their Tonner dolls in the hope that he would autograph them. He
    autographed every one and chatted with the guests while he was doing that. He really made our World Doll Day special!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Wow, that is just great. I understand he has a new doll about 10″. I saw a pic and she is cute. Did he have any of his latest dolls there?

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      I saw those pictures, Dorothy! And yes, Robert Tonner is most gracious with his fans. I met him once when he did an event at a doll store (now defunct) nearby. He autographed my 12″ Betsy McCall, and really complimented the dress I had made for her out of vintage red check crinkle nylon! Happy day.

  10. Joy in North CA:
    I’m participating in Wren Feathers’ Summer Sew Along, too. I was struggling to come up with a fabric design for Week #3’s dress. I did a Google search to find 1940’s dresses. And guess what I found – Jeannie’s post from July 4, 2019 – her #4 Fourth of July dresses. Maybe Jeannie will post that photo. Two dresses, one with a red gingham shirt, one with blue. I even added a red belt to mine to match.
    Did you join the MeWe Sew Along group? You’ll be able to see mine there when I finish.

  11. Those were two sweet stories. They both look pleased with their dolls. Magalie is such a sweet lady! I adore her and her patterns are my faves!!

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