Sometimes your dolls want plain shoes and sometimes they want fancy!!!

First of all… WELCOME BACK SISSY! She’s been gone a long time and has been trying to get her seat back on the SOFA! Today she’ll be able to sit with all of you because FINALLY the problem was solved. It was her router for her computer that was causing all the trouble. She needed a new one! I told Sarah at church this morning that Sissy had emailed me yesterday about the problem being her router. Sarah said she was glad because she was running out of ideas to try! SO happy this all worked out!

So, let’s see… today’s post has to do with shoes? You’ll see in a minute…

First of all, I tackled Molly’s hair. I liked the pony tails but they were a bit unruly to me… so I pulled them up a tiny bit higher and sprayed them with water…and kept curling them with my fingers and a wig brush to make them more like sausage curls. You can see how I was letting them dry… they were clipped and them rubber banded to her wrists…

Next, I found a basket that she can use to take her prize winning tomatoes to the picnic.

Then we had to decorate her slip and take some pictures of it…

You can see she now has a pair of white socks to wear with her red shoes…

I finished the navy and white polka dot detachable tie at her waist and added a pre tied bow at the back which fastens with a snap… Easy peasy to put on!

I took her hair out of the clips after it had dried almost all the way. (I do have her laying down on my cutting table with those clips back on and will leave her there overnight.)

I cut some lengths of navy rayon ribbon to tie in her ponytails.

Okay, so we are down to the shoes, right? I first glued a piece of red leather up the back of the heel to keep it from bending down when the shoe was put on.

I thought WHY does she just have to have plain red shoes? So I came up with an idea I’ve never done before. I found some red bows and stitched them to an elastic piece that fit around her foot. Like this…

Those red bows on the elastic are slipped onto her feet like this…

Then her shoes are slipped over the elastic and viola!

That’s how you can have plain shoes and fancy shoes all in one pair! :o)

Now let’s see Molly with everything included in this set!

This was a fun set to make… I know I didn’t make it like some of you suggested, but in person, this is really sweet and the colors are so bright…

Now I just have to get it listed, but I want to try and get some outside pictures of it before I do!

I will see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Sometimes your dolls want plain shoes and sometimes they want fancy!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m so glad Sissy’s problem turned out to be something relatively easy to take care of, and she’s back on our sofa!

    I love what you did with Molly’s hair, Jeanne; I would never have thought to do something like that!! But then, I’m not particularly good with hair (doll hair or my own!) so I guess it stands to reason. I wonder if My Molly would like nice long ringlets like that?! Hmmm….

    The whole outfit turned out pretty cute, and I love your ingenious way of adding bows to the shoes without actually gluing or sewing them in place!

    I posted an update on Friday’s blog, if you want to go and read the details. In a nutshell: Ron was discharged from the hospital on Friday, and is back in his adult family home. He’s still very weak and frail, and is on home health care now. His appetite is starting to pick up a little–today I brought some molded tuna salad (a long-time family favorite) and he ate about 1/2 cup of it, which is the most I’ve seen him eat in quite some time. He wanted me to put the rest in the fridge there, so he could have more later, so I did–putting his name on the lid, first, and telling the caregiver. And he’s already asking about going for a little outing of some kind! I told him he needed to get a little stronger first.

    He did mention that he remembered the point at which he started to feel better (in the hospital) and said he figured that’s when everyone was praying for him, and I said yes, lots of people were; he thanks everyone for your prayers.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Glad Ron is improving. Sounds like Ron, needs more of his favorite foods while he gets his strength back, and thanks to you Charlotte, for bringing one of his favorites. πŸ™‚

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am so happy that your husband is doing better. What is molded tuna salad (asks the non-cook–laugh)?

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So glad to see that Sissy is back! I have no idea what a router is or does, but a new router did the trick! Welcome back, Sissy!

    I have had Molly’s hair fixed like that, but that is a new trick for me! I might try that sometime, Jeanne!

    So the shoes! I was thinking of you doing somehtng to made them a bit more fancy, but never did say anythng. What a cute way to make a plain pair of shoes look special without having to sew or glue anything on them. You can also do different things besides bows too, like a flower for versatility!

    Glad to hear that things are looking up for Ron, Charlotte!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Thank you, Linda! I asked my hubs how to explain a router and here it is. There is a cable from our provider that runs to the router, which is a box sitting on top of my computer desk. It runs the wifi, the computers, the tvs, and the home phones. The old one got some kind of problem that just hit Jeanne’s blog, nothing else, so it didn’t occur to us that it was coming from there. Very strange! We don’t have to pay for new routers, or anything else that gets messed up from our provider, which is the local telephone company that is run by a woman, that is why it is such a good company!

    2. Karen from Kentucky

      Molly is looking very sweet! I Iike her bows! πŸ™‚

      So glad Ron is back in his adult family home!

      Welcome back, Sissy!

      I am turning 40 years old today! I hope to get the clothes washed. Yesterday our friends made us pancakes and quiche and cheesy potatoes. So kind of them. Happy feast of St. John the Baptist!

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Well, happy birthday, and hopefully, your girls can lend a hand doing the laundry so you can take a break. Our youngest daughter is 42. Enjoy your special day. πŸ™‚

      2. Laura in Ohio

        HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Karen! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚Enjoy your special day. You might love this statement I saw years ago. You’re not 40, you’re 18 with 22 years of experience.

        1. Karen from Kentucky

          Thanks a lot, Laura! It sounds like a great statement =) My sister was saying that 40 is the new 30.

          Lilly learned how to say, “Yeah”. She kinda drags out the “y” part.

      3. Happy 40th birthday Karen! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day with lots of attention from your family. I’m betting your girls drew you hand made cards?
        Blessings, Jeanne

        1. Karen from Kentucky

          Thanks very much, Jeanne! Avila drew me some pictures on a card and Marion and Rose decorated leftover boards from Joseph’s work area. They wrote quotes on them. Yesterday they made drawings for their Great Grandma’s 97th birthday on the 28th, so they might be getting worn out some. M and R had fun decorating the dining room with balloons and blow-up penguins. They put a lot of love into it, and it was sweet. They wanted to wear my little sisters’ flower girl dresses from our wedding, so they did. (My 2 little sisters were more like junior bridesmaids, but I called them flower girls anyway). Hope you have a great night! πŸ™‚

        I remember 40… long time ago.
        You have sweet friends because you are loved

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, thank you so much for the welcome back and making room for me on the sofa! I love the shoe bow idea, you are so creative, it just flows out of you!

    Charlotte, I love that Ron felt the prayers going up for him. Prayer really works. I am having back problems, more problems than just the arthritis I have had there for years, and when our church put my name on the prayer list I started feeling better. Prayers will keep going for you and Ron.

    We have a busy summer coming up. My dear friend in Crystal River, FL, where I lived and raised my sons, is getting married this weekend. She is a very active gal, will be 80 in July and a younger man, age 73, met her and they discovered that they love the same things, boating, eating out, and they go to church together. I am so happy for her, as her last husband died of cancer several years ago.

    Next month we go back to Crystal River for a family reunion and celebrating my 85 birthday. I get to see my sons and my 12 year old granddaughter!!

    So glad to be back, love to you all.
    Many hugs!!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, so glad you are back on the Sofa! I will be off to UFDC next month. I will be thinking about you. I hope you are planning some dolly fun this Summer.

      Blessings for the bride-to-do. How wonderful that she has found love again!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Well, all along until this morning with a close up of the dotted ribbon and buttons, I thought they were black. Now that I know they are navy blue, I like it so much better. It’s cute. What a fun way to spiff up shoes too. I can see that Molly, is ready to party. I guess you can party with tomatoes. I probably prefer cupcakes though. πŸ™‚
    Still working on the Sew Along and way behind. Have you ever sewn something and well things happen? This time, I picked the wrong sleeve pattern. Then, I couldn’t find any rick rack the right color. Next, I sewed the collar with a light blue thread half way until I realized that I should have switched to white. Had to rip that apart. Anyway, hoping that I can get finished with this dress and get onto the next very soon.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is adorable. I love how you have styled her hair.

  6. Happy to hear Ron is doing so much better, Charlotte and he was able to go back to the adult home.
    Yes, Sissy’s back on the sofa. I’m sorry I didn’t even think to mention your router could be a problem. We had to replace ours a number of years ago when the connection became slower then molasses.
    Molly’s curly ponytails are very cute. My hair was a little shorter, but that’s how I had my hair styled in my third grade picture. Molly’s whole outfit is very cute. I love the bows. That is something I often did to “doll up” my daughter’s shoes. She had a sailor style dress one summer when she was four ( red background with white flowers with blue centers and a white sailor color edged in blue grosgrain, white eyelet socks, and navy mary janes. Well, those navy mary janes got red grosgrain bows snapped onto the straps for that dress. Did other things to other shoes to match dresses or casual outfits.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I’ll bet that was adorable on your daughter. Any pics? Would love to see it. πŸ™‚

  7. I just found this post. As usual, sometimes I do not get email updates from various other blogs, mainly word press πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
    I adore this entire ensemble on sweet Molly!
    The bow idea is ingenious. Perhaps I can do that with my OWN shoes and socks!!

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