Jule, the puppet, gets a top and some shoes

Hi everyone,
My sisters and their husbands are leaving Monday morning, so by the time you read this they will be gone. It makes me sad to see them go, but I know I’m very fortunate to see them as often as I do.
We had a WONDERFUL visit and besides some shopping and eating we mostly shared stories and memories and talked about people we all used to know. It’s amazing how many people we all knew and when we each added our own stories of everyone it was a great time of remembering… we laughed sometimes till our cheeks hurt and other times we just thought quietly about things.

Needless to say I didn’t get anything done “dollywise” while they were here but I did get Jule’s top and shoes made. I forgot to take any pictures when I had finished them but when I gave Jule to Tom, he held her up and I took a few.

Dylan didn’t want anything fancy for Jule…just something typical she’d wear to work as she paints his cabinets. (I hear she is an excellent spray painter!)

Her shoes were custom made to fit her wooden feet. I tried to make them sort of resemble tennis shoes. They had to fit over the wooden ball pieces that hold her feet to the rubber platform she stands on.

Her tee shirt is just a cotton knit with a ribbed trim neckband.

I know…I know, it would have been to make Jule a dress, but I was just doing what my nephew Dylan wanted.

Here is another project Dylan is working on…this head is life size and he doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do with it, but he’ll figure it out.

I will try to have the next doll up for a dress figured out by tomorrow.

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “Jule, the puppet, gets a top and some shoes”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad you have all had such a wonderful visit! Safe travels to your sisters and their husbands as they head for home.

    Jules is looking quite pleased to be properly dressed at last! Her clothes turned out very well. (But then, did we expect anything less than that?!)

    Your nephew is quite a talented sculptor!! His new piece is interesting; looks like she should be called Agnes or Bernice or some other old-fashioned name (I’m assuming it’s a woman from the hairstyle, but I suppose it could be a man, too….)

    Saturday was a very good day for us; our two youngest grandsons, their mom and stepdad, and their two cousins (the 4 boys are all about the same ages–two are 17 and two are 16) came to visit Ron, and while they were there, Kim (mom) reached Isaac (another grandson) and we all facetimed with him and his sister and their mom! And Ron was mostly alert and awake for everything!! (but by the time I got home, had supper, and made a casserole for the potluck dinner at church, I was so tired, I had to take a nap before I took my shower!) Today Ron was pretty tired all day, but he did actually feed himself a little Jello while I was there–first time he’s fed himself since before he got in the hospital! It was only a few spoonsful, but he did it on his own.

    I hope everyone had a good Father’s Day weekend!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am happy that your husband had a nice Fathers Day celebration. Prayers continue.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      What a wonderful Father’s Day weekend celebration for Ron. It’s no surprise he was a bit tired the day after. That’s a lot of people to interact with at one time. At least for introvert me. So glad Ron was able to feed himself. Every little thing he’s able to do is a step toward his recovery.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    It looks like Jules is now ready to meet the world in her new clothes! It’s nice to show her in clothes, for once!

    We also had a nice, albeit hot, Father’s Day! Our son called from Denver, and we had a nice chat, and an hour later our daughter and her family came over for chocolate pie and ice cream. We had fun going through old pictures of way back when the grandchildren were small, and my, how time does fly when you see those pictures!

    It certainly was nice that your sisters and hubbies had a good time together! Hopefully, they all made it back home safely, and now we are starting the summer solstice this week! I can’t believe June is halfway over already!

  3. amazing little outfit. the looseness is perfect for all of her movements
    Dylan is excellent. The new carving looks like my uncle Jan, who lives in Holland. He was a brilliant guy and an artist too.

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a wonderful little outfit you made for Miss Jule. Hmmm, I wonder if the Muppets need a costume designer. I bet Miss Piggy could use a personal modiste (fashionable dressmaker). I learned that word from reading Jane Austen spin-offs (laugh).

    I am so happy that you had a lovely time with your sisters. It is always fun to sit with people we know well and remember the times that were.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Well, yesterday, we had another fire start north of here. It wasn’t long until there was smoke everywhere because of the high winds. I worried about my cousin’s ranch, as they had mandatory evacuation notices in surrounding areas. They were okay as the wind was blowing south. Even with everything closed up, the smoke managed to get inside the house here. Much worse outside though. The report this morning said that some homes were lost and some damaged. The Point Fire, still isn’t under control, but they had night flying helicopters out to do water drops and the wind died down which helped. Air index is very high today and not in a good way. Hope they can get the fire out soon.
    The puppet is cute, and her outfit turned out nicely, but I still wonder if Jules knows about it and would be okay with it? It wouldn’t bother some, but others may not be so enthusiastic. That latest wooden carved head is quite amazing. I kind of feel like that this morning. Didn’t get much sleep worrying about the fire.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jule’s outfit turned out cute and looks to be exactly what your nephew wanted. Looks like your family has a strong artistic inclination. You design and make clothes, etc., one sister is a marvelous interior decorator and the other very musically inclined and your nephew is a wonderful sculptor. I’m sure there are others too.

    My family is artistically inclined also but it has always been thought of as something to do in our spare time for relaxation and not something to use to earn money. My one aunt and grandmother were excellent seamstresses and also loved doing millinery. They could have opened a shop and enjoyed themselves every day. My one sister is a wonderful artist and I told her one time she needed to sell her lovely fairy designs for needlecrafts and machine embroidery designs. She never has. My aunt that was a great seamstress also turned out to be a good artist – after she retired from a boring job she started to get out of the house after her kids were grown. She actually ended up doing shows. They didn’t need the money so she could have started her art soon after my cousins left home, but I think too much of the Depression mindset dwelt in my family. We all ended up in boring jobs just to earn an income – except my mother who was a nurse. Once I attended a personality seminar when I worked for Shell. Each personality type was “assigned” a role within the company based on the profile we created. At the end only three of us were left standing and the leader of the seminar asked what we were doing at Shell. She said we should be out creating. That was a vocation too. I often wondered that myself but it never seemed an option. I feared that income would be too erratic.

    So sorry to hear about the fires in Joy’s area. Praying for the safety of those affected. I imagine the stress to be something like when we’re waiting for a hurricane to arrive here. You know it’s out there and you hope it will not come your way but you’re not sure till it’s over. I heard we have a tropical depression possibly headed our way. Sometimes they can be worse than a hurricane because they tend to linger as Allison did a few years ago. Houston wasn’t prepared for that type of storm and many of the records in the medical center and the Houston symphony instruments in the practice room were destroyed by the high water. Provisions have been made since then but each storm seems to provide a new set of challenges.

    David had a wonderful Father’s Day yesterday. We (me, David, Sean, Dionne, Skyy, Jaiden, Azure, Jason and Stephanie) went to our favorite hibachi restaurant Atami. We have one spot left at the table. I told Jaiden it was reserved for her boyfriend whenever. She is 12 1/2 and she told me I embarrassed her. It’s at times like this we for sure miss our daughter and her family living in Maine. Sometimes we work out a video call if our schedules match up. Otherwise we just send ecards wishing each other well.

    Glad you had such a wonderful time with your family and that they have a safe return trip.

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