My 10″ Boneka doll, Noel, gets a denim jacket to go with those coral boots!

Well, first things first… It’s NO secret, because she was SO excited, she already posted it in the comments from the post where I said it was listed on Ebay, but Marti WON the “Blue for Two” aqua dress set for her TWO girls… a Disney Animator doll called Moana and she ALSO has a My Meadow Moppet! So now it’s a toss up as to who is the most excited… Marti, for winning, or ME, for the chance to see how it fits on BOTH dolls. I guess I already know about the Disney Animator doll, since Tinker Bell modeled it, but I don’t know anything about Moana… and I’m hoping against hope she is the same size as my doll. Marti told me she’d take some pictures. YAY! Thank you Marti!

Now to the rest of today’s post. It won’t take long… sorry… I worked at the Food Pantry Friday afternoon, came home and knew my weekend was busy, so I worked on drafting a new jacket pattern for Noel; because I wanted it to have some details and a set in sleeve, Saturday morning I got up and baked cookies for a funeral dinner (that was today), Saturday evening, drove to Cape Girardeau, MO; to celebrate with some friends, the birthday of one of our closest friends, Sunday morning was church, afterwards some of us “spiffed” up the church just a bit, to get ready for the visitation that was at our church from 2:00 – 4:00, the actual service was at 4:00, then the dinner for the family was at 5:30 at a different church, the man used to attend. I came home and was almost too pooped to do anything…

Here is my pattern I’m using…

… I did make myself cut out a prototype jacket, stitched it up and decided to go for it.

I found this new shirt at Goodwill and loved how soft and fun the dye was. It’s VERY lightweight too, which you need on these small items of clothing.

It was brand new with the tags still on it, and you can see, it’s like a shirt dress… and there is LOTS of denim to use for tiny little jackets! SCORE!!!

I did some double stitching and managed to get one sleeve in. It’s going to be 3/4 length sleeves. I have a ways to go but it’s a start, and it appears my pattern is going to fit…

Here is a little bit better picture of the jacket… It’s very pretty with the fabric.

Let’s hope the rest of my week isn’t as crazy as the weekend was.

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “My 10″ Boneka doll, Noel, gets a denim jacket to go with those coral boots!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, it’s been a fun and exciting time for you of late–congrats on your successful auction and to Marti for winning that beautiful set AND taking pictures of it on both dolls!!

    Noel’s jacket is going to be wonderful, I can already tell, and the fabric looks like it is just the perfect thickness and weight for a small doll like her. It picks up the blue in the print, too!!

    I had a rather exciting day, too, but not the same kind of excitement. Ron is in the hospital. He wasn’t great yesterday–sleeping a lot and all–but I thought it might have been the aftereffects of his fall that morning (just bumps and bruises). However, today when I got there, it was hard to wake him, he was almost unresponsive at times, and he was shaking!! So…aid car/ER…The caregiver, Elizabeth, came along, and she was a rock; I was so glad to have her there. The upshot is: almost certainly a UTI AND a lower respiratory infection, plus a possible myocardial infarction, although that one high level could be caused by his congestive heart failure, to. He’s on meds, and has been admitted to the ICU.

    While we were in the ER, I messaged my son to let him know, and he messaged back that HE was in the hospital too (a different one) because he has an infection in his leg! He joked that I should bring dad up there so they could share a room. Um, NO…..

    1. Oh my Charlotte, so sorry. I will be making prayers for your husband and your son.

    2. Sending hugs and prayers for you and Ron. So glad Elizabeth could be there for you since your son is in the hospital too! He probably didn’t want to worry mom. So thankful that you’re able to go when and where you feel you need to be.

    3. So sorry to hear about Ron and your son. I hope things get better for both of them. In the meantime, take good care of yourself, Charlotte. Sending thoughts and prayers.

    4. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Charlotte, I’m so very sorry to hear that both Ron and your son are in the hospital. Good to know that Elizabeth is there to help. you. Sending prayers that things improve quickly for both of them.

    5. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, I am so sorry to hear about Ron and your son. I will be praying for their recovery and strength for you. I can relate to your needing to be two places at one time and having to make a tough decision. Shortly after Andrea was born David got a bad case of pneumonia. I took him to emergency and while he was being admitted I called Andrea’s pediatrician for an appointment. She was running a fever and I needed to take her to the doctor. She had an ear infection so I got her on medication but I had to leave her with a friend (her Godmother) so I could return to David at the hospital. They had not done a culture on him so were treating the pneumonia with penicillin but when he was getting worse they discovered it was a penicillin-resistant strain. They put him on Tetracycline and that tore up his stomach so they put him on Tagamet and switched to Erythromycin. It was like a miracle and he made an amazing recovery almost overnight. Andrea was getting better and, since her Godmother was a nurse, I knew she was in good hands. Don’t know what I would have done without her. But I felt like a Whirling Dervish for about four days. I couldn’t believe it when I discovered the major corporation I was working for docked my pay for attending to family emergencies and I had worked for them for years.

    6. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I will be praying for your family.

    7. Hi Charlotte, I’m so sorry too, for Ron and your son being in the hospital at the same time. You are getting to play nursemaid for two… well, at least one, but I bet your son has his own nurse!
      I sure hope your hubby gets better quickly. My mom used to get those UTI’s and it made her goofy… we almost always knew it was one making her act the way she did.
      I’m getting ready to go see if I can get the denim jacket finished tonight… I hope I can.
      Take care of yourself too, Charlotte!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh no, Charlotte, not only Ron, but your son the hospital too! Prayers and hoping that they both recover soon! You certainly had quite the weekend!

    Well, Jeanne, I looked and looked, but did not see any comment from Marti from the Friday post. In fact, Marti seems to be a new sofa sister, as I have not seen her comment here ever! Maybe I have missed the days she did comment. Welcome Marti, and congratulations on your win! I too, am anxious to see your pictures!

    Well, that denim jacket will certainly make this outfit work for more than just a summer day, Jeanne! Perfect use for that material!

      1. Susette from Southern California

        “. . . will take and send” is different from “ . . . did take and sent.” She has to get the dress in the mail first.

      2. HI Joy,
        Yes, I just mailed out the outfit, but when Marti takes some pictures, I’ll get them shown on here.
        Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Linda,
      Marti has been a customer of mine for a few years now, and her comment was placed on the post where I told “Blue for Two” was on Ebay… It pretty much said just what I put in the post today.

      Now to get back to that denim jacket. I’ve worked a little bit on it today, but I have the sleeves and the “embellishing” to do… my favorite part! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. thin denim is the best. quality material probably too.
    I have used that denim in quilts. I have a bit left too
    Happy new week!

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      Whenever I see that kind of denim, I usually buy it… there are SO many things you can do with it… It WOULD be wonderful for quilts! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Very sorry to hear about Ron. Keep your strength up Charlotte. With both Ron and your son in the hospital, you need to stay healthy.
    I think that maybe pictures are forthcoming from Marti? I was confused. And have no idea where it was posted that she was the winner. Anyway, it was a successful auction. Congrats to Jeanne.
    The denim jacket will be very cute with the dress and boots. Lucky Noel. I would love to see the same outfit made in a Ruby Red size as well. 🙂
    So excited to see my cucumbers and zucchini just popping up. Now the fight to keep out the crows and snails. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Can’t help you with the crows but we had a terrible time with slugs after we planted our 4 o’clocks. They kept eating the tender shoots. Once the plants get their tubers nothing much seems to bother them but before it was awful. Sean and Dionne had a remedy that was all natural and safe for everybody and everything, so they put that on the beds and within a couple days we had a plethora of empty shells lying about. Don’t remember what the stuff is called but I’ll find out if you want me too. Our cucumbers are coming along great and we’ve been eating some wonderful yellow squash from Sean’s garden. Tomatoes are coming along very well too.

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Joy, I don’t know what Barbara uses, but around here we pour a bit of beer in a shallow container, like a lid, and they drown in it.

          1. Barbara in SE Texas

            I’ve done that too Linda but we had so many that we would have needed to flood the whole garden with beer. On a local facebook page everyone has been complaining this year.

    2. Hi Joy,
      Yes, the pictures will come when she gets the outfit and tries it on both dolls. I think that Moana doll looks chubbier than my Tinker Bell, but maybe she’s not.
      I was thrilled that I got as many hits and watchers as I did, being this was the first time selling for these 2 dolls. I’m still planning on doing what I said with you…
      The set I’m making for Noel WOULD be pretty for a Ruby Red… I just might have to do one for them… So many ideas, and so little time… It seems my life is on high speed right now. My sisters are coming too… sometime after the 10th… so I have to take time and get things “presentable” for them.
      You had asked about George’s tomatoes… he didn’t plant any this year. Just cucumbers. He is overseeing a huge construction project on my cousin’s trailer. That’s where my sisters stay when they come here. The trailer is getting a makeover and my hubby is relaying everything to my cousin who is down in Florida. My hubby said he just wasn’t going to have time to mess with tomatoes this year. But we already have blossoms on the cukes.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the idea of a denim jacket with a pretty summer dress, although you wouldn’t wear that much around here. But I still love the look. Congrats to both Marti and Jeanne on a successful auction. I can’t wait to see the pictures showing the outfit on both an Animator doll and a Meadow Moppet.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I would love to be able to find a pretty denim jacket made out of the exact same fabric I’m using for Noel. It is a fantastic weight and just perfect for tiny details needed on a jeans jacket.
      I can’t wait to see the dress on both doll either. I was SO hoping it would go to someone who had both dolls and they could give me their honest opinion of how it fits.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Susette from Southern California

    Hope things go well for your family, Charlotte. It’s certainly a stressful time.

    Congratulations on another successful dress, Jeanne. She’ll treasure it just as I do mine.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I am SO happy that you are still smitten with Rosalyn’s set. I knew when I was making it, it was special… but I just thought it was me feeling that way… since it was a new style and a very different look than what I usually do… I’m glad to know you are still loving it!
      Thank you so much… for a wonderful memory for me too! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, how wonderful about the auction! It looks like the denim jacket is going to be so cute.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I don’t even have the sleeves in yet, and I’m just loving it! Hope that feeling continues! I’m heading to my sewing room right now… my hubby said he’d do the dishes so I could sew! Woohoo!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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