More purging and packaging and postal runs!

It seems several of you were not getting my blog as you have been in the past… some of you were getting 2 emails… sometimes at different times of the day, and some of you not getting it at all. As I was reading everyone’s story, I determined it’s the hot weather! It has to be! That’s what is causing all the delays. :o)

I was busy again today finding things that I could sell and not even bat an eye… things I’ve collected for a LONG time.. and now it is truly time to let go of.

My Wellie Wishers Emerson doll sold this evening, so she’s packed up and will be heading to Ohio. I think she’ll like it there. She was getting NO attention from me!

I wanted to address Susette’s comment about why I didn’t let the things I put on Ebay just see how high they would go instead of putting a Buy It Now set price on them. Well, I have a couple of reasons for listing things the way I do… I remember this saying Cindy’s hubby, Tom, shared with me and it just stuck. “A slow nickel is better than a fast dime!” It refers to the concept that fast nickels make you money quicker but slow dimes can sometimes give you a bigger profit. In my situation, I HAVE to get some of this stuff moved out of here, and if I can sell it quickly, all the better. I don’t want to wait for an auction to go for 5 days or a week and then not make any more than I would have if I had listed it with a BIN.

I do some research before listing most things, looking at the completed listings on Ebay… I can usually determine the prices things are going for. If it is something that is abundant on Ebay, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd, so I usually make a BIN on that item hoping someone will see my listing and decide they don’t want to wait for a long auction to end. I also have lots I need to sell, and there’s something gratifying knowing you are selling a doll at a lower price, hoping the new owner will be just thrilled to receive it. These are things I’ve had in tubs and in boxes and they really aren’t things I’ve been thinking about, but just accumulating.

So that’s kind of quick version of what I do and the way I do it. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but when I look at my list of things I’ve sold just this week, it makes me smile. I’m sure I’ll get to some things I’ll struggle with.

I have been debating about selling my Kaye Wiggs Hope doll and today I let myself do a little investigating about what prices she was bringing. I am sort of sentimental with her as I always wanted to give her a faceup and make her prettier than she already is. I even have pictures saved of the way I wanted to do her face. I had a certain price in mind I was hoping for, but today that bubble was burst when I read some comments on the Kaye Wiggs doll forum on pricing these dolls. It was stated that the 17/18″ Kaye Wiggs dolls are bringing between $550 and $700 unless they are super spectacularly beautiful with a new faceup and an elaborate costume is included. That was less than what I was hoping for, but I might have to bite the bullet and go for it… I still have to list the stuff on the guest bed first… so I’m a ways from doing that.

Okay, so what did I list new this evening…

Well, first up is a fun Apron Kit to make. It’s a cotton fabric panel and is a really nice feeling fabric. I thought it would be a cheap cotton fabric, but it actually felt very nice in my hands. It’s pink and brown and is really a flattering pattern. I was going to keep this one myself and make it but that didn’t happen.

Here is a link to that listing… Pink and brown Apron Kit

The next thing I got listed was my Vintage Ginny Doll. I found her at an Estate Sale and have had her in the box for a couple years.. except for the time I used her to try on Ten Ping’s green and blue Batik shorts set. Barbara had a Ginny doll and wondered if the set I had originally made for Ten Ping would fit her Ginny. I decided to take her out of the box (which was opened on the ends already) and try it on this Ginny doll to see if it would fit. It did. Here is that picture of Ginny in Ten Ping’s outfit… just for a few minutes.

(Just as I was typing that last sentence, my phone dinged and I got a bid on the Ginny in the box! How cool is that?) :o)

Anyway, here is Ginny in Ten Ping’s set.

Here are a few pictures of Ginny from the auction on Ebay…

…and here is the link to see Ginny’s listing… Vintage Ginny Doll

Okay… next up is some Wool Felting stuff. I would LOVE to know how to do felting, but this is something else I just never got around to doing. I found the wool roving at a sale a while back and put them together for this listing… The tool and the mat are brand new…

Here is that listing… Felting Needle Tools and Wool

The last thing I got listed was a Peggy Nisbit Doll. She was my first one to see in person…so I got her. She’s about 6″ tall or 1:12 scale. She is articulated and can move her arms at the elbows and shoulders and her knees too. She is the Maid Servant in the series of dolls. There are hundreds of different dolls… the master, the mistress, kings and queens and all kinds of characters. They are made in England and although she is adorable and kind of fun to play with, I decided she wasn’t for me.

Here is her listing on Ebay… Nisbit Maid Servant Doll

Well, I had a bigger stack of things I wanted to get listed, but my hubby had some things I had to help him with… there’s always tomorrow.

I will see you Monday… or maybe when Molly’s auction ends… Saturday evening!
Have a great weekend. I have another baby shower Sunday…
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “More purging and packaging and postal runs!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Just a quick note, as I’m up really Really late tonight and I Have to get to bed!

    Thanks for explaining about how you decide whether to do a BIN or an auction on your things. For those of us who’ve thought to “dabble”, that is good to know.

    Will send you the recipe tomorrow, Jeanne.

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    I have had to slow down my hope for selling for awhile. My summer has become too busy, some of it for fun and company, and some for appointments for dental work and back problems. Anyway, I have heard and found that summer is a slow time for selling. I may be selling a doll after MDCC is over in August. We shall see. This year I plan to start sewing for Christmas early!!
    Wishes for a great weekend, y’all. I will send some photos from the wedding!

  3. Susette from Southern California

    Thanks for the explanation. I should take your example and get things going here. You have a far more varied collection than I thought. Money in the bank is much better than tied up in a box on a shelf or in a closet. Best of luck with your great project.

    I’ve noticed that I have to toggle the Website (Optional) field below whether posting a Comment or not, I don’t receive the blog the next day and have to Search for it. This has been happening for months but I hesitated to mention it. It seems that others might be having this happen also. It should carry over until rescinded.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Having fun seeing Jeanne’s auction items. That apron kit looks interesting and when I heard Ginny doll, I perked up too.
    My eyes were heavily dilated yesterday, so I didn’t get back to see Barbara’s comment. Hope she shares her system of organization when she is ready because the doll boxes here have become a hazard. Not sure how to match up the doll with the right box. That is if I could even part with one. Ha ha. Seeing Jeanne’s Ginny reminds me that I still need to restring my childhood Ginny’s from the 50’s. Now, those are getting close to being called antique. 🙂
    In my blurriness yesterday, I was still able to figure out the fabric I’m using for the last sew along dress. Now, hoping it will come together today, so I can get it cut out and start sewing. That is after I catch up on watering around here.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I will let you know if I come up with a good way for matching dolls to their boxes. Some boxes say the name of the series but not the name of the doll in the series. It would be great if it did so I could just use my labeler and label the doll stand – assuming that they would still be on their stands when the day comes to sell them. I do not plan on selling them in my lifetime but I can’t think of any family members who wouldn’t rather have the cash than what they would perceive to be clutter.

  5. Theresa in Indiana

    Jeanne, Hope is a very special doll to Kaye Wiggs with such a beautiful back story, I would think you should be able to get more for her than what the other Kaye Wiggs dolls sell for. She was once a grail doll for me, but since my retirement, I know I won’t ever be able to afford her. You could always just list her for a buy it now for the amount you are comfortable selling her for, or even start an auction at that amount, and see what happens.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I did a search last evening to see what you had added to your eBay listing. Hadn’t thought to do that before. Can’t imagine selling a Kaye Wiggs doll. They are so expensive even used that I can’t even entertain the thought of having one. I usually can find a doll I want that I can afford, but not when it comes to Kaye Wiggs dolls.

  7. I didn’t get a chance to weigh in about getting the blog. I always get two, your IDreamofJeanneMarie and your Jeanne one (mailchimpapp) and both come to my inbox. The Jeanne one used to come to promotions, but it been quite a while since that was the case. I wonder if it changed during your blog issues, Jeanne.
    Good luck with the purging and selling.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, happy sales (I couldn’t resist the Roy Rogers pun – laugh).

    Can you believe that the next posting could be Monday, July 1! Seriously what happened to June? And I definitely want May back (smile).

    Happy weekend and early 4th to you and the Sofa Sisters.

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