Making a 4th of July doll dress without using patriotic fabric…

You don’t HAVE to use fabrics with stars and stripes and fireworks for your Fourth of July doll outfits. In fact, I rarely do… I have made some, but most of the time I opt not to use novelty prints. I like to use reds and whites and blues, but not exclusively Fourth of July prints.

The first reason I don’t use the novelty prints, is it limits the wear season of the dress/outfit you make. If you have stars and fireworks in the fabric, you will “really” only be able to use it during the month of July. On the other hand if you make a dress that is a red print or a red and white print and accent it with blue, (especially a detachable blue) you can use that red or red and white print dress for Valentine’s Day by just changing the ribbon or hair bow.

The second reason I rarely use Fourth of July prints is they don’t usually come out with very many NEW prints each year. It seems to be the same prints every year. The ones that are out have been used SO many times, it just gets old to me. (Sorry if you like the patriotic prints!) Now, I’ll have to do a Fourth of July slide show and “eat my words!” :o)

The dress I’m making for the American Girl Molly doll is a good example of making it look patriotic, but not exclusively for the Fourth of July! This dress could have a white ribbon tied around the waist and the dress would change in looks very much! You could even take a small bow, in say, black and position it (temporarily) between the 2 navy buttons on the sleeves and use a black ribbon at the waist and you would have a different look for the dress. You could add a gold ribbon and add a denim vest and it would be another cute look. The possibilities could be endless.

But for now, let’s look at Molly’s dress as it is… it’s not hemmed and the snaps aren’t sewn on the back yet, but I have to admit, it does look patriotic just as it is.

I have used a navy blue rayon ribbon in this picture…

When it’s hemmed, it will look much better…and probably a slip might be added.

Here is a close up of this ribbon…

I had a navy and white polka dot ribbon and switched it up a bit for a different look. I might like this look a little better. It seems a bit more whimsical…

I may send along both ribbons for the winner…then they can decide.

Thanks for the lesson on Double Cloth, Charlotte… I have never heard of it nor seen it (that I remember.) It hasn’t been my favorite to sew… it seems a little bit slippery… but it sure looks pretty up close…

Well, I’ll keep working on this set and see what else I can come up with.

Thanks everyone… I’m sure praying Sissy gets her computer issues solved so she can join us again… she’s taking her computer into her internet provider today!

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Making a 4th of July doll dress without using patriotic fabric…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I do like and use novelty prints sometimes, but it can be hard to find ones with the print that is the correct scale for your dolls, particularly if you’re sewing for smaller dolls, like Little Darlings. I was taught once that, in most cases, the main element of the print shouldn’t be larger than the person’s hand, and I use that to determine prints for my dolls, too. If my doll’s hand is only about 1″ across, the main element in the print for that doll isn’t any bigger than that. The exception would be those super-huge prints where, even on an adult garment, the entire flower is the bodice front, for example, or it’s a very muted and subtle print.

    Molly’s dress has come along nicely. I think I prefer the polkadot ribbon, too–a little more pizzazz!!

    (If the two fabrics are very thin and soft, what you have might be double gauze; I have some double gauze in my stash, and actually it’s relatively easy to find these days, and is quite popular among sewers who make clothes, as it makes nice tops and lovely baby clothes, too.)

    As far as Sissy’s posts, I think it’s like she’s only Sending one word, “testing”, and that’s why we’re only seeing one word!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a cute dress for dear Molly, Jeanne! I love the red and white checks, just so cheerful and optimistic looking, Yes, she will more than likely need a pretty under slip to hold the skirt out! I also like the polka dotted ribbon, and it mirrors the navy blue buttons on the sleeves. Darling!

    I’m another who does not care for novelty prints for my dolls. I like my dolls to wear clothes like I would put on a child, and for instance, with a doll like Molly, who lived in the 40’s, there were no fabrics like that to make little girl dresses. I don’t recall a single person wearing a dress with a novelty print!

    I was also wondering when Charlotte said about Sissy just writing one word. Why isn’t she writing more? The “testing” word comes through, so why not more words? Then again, who is it writing the word “testing”?

    Another hot day on tap here, so I might as well stay in and do something fun with my dolls!

  3. Good morning all of you!
    Jeanne, this dress turned out really cute! very patriotic. The belt with the dots looks like stars! This is the perfect dress for Molly. I know this fabric was a challenge and look at this marvelous dress!
    It is going to be pretty hot here in Northern Virginia too. I would LOVE to play with my AG dolls. I should pack though, or at least a little, and play 30 minutes of piano (not very good anymore) and tidy a bit, and sew some more foundation paper pieced flowers. They are so cute. I want to make a lot of them.
    Today, the cameras in Katmai Alaska Brooks Falls turn on. there are several cameras and if you scroll down you will see at about noon the cameras will go live for the season. The brown bears are so fun to watch.
    I hope every one has a very lovely day

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the dress is definitely versatile. I could see it as county chic. I am thinking that in the 1950s the daughter of an upscale family hosting a fancy picnic in its backyard could wear this dress. I can imagine her saying “would anyone like more potato salad?”

    I too hope Sissy can get back to the Sofa soon.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    For whatever reason, the navy buttons kind of throw me off along with the navy ribbon belt. Not a fan of the dots either. I’d like to see red, I guess, for both. Then, it would speak picnic. A white slip would be nice too. For the 4th of July, I’d like to see a fun navy flower that pins on the bodice as well as a couple of tiny beaded bracelets. Maybe Molly, can carry a 4th pinwheel or a little basket with treats for her pup?
    Around here, I like small scale theme seasonal fabrics. They work great for boys shirts/shorts too. I also like checks a lot. Will Molly wear braids? That would fit in with the summer theme I think. 🙂

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Hey, Y’all,
    This works when we are using the wifi at our providers place. They say
    this is something new to them and will work on trying to fix it. One day next week we have to come back here when the person that knows more about it can help. I am still sewing and usual stuff. My back is doing better with Gabapintin and will be seeing a pain doc next Monday.
    Miss talking to y’all but I do read it every day.

    1. Hi Sissy! I hope they figure it out for you soon. Then you can share some of your latest doll creations. I’m glad to hear your back is doing better. Hope you’re staying cool. We are beastly hot right now. Hugs to you, Laura

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Well, sounds like progress is being made with the problem. Would love to hear the answer when they figure it all out.
      Take care with the back and keep on sewing. 🙂

    3. Linda in St. Louis

      Hi Sissy! So glad to hear from you even if it is only for a one time thing! Your place on the sofa is still here and will be here when you get your computer problems figured out. I’m wondering if it is just Jeanne’s blog that you have trouble with. Who knows?

    4. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, it is so good to hear from you. I am going to the UFDC convention next month. I will be thinking of you and wishing you well!

    5. Charlotte Trayer

      So good to hear from you, Sissy!! Hopefully it won’t be too long when things will be back to normal.

      My husband takes Gabapentin too, and it absolutely worked a miracle for him. He took his first pill before bed one night, and the next morning woke up completely pain free!! We could hardly believe it!! He’s only had one issue with some back pain since then, and it’s gone again now, too. I’m glad it’s helping you.

  7. Molly looks very sweet. I like the navy polka dotted ribbon best. Love how the sleeves are done. It’s picnic time!

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