Just Jeanne’s June and July Junk…or maybe some Jewels! :o)

Hi everyone,
It was HIGH TIME I did some weeding out… some serious weeding out. I had a plan… and was going to list things every night at 8:30, but it never seemed to work out… I was always busy or my hubby needed me for something or I didn’t have anything ready to list. So I just made a new plan… and decided to work through the day and when I found something I could list pretty quickly, I would list it. Most of the things I’ll be listing will be Buy It Now, but some things will be an auction. I have LOTS of varied things to list and wanted to tell you… you might want to check through the day to see if I have anything listed you might like. You can mark me as a Favorite Seller and when I do list something you will get a notification of it. Or you can just click on the top picture at the right side bar and when it comes up, you can see on my Ebay selling page… this.. “Seller’s Other Items.” Click that and anything I have listed will be there.

I listed the Ruby Red Fashion Friends Kelsey doll and she disappeared quickly… Then I listed 3 DVD’s from the American Girl Collection and they got scarfed up too.

Today I decided to list that little Madame Alexander Cissette Bride doll and she went quickly… I’ll show you a few pictures of her I took this afternoon. I very gently used a disinfectant wipe to get the grime off her. Her necklace was filthy… She looks much better now. I really didn’t need another doll to sit naked in my sewing room… so I decided to sell her. When I listed her and took a close look at her pictures, she had a flawless face… her lipstick was perfect and her eyelids weren’t chipped like they sometimes are. She was a cutie, but she will move to Arizona tomorrow.

I started working on some Bratz dolls this afternoon and just managed to get them listed on Ebay. I had a lot of 11 dolls… 9 girls and 2 boys. There were also 20 pair of snap on shoes plus many accessories. I didn’t know anything about them… but learned as quickly as I could…and displayed them as “pretty-like” as I could.

They were just in a plastic container I had…and today was their big day to get photographed and put on Ebay… We’ll see… I really know nothing about them… except there are people who collect them.

So who knows what will be found and listed tomorrow… I just HAVE to get rid of some stuff… and I seem to be on a roll now…

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Just Jeanne’s June and July Junk…or maybe some Jewels! :o)”

  1. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am still up from last night so I seem to be posting before Charlotte.
    Good for you for moving dolls along so they can be adopted by other Mamas. Many of us need to do the same thing.

    How can it be that there are only 4 days left in June? I feel like five minutes ago I was just waving good-bye to May and, of my goodness, I will soon be waving hello to July.

    The Madame Alexander Doll Club Convention was last week. I didn’t go but I am sure it was nice. I am excited about attending the United Federation of Doll Clubs Convention next month!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Wishing you a wonderful time at UFDC, Dorothy. I have only attended 3 times, and those were when they were within driving distance. Do you know if Helen Kish is going to be there this year? She is a dear friend from many years but she lives far from me and is not participating in MDCC anymore.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Sissy, Helen Kish is creating the souvenir doll. I don’t know if she will be present at convention though. I will ask around to see if I can find out. Maybe you will be able to attend next year.

    2. HI Dorothy,
      I can’t believe June is almost over… what will be next…Thanksgiving? One of these days I would love to get to a doll convention… maybe some day.
      I’m glad someone else can use my discards… it would be nice to keep everything… but I was beginning to feel a little smothered by it all.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Good for you, Jeanne–you are doing what I should do (except I’ve never sold on ebay–however I’m Really Good at buying from ebay! 😂) I know I have many dolls that should go to new homes, like some of my older Madame Alexander dolls (none is Really old, but probably back to the late 70s or early 80s for the oldest ones). And there are other collectibles, etc., that I could do without, also, I’m sure. (But of course not the fabric…!!)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      It’s about TIME I did something to make more room in my sewing space. I was feeling very uneasy with all the stuff around me… I don’t like clutter, but it was pretty cluttered.
      Of course.. NEVER the fabric… although I did get rid of 13 garbage bags a few years ago… it went to a quilter friend of Debs.
      I’m glad to hear and read that Ron is doing better… you just keep feeding him those good dishes you make… and if you want to send that tuna recipe… go ahead…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Okay, Jeanne, I will–probably tomorrow. I even remembered to take a couple of pictures before I ate the last of the molded tuna salad!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, I don’t think I could ever part with any of my dolls! I know you don’t do with your dolls like I do, but where in the world do you come across so much that you can even think of selling? I have never had a garage sale, not anythng I could ever get rid of, but then again, I don’t buy a lot. My house isn’t at all large, so I can only have so much, and I try to keep it that way! You certainly do come across a lot of nice things, and so your sales go well.

    Here we are, almost over with June! Where did it go? I sure hope July is cooler, but then again, who am I fooling?

    1. HI Linda,
      I think I just have grandiose ideas when I see things… I could do “this” with “that” or “that” with “this” and before you know it you could start your own booth at an antique shop.
      My sewing room is only SO big too, so I have to get rid of the stuff that is laying around not helping me out any.

      July will be here in just a few days… I can’t believe it… June just whizzed by.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Good for you Jeanne. I keep laying out dolls and their accessories on the guest bed and then having to put them back when company is coming. Or I have a doll and its outfit but one shoe is lost in my mess of a sewing room so I can’t sell her. One of these days I will surely get it together….I hope.

    1. HI Sissy,
      I am JUST LIKE YOU… everything is on the guest bed and TWICE I’ve had to clean it off because Rebecca and Karn came home and I had to have a bed to sleep in. I give them our bedroom because it has a master bath.
      I hope to make a dent in all my stuff… I’m not stopping now…
      Thanks Sissy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like Jeanne’s plan is working well. Here, Joy’s Junk is still in a messy state. Like Charlotte, I’ve never sold on the bay, but I do buy. 🙂 Definitely should think more seriously about the collections.
    Almost have the skirt ready to sew on the dress upon which I’ve been working forever. But, yesterday, I finally got other person interesting in cutting way back the juniper bush that was here when we bought the house almost 50 years ago. It was a tender box of old wood and needles. Trying to get anything flammable away from the house. We filled our yard can and one of the neighbor’s with the cut up mess. Right now, it is left as kind of a sculpture garden piece, but after yard pick up today, it will probably face the ax aka power saw. I’ll send a picture to Jeanne.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I am thrilled to be doing what I’ve needed to do for a LONG time. I can’t see a difference yet, but surely soon, it will start to look a little less cluttered.
      We had those exact same kind of bushes around our house… we pulled them out with George’s truck.. but they were gnarly and they were VERY old too. I’ll have to find my pictures of them too… then we can compare.
      Hope you get your dolly dresses figured out.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Like most of us I need to clear out some “stuff” but good intentions don’t seem to work!! I also buy on eBay but have never listed anything. It just seems so daunting that I give up.
    I’ve not been receiving my daily Jeanne posts!! They stopped last Wednesday, I think I’m going into withdrawal. I tried re-subscribing but so far that hasn’t helped. Is anyone else having problems?

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Yes, Dorothy! My blogs stopped last Friday, but I just kept that one and log on from there. I was just going to ask if anyone was having that problem too.

    2. HI Dorothy,
      My good intentions came to a halt when I wanted something and didn’t have the money to buy it, but KNEW I had money tied up in things just hiding in the closet and under the bed… so I said enough was enough and just started. The hardest part really is just getting started.
      I will have to see if there is some setting on my computer that needs updating… I sure hope it’s nothing big..
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Wow, Jeanne, you have a lot of dolls and things we knew nothing about. I’m not surprised the AG movie set went fast. I have all of those as well as the Kit one which we also got to enjoy seeing in the theater. We sat behind two ladies probably in their 60s and we had a great time chatting with them before the movie and a bit after.

    1. HI Laura,
      I’m almost embarrassed to show what all I’m finding…mind you, I’ve been sewing and collecting things for dolls for a LONG time…
      Those movies are always fun to watch… I remember getting some from the movie store and was just like a little girl watching them.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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