Does your Boneka doll need a canine carrier?

Hi everyone, (everyone except Sissy, that is!) She still hasn’t been able to log in to comment, but is going to talk with someone from Apple to see if they can figure out what is wrong.

Well, well, well, Noel is excited to show you some more new things for her outfit today…

First up, we decided her dress was a bit on the floppy side around the hem, so I made her a new slip… not just any ole’ white slip, but a coral colored slip! Whoa! It’s pretty cute on her, but her white panties underneath the yoke part of the slip, make it look a little funny. It just slides up her legs and really works to hold out her dress.

If you look closely, you can see the slip peeking out just below her dress a tiny bit… If you don’t like that, you can just slide it up a little bit, or if you want more slip to show, pull it down a bit.

Drum roll please…. :o)

Introducing the tiniest canine carrier I have ever made… (or shall I call it a puppy pouch?)

Goldie likes it very much and loves how she can travel and be safe inside.

I made a netting at one end of the carrier and added a slide on the straps that holds Goldie in… here is a 5 second video showing how it works…

The carrier can also be worn like a baby carrier by putting the straps around her arms… like this…

Goldie doesn’t have long enough legs to poke through any “outlets” so I just had to make it solid except for an opening for her head…

Noel has been lugging Goldie around in the carrier since I finished it…

Well, something else to add to my resume… doggie carriers! Just kidding! Today was like art class for me… I didn’t know how I was going to make it until I was in the thick of things… so I just kept going. I could do it faster if I had to make another one…

I forgot to add a ribbon around Goldie’s neck and forgot to take a few more pictures with the flower pin for Noel’s jacket.

I better get to bed… I stayed up too late last night…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “Does your Boneka doll need a canine carrier?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That beautiful petticoat does give a nice “twirl” to Noel’s dress, and her little carrier bag for Goldie is terrific, too. I love how you did the straps so Noel can carry it two different ways. Very clever!

    Hope you get enough sleep tonight, Jeanne.

    Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments and prayers for Ron. It’s been a challenging day today, but I think I did see a tiny bit of improvement… least he ate a very small amount today, and responded to me when I talked to him!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Very cute, Jeanne, the whole outfit just reminds me of the song, “How Much is that Doggie in the Window.” You knock it out of the box every time! I like how you don’t have anything planned on how it will be made, but you just keep on making it and viola, it is truly one-of-a-kind!

    The slip certainly does it job, and then some, with that snazzy color! Yes, you do need a picture or two with the flower on the jacket!

    I can’t believe you can stay up as long as you do, and still be able to do constructive things! My best part of the day is early morning, and by 3 in the afternoon, I’m done doing anything that takes concentration!

  3. Sylvia from NH

    Very cute! You are amazing! The ideas you come up with! Just perfect a dog carrier for Goldie!

  4. this whole outfit is supremely adorable, Jeanne.
    I love the carrier and it is fancy with the damask fabric
    Everything as always is just perfect!!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      So glad to see you are back, Sissy. Did you solve the problem or was it one of those things that just happened and then unhappened? They are the worst because you worry it will happen again.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Received a note from Sissy. Unfortunately, she isn’t back yet. I believe that Jeanne is working on it now. Hopefully, soon her computer will be back to normal.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    As I was going through the pics, I thought, where is that flower? I do like it. Then, at the end, it will be in more pics later. 🙂 I was thinking of a simple tote bag, but no, Jeanne ends up making a pet carrier. What a great idea and so clever. I’m sure the slip helps the dress skirt, but I’m not a fan of the large elastic waist. Seems to overpower little Noel, but it won’t show anyway I guess. So many fun things going on with this set. It’s going to be a big seller I’m sure.
    Yesterday, we drove four hours round trip north to the woods in the next county up. We visited some friends and hiked in to other person’s former cabin. Fun seeing the old place. Our friends live without electricity/off the grid, with some solar and propane for cooking etc. Since they have a huge property, maybe a couple of hundred acres that they recently had selective logging on, they always have wood for auxiliary heat. Just have to cut, stack, and move it all. Lots of work and one has to fight off mosquitos as well. They do have bears, occasional mountain lions, and of course deer. The weather was great in the 70’s. However, when we got home the house was a hot box. Another high 90’s day. Had to run out and see if my seeds had survived another very hot day and give them some water. They looked okay. Phew. Not supposed to be quite as warm today, I hope. Definitely summer around here.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      You said in your reply yesterday you couldn’t take the heat. David and I were just mentioning last evening that when we moved to Texas (me from Delaware, him from Colorado) we were in our late 20s and the heat didn’t bother us much. That was 50 years ago and today we find it bothers us a lot. He does better than I do because he is outside a lot but in the summer I hibernate in the A/C so being outside for more than 15 minutes does me in. When I took the grandkids to Splashway last summer I rented a cabana and except for a few laps on the lazy river I pretty much stayed out of the sun. It was shady and there was a breeze so I was good.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I think you are right. Yesterday, it was a pleasant 74 while we were out of town north in the woods. Day before it was a hundred here and we were baked. Not so bad inside with out window AC, but every time we had to go out to go places, it was miserable. Car was very hot until the AC kicked in too. Outside to water, very hot. etc. I lived in Chico one summer during college. One day it was 116. Only had a swamp cooler and an old tv with rabbit ears. As soon as the sun went down, everyone hit the ice cream place. Guess I was much hardier then. 🙂

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you definitely have added another dolly talent! Let’s see: seamstress, costume designer, doll model stylist, beautician, photographer, purse maker, shoemaker, hat maker, and doggie tote bag creator. (Sofa Sisters, please add to the list if I have missed anything.)

    I am so happy to hear that you will be spending time with your sisters. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures.

    Just a reminder to all: World Doll Day will be celebrated on Saturday, June 8. Happy day to everyone!

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Thanks for the close-up of the slip. I couldn’t figure out what I was seeing exactly. I love the slip and it definitely makes the dress look better or maybe just beautifully different. The doggie carrier is perfect. I’m glad to see that Goldie is secure and won’t be at risk of jumping out and running into traffic. This is the cutest outfit and some lucky Boneka is going to have a wonderful ensemble for the summer.

  8. Laura in Ohio

    The carrier for Goldie is the BEST!! She can travel in style with Noel wherever she goes. This set is just so cute.

  9. Joy in northern CA

    Writing this again in case someone missed it, but Sissy is not back on the group yet. The email above was sent from a person at the Apple store who was trying to help. So, hopefully, all will be back to normal soon for her. So frustrating.

  10. Susette from Southern California

    I thought of your father when I saw the doggie carrier. Someone had mentioned she thought you favored him. You certainly inherited his inventiveness. The carrier is darling!

    1. HI Susette,
      I think if my dad were still alive, he would LOVE seeing all the things I can do with my hands now. He truly was a master at most everything he tried to do. I love playing around with things… and always have loved a challenge when it comes to sewing or crafting!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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