A Dress Like Your Doll contest winner!

Hi everyone…
How about a few answers from Saturday’s post…
Yes, we are still in contact with Alba and Edgar and Sara in Colombia, South America! (They live in Bogota!) And yes, Sara is all grown up now… 19 and as pretty as she was when she left here! It was 10 years ago that we first met her… she was only 9 years old but she quickly blossomed into this wonderful little girl who was as smart as a whip! She was placed in a regular school and learned English SO quickly… I think because she loved people and she LOVED TO READ! She always had a book in her hand… then those fingers touched a few other things… cooking utensils, baking pans, knitting needles, piano keys, and she went on to be a very smart young lady. I would love to have a conversation in person with her and her mom to see how she is speaking now. We do chat with Alba every once in a while, but not as often as we’d like.

Here is the latest picture I have of Edgar, Sara and Alba on the far left side of this picture… the others are Alba’s family.

And Bithar and her family has grown since I last shared a picture of them. They still go to our church and Jean and Bithar are now expecting baby number 7! It’s a boy and they are planning on naming him Isaac. She is due on August 1st, but she looks like she could have the baby any day… I should have taken a picture of her this morning; she looked very pretty. They are trying to find a bigger house so they can spread out a little bit… I’ll try to get an updated picture of them all soon.

Linda, I DO hope your new little neighbor girl loves dolls… she will have a treasure in you if she does… Maybe she can help you dress them when you change their clothes! :o)

Karen, I might have to give that cinnamon a try, sprinkling it around my big gnarly tree trunk so I can see if it gets rid of the ants so I can use it for posing my dolls on. I would LOVE that! :o)

And Dorothy in PA… how wonderful that Robert Tonner came to your doll club… and you all got to meet and share your lunch with him. I’ve heard he is a very nice gentleman, but I hadn’t heard he had a new doll out… I might have to keep an eye out for her.

NOW… to today’s post. A while back I sold a pair of my leather dolls shoes… they were the teal green ones for the Little Darlings and had the magnetic closure on them.

Well, Danette went to a Doll Convention this weekend and they had a “Dress Like Your Doll Contest” and she won SECOND PLACE!! Congratulations. She sent me some pictures and I just knew you’d love to see them…

The tall doll on the right is a Kaye Wiggs doll, but I’m not sure if she’s Laryssa or Talyssa, or someone else…but she sure looks sweet in her dress. The other doll is a My Meadows Doll, I think… someone called Aki or something like that… I’m not sure… maybe Danette will fill us in.

Here are my little teal shoes on her sweet doll…

Thank you Danette for sharing your pictures with us! You and your dolls are just beautiful!

Well, that’s it for me today…
I’ll see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “A Dress Like Your Doll contest winner!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you for sharing updates on Sara and Deborah and their families. Sara has indeed grown into a lovely young woman.

    Congratulations to Danette on her win!! Your dresses are all lovely! The fabric is a perfect match to those shoes Jeanne made!

    A little update: Ron is still in the hospital. Not any worse, but not any better, really, either. He’s just not eating much at the moment, and that is worrisome. The doctor doesn’t want to run an IV drip on him because she doesn’t want to “flood” his system (he has pneumonia in addition to the congestive heart failure). It will still be a few days before they can move him anywhere. Our son came today and spent most of the afternoon sitting by his dad’s bed. He got to meet Ron’s doctor, too.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    It was so nice to see Sara again, and her parents! She truly is a beautiful young girl and we all know how sweet she is! Thank you for showing us the picture! And my goodness, another baby for Bithar and Jean! She will certainly be busy with her family!

    Danette looks lovely I her dress, AND her matching doll dresses for extra fun! And then to win 2nd place, must have been an honor! No doubt those darling shoes helped! Congratulations, Danette!

    Charlotte, so nice to hear that your son was able to visit Ron, and being the good son he sounds like, stayed at Ronโ€™s bedside most of the afternoon. Iโ€™m sure that helped you a lot, and made Ron feel better. Praying that Ron feels more like himself soon.

    As far as my new little neighbor who just moved next door, she made the most darling thank you note to me for the brownies I sent over the other day! I think this might be the beginning of a new little friend who loves dolls as much as I do!

  3. Thank you for sharing the latest of those beautiful girls and their families.
    These blue shoes are really cute!
    I hope everyone has a terrific and lovely week

  4. Joy in northern CA

    How delightful to see Sara and her family. I wonder if Sara is going to college? Hope so. What a beautiful floor too.
    How nice to see Danette and her girls. I don’t have Aki, her Meadow doll, but those here are waving. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Glad Ron’s son was able to visit. Hope Charlotte is taking care of herself too as well as Ron. Thinking of them.
    Can’t wait to hear if Linda invites her little neighbor over for a dolly tea. I’m sure she will love seeing her displays and dollhouses too. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Here, we had a very long drive home yesterday from our visit with grands. We checked our route before leaving and it was good. However, on the way home, looked like a few delays, but mostly good. Well, that quickly changed when they let out the Nascar traffic from the raceway. So, we were stuck in traffic until the light changed every so often. There were like 50 thousand people there. Took us three hours to get home which usually takes an hour and a half. Not pleasant.
    Still trying to finish my week two Sew Along. And tomorrow, we’re back to another heatwave. Not excited.

  5. Debbie in North Carolina

    Loved reading about Sara and her many talents. Such a generous gift from Magalie. I hope Sara still has a momento from that treasure trove. I feel lucky to have a few of Magalie’s Little Darling dolls; they remain at the top of my list.

    Danette and her dolls were a stylish trio. She put a lot of effort into those dresses and the result was just right – so cute!

    Dorothy, you had a very special World Doll Day! I am not surprised to hear about his generous nature. I don’t own one Tonner doll but I love looking at them. His company created so many beautiful dolls across different categories.

    The NC Museum of Dolls, Toys, & Miniatures just happened to be on our way home last week ( maybe there was a tiny detour ) so I convinced hubby to let me have a look. Several volunteers from the Rowan County doll club were preparing for the World Doll Day Celebration on Saturday so I celebrated by chatting with other active collectors! It is a very well stocked museum in a small building but they will be moving to a new space in December that is 9,000 sq. ft. There were many categories from antique Jumeau’s to Tonner’s fashion dolls with an emphasis on mid-century dolls. The American Girl collection was a little weak and I would love to get in there and create a Pleasant Company display. If you are traveling on I-85 between Greensboro, NC and Charlotte, NC stop and visit. It is located in Spencer, NC.

    Joy, stop sending those heat waves!

    Happy Belated World Doll Day everyone!


    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Debbie, Mr. Tonner was amazing. I have one of his My Imagination play line dolls. She is 18 inches. She has a hard body but she can wear some of the American Girl clothing.

      1. Dorothy, I love his dolls so much, it is hard to settle on just one. I have seen the My Imagination. They are very pretty 18โ€ dolls.๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Sara has really grown up! I loved seeing your stories of her when she lived near you. It’s nice to see an update on her, as well as Bithar and family.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I cannot believe that Sara is all grown up! I still remember her as this little 12 year old who would follow you around and help with things.

    Danette’s doll outfits are adorable! I wonder if she takes commissions.

    Question for the Sofa Sisters: Is anyone planning to attend the UFDC Convention in Kansas City, MO next month? I am going and it would be fun to meet up with a Sister or two.

    1. That is on my bucket list. Sadly not this year though. I am hoping for a location closer to me in the very near future. Canโ€™t wait to hear all about it!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Debbie, I will definitely make a few notes about the Kansas City Convention when I return. UFDC will announce the Convention location for 2025 at the end of this year’s convention. I will be sure to let you know. Who knows, it might be just one state away!

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          I may have missed the chance of a lifetime a few years ago. The Convention was in San Antonio, just a couple driving hours from me. But we had already planned to go to Colorado and our reservations were made so not even time for a small stopover. Since then none has been close.

  8. So nice to see a photo of Sara and her family and Bithar will certainly be kept busy with her growing family.
    Congratulations to you, Danette, on your 2nd place win. You and your dolls in their matching dresses are lovely.
    Happy to hear your son could visit Ron, Charlotte. Prayers that he begins to improve soon.
    Glad to hear you had a wonderful World Doll Day, Dorothy!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, thanks! It was awesome to meet Mr. Tonner. I don’t know how we will top this luncheon next year! I will be Chairing it for 2025 so there is definitely nail biting going on (laugh).

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    It was wonderful seeing pictures of Sara and her family. I think of them from time to time but never thought to ask if you were still in touch. Sara is lovely.

    Would love to see a picture of Bithar and her family. Her children are beautiful. Another little one on the way. How nice. She needs to get with Karen in Kentucky. They could share thoughts and experiences.

    Great pictures of Danette and her dolls. When my daughter was growing up I would make mother-daughter dresses for us. Never thought to do that with my dolls. Congrats on the win, Danette.

    How great that Dorothy in PA and the World had an in-person Robert Tonner experience. I have several Tonner dolls of all shapes and sizes and recently bought an Ellowyne Wilde doll. I would love to meet him.

    Charlotte, I’m so glad that your son could spend time with his Dad. I’m sure that was good for everyone. Praying for a speedy recovery for Ron. And do take care of yourself.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I am sure that Convention will swing back you way at some point. It was so nice to meet Mr. Tonner. We gave him a big bag full of Hershey Chocolate candy. You know, it’s a Central PA kind of gift (laugh).

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