~ 4th of July Picnic” is now listed on Ebay…

Hi everyone,
I actually made it outside to take some pictures of Molly in the yard. It was so sunny, I was trying to find a shady spot so my pictures wouldn’t be washed out from the light. I managed to get a few taken. Then I scrambled inside, edited them… made up a “Food Sign Up” sheet and found some little flags for Molly to take to the picnic for some extra decorations.

If you want to see the listing, you can click the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Here are a couple of the outside pictures for your “viewing pleasure!”

I also have a few other listings on Ebay… It’s time to let a few things go… (Actually more than a FEW!) A Ruby Red Siblies doll that needs a little TLC. You can see her HERE … or click her picture at the right side bar to see her listing on Ebay…

I have the American Girl Movie Collection, still sealed in the box… for sale as well…

The American Girl Movie Collection

I also am selling Emerson, the American Girl Wellie Wisher doll I gave a mini makeover to… new eyes, new lower eyelashes, blush, and fixed her hair differently. You can find her by clicking this link…

Emerson, American Girl Wellie Wishers doll

Well, I’ve had a productive day… I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “~ 4th of July Picnic” is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You certainly Have had a productive day, with several things listed for sale on ebay! And congratulations are in order–Molly’s outfit already has TWO bids!! Might we end up with a bidding war on this one????

    In reply to questions/comments from yesterday’s blog:

    Dorothy, molded tuna salad has a lemon Jello base, with the addition of tuna, mayo, evaporated milk, celery, onion and (don’t laugh!) a can of chicken noodle soup!! It’s light and delicious, and a wonderful summer lunch or supper main dish, served with some veggies and maybe chips. I’ll be happy to send Jeanne the recipe and maybe even a picture or two, if she would like.

    Belated happy birthday to Karen! I remember turning 40. Oh, I did Not want to turn 40!! I really dreaded it! And then I turned 40, and it was, okay, so what was the big deal?! It’s the only birthday I remember feeling that way about.

    Sissy, I do agree; prayer does work. As sick as Ron was, and as worried as I was, I knew that, whatever happened, he would be okay as we are both people of faith. And again, we do so appreciate all the prayers and kind words. Also congratulations to your friend who is getting married, and good for them! I had an elderly (I was at the time in my 50s!) friend who got married again at 81 or so, I think, after losing her first two husbands. Neither of them expected it (he had lost his wife to Alzheimer’s), and they knew each other at church for years. Suddenly there it was!! I think they had several years before she passed away.

    And happy 85th to you next month, too, Sissy!

    Joy, you are not alone: I’ve had sewing days like that sometimes, too!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Thank you, Charlotte, for the birthday wishes. When I had my 80th birthday it felt really strange….I AM 80!! The thing was and has been that I was blessed to have more energy and “get up and go” than many folks that age. In fact, it is been that way until this year when my back got worse. I refuse to quit, though, we still go to water aerobics twice a week and that really helps me to keep going some what.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, thanks for the tuna information. I get the tuna in a pouch and mix it with salad dressing to make a sandwich. It’s a one step meal, says the non-cook (laugh).

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Molly looks just plain adorable, Jeanne! Anyone having a Molly doll, or really any other doll, would love this dress! And the cute accessories to go along with it just take it over the top! I see that on her list of items for her classmates to bring, I get to bring the cookies! Chocolate chip cookies will be there pronto!😊

    You do have some nice items for sale, and I can’t but help noticing the DVD movies. I have all three and can vouch for each one! They are excellent and so fun to watch and see all the things in the movies that also are a part of the doll’s accessories. They bring the doll to life! I also have Kit’s movie, which was shown in regular theaters.

    Then you have little Emerson! That’s my Emmy, and she is really a cute little doll any little girl will love! (big girl’s too!)

    I recall my 30th birthday was the one that really got to me! I thought my life was practically over for some reason or other! I wanted to be 29 forever! Now, 50 years later, how silly was that? In spite of all our ups and downs, I am happier now than I have ever been!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I think 30 was a little difficult for me. I was married at 21 and got left four years later. Here I was at 30 unmarried, no children and wanting both. The reason my first husband left was he decided he didn’t want any children and I did and he didn’t want any surprises. So I was not in a toot to make the same mistake. I have a deep faith and I knew that if those things I wanted were planned for me it would happen. At 32 I met David at church in the choir, two things in common already, but he had three children already. His wife had left him for someone she thought was richer. I doubted he would want any more children especially after experiencing the breakup and not being with his children every day. Would he want to risk that again. But his faith was strong also. He did. We were engaged that fall and married the following January. We were both 33. Then we had Andrea and Sean so every other weekend we had five children. I always said I married Job. He had basically lost his wife, his children and his business in one fell swoop. But a little over a year later he had a wife, was soon to be a father again and had a new business. We were truly blessed.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats to Jeanne on her listings. Bids already for Molly’s dress, and I’m sure the other sales will also follow.
    Here, we’re having Hawaii weather, the humidity. Unfortunately, that includes dry lightning which has already started fires in the southern Sierra and the prediction this morning here is that we may also get it. Not good at all. They just got out the last big fire north of here. Definitely puts one on edge.
    I had to laugh at Linda and her 30th birthday. I’m pretty sure I was pregnant with our first when I turned 30. Too busy to remember as I worked until a week before she was born. That was so long ago. Now, I’m more worried about whether I’ll still have my marbles when I turn 80 in five years. Time will tell. 🙂

  4. I bet all of these are going to sell quickly!
    Hubbs and I are downsizing. It is difficult on so many levels.
    First, house cleaning and going through stuff is not enjoyable.
    Secondly, I have a lot of my parents furnishings and many of their treasures.
    So, I have to do down sizing, giving away and tossing, just little bits at a time.
    The hardest part is making the decisions to find new homes for many things

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Somehow I missed commenting yesterday. I read the blog and the comments but probably ran into the lunch hour when Sean and hubby got me for lunch. I never returned after.

    So, I’ll try to make up for it today. I love Molly’s hair. Jeanne, you are so brave doing what you do with doll hair. I’m always afraid I’ll make matters worse. I love the outfit on so many levels – fabric, trim, socks and what a clever idea for the shoe bows. I’m stealing that one. Oh, the basket full of tomatoes too. Nice touch.

    Happy birthday to Karen. I remember 40 very clearly and that was 37 years ago. My children were still small and I remember how much energy I had back then.

    Charlotte, so glad to hear Ron is doing better and eating some to build up his strength. I’m interested in the tuna mold if Jeanne publishes it. Sounds like it would go well with our cucumbers and tomatoes which are showing up thick and fast every day. And Sean and Dionne are growing summer squash and Sean brings some every few days. I love fresh produce.

    Speaking of age, I saw the other day where Carol Burnett finally got her hand and footprints in the sidewalk in front of the Chinese theater. Can’t imagine what took so long. She is 91 and was there with Dick VanDyke who is 98. And then there was the couple who got married at the D-Day ceremony in Normandy. He is 100 and she is 96. I truly believe age is just a number when I see people like these enjoying what life has to offer to the fullest.

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