Wait till you see Rosalyn in The Bee’s Knees dress set! :o)

First of all, I did get a hat made for Tinker Bell/Mae, but the post today is ALL ABOUT ROSALYN! I’m letting her have the whole post to herself! She is adorable… just wait and see!
The narration was written by the winner… :o)

The young lady in the new Jeanne Marie creation has a new dress and a new name, Rosalyn. Can you guess who she was in a previous life? Isn’t it lovely how her skirt naturally flares due to the pleating?

She wanted to go upstairs right away to see who else lives here. The little lady is actually a Christmas ornament but from her era. Isn’t Rosalyn’s hairband amazing!

Being from England, she recognized the Cotswold Perfumery brand on the display case.

Back downstairs she checked out the piano. She plays beautifully.

She also found the puppy had come in. The desk will get a lot of use while writing to her friends about her adventures in this country

I only have two dolls that even came close to being an appropriate model for this lovely dress and amazing accessories. Fortunately I had bought a few wigs but had never used any. I’m not into prying wigs off dolls’ heads as only two have removable wigs. Love this style and color on her.

Now I know why Jeanne takes so many pictures: Wig not on straight. Feathers in her face. Not looking at the camera. Hairband on crooked. Dog leash fell off. Forgot the purse. You don’t want to know how many pictures nor the positions I maintained on the floor to get them. Whew!

Jeanne Marie is a designer extraordinaire! A seamstress, crafter, cobbler and embroiderer. All of these talents and more are showcased in this wonderful ensemble. I’m absolutely thrilled to have won it! Thanks again, Jeanne!

Love to you and all Sofa Sisters, Susette 🥰

Susette, it was MY pleasure to send this to you! I think Rosalyn is the absolute PERFECT young lady to wear this set! She looks amazing in it and your pictures are truly wonderful to look at!

Now that’s why I LOVE what I do! :o)

I’ll see you all tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Wait till you see Rosalyn in The Bee’s Knees dress set! :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Susette, your Rosalyn is the perfect model for this ensemble! I can’t think who she was in her “former” life, but I think she reminds me of someone….just not sure which one!

    I think my favorite of the pictures you took, is the one with Rosanly playing the piano. It’s the perfect size for her! (And, yes, I know what you mean about taking pictures of your doll family–sometimes you don’t see some of those little details (hair in the way and so on) until you look thru the camera lens.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!

    1. Susette from Southern California

      Thank you for your kind comments. I had fun pulling together the little scenes like Linda does so well. I saw a comment you made on one of the RRFF websites. Aren’t they fun?

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a treat to see Rosalynn as the star of the blog today! Susette, you have the perfect accessories to show off Rosalynn to a “T”! I love that hairdo with the headband, and she looks exactly like a proper 20’s girl should look! I also love the way her skrt flares out at the bottom! It gives her a certain playfulness, like she is ready to do the Charleston! Thank you so much for showing her off! You have a wonderful collection!

    Jeanne, thank you for showing us what you can do to make others happy!

    Did you get a storm last evening? Boy, I thought we would blow away, but luckily, we are sitll here! Tree limbs all over the place and power outages, but we survived!

    1. Susette from Southern California

      Thank you,Linda, for your comment about Jeanne making people happy. She certainly did this time. I really enjoy your inspiring pictures of your wonderful collection.

      Glad you and Jeanne are safe, coming through the storms intact. I follow the weather on Weatherbug sometimes if I know where a Sofa Sister lives.

  3. So happy your Rosalyn is the proud owner of this adorable set, Susette! Your pictures of her are so cute. And what a talented girl at the piano. The Cotswold Purfumery picture is so interesting. All those little perfume bottles!
    And we all agree with you on Jeanne’s talents! Her designs, and her creativity and perfection in sewing for our dolls is very special.

    1. Susette from Southern California

      Friends who were visiting from England brought that on the plane for me because they knew I have a miniature perfume bottle collection. Thanks for noticing it and crediting Jeanne for this lovely ensemble.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    That was so fun. Congrats to Susette, on her win and to Rosalyn, for being the recipient of the sweet outfit. My favorite pic is the one of Rosalyn and her new friend also dressed in the 20’s theme. It somehow reminds me of falling down the rabbit hole and becoming so small. Love how Roselyn, is looking down in amazement. Thanks so much for sharing these pics Jeanne, and Susette.
    Hope Jeanne, Barbara, and anyone else in the way of storms is safe. Glad Linda is okay and it sounds like she’ll be on clean up duty today.
    Here, we’ll walk down to the cemetery and join lots of neighbors in a short program honoring veterans. The flags put on veteran’s graves by the boy scouts is a wonderful display. Later, we’ll bbq chicken and eat potato salad along with lemon cake. I’d better get busy.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I forgot. JenWren’s Summer SewAlong has begun. Just reminding anyone interested. 1st free pattern is a cute dress. 🙂

    2. Susette from Southern California

      Thank you for your kind comments about your favorite. It’s fun to see your vast collection of dolls and hear the stories of their arrivals. Sounds like you have a lovely, busy day planned. Have fun with your beautiful grandchildren.

  5. It was wonderful to see more pictures of “the bee’s knees” and how adorable it looks on Rosalyn. Her hairstyle fits it perfectly. It’s very hard to pick a favorite but the ones of her playing that gorgeous piano and with her new friend are tops for me. Rosalyn is so lucky to have access to such a lavish collection of perfumes! The Cotswold Perfumery’s story is so interesting. To think it has Buckingham Palace approval and Queen Elizabeth had chosen from their scents. Rosalyn looks tempted to try and find her favorite too! All the pictures were so much fun thank you for sharing.
    Could Rosalyn have been Victoria?
    We also had severe weather last evening and today sounds like another stormy one so be aware and safe all.

    1. Susette from Southern California

      I lived in England for my last two years of high school but it was in 1956-58. I checked on the internet and Cotswold Perfumery didn’t start until 1966. Wow! Does that make me feel old! I’ve written to ask when this display was used.

      Glad you are safe. Do you like in Ohio?

  6. Laura in Ohio

    Congratulations on winning, Susette. You said the addition of the shoes required you to bid. Rosalyn looks beautiful in her Downton Abbey 1920’s outfit. Love her sweet pup friend. Cotswold Perfumery brand display in so interesting and lovely. Reminds me of my great aunt’s dressing table with all the various perfume bottles. Thanks for sharing all the sweet photos.
    I’m almost certain the doll is anniversary club doll Rose with a new wig since I have her as well..

  7. Susette from Southern California

    We have a winner: She is Rose! Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments. I hadn’t remembered saying that about the shoes but don’t know what we would have found that would have been appropriate! Jeanne came through for her.

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    Rosalyn is charming in this outfit and I love the scenes you put together for her. The piano, the desk, the dog, the 20’s doll — you have lots of perfect props, and that wig worked beautifully. You are both lucky winners.

  9. Susette from Southern California

    Thanks, Marilyn. You do know your dolls having also identified Rosalyn as Rose! We did have fun. 🥰

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