Tinker Bell now has some pantalettes…

Thanks everyone for your kind responses with my new Disney Animator doll, Tinker Bell. She’s flattered at all your sweet comments… from her hair being styled in braids, to her getting offers to model this set, to saying the dress was so cute it made her eyes less bold looking! I appreciate all the feedback and just kept working today.

The snaps are sewn on the back with tiny buttons on top… (the dress is even at the bottom, it’s just the camera angle)

The pantalettes have been made and are embellished with bows made from the checked fabric.

She thinks she’s ready for a style show, but just for my blog for now… (I can see I shifted her dress on her shoulders so it’s looking crooked in my pictures… oops!)

I have corresponded with Joy about the measurements for Mae’s legs and arms, trying to make sure this would fit a 15″ Moppet doll from My Meadow. I’m fairly certain the dress will fit either doll as they both have the same waist and hip measurements (within 1/8″ of each other) but the chubby arms and legs had me concerned.

Here she is laying down so you can see the dress and pantalettes better from this angle.

I will have to measure her arms and legs tomorrow to see if Mae’s arms will go through these armholes and her legs fit through the pantalettes…

Joy even gave me the measurements of her feet, so I’m debating about what to do with that… the Disney Animator dolls have almost the same length and width of shoes, but Mae has these wonky toes that are curled up and down and I’m not sure about shoes fitting both dolls… maybe I’ll get an idea when I sleep tonight… :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Tinker Bell now has some pantalettes…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    This outfit is turning out so cute! I’m glad you made the pantalettes the same fabric as the dress; adding the little checked bows was a nice touch, and a cute little accent there.

    Makes me wish I had a doll who could wear this outfit!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    This is turning out to be a real charmer, Jeanne! I love the pantalettes with the gingham bow! And you know what? She even looks kind of cute barefoot in that! I can see a little girl running around with no shoes or sandals on in positive glee! Of course, some might want sandals, and you will probably include them, but still, it works with or without something on her feet!

    I can see the 14 inch little girl dolls loving an outfit like this! (hint, hint)

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Tink does have cute feet. Never could let my kids run around barefooted here. Fire ants.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I love the dress for Mae/Tink. Perfectly age appropriate. Should you go with sandals, which I hope, what about using something stretchy to hold them on her feet so they would fit perfectly? Like narrow decorative baby elastic instead of stiff leather? Then the strap would fit just above her toes and still hold on leaving her squirrely toes free. Maybe a heel cup and ankle strap to hold them on too. I still think she needs a little kitten companion as well. 🙂
    Finally starting to feel better this morning after this crazy virus. Thought it was allergies, but must be something else going on around here. Don’t know anyone who has it though or where I may have contracted it unless it was from petting a pup or kitty in the neighborhood. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Glad you are feeling some better today. There is definitely stuff going around but my problems are connected to allergies. Not only is it springtime but with all the rain we’ve been having I’m sure the air is loaded with mold and fungus spores and they really cause me problems. But then if it doesn’t rain the dust bothers me. Sigh… Took a Claritin yesterday and it really helped.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Sorry about your allergies. I thought what I had was allergies and took Allegra. Big mistake. Usually works great, but not with this virus. Horrible sinus aching including my teeth. Only an aspirin stopped the pain enough to sleep a bit. And then, other person thought his was allergies as well. He also took allergy meds and had the same reaction. Other person is crashed on the couch and in misery. I’m feeling much better though. Hoping I can take something today, as everything is blooming and wind is up. But, some progress as I just came back inside after watering, and didn’t sneeze once. 🙂

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    Definitely a cute little outfit. I love the pantalettes with the bows that match her hairbows. I seem to be one of the few that likes the big eyes on the Animator dolls. But then I’ve always loved pictures of children with big eyes. I can’t remember who painted those pictures, but I always thought they were so cute.

  5. Laura in Ohio

    The checked bows are a sweet touch to the pantalettes. She definitely needs a kitty friend. Today is my birthday and my kitties, family, and I have a nice sunny day. Still missing my sweet girl very keenly, but knowing she is safe in Heaven going to have the best day I can manage.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Well, a big Happy Birthday to Laura! Glad you have sun and hope your day is filled with fun. 🙂

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Happy Birthday to you, Laura! I hope you have a nice day with something special to mark the day!

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you so much, Linda! Yes, I’m having a nice day with family and kitties and a very dear friend sent me some heartfelt treasures to brighten my day.

    3. Happy Birthday from me too, Laura. I hope it was happy… and I’m sure it involved kitties!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    Happy Birthday, Laura!! It is still your birthday, but it is almost over now. Hope it was as good as it could be!!

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