More Black and White Doll Dresses…

Hi everyone and happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend!

Well, are you ready for Part Two of my black and white doll dresses? I found quite a few more and thought I’d share them.

First up is Isabelle in her micro check dress with again, a touch of pink!

Next up is Lian in her version of a black and white checked dress! She is so adorable!

Seldom seen, Lanie is showing her debut outfit from me… back in 2005!

I found my 2007 pictures for Julie’s original black and white velvet dress! I copied this one from an old pattern book…

This is tiny little Riley Kish in her black and white dress. I don’t know why, but I remember the name of this dress…”Scottish Roses!”

Does black and “cream” count? If so, here is Nyssa in a fun bohemian dress and hat set.

Here is Addy in “Rows of Ruffles!” (another title I remember!) :o)

This is the tan Nyssa doll a friend of mine received and she sent her to me so I could draft some patterns for her… then I sent her back to California! A few months later I was able to secure my very own Nyssa in fair skin. This is black an white with a bit more pink than the others, but Nyssa wanted to be included!

Nyssa again in her New Year’s dress back in 2009!

Here is Nora in her black and cream dress… I guess if Nyssa got in with a black and cream dress, so can Nora… her hair was so much fun to play with… but that was the only thing I bonded with on her… :o(

…and last up is Eden in one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE dresses!! She does black and white and red SO well!!! :o)

There is probably some more black and white dresses hiding from me, but for now, this concludes our black and white slide show!
I hope everyone enjoyed it! I did! :o)

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “More Black and White Doll Dresses…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    So many pretty choices tonight, Jeanne!! Addy’s is so fabulously detailed with all those ruffles and the trim on the bodice; Julie’s is just lovely, and I do remember your making that one and showing us the pattern; Nyssa’s New Year’s dress is so elegant and stylish; and of course Eden’s….THAT is what I wanted when I was probably in about 2nd or 3rd grade, as I thought a suspender skirt was just the most gorgeous thing a girl could wear!! I never got one, of course, and it’s probably just as well–my shoulders are so darned narrow, I’m sure the suspenders would have had to be pinned to my blouse to keep them up!! 😂 Yes, girls, I fight my bra straps All. The. Time.!!

    Thank you all for your anniversary wishes for Ron and me. We have reservations for Saturday lunch. That’s about as much “party” as we can handle these days. I’m glad we did a real celebration/reaffirmation of vows for our 40th, as Ron wouldn’t be able to do that these days.

    Jeanne, I notice you call your parents what I call mine–“momma” (not “mama”) and “daddy”. I’m sorry you were so young when you lost your daddy. I was 59 when I lost mine, and even then it was so hard!!

    Barbara, I’m so sorry for David’s injury; just thankful it wasn’t worse!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So many dresses that are absolutely beautiful, Jeanne! Aren’t you proud of yourself when you look back and see them all? I certainly would be!

    I really love Nyssa’s bohemian dress and hat! That would be a good one to copy for a RRFF doll! Her New Year’s dress reminds me of the one you made for Noelle with similar materials. That dress was a favorite of mine.

    Also I love the Scotty dog dress! You must have had a few of those appliqué’s and made very good use of them! I remember, as a child, having a black and white Scotty dog magnet set. Does anyone remember those?

    So tomorrow is the big day for you and Ron, Charlotte! What a milestone! Enjoy yourselves, remembering the past 50 years and all the things you have gone through together. Congratulations!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Linda,
      We have a black and red Scottie dog magnet set that was my grandparents. My mom remembers it from a very little girl. The Scotties themselves are metal and heavy for the size.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks Jeanne for sharing some more from the archives. Love those checks.
    Thinking of you Charlotte, and your fun celebration with Ron. I’m sure he will enjoy it too.
    Around here, hope to get some more yard work done as yesterday was a bust. Heavy fog and fairly cool weather wise.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Forgot to add that the first dress on Isabelle is also one I’d like to see on the Ruby Reds. 🙂
      After seeing your vintage black/white photos yesterday, I hauled out a bunch of old b/w photos I took in the 70’s. Fun memories. I was into photography at the time and taking some classes at the JC so I could use their equipment. That was before I had my own darkroom and enlarger. Memories. 🙂

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne and Sofa Sisters, I know that some of you follow Ruby Red Galleria doll alerts. Well, there is a new Fashion Friends doll coming out called Zora. I just saw that my friend Martha Boers posted on her Antique Lilac page that SHE has been in collaboration with Ruby Red in the creation of this doll and outfit! How exciting!

    May truly is a magical month!

    Jeanne has made a beautiful Bee Knees outfit that we all adore. Charlotte has a big celebration coming up. Some of the Sisters are thinking about their beautiful gardens. Some of us are planning to go to doll conventions.

    Yeaaa May!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Love seeing Martha Boers photos. They are amazing. How nice that she is a friend of yours. Also, Zora is a beautiful doll and hopefully, will be a big seller. Her dress is lovely.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Joy, Martha and I were in a Yahoo group years ago. Her doll stories are so sweet. I have most of the books she and her sister created. I am glad that you follow her too!

        I like Zora’s face but I am drawn to Jeanne’s Violette. I didn’t get to the vendor’s website in time to get her. I keep looking on ebay though.

        Looking forward to hearing about another of your dolly “spy” adventures (laugh).

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      I went searching for Antique Lilac, and found Martha’s blog post, if anyone is interested. It’s here: Just scroll down a bit. Her web site is really interesting to look at and explore–I could spend more time, but I have to get to bed!!

      We are going out for lunch for our 50th anniversary–about as much “party” as Ron can do these days. I’m really glad we did a celebration for our 40th, as he was ever so much stronger and healthier then.

      I have been a bad girl tonight; I ordered Sandy, the next-to-newest special edition. She came out over a week ago, but I just found out about her Thursday. Had to make a decision quickly. I love her sweet face and her freckles, and love love LOVE her dress!! And here I thought I had “enough”!!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Charlotte, I am looking forward to hearing about your celebration.

        Your namesake, Charlotte Noelle, wanted me to remind you that you should have ice cream and cake since it’s a party. I told her that sometimes grown ups have parties without ice cream and cake. She just gave me that “poor Mama you are so wrong” look (laugh).

        Thanks for posting information about Martha’s site. She is amazing at creating doll stories. She tells contemporary tales, historic sages, and time travel adventures.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Sean and family on their way out to get David’s generator. I guess everyone has heard about the weather in Houston yesterday. Very bad. Evidently a tornado hit three of the large power lines and many in Houston and surrounding areas are without power and some could be for days. We had a very bad storm but nothing of that magnitude here. Family is safe and so is their property but they did lose power. Theirs could be back on tomorrow but we have the generator so we can help them out.

    Love all the black and white clothes. All so beautiful. Your clothes are always so lovely but you really have made some amazing things for Addy. So sorry to hear your father passed away so young. But I have to say that your momma picked up the ball and did an amazing job of raising all of you. If you did a tutorial on the pleated skirt with the yoke let me know and I will check it out.

    Charlotte, hope you have a wonderful 50th tomorrow.

    Family should be arriving soon so I’ll bid adieu for the moment.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So glad you were spared from storm damage and have a generator to share. We were amazed to see windows blown out from skyscrapers in Houston. Awful.

  6. Laura in Ohio

    I hope that Ron and you have a lovely 50th anniversary tomorrow, Charlotte!
    I’m glad to know that David’s injury wasn’t serious, Barbara, and that hopefully he will feel better in just a few days.
    Such pretty black and white dresses. Addy’s is my favorite, hands down. I also really like the black , white, and red on Eden.

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