Disney Animator 16″ dolls OR any My Meadow Moppets… keep a look out for this new dress set…

Wasn’t it fun to see Susette’s pictures of Rosalyn? I REALLY enjoyed seeing them…probably because I REALLY enjoyed making the dress set! I truly did! It was a bit sketchy in the beginning, not going “exactly” the way I had hoped, but my Trusty Sofa Sisters got me back on track and it turned out to be a true winner! Not just for Susette and Rosalyn, but for me too! Whew! :o)

Now it’s time to turn our attention to Tinker Bell and see some pictures of her new hat! The whole time I’ve been working on this set, I have been hoping to make each piece “workable” for the Disney Animator 16″ dolls as well as the 15″ Moppets, created by My Meadows. The body measurements are almost identical… chest, waist, hips, etc. but a few of the measurements were just a hair different… generally only by 1/8″ or so.

Not so with the hat… the Disney Animators have a head circumference of 34 cm (I’m guessing that is with their wig included) and the Moppet dolls have a slightly smaller head at 27 cm. I’m guessing the My Meadows measurement is with the doll being bald… so when there is a wig placed on the dolls head, they are “almost” the same circumference. The hat was a little give and take to make it work for both dolls.

I am almost certain the dress and pantalettes will fit either size doll, but the shoes and the hats will be a bit of a challenge each time I make them. (Unless, this hat size fits okay on the My Meadow dolls with a wig.) I guess we’ll see.

Speaking of seeing, let’s see some new pictures of Tinker Bell with everything in place! She even found something in the Dolly Toy Box!

This is the hat I made for Tinker Bell. It isn’t reversible, but the brim can be tipped up and you can see the micro check print on the underside. I also added a bow to the brim as well. I only have a few scraps left of the aqua print.

Tinker Bell can’t decide which way she likes the hat best… up or down…

I thought I made my brim long enough, but it is just a bit short in the back… I had no fabric to fix it so I just had to let it be.

Tinker Bell found the Dolly Toy Box and helped herself to rummaging around it in and found a cute little plush duck. She is calling him Derek… that’s right Derek the Duck! He’s pretty cute! :o) Sorry, Joy… no kitties around here…

Well, I think everyone knows the drill around here.. next step is to get this listed on Ebay. I was going to send it to someone who has a Mae doll or some other Moppet, but I think I’m going to wing it and see what happens. YIKES! I’m a bit nervous!

Thanks everyone for all your help!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Disney Animator 16″ dolls OR any My Meadow Moppets… keep a look out for this new dress set…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, the hat turned out just darling, and having that open space in the brim area in back might just be a good thing, because the hat might be able to be worn tipped further back on her head. Or, it could be a ribbon tie could be added, turning it into more of a bonnet? Just a thought; not sure how that would really work.

    The little duck is such a cute addition. I’m a fan of the Missouri Star Quilt Company, and their “mascot” is “Chuck the Duck”–usually printed on cardstock and sent with an order! I have I think 4 Chucks now, but some ladies have Many! It’s just that, after sewing for so very many years, and living in this house for 50, I really don’t need all That much fabric any more!! (However, apparently I still need dolls, as last week I ordered Sandy, one of the newest RRFF dolls!)

    You know, I might not have looked at Tink twice if I’d seen her in the store, but with getting her hair restyled, and putting her in that darling outfit, you have really brought out all the cuteness that is in her!!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I was thinking the same thing about a pony tail opening too! Guess we are on the same page! :o)
      I’m glad you like it. I just listed it so we’ll see what happens. I’m a little nervous since I’ve never sewn for either of these dolls before.

      I didn’t know that about Chuck the Duck!

      Congratulations on Sandy. I saw her last week too… so far I refrained!

      I’m not exactly what size wig the Animator dolls wear, but it might be fun to shave off her hair and have a few different wigs, but I’m kinda getting used to those braids, so maybe I’ll wait! :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a cute little hat for Tink, Jeanne! You did a wonderful job on making this set for a doll I would never buy, to make it look so appealing and downright cute! I think it is the Jeanne Marie touch that makes her such a winner!

    Our Memorial Day was……..cleaning up the yard! It turns out that an EF-1 tornado touched down in the subdivision next to ours, so we got a lot of wind, which made quite a mess in our yard. We ran out of bags, so we need to get more today and try to finish the job. At least we have some nice weather to work in, which is a plus!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      I found myself calling Tinker Bell Tink a few times like you have done… It’s a cut little nick name! The “Jeanne Marie touch” I like that! :o)

      We got a lot of wind and hail too, and there was an EF-2 tornado in the next county over from us. It was crazy how many storms and tornado warnings there were just on Sunday alone!

      Today was beautiful wasn’t it?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. You really made an adorable outfit for Tinkerbell.
    this fabric and the dress style just makes her look so sweet. The hat is unique, kind of a happy accident and it looks stylish.
    I hope your thumb is healing well.

    1. Thank you Rosemary!
      I’m so happy you like this fun little dress set for Tinker Bell! I just listed it on Ebay, so we’ll see what happens. EEK!

      I like most happy accidents and this one turned out pretty well.

      My thumb is better, but I still baby it like crazy… it still limits me on quite a few things, but it is getting better. Just taking longer than I had hoped.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Susette from Southern California

    Jeanne is on track to do for Tinkerbell what she did for Rose: Create a wonderful dress, accessories and sandals. I forgot to mention the shoes for Rose yesterday. Really perfect and the fit is exactly right, no gaps anywhere. Amazing on such a tiny foot. 🦶

    1. Thank you again Susette,
      I’m guessing you are still smitten with Rosalyn! I think she was destined to get that dress and I’m so glad you won it! She looks so sweet in it! You may never get it off of her! :o)
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, the hat just tops off the dress. 🙂 Very cute. It’s almost like a hat for a pony tail. If Tink wore a low one, it would be perfect for that or a long braid too. Can’t wait to see the listing.
    Congrats to Charlotte on her Sandy order. She’s a cute one and her outfit adorable.
    Glad to hear that hurricane only left yard mess for Linda. Hope she can find more clean up bags.
    Here, we’ll be eating leftovers. I must say, the potato salad was delish and the lemon cake with our own lemons icing was very enjoyable. Didn’t hurt to have that raspberry sauce on the accompanying ice cream as well. Better get back to more yard work today to help eliminate any pounds I may have gained. Bad me.
    And, I do have a delivery coming today. Poor thing has been sitting around the post office since Saturday. This is going to be a I got caught moment as she is to come with the regular mail that other person pounces on. I’m in big trouble.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I just listed Tinker Bell’s dress set on Ebay. Somehow I managed to get it done in the midst of a crazy day. I listed it with both dolls names in the title… at one time I don’t think you could that, but I’m hoping it’s okay now. So when you type in Disney Animator doll dress or My Meadow Moppet doll dress, it comes up in both categories. Let’s just hope someone bites! I don’t know how it will be received. I was going to email Miroslava and ask her if it was allowable to have Tinker Bell showing off a dress being modeled by a Disney Animator doll. If not, I’m wondering if I could just put a link to my Ebay listing but not show the doll on the My Meadow site.

      You food sounds wonderful… especially that lemon cake made with fresh lemons! I really do bet it was wonderful!

      I hope your doll came without being noticed by anyone but you. You better hope a potty break was happening when she came. :o)
      Thanks Joy… let us know if that happened or what REALLY happened!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a cute outfit! I think you have made Tinkerbell(e) a fashion icon. I added the “e” on the end of her name because when Hollywood calls again she will want to have a more fashionable name (laugh).
    I hope you and the Sofa Sisters had a nice Memorial Day. I admit that I am feeling kind of sad because there are only three days left in May. What happened to the time?
    I am looking forward to attending the UFDC convention in Missouri in July.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I like the addition of the “e” on the end of Tinks name. Very classy. I have a Disney Animator doll Cinderella. I thought she needed a more modern name so she is now known as Cynthia Ella.

    2. Oh Yes, Dorothy,
      We must keep up with Hollywood when they notice Tinkerbelle! (with an e!) Maybe if Italy calls, she can be Tinker Bellarini! :o) If India calls, she can be Tinker Bellinish! :o) Ok, Jeanne, that’s enough!

      I can’t believe May is almost over either… and I’m wondering too, where did it go?????

      I looked at my UFDC convention stuff online last night. I saw the part about the Wizard of Oz with the scarecrow, the tinman and the cowardly lion. That was cute. Then I saw the next 2 boxes down… showing who is going to be there and some of the expected exhibits.
      I just looked at one featured article in the Doll News magazine.
      Thank you! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I was otherwise occupied yesterday – had a great day with family – so I missed commenting on Susette’s good fortune to win the “Bee’s Knees” ensemble auction. Congrats Susette! I had no idea what the dolls original name was but I like her new name and her hairstyle absolutely works for the outfit. I love the way Susette staged her. The one thing I surely love about the RRFF dolls is that they can actually sit at a piano with perfect posture. I have both the AG Baby Grand and Upright pianos and love that I have dolls that can sit at them and look so professional.

    Jeanne, Tinkerbelle’s outfit is totally adorable. I like her hat both ways and having the space in the back does lend itself to different hairstyles. Add the sandals to this wonderful dress and hat and you definitely have another winner.

    No storms here for the past week but I think rain is moving in for a few days possibly starting tomorrow. Hopefully we will forgo all the really nasty stuff that has been hitting this area.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Rosalyn was actually the Anniversary doll from Ruby Red… and her name was Rose. I have her too, but it was Susette’s wig that made her look like a true flapper doll!

      Thank you so much for you kind words about Tinker Bell’s set. I enjoyed making it, but need to make it again to make sure I have the pattern down pat. Then I will adapt everything I make for these 2 dolls off this pattern using it as a base.

      We had some really wild weather around us this past weekend. Tornado’s, hail, downpouring rain, wind, and power outages. The TV weather site was just a sea of red and lightning flashes!

      Today was beautiful though…
      Thank you Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. What a cutie! Perfect little outfit with pantaloon’s and hat. Another great ensemble. The duck is adorable too!

    1. Thanks so much Paula.
      I’m glad you like Tinker Bells new dress set. It was really fun to put together… I had a duck and a frog and my hubby picked the duck! :o)
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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