Boots and Boneka dolls go together… see what I mean…

Hello everyone and Happy Friday!

Joy beat me to it, but yes, Sissy is having a horrible time being able to comment on the blog and she is just heartbroken! She feels like she is missing out on everything and misses you all! Sarah has been trying to figure out what is wrong… Sissy can receive the blog post in her email, can click on the title and switch over to the website where you can comment, she can see all the comments from others, but can’t comment herself. It just won’t take her comments… I’m really hoping Sarah can figure out what is wrong. No one else is having any issues are you?

Who remembers this dress I got at the World Hunger Sale a while back? I was shopping with Rebecca and things were $2.00/bag so I was taking things that I could repurpose for dolly dresses and this is one I really liked. Then when Rebecca was helping me organize my sewing room while I was working on some alterations for her, she happened to leave this dress on the top in the box she was putting things in.

Here is a close up of it. It’s a rayon… and is very nice to work with.

Remember these boots? I had them sitting on a shelf and I kept looking a the fabric and the boots and finally gave in and decided this might be a quick outfit to pull together… we’ll see!

Here they are with this dress fabric…

Now, don’t look at Noel’s hair… she was having a bad hair day…

I have the basic dress constructed but it’s not hemmed or the snaps sewn on the back yet…

So you’ll have to “wonder” all weekend what I’m going to do with this set… I have an idea and I hope it works… :o)

Have a wonderful weekend… mine will be busy, but I hope it’s good!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Boots and Boneka dolls go together… see what I mean…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Poor Sissy!! I remember I had trouble for actually several years (I just didn’t pursue it until last year) getting on our Seattle Chapter ASG (American Sewing Guild) website. I even worked with our webmaster, and we tried all kinds of things. She consulted with someone and got back to me, and tried again. FINALLY she had me open an incognito window on my computer, and I was able to get in, and change my password, and after that, I was fine going on there the usual route.

    So….someone tell Sissy to try going to Jeanne’s site via an incognito window. (On my laptop, you click on the 4 tiny dots inside a circle, to the far right of my tool bar.) Maybe that will work!

    That fabric is just perfect with those boots!! What a find that dress was!! I wonder if there will be an embroidered jacket next? Hm…

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Sissy, you are ‘t alone with computer problems! We all have them at one time or other, and I am sure it is frustrating for you not to be able to comment, as well as for us wondering where you are! I hope things turn around for you sooner than later!

    Why yes, those boots go perfectly with the colors of the material! You sure do have the luck with matching things you have on hand! This will be a cute little summer outfit for some lucky doll!

    By the way, is the top over too far on the left side, (actually, the right) there? It looks like the neckline is crooked, but I see it is pulled too far over on the one side, which makes it look that way.

    While I think a little felt jacket would be cute, I am thinking of this as more of a summer outfit. I think a fabric hat, kind of like an upside down tulip with turned up edges would be cute. Of course, dolls with this amount of hair might make that kind of hard to do. I wonder how many people have dolls with this much hair, although it sure looks darling for modeling!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I see what you mean about the neckline, Linda.

      Oh, yes, a tulip hat would be so cute!! Does anyone even make those for little girls any more? I always thought it was a darling style.

  3. Susette from Southern California

    My comment disappeared yesterday. I’ve never had the problem before. This is a test to see if this goes through. I commented on the genius of Derf’s company inventing the amazing pleater and that he might want to see about getting a patent on it. I’m also having to click on the Website (Optional) to receive the next day’s blog.

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am excited to see what your idea will be.

    I am standing on my imaginary back porch and waving good-bye to May with a tear in my eye (chuckle).

    I wanted to remind you and the Sofa Sisters that June 8 will be World Doll Day. It was a holiday created by Mildred Seeley on which we celebrate by giving a doll or doll related item to someone. It can be a child, a charity (for an auction), or a friend.

    Here is a link to the UFDC website which has more information about World Doll Day:

    Happy end of May to everyone!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you for reminding us of World Doll Day; I had kind of forgotten.

      Our chapter of the American Sewing Guild is collecting (donated) 18″ dolls and making wardrobes for them. I donated a few doll outfits I didn’t need any more (commercial or made by others), and am finishing up a couple of dresses. I have patterns for some other things, too. I will be sure to set aside some time on World Doll Day to work on things for the dolls that will become Christmas gifts for some children. I think last I heard, there were about 8 dolls donated, but that number could get bigger!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Charlotte, that is a great idea! I love dressing my 18-inch Gotz Happy Kidz girls. They are so pretty. Of course, I don’t sew for them because I don’t sew but I have found some lovely outfits for them on etsy.

        Have a nice weekend.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Noel is such a cute model. When I saw the pretty print, I thought it would also be cute with the skirt chopped so it was a top to go with little cuffed short shorts. So fun for summer and that would be perfect with the hiking boots. I don’t think I’d go with a jacket as it seems too hot for this time of year. But, if you do, maybe linen fabric with short sleeves? I do think Noel is delighted to be chosen. 🙂
    Well, my little dress for the Sew Along is started. Since I’m winging it with the pattern size, we’ll see how it fits after I attach the collar. Anyone can join Jen Wren’s Sew Along. It is fun to see all of the different takes on the same pattern posted by those participating on MeWe. From a velvet party dress to cotton prints it’s interesting to see the creativity out there.
    Thanks Charlotte for the info on the incognito window. I’ve never heard of that.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Joy, I just joined MeWe and am learning how to use it. That was probably my biggest hurdle in considering doing the SSA.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Since I only have one group on MeWe, Jen’s, when I go to MeWe, hers always comes up. So easy. I think the format is sort of like Nextdoor and FB in a way too. I keep going back to see what other dresses have been posted. Very interesting for me anyway.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Love the fabric and the boots. I like the idea of a short-sleeve, linen-like jacket. And a cute bonnet-type hat.

  7. Laura in Ohio

    Just a thought, Jeanne… has Sissy tried just typing in straight into Google. and getting to the blog from there? Maybe it’s her email that is having the issues.
    Charlotte’s idea of an incognito window would hopefully work as well. On my laptop I would hit the three dots on the top far right and the third choice is “new incognito window”
    What a sweet fabric for Noel and those boots match perfectly. I’m sure she’ll get a bonnet or a hat. She’s one of your lucky ones that gets down from the dolly shelf quite often.

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    IO haven’t commented for a while but thought I would check to see if my comments are working.
    I found the video yesterday really interesting the time and effort they put in to the outfits is amazing for a commercial operation.
    well I think this may (which is only late autumn) will be the coldest on record. I really hope this is our winter and winter itself won’t be so bad or so long. I am certainly noticing it in our power bills.
    Look forward to seeing the new outfit. The boots match perfectly so that is a start.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Anne, hello and welcome back. It is always nice to hear from you.

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